
Tenn Wolf:Reincarnated as The Perfect Chimera

I was reincarnated in the world of Teen wolf as a creation of doctors of fear who in one of their searches sought to create a being capable of having all the powers of all supernatural creatures and guess what, they succeeded!!! ________________________________________________________________ Guys this is my first fanfic so I'm sorry if it's really bad and unorganized OBS: English is not my language, I am Brazilian and the English here comes from google translator.

R4ITO · Others
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Escape plan

I finally started planning my escape, I had tried to escape before, but the three motherfuckers always got to me before I even made a move, so I had to prepare a good plan.

Over the course of this week (week 8) I noticed that the three motherfuckers are constantly leaving, every other day they are leaving. I thought they were confident that I wasn't going to run away because the doors of all the rooms are made of iron massive, but that's not the only problem.

They still transported me everyday to the experiment room to carry out more experiments, they use that annoying noise to make me lose consciousness and take me on a stretcher, but they are not the ones who take me, it's actually a man with several bones spread over your body.

Yes it is a beserker.

I don't remember the fear doctors having a berserker in the series, has my presence ever caused a butterfly effect? ​​What the hell! I hope the canon doesn't change too much, I'm not going to kill the fear doctors anymore so I don't mess up the canon. I want to use my future knowledge to my advantage, so even if I really want to, I won't kill the means of fear.

Now how do I know all this if I'm supposed to be unconscious? well, I have a certain immunity to these noises now, they make me weaker and sleepier, but they don't make me lose consciousness completely, so I now keep track of everything. path.

I already have an idea of ​​the floor plan of the building and I have a guess where the exit is, but the real problem to get out of this place is not the iron doors, it's the guy with several bones scattered around his body! problem, my instincts say he is very strong, much stronger than those werewolves on steroids, if i hadn't eaten the werewolf i wouldn't have even gotten close to the skeleton man before he knocked me out. It should be around 40%. Since I'm still not strong enough, I decided to stay here and wait a little longer.

I also discovered that my supernatural powers are

A very great natural adaptation: basically I am extremely adaptable to any situation or terrain, for example that time I was almost killed by the werewolf in which I reacted by pure extinction. And I also have a great facility to create immunity to things, for example my immunity to temperature variation, not that I don't feel hot or cold, but I feel it less compared to the normal human being.

Gluttony (named it that way because I thought it was cool): Basically everything I eat makes me stronger, but I feel like that's not the full potential of this skill like that.

So I'm going to stay in this place and eat a lot, so I can get stronger and get out of here.

This week, the three motherfuckers continued their experiments on me, but this time they gave me a lot more meat and they also gave me 3 hearts and 3 brains from different animals, when I ate the hearts and the brains they gave me even greater affection. of strength than eating meat.

I also started doing physical exercises every day to get stronger. I do the most basic ones, 100 squats, 100 push-ups and 100 sit-ups. Honestly the exercises don't make much difference, when I eat meat I feel stronger.

------------------------------------[Quebra de cena]---------------------------------------

The big day has finally arrived!

Today I will try to escape!

I estimate that my chances of getting away is 60%. The number isn't higher because first I don't know if I'll really be able to defeat the beserker, I'm confident, but I'm not sure after all. Second I don't know if the three sons of bitch prepared something else for me, with my experiences in the series, they were always cautious.

The plan is to wait for the three motherfuckers to leave, I can tell if they're here or not, with my hearing, they always make a lot of noise, so when it's quiet...

It's been silent for about two hours now, when they leave they're out for more than 6 hours, so it's okay to wait a bit. I'll put my plan into action now!

I started to face the iron door in front of me, the first step is to break this door, I walk back a little and take a deep breath.

I look at the door again before I start running and do a flying kick at the door. Using the superhuman thrust force that I possess plus my body weight, I do a big warp on the door. I hit them on the iron, but I didn't hurt them.

Well, I'm not surprised the door didn't break, I'd be surprised if it was broken on the first try.

I look at the door and punch the door hard, causing another deformation but still not breaking, I then started to punch the door several times creating several deformations.

After a while of punching, I stopped for a moment, before punching with all my might and I finally got it! The door was thrown several meters before hitting the opposite wall and falling to the floor.

I looked around and looked for the exit that should be more to the left, I saw the exit and was about to run there, when my instincts warned me of danger and I reacted without thinking and jumped to the side.

An object passed at high speed and would have hit my heart if I hadn't moved, despite having dodged, I still received a cut on my right arm.

I looked back and saw the object that was actually a bone, stuck in the wall with several cracks in it, and that bone could have easily killed me!

Despite all my plans, I still underestimated the beserker, the speed with which the bone moved was such that I could barely react!

I then looked ahead again and a few meters away from me was the 2 meter tall beserker full of steroids looking at me. His body was covered in bones just like the series, but this one seemed to be much stronger and much stronger. more intimidating.