
Tenfold Magic Absorption Rate Every Day!

Jiang Chen transmigrated to a world of magic and awakened — the Infinite Amplification System. Every day, the rate at which Jiang Chen absorbed magic elements will increase tenfold! And his ability to learn and understand would also grow tenfold! From then, Jiang Chen would become more and more of a beast every day he lived. Basic spell incantation? Nope. With Jiang Chen’s ultra learning capabilities, it was the “top-tier spell incantation”! Basic Fireball spell? Nope. With Jiang Chen’s ultra learning capabilities, it was the Forbidden Spell “Exploding Meteor”! Did you just say that a low-rank Mage can’t practice Forbidden Spells? Nope. For Jiang Chen who had a trillion times training speed, there was no spell that he could not learn…...

Platinum · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
40 Chs

First Great Victory in Battle!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"Hey, little brat, do you want to have a gambling match with me?"

Zhao Liang looked disdainfully at the noob in front of him, his eyes darting around as he smiled cunningly.

"Gambling match?"

Jiang Chen was taken aback by this unfamiliar phrase. This was the first time he had heard this phrase.

"Gambling match, gambling match, naturally has the meaning of gambling within it. It means that the outcome of our match is adding a bit of luck.

"However, seeing that you're so young, of course you can't bring out anything good. How about this, we'll wager an additional ten thousand star dollars. Whoever wins this will get the money!"

After he finished speaking, Jiang Chen saw Zhao Liang, who had a wretched appearance in front of him, begin to laugh slyly, revealing an expression that all men understood.

"So, that's how it is..."

'This person could not have seen that I did not have a match record and randomly ripped me off on the spot, right? Since the money is already on my doorstep, how can I not want it?'

Jiang Chen thought to himself.

"Alright, I promise you.

"Don't think that I can't deal with you just because I'm at the seventh level of the body refining stage."

After seeing Zhao Liang's 40 loss record, it was needless to say that this guy was absolutely not a genius.

His basic strength of 1700 plus the full strength of the Tiger Fist would absolutely completely defeat him.

"Big brother... I don't have ten thousand..."

Jiang Chen pretended to be bashful as he spoke shyly.

If Kesha had been present at this moment, she definitely would have known that Jiang Chen was preparing to scam people again.

"You don't even have ten thousand star dollars? What bad luck!"

Zhao Liang shook his head in disappointment after hearing this.

"Forget it, we'll bet as much as you have."

Zhao Liang continued to speak with the principle that no matter how small a mosquito was, it was still meat.

"Mm, I only have a hundred thousand star dollars..."

Jiang Chen scratched his head with a dazed look on his face!

"How much? A hundred thousand star dollars?"

Zhao Liang's eyes widened when he heard this, looking at the tender chicken in front of him in disbelief.

This was a hundred thousand star dollars!

The human race's ability to purchase star dollars was very strong. A hundred thousand star dollars was enough for an ordinary family of three to live for twenty to thirty years.

Moreover, 100,000 star dollars could be used to purchase a decent intermediate magic combat skill, similar to the wind element's violent storm and so on...

One had to know that up until now, Zhao Liang had saved up for several years but only had a little over 100,000 star dollars.

He was preparing to purchase an intermediate magic combat skill today to increase his strength.

He did not expect that this silly kid opposite him actually had 100,000 star dollars in pocket money.

"Then I'll bet 100,000 star dollars. Are you going to bet or not?"

Zhao Liang's eyes were bloodshot, as if he was waving at him with 100,000 star dollars!

"Alright, since it's pocket money for a few days, then I'll bet."

Jiang Chen cocked his head and thought for a moment, then agreed to the additional bet with Zhao Liang!

Actually, these 100,000 star dollars could be said to be Jiang Chen's entire fortune, which was the inheritance his parents had left him with.

If he really lost, then he could be said to have lost everything.

If it was not enough, would he lose?

Jiang Chen smiled confidently as he glanced at Zhao Liang's 40 loss record!

"Tsk, tsk, what a rich fool. Who else would I be scamming if not you?"

Zhao Liang was ecstatic when he heard Jiang Chen agree.

Then, he signed the contract with Jiang Chen without hesitation.

After signing the contract, unless both parties were evenly matched, the amount in the losing party's account would be transferred to the winning party at the first opportunity.

Of course, if you wanted to sign the contract, the amount in your account had to be sufficient, otherwise the contract could not be signed.

This was also to prevent people from playing tricks.

After both parties signed the contract for the duel, the duel began.


Jiang Chen struck first and instantly charged toward Zhao Liang.

"What! What speed!"

Zhao Liang's expression changed. He had not thought that this seventh level body tempering kid would be so fast.

He did not have time to dodge at the moment and could only raise his hands and cross them in front of his chest to let go.

"Raging Flame Fist!"

Jiang Chen shouted loudly as his right fist viciously struck Zhao Liang's arm with a force of ten thousand tons.


Two figures separated upon contact in the arena.

Zhao Liang's body shot out like a cannonball.

He crashed onto the ground after flying ten meters backwards.

"Cough, cough..."

A mouthful of fresh blood slowly flowed out of Zhao Liang's mouth.

His arms seemed to be on the verge of losing consciousness as Zhao Liang raised his head to look at Jiang Chen in shock.

The current Jiang Chen no longer had that foolish and dazed look from before.

A fierce and tyrannical aura blossomed on his body.

"Holy sh*t, I've been tricked! This stinky kid is a martial artist!"

How could Zhao Liang not know that the silly kid in his heart was actually a pig pretending to eat a tiger when he saw this scene?

Jiang Chen had beaten Zhao Liang to the point of him bleeding from internal injuries with a single punch. This kid's battle prowess was a bit exaggerated.

Damn it, he had been hunting geese all day. He had never thought that he would be pecked in the eye by a house sparrow today.


He had struck the snake at its weakest point, taking advantage of its weakness to take its life. Jiang Chen did not give Zhao Liang the chance to react as he charged forward once more.

"Damn it, do you really think that I'm easy to bully? I'm at least a ninth level trainee.

"I don't believe that I can be bullied by a house sparrow today.

"Earth element magic technique, Explosive Fist!"

Explosive power gathered in Zhao Liang's hand, and then collided violently with Jiang Chen's fierce Tiger Fist.

Even a lion would use its full strength when hunting a rabbit, let alone Jiang Chen, who was participating in a martial arts competition for the first time.

Jiang Chen's fist had unleashed his peak strength, and the violent power that exceeded 1,500 magic elements was fully displayed in Jiang Chen's palm.


Zhao Liang felt an unimaginable force on his fist the moment their fists touched.

Then, a piercing pain came from his fist.

Zhao Liang and Jiang Chen's arms began to twist in an irregular manner as they clashed.

Zhao Liang's entire face also began to become abnormally malevolent from the pain.


Jiang Chen was not going to let him off the hook!

He unleashed the Tiger Fist once more, as if he would not give up until his opponent was dead.

"I admit defeat!"

Zhao Liang saw that Jiang Chen's attacks were fierce, and his entire body was filled with murderous intent. Thus, Zhao Liang directly admitted defeat.

If he did not admit defeat and took this punch, Zhao Liang was certain that he would absolutely lose his life!

Not only would he be unable to log onto Skynet for a short period of time, but he would also be weakened for a bit in reality. It was not worth it at all.

'We were gonna lose anyway, so we might as well just do it.'


As Zhao Liang conceded, two rays of light shot up from beneath Jiang Chen's and Zhao Liang's feet, enveloping the two of them.

"Dong… dong..."

Jiang Chen's punch also landed on the light with a loud bang.

The light is meant to protect the loser from being beaten to death.

"Thank you for the hundred thousand star dollars. I'll accept it without hesitation."

Jiang Chen looked at Zhao Liang who was enveloped in the light and chuckled, then disappeared from the arena the next moment!

"My hundred thousand star dollars! I've been saving them for two or three years."

"Damn kid, your heart is too dark. What kind of newbie are you pretending to be?!"

Seeing Jiang Chen disappear, Zhao Liang wanted to cry but had no tears. He had the heart to die.