
Tenfold Magic Absorption Rate Every Day!

Jiang Chen transmigrated to a world of magic and awakened — the Infinite Amplification System. Every day, the rate at which Jiang Chen absorbed magic elements will increase tenfold! And his ability to learn and understand would also grow tenfold! From then, Jiang Chen would become more and more of a beast every day he lived. Basic spell incantation? Nope. With Jiang Chen’s ultra learning capabilities, it was the “top-tier spell incantation”! Basic Fireball spell? Nope. With Jiang Chen’s ultra learning capabilities, it was the Forbidden Spell “Exploding Meteor”! Did you just say that a low-rank Mage can’t practice Forbidden Spells? Nope. For Jiang Chen who had a trillion times training speed, there was no spell that he could not learn…...

Platinum · Fantasy
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40 Chs

A Noob In His First Real Battle

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"Ding, dong, welcome to the illusory space. Dear Trainee Mage Jiang Chen, your level of training in the illusory space is different from the last time you logged in. Do you wish to synchronize your data?"

After waking up from his sleep, Jiang Chen logged into the illusory space as a matter of course.

"Help me synchronize it a little."

Without saying anything else, Jiang Chen chose to synchronize. After all, only by fighting opponents of the same level or higher would he be able to train himself better.

"Ding, dong, the system is synchronizing. Please wait for a moment..."

A rainbow-colored light appeared and enveloped Jiang Chen's virtual body.

After the light dissipated, Jiang Chen felt his own strength.

Seventh level trainee master!

This was as expected of the illusory space. The human race had researched it for thousands of years, and countless supreme experts had participated in the second world.

This technique was truly unrivalled!

"Hello, Master. Welcome back to the illusory space. Your Little Elf, Mona, is at your service."

After synchronizing his cultivation, Jiang Chen had also landed in the illusory space, and his own little elf had appeared as well.

Every human citizen that entered the illusory space would be followed by a little elf.

She would answer all sorts of questions regarding the illusory space, as well as arrange some battles and strength tests.

In short, she was an all-rounded little assistant!

"Mona, arrange a strength tester for me. I want to test my current strength!"

The first reason Jiang Chen had entered this time was to increase his actual combat experience. The second reason was naturally to test his own strength.

He did not know how much strength his seventh level trainee had gained compared to six days ago.

"Alright, Master, I'll arrange it for you now!"

A ball of light appeared with a wave of Mona's hand as she spoke, and then a force measuring instrument instantly appeared in front of Jiang Chen.


Without any hesitation, Jiang Chen mobilized the magic elements within his body to cover his right hand. He clenched his fist tightly, and a fist with the sound of air being torn whistled out.

The force measuring instrument let out a mournful wail.

"Beep, beep, beep..."

The numbers on the force measuring instrument jumped wildly and finally stopped at 1,700.

"1,700, seventh level of a Trainee Mage!"

Soon, a string of astonishing numbers appeared in front of Jiang Chen's eyes on the force measuring instrument.

"1,700 magic elements..."

Jiang Chen was not very satisfied with this string of data.

He clenched his fists. Although the upper limit of his ordinary magical elements was a full thousand more than that of an ordinary apprentice of the seventh level, it was about two and a half times that of an ordinary person!

One had to know that when he had been testing in the Kesha training room, his apprentice of the fifth level had only had the strength of 800 magical elements, which was less than two times.

As expected, as his cultivation continued to rise and the magical elements continued to increase and strengthen, Jiang Chen's physical strength also continued to increase.

He believed that when Jiang Chen reached the tenth level of the Trainee Mage Realm, or even the peak of the tenth level, the magical elements stored in his body would at least start at 5,000!

"Fireball technique!"

"Spewing fire!"

"Explosive flame technique!"

Jiang Chen then used his magic techniques once again.




Three different levels of fire element magic techniques were unleashed, and three different values appeared once again.

The increase in the fire element magic technique this time was about eighty percent!

This also meant that Jiang Chen's foundational fire element magic technique had reached the senior level!

"Very good, now I'm just short of training my foundational fire magic to the final master level."

Jiang Chen was very satisfied with his test this time.

He immediately had Mona remove the strength measuring device.

"Mona, pick someone with strength above the ninth level for me to challenge!"

After that, Jiang Chen prepared to begin the first challenge he would be able to face in the illusory space in his life!

Yes, his first time.

Before this, Jiang Chen had only browsed through the forums, or rather, watched other people's battles.

As for himself, he had not challenged anyone at all.

There was a rule in the illusory space that those of a higher level could not challenge those of a lower level.

This was a protective mechanism for newcomers.

At that time, Jiang Chen was only a level three apprentice and was not able to challenge a level one or level two apprentice.

He could only challenge someone who was also an apprentice of the third level or higher.

However, Jiang Chen had been a good-for-nothing at the time and did not dare challenge anyone else at all.

However, things were different now. He finally regained the dignity that a transmigrator should have.

"Master, your current level of strength is at the initial stage of the seventh level. Are you sure you want to challenge an apprentice of the ninth level?"

As a little elf, Mona asked again.

"I'm sure!"

Jiang Chen replied without hesitation.

With his strength, it would not be a problem for him to challenge a trainee of the tenth level!

However, when he thought about his actual combat experience being almost zero, Jiang Chen still chose to be a little more conservative.

He would challenge an apprentice of the ninth level first!

"Ding, random selection in progress!"

Mona closed her eyes and began to pick an opponent for Jiang Chen.

In less than three seconds, Mona had chosen an opponent for Jiang Chen.

At the same time, the opponent's basic information appeared in front of Jiang Chen.

Name: Zhao Liang

Level of training: Level nine of a Trainee Mage

Battle results: 10 wins, 3 draws, 40 losses!

What appeared in front of Jiang Chen was this simple information.

Name: Jiang Chen

Level of training: Trainee Mage

Battle record: 0 wins, 0 draws, 0 losses!

Jiang Chen's information would also appear before Zhao Liang.

As for the upper limits of the two's magic elements, and what kind of magic techniques they practiced, these were all kept secret by the spatial system.

The illusory space would not reveal it!

Of course, if you had been watching Zhao Liang's battle, then you would have known even if the illusory space did not reveal it!

However, Zhao Liang was not a genius, so why would anyone watch his battle?

A star martial artist was similar to a superstar in Jiang Chen's past life.

They specialized in this virtual competition for their own fans.

In addition, some celebrities even told their own cultivation insights to their fans in order to attract fans.

However, these celebrities were mostly high level Trainee Mages or Apprentice Mages.

There were almost no Elite Mages or above.

This was because those who had cultivated to Elite Mages or above were basically busy improving their cultivation. Who would have the time to spend a large amount of time broadcasting live matches to their fans or talking about their cultivation experience?

Moreover, the government would not treat these extremely talented geniuses lightly.

Of course, it was not absolute. Some Elite Mages who had no hope of advancing would also choose to become stars.

Of course, the entrance fees for watching the battles of these Elite Mages and listening to their training insights were very high.

The average person truly looked up to them, and they looked down on the average person.

Someone like Jiang Chen was just an average person.

"Damn, what luck! I've actually met a fledgling chicken, and it's even a challenge of a higher level!"

Jiang Chen soon appeared on the battlefield.

His opponent, Zhao Liang, also appeared on the battlefield.

Zhao Liang looked at Jiang Chen excitedly as soon as the two sides met.

The so-called fledgling chicken was someone like Jiang Chen, who had zero battle records.

It was also commonly known as someone who had participated in a battle for the first time.

Zhao Liang had never met such a person before. After all, the probability of such a thing was not high. He was not the European Emperor, and had not fought many matches, so it was not strange to meet him for the first time.