
Tenebris Renasci: A World of Magic and Gunpowder

when a prideful, rowdy college senior get the chance of a lifetime, he decides to take it with great pleasure and enthusiasm, making fun of all those who try and reason with him, however this behavior becomes his downfall as he is met with a tragic accident. but instead of death he finds himself reborn in a world of mystery and wonder, this world blends the early 20th century with the late medieval period, and it’s seemingly done by one woman; the queen of Ambur. now known in this new world as Alexander von daname, he finds himself living the dream as a noble, and he has grand plans for the future. however fate is a fickle mistress. a war that was seemingly out of mind for Alex, grows to be the very thing that uprooted him from the new life he has grown accustomed to, after fleeing this war he finds himself staring over in the Kingdom of Ambur.

Therealwaterboy · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

Alexander’s day out part 2

Alex leaned back in his seat and watched as the city gave way to a large open space filled with tents and flags that had red and gray colors.

Well, that certainly is not our flag.

There were several men and women dressed in red and gray uniforms, their caps were gray and their rifles seemed to have larger magazines compared to the rifles of the pathfinders.

"Elise, who are they?" Alex asked as he pointed towards them.

Elise glanced over in the direction Alex was pointing in as she looked for a place to park.

"They are pathfinders from the Ambur kingdom, why do you ask my lord?"

Elise responded as she parked the carriage

a good distance away from the unveiling.

"Well, their uniforms looked so….. different," he answered.

Elise stood up and jumped down from the carriage, reaching her hands out to help Alex down.

"Well, that's just how the Ambur kingdom works, they always employ the newest technology, I wouldn't be surprised if they come out with an automaton at this point." Elise giggled.

Alex was doubtful about that, even with all the technology available back on Earth robots were still clunky.

Elise placed Alex on the ground and began to straighten out his clothes, Once she was done she started to make her way towards the unveiling, with Alex in hand.

As they made their way through the crowd, Alex noticed that pathfinders from both kingdoms were placed strategically throughout the crowd.

I guess they aren't taking any chances.

The crowd was a mixture of people ranging from high-class nobles and scholars to the common folk and children.

However, Alex's attention was drawn towards the tent in the center of the entire event.

The tent in the center was full of audio equipment and a microphone was in the middle of the stage.

Woah, it seems technologically has progressed further than I thought.

After a while of waiting, two carts were rolled out onto the stage, they had a large cloth covering them, however, Alex could still make out the shape of a medium-sized rectangle.

As the carts rolled out, so too did a man dressed in a red and gray suit, who walked onto the stage, his eyes glowing a bright green.

Once he reached the microphone, he began to smile.

"Hello citizens of the Fallen Kingdom," the man paused as he looked at the crowd, "Today we are here to unveil the newest technology created by the Ambur kingdom, this technology will revolutionize long-distance communications, no more will you have to rely on solely on newspaper for the news, with this technology long-distance communication goes from days to seconds!"

The crowd began to murmur, and the man's smile grew wider, it seemed this was the reaction he wanted.

He raised his hand for the crowd to be silent.

"I know, it's unbelievable, but with Queen Charlotte's innovative mind anything is possible, and to show you, I'm now going to unveil….."

He paused as two men dressed in suits removed the clothes from the carts, revealing two radios.

"…..The radio!"

Holy shit!

Alex's eyes widened in amazement, he's seen way more technologically sophisticated machines sure, however, this felt different as if he was witnessing history firsthand.

The crowd erupted into applause, and Alex joined them despite his confusion and shock.

This world is progressing right in front of my eyes, whoever this Queen Charlotte was, has certainly made Alex curious.

The man waved his hands and the crowd began to die down.

"Now, there are several…."

The man moved his finger in a circle.

"….. Setbacks at the moment, including the fact that there aren't many broadcasters inside the Fallen Kingdom however, you can tune into stations from the Ambur Kingdom."

The man walked towards one of the radios.

He turned a dial and pressed a few buttons, he then extended an antenna from the back of the radio.

It then began to crackle to life, and a voice began to come through clear as day, it was a news broadcast.

The crowd was silent as they listened to the news, "and in other news, the Pathfinder core has committed several more zeppelins towards the war effort against the Western empire, with Queen Amber's leadership this war will be over swiftly."

The radio host then paused for a second, "And remember, without Queen Charlotte, none of this would be possible."

A patriotic song began to play, and the crowd cheered loudly.

The man calmed the crowd down again and walked back towards the microphone, "We will be building stations within the Fallen Kingdom, but you can buy a radio right now, for 16 golden Embers, we are shipping them in by the dozen, so it won't be long until you can get your hands on one!"

He had a large smile on his face as he looked at the crowd.

There were mixed reactions at the price, for nobles it was a reaction of acceptance and smiles, but for the common folk, there was nothing but frowning and frustration as they began to clear out for the unveiling.

Well, I guess it pays to be rich, I have to get one of these radios, for the information and the entertainment.

As the crowd continued to disperse, Alex and Elise made their way forward towards the stage, where a line of nobles were eyeing the radios and the spokesman was describing the functionality of them.

As Elise and Alex joined the queue of nobles, Alex couldn't help but chuckle at the sight.

He never thought it before but he'd been reborn as a noble, his life was certainly going to be easier than the common man's.

How the hell did I get so lucky?

As Alex grinned at his fortune, the line grew smaller and smaller until eventually, it was their turn, the spokesman greeted them with a smile.

"You folks are in luck, this is the last one."

He gestured for a man to come forward, it was a pathfinder from Ambur, and in his hands, he held a radio.

The name then pulled out a small notepad, "That'll be 16 golden Embers, or if you want you can put it on credit."

He smiled at Elise, it was a big toothy smile, the one a car salesman has when he's selling a new car.

Elise opened her pouch and retrieved several sheets of small gold sheets. "We have the Embers on hand."

The man began to scribble on his pad, he then held out his hand and Elise placed the Embers in his hand with a firm press.

"Jean, my good man, hand these fellows their new radio!"

He grinned as he spoke to the pathfinder with the radio.

The pathfinder approached us and handed the radio to Elise, I guess it was heavier than she expected because she staggered a little.

"What in the heavens is in this thing?"

She asked as she adjusted the radio in her hands.

The spokesman's eyes widened with excitement, "Well you see thanks to several new inventions, the most innovative among them the vacuum tube….."

The pathfinder, Jean, who handed Elise the radio, spoke with a deep sense of annoyance in his voice.

"Raymon, if I have to hear that damn speech one more time,"

The spokesman, looked at the pathfinder with a wry smile, "Sorry, I get carried away."

He then turned back to face Elise, "If you are curious, we will be selling manuals shortly, you should speak to me then."

He smiled as she turned to walk back into his tent, and the Pathfinder slowly followed suit.

Elise turned to face me, "I guess it's time for us to head out as well my lord."

Elise adjusted the radio one more time before we headed back to their carriage.

As they walked Alex couldn't help but notice a shirtless child playing in the alleyway with a bucket on their head.

They waved a stick around wildly as if it were a sword.

What an idiot…. I could find a way better stick than that!

Abruptly, almost as if fate herself was angry, the child's stick flew out of their hands and headed directly toward Alex.


Hus eyes widened as the stick headed directly towards his face.

Elise panicked as she looked for a place to put down the radio, eventually, she decided to lower the radio towards the ground

"Elise no!" Alex shouted as he held his nose.

Elise looked up at Alex with confusion and concern, "but my lord!" She exclaimed.

"I'm fine, but I don't wanna damage that radio." His voice was muffled and pitched.

Elise looked conflicted, eventually turning her gaze towards the child in the alleyway, they were running towards them, as the bucket on their head bobbed back and forth.

"I'm so sorry!" The child exclaimed as they removed the bucket from their head, revealing a pretty face and bright blue eyes.

"Are you ok!?" They asked.

Well hey, I am now.