
Tenebris Renasci: A World of Magic and Gunpowder

when a prideful, rowdy college senior get the chance of a lifetime, he decides to take it with great pleasure and enthusiasm, making fun of all those who try and reason with him, however this behavior becomes his downfall as he is met with a tragic accident. but instead of death he finds himself reborn in a world of mystery and wonder, this world blends the early 20th century with the late medieval period, and it’s seemingly done by one woman; the queen of Ambur. now known in this new world as Alexander von daname, he finds himself living the dream as a noble, and he has grand plans for the future. however fate is a fickle mistress. a war that was seemingly out of mind for Alex, grows to be the very thing that uprooted him from the new life he has grown accustomed to, after fleeing this war he finds himself staring over in the Kingdom of Ambur.

Therealwaterboy · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

a new friend.

Alex quickly removed his hands and struck a pose, "It was just a stick, but uhm…. what's your name?"

He smiled and winked.

"But your nose is bleeding!" The girl exclaimed.

A small trickle of blood dripped down from his nose and trickled down my face.

"It's just blood, now what's your name?" Alex asked again as he wiped my nose.

"It's Marcus."

The girl replied as she giggled, she then approached Alex with a dirty rag she pulled from her pocket.

She began to wipe Alex's nose.

Alex noticed that despite its appearance, it smelled like flowers.

"That's a weird name for a girl," Alex replied as Marcus continued to wipe his nose.

"I'm a boy," Markus replied as he took a step back.

What? A boy? I-Impossible!

Alex took a step back and assessed the shirtless boy, his expression grew increasingly shocked, and eventually, he cringed.

I have to get rid of all evidence of this blunder.

Alex turned his gaze towards Elise and pointed towards Marcus, "Elise, off with his head!"

He yelled.


Marcus was shocked and looked at Elise with pleading eyes.

Elise looked at Marcus, then back at Alex, with the radio still in hand she looked like a confused penguin, "A-are you sure my lord?"

Alex's eyes widened with enlightenment.

Wait….. I could get this boy killed.

A grin formed on his face.

"Yeah, I've been craving a little violence."

Alex cackled, as his hands rose high in the sky, fingers wiggling wildly.

Elise voice was filled with uncertainty as she shifted her gaze between me and Marcus.

"Well…. I'd have to put the radio down to get my sword, my lord."

Damn, she's right, I guess, you'll live for now Markus.

Alex turned towards Marcus, "You've been spared. Not because I like you, but because my radio is more important than your life."

Marcus nodded rapidly, his long blonde hair shifting back and forth.

There was an awkward moment between the three of them, the sounds of the city seemed to fade in the background as they all stared at each other.

Alex turned his gaze towards Marcus, attempting to get a better look at him.

He looked to be around 5 or 6, and he appeared to be homeless.

Maybe I can take him with me? It'll solve the loneliness problem.

"You got a family?" Alex asked.

Marcus shook his head, he then smiled, "I've been living with the owner of that store,"

Marcus pointed towards the building that formed the right side of the alleyway that Marcus was playing in minutes earlier.

Marcus's expression grew grim, "You aren't going to kill him are you!?"

He looked at Alex with pleading eyes.

Alex shook my head, "Nah, I was wondering if I could take you with me."

Both the boy and Elise gave Alex confused looks.

"M-My lord, y-you can't just take children off the streets!"

Elise explained with a panicked voice.

Wow, so I can kill him, but I can't adopt him…. Make it make sense!

"Why, he's homeless isn't he, no one's going to miss one street kid."

"We should at least speak to the shopkeeper!" Elise exclaimed, "And your father!"

Ughhh, all this power, and I still have to listen to my servants.…

"Fine, let's get this over with."

Alex waved his hand in resignation and began to head towards the shop.

The shop was small.

There was a large display window, showing a variety of items from canned goods and small novelty items.

Elise reached the door first, pushing it open with her shoulder, a small bell rang, and a man behind the counter looked up with a smile on his face.

He was a mature gentleman, he was probably in his thirties or forties, but he aged fairly well, his long brown hair had a few gray strands and was tied in a bun.

His eyes glowed green, and he was missing the tip of his left ear, making it significantly shorter the his right pointed ear.

The store owner shifted his gaze towards Elise and chuckled. "A pathfinder huh, what the hell did you get yourself into this time Marcus."

Marcus took a few steps forward.

"I accidentally hit him with a stick, but it's ok because this boy wants to take me with him!"

Marcus exclaimed while pointing at Alex.

The store owner's eyes widened, "you aren't planning on killing him are you?"

His voice was slightly shaken as he turned his gaze towards Alex.

"I'm just a kid man, I don't kill people on a whim….. who do you think I am?"

Alex scoffed.

Marcus slowly turned his head towards Alex, as his eyes narrowed, "But you said to cut my head off..."

Ehhhh, you can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs.


The store owner almost fell over.

But Marcus didn't stop, "he also said that radio was more important than me!"

Marcus pointed towards the radio in Elise's hands, and Elise dropped her head in shame.

Am I wrong though? That thing costs 16 golden Embers.

"Well it's expensive," Alex muttered.

"May the gods save us all."

The store owner whispered as he held his forehead, "Can I ask why you want Marcus?"

He asked as he composed himself.

"It's simple, I live in an empty mansion, Marcus lives on the street, Marcus comes with me, he's off the streets and my mansion is a little less empty."

The store owner nodded and shifted his gaze toward Marcus, "well, do you want to go with this boy?"

He asked as he gestured towards me.

Marcus looked towards Alex, he looked him up and down, then shifted his gaze back towards the shop owner, "Well, it would be fun to have a friend."

Marcus replied.

Maybe I should sweeten the deal?

"And you'll be able to get good food and clothes, and actual toys…"

Alex grinned, and took a pose with my arms out wide, "… And you get to see actual swords!"

Marcu's eyes widened with excitement, he quickly looked back towards the shop owner, "Can I go, can I, can I, I promise I'll visit every week!"

He pleaded.

The shop owner smiled and nodded his head, "All alright, but remember, you promised to visit every week, not me." He chuckled softly.

Good, everyone wins.

Alex began to head towards the door, but no one was following him.

Alex turned around in confusion, "what's the hold-up?"

"Well, I just…. I still can't believe it."

Marcus fumbled with his fingers, he looked at me with a genuine smile and curiosity in his eyes, his ears wiggling slightly.

Oh no, am I having one of those moments, one that will determine our friendship for the foreseeable future?

Alex couldn't help but cringe, "Dude, let's go already, you can think about it in the car."

Alex walked over to grab Marcus's hand.

"A car?" Marcus asked confused.

"You mean the carriage my lord?" Elise asked while tilting her head curiously.

"Sure," Alex replied frustratedly.

He began to lead Marcus out of the store, and they were followed by Elise, who was still holding the radio, but it seemed she had become comfortable with its weight.

The bell rang as they opened the door.

Alex turned to glance at the shop owner one last time.

"I have never seen such a strange child."

The shop owner mused as he returned to fixing the items on the shelves behind him.

Alex licked his teeth as he chuckled softly.

As the group walked back onto the sidewalk, Marcus's grip on Alex's hand grew tighter. "So, are you going to take me with you?"

He asked with a hit of disbelief in his voice.

Ugh, if I have to confirm this one more time, I'm going to fucking explode.

"Yes I'm taking you with me, is it so hard to believe?"

Alex's irritation was growing by the second, "I wouldn't be holding the hand of a random stranger if I had no intention of getting to know them."

Alexander's answer seemed to put a reassuring smile on Marcus's face, his eyes twinkling with excitement, "Thank you…." Marcus paused, his expression growing perplexed, "what's your name?"

"Alexander, Alexander von Daname."

"Thank you, Alex."

"That's not my name….."

Suddenly Elise joined in the conversation,

"My lord, we've arrived at our carriage."

She picked up her pace, walking ahead of us, she placed the radio on the back passenger seat and then motioned for Marcus and Alex to join her.

"Given our new additions, you will sit on the driver's bench with me, and Marcus will sit in the back with your radio."


Alex let go of Marcus's hands and approached the passenger side.

Elise picked Alex up and lifted him into the seat.

As Alex settled into the seat, he shifted his gaze towards Marcus.

He was staring at Liz in awe.

"She's pretty isn't she?" Elise beamed, as she walked over to Marcus, she outstretched her hand, and hesitantly Marcus took it.


Elise led him to the back seat and helped him enter the car.

He settled down into the seat, his gaze darted around the carriage's interior, "woah, I've never seen something so fancy before." He giggled.

"Get used to it, because there's a lot more where that comes from."

"Where are you headed next my lord?" Elise asked as she sat on the driver's side.

Honestly, I think I've had my fill for today.

"Let's head back home Elise."

"As you wish my lord."

The drive back towards the mansion was relatively uneventful, there were a few moments where Marcus would ask a question, and Elise would answer it.

Soon the mansion came into coming into view, and Alex glanced back at Marcus, who was staring back at him with a smile, and a tilted head.

"Whatcha think?" Alex asked with a smug grin.

"It's big," Marcus replied with a soft voice.

That's all he has to say?

"I guess so," Alex replied as Elise parked the carriage beside the stables.

It didn't take long for Elise to take Alex and Marcus out of the carriage.

Once they were out of the carriage, she grabbed the radio from the backseat.

"Lead the way, my lord."

Elise gestured towards the gate, and Alex nodded.

He then reached out his hand towards Marcus and he immediately grabbed it, and a simple form of normalcy began to form.

Huh, I guess I like physical contact more than I thought…

As they walked towards the gate Alex looked up towards Marcus, his head was moving back and forth as he looked at the city in the distance and the mansion in front of him.

The guard at the gate tipped his cap towards the trio as they approached, and he began to open the gate.

As Alex walked the familiar cobblestone pathway, he was surprised to see his father, a man he'd barely spoken to, standing at the door with Olivia by his side, they both wore simple clothing, the kind you'd wear around the house when there's no guest to impress.

As the trio approached the front door, Alex's father's gaze grew intense, "Alexander, why didn't you tell me of your outing today?"

He took a few steps forward.

His overwhelming presence made Alex stumble back a few steps.

"W-what?" He stammered.

Suddenly Olivia rolled her eyes, "Lance, you're scaring him, just because he didn't invite you on his day out, doesn't mean you should throw a fit."

His father smiled, "It's not fair my love, I wanted to be the first to take him to the city."

He chuckled as he grew closer. "Besides, my boy would never be frightened," his father squatted when he got close enough, "he's a Daname, and with that name, comes the courage of a thousand men."

He ruffled Alexander's hair, before turning to look at Marcus.

I guess I'm not I'm in trouble?

"And who's this pretty young lady right here?"

Alex's father looked a Marcus with a delighted expression.

Marcus puffed out his chest, "Marcus sir, I'm a boy, not a girl."

Marcus deepened his voice as low as a six-year-old could, which wasn't much.

My father chuckled, "My apologies young man, what brings you to my home?"

He asked with a grin.

Marcus looked at Alex, and Alex shifted my gaze back towards him, he then looked at his father.

"Well after Ava left, I've been feeling a little….. lonely, and this kid just so happened to be in the ally, we talked for a bit, and I decided I liked him, so I took him with me," he explained.

His father chuckled loudly and leaned his head back, after a moment he calmed himself down and placed a hand on Alexander's shoulder, "My son, you can't just take what you want, no matter how pretty they are."

He glanced at Marcus with a smirk.

Why do I get the feeling my father thinks there's something else going on?

"Anyway, father can I keep him?"

His father paused for a moment, scratching at his chin he looked up towards Elise, "What do you think?"

Elise nodded her head, "I think he'd make a fine playmate for lord Alexander, sir."

Lance nodded his head and stood up, "Very well, then I leave this boy in your care," his father then pointed towards the radio in Elise's hands, "What in the gods' realm is that contraption?"