
Ten Infinities Minus Eleven

The records of a man seeking perfection in the river of time and the wretchedness of incorporeality. This is a BNHA/MHA fanfiction with crossover elements. Extra Tags:- #TimeTravel, #Regressor, #OP, #ImmortalMC, #Harem-SeekingMC, #ParentalMC, #SmartMC, #ScifiElements, #NeutrallyAlignedMC, #ImmoralMC, #Crossover

Exalted_Felix · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Sin of Lust

Author Note: Setting this note aside, this chapter is coincidentally 6,699 words. How curious...

Also, gotta update this novel to R18 now. *facepalm*

Someone start a paragraph comment vote here for plot vs PLOT. I will balance it out depending on the ratio. Enjoy!~


The sins. The one 'true' drawback there was when it came to Sora's usage of his quirk. However, how was he even able to confirm their existence? While, yes, it was obvious when Pride was active, he would be more prideful, but that could be just staked off to him getting prideful in the moment. No, there was actually something that confirmed it perfectly.

His eyes. While they came to shine in a light blue constantly, Sora's eyes tended to change color depending on what sin came activated. When it was Pride, the color would be a bright purple. Green was for Greed. Red for Wrath, gray for Sloth, pink for Lust, and orange for Envy. Since Gluttony had yet to activate, Sora had no idea what color his eyes would turn into.

The sins didn't take over his mind, thankfully. They only influenced his thoughts on subconscious level and reinforced already existent thoughts that properly aligned with the specific sin that activated at the time. Usually, all Sora had to do for the sin to pass was to indulge in it just enough. As for the conditions that would determine which sin activated, well, that depended on what Sora's deepest desire during the activation sequence.

For instance, should he have witnessed something extremely uncomfortable, and he happened to overuse his quirk at that time, then there is a high chance that Wrath would come forth. It was a very simple system, really.


Present Time – Hado Mansion 'Front Yard'


Sora Hado was abnormal. That was something that Tooru Hagakure had immediately realized at the end of the quirk apprehension test. Not only was his quirk something she could barely comprehend, his personality was something else entirely. If she were to be honest, the way he handled himself unnerved her. Why? Well, for one, he appeared to not care about consequences in the slightest.

That reminded her of her past. It reminded her of herself and certain people she would like to completely forget existed. After all, there is nothing more dangerous than someone with exceptional capabilities not fearing the consequences of his or her actions.

So, when Sora offered to help her with her hero costume, she was reluctant to accept his help. It took her quite a bit of resolve to actually take the offer.

Yet, she had somehow ended up getting embraced by the admittedly (very) attractive boy. Due to her constitution, Tooru has not had the chance to experience anything like being this close to a guy ever before. So, when they suddenly teleported to an open space that lead to a grand mansion in the distance, her mind was preoccupied with how close she was to Sora.

Fortunately, her daze lasted only for so long before she heard a flap of wings as a gust pushed past them. Then, a gorgeous angel landed, her emerald green eyes glistening under the sun.

"Welcome back, Master."

Wait, that was her! The angel that suddenly appeared in the special test today!

"Who…?" Tooru questioned subconsciously.

"Ah, I guess introductions are necessary. Tooru, meet Ikaros, codenamed Alpha. She is a faithful servant of mine." Sora casually said as he gestured to Ikaros to move closer before gently rubbing her left cheek.

"Nice to meet you?" Tooru said, unsure about what to make of his statement. She wanted to know why this "servant" of his appeared in the special test, how she did it, and if she is even human.

"Ikaros is an angeloid, entities that are superior to humans in every way. However, she has taken me as her master and serves me with utter loyalty." Sora explained. "The reason she appeared in today's special test was that I 'summoned' her through my quirk."

"Your quirk again!" Tooru exclaimed. "Can't you tell us anything about it?!"

"Well, I guess I can do that now." Sora responded with a grin spreading across his face. "The true name of my quirk is Negative Domain. One half of the quirk is a very powerful form of psychokinesis, while the other is negation."

Finally, he was saying something about his quirk! Tooru was now getting excited. She now felt really glad to have taken his offer. Last night, she couldn't sleep a wink because of how her first day in UA went and a certain boy's face kept on appearing in her mind whenever she closed her eyes. She would never admit of the method she used to get herself to sleep, which the images helped with immensely. (A/N:- Yes, she schlicked herself to Sora's face.)

"Take a proper look at Ikaros," Sora instructed, "notice that she isn't like anything that has existed before. From her looks to her powers and abilities, Ikaros is very abnormal, right?"

"Yes," Tooru agreed. Ikaros was anything but normal, though what was Sora getting at?

"See, she isn't supposed to exist. Previously, Ikaros was simply a fictional character. Then, how is she standing in front of us?"

Tooru's eyes widened. No way, right? That's absurd… If she were to believe his words and take them at face value, then that would mean he brought her to reality?! But, how??

"That is one of the applications of the negation aspect of Negative Domain. It allows me to reverse reality and fiction."

Tooru often liked to watch movies and read certain kinds of books in her free time. So, she was well aware of what insane things Sora could do if he made use of his quirk properly.

"Just to be clear, the Ikaros in front of you is a weakened version of her original one. Unlike her original, she can only utilize continental-level powers..

What…? Did he just say that she is an existence with continental-level threat? Then how powerful was the original?!

"Anyway, we should get going. Ikaros, please go meet up with the Third Head."

"Understood, Master."

And just like that, Ikaros flew away at a speed that Tooru's mind could barely process. For some reason, she felt like the claim about her being a continental-level threat didn't seem as far fetched anymore…

"Also, that application of my quirk is obviously very powerful, thus there are a lot of limitations. For instance, I can't use it again for a while. Also, whoever I bring to reality won't necessarily be under my control, so I would have to be very careful about who or what I bring. Then, there is a whole other kind of drawback, but that tends to occur hours after I use my quirk extensively."

She nodded at the explanation. It made sense for there to be limitations. After all, no matter how she thought about it, it was a ridiculous ability.

"However, do realize that what I said in class about my quirk being EX-class still stands true. These drawbacks don't matter, since that particular application isn't one I am supposed to use in the middle of combat. Also, the drawback usually helps me out rather than actually hindering me."

Wow. EX-class quirks sure sounded awesome…

"Come on," Sora urged calmly, "we don't have all day. I assume you want be back home for dinner."

"Yes…" Tooru uttered a response.

And so, the two began to walk in the direction of the mansion. Tooru took this chance to properly take in their surroundings. Alright, so, her classmate was rich. Very rich. What they were walking through is his version of a front yard. A front yard that could fit a hundred houses the size of her own in it.

She also noticed that there were a number of men in black suits around. Perhaps, security? All in all, the walk felt like something straight out of a movie. A romance movie in which the hot CEO brings his poor secretary over to his home (lair).

The thought made her body feel warm as she imagined herself getting pushed down by an overbearing Sora as he peered into her eyes with passionate- WAIT, stop. Okay, get a hold of yourself, Tooru! She proceeded to slap her cheeks as a means of clearing her mind, and along with it the images she imagined.

"So, I would like to clear something up for you," Sora suddenly said.


"The reason I brought you here isn't for your costume."

"Wait, what do you mean?!" Tooru was naturally surprised. Oh, no. Did he bring her here to-

"Don't start getting any ideas you perv. I brought you here for something way better. Your quirk."

Even though she was flustered by him figuring out her thoughts, she pretended to not care as she asked, "What do you mean?"

"Tell me, what is your quirk?"

"Well, it's obviously invisibility. Can't you see- oh wait, you can't."

Sora heaved a sigh. "No, that's not it. Your quirk is not invisibility."

"What…?" The heck was that supposed to mean?

"Alright, tell me this, how did you first manifest your quirk? Was it that you suddenly woke up one morning invisible or was there more to it."

"I was suddenly invisible."

"There you have it. If your quirk was simple invisibility, then it would've been classified as a mutation type. The process for you turning invisible would've taken time. A whole lot of it. However, if it happened suddenly, then there is a high chance that rather than it being a mutation type, it's an emitter type."

Tooru was slightly confused. Even if that was the case, what was Sora getting at? She was invisible regardless of 'why' and 'how' she was invisible. Right?

"Well, you'll understand the significance of this once we're at the testing phase."

"Testing phase?" She curiously repeated.

"Ah, yes, a professional will be helping us study your quirk. If my assumption is proven right, then there will be life-changing effect on you."

Now, Tooru felt a little excited. While she was slightly iffy about being 'tested' by a professional, she wondered if there was more to her quirk than she knew of. Ever since her quirk manifested, she has been rendered invisible, so she is not even aware of what she looks like. All she had were a few pictures of her toddler self. Maybe, just maybe, Sora could find a method to temporarily disable her invisibility. Actually, why not just ask him if that's possible?

"Hey… Can you make me visible even if temporarily?"

"Yeah, easily." He responded casually.

"I thought so- WAIT, huh?!? You can?!" Saying that Tooru was shocked would be a huge understatement. Sora just confirmed he can disable her invisibility! And, from the sound of it, he was confident.

"C-can I ask how?" She questioned as she felt her heart beat faster.

"Did I not mention that half of my quirk is 'negation'? I can easily render every quirk in my domain unusable. Even mutation quirks, though doing that hurts the one with the quirk."

"You just said that my quirk is not a mutation one, right?" She hurriedly sought confirmation.


No way… She was going to see herself. For the first time in a decade, Tooru would be able to see herself. Even if she pretended it didn't bother her, being invisible plagued her mind more than she would like to admit. She was a girl, after all. She wished to know if she was pretty or not. (If she wasn't then she could treat her quirk like a blessing and call it a day.) ((She was actually worried about being ugly.))

"I won't do it right now," Sora stated, "but once we're in the mansion and there is a mirror for you to look into, then consider it done."

Tooru believed him. Sora had proven himself to be someone extremely capable. He had no reason to lie to her right now, right? Also, if someone like him was confident in something, then one might as well consider it confirmed, right? So, she was unable to hold her excitement back as she straight up leaped into his arms and embraced him tightly.

"Woah!" Sora responded with a chuckle before hugging her back. "Leave this stuff for when I've actually made you visible, all right?"

Hearing that, a certain thought passed through Tooru's mind that caused her mood to sour. After a few seconds of hesitation, she decided to ask what was on her mind. "Do you think… I will be pretty?"

"You, pretty? I don't think – I know you will be pretty. In fact, I am extremely confident that your beauty will surpass all of our female classmates – and that says a lot."

'Oh, crap…' Tooru thought as she felt her an odd sensation in her stomach. She just realized that she couldn't handle this guy at all. The sincerity within his response was very obvious. He truly believed that was going to be beautiful. For some reason, Tooru felt like letting her hope rise was fine now.

Anyway, the two soon reached the mansion. Right at that moment, the front door was opened by one of the two maids – Angie.

"Welcome back, Mr. Sora. Welcome, Ms. Hagakure."

While Sora simply nodded, Tooru was a little dumbfounded by the fact that the maid seemed to know she was. Why…? It was weird, but she decided to let it slide. Nothing seemed to make sense when it came to Sora anyway.

And so, the two made their way through the mansion while Angie followed along quietly.

"Angie, where is Eri?"

"Ms. Eri is in the laboratory."

"Very well. You may attend to your other duties. Tooru and I will be heading there."

"Understood." She bowed before walking away.

Seeing and hearing their interaction, Tooru's curiosity rekindled again. That maid was very pretty. Based on her looks and name, she was a foreigner. She had golden-yellow hair that curled to her waist. Light blue eyes with somewhat wide eyelids. Not to mention, her height that dwarfed Tooru's to an extent.

"Uhm… Hado-"

"You can call me by first if you want to." Sora interrupted her.

"Uh, yeah, okay. Sora… You are really rich, huh?"

"Well, I believe it's obvious enough. In case you're wondering, this wealth is self-made, and not some inheritance or anything like that."

Now, Tooru was simply stunned. All of this was what he EARNED?! How old was he?! Wasn't this guy supposed to be their age? Why was he so different from them, then? Actually, what did he even do that earned him this much?? At this point, Tooru was beginning to realize that whenever she asked Sora anything, she would be left with a multitude of much bigger questions. It was both frustrating and entertaining.

After a few minutes, the two had finally made their way through the enormous mansion to some silver metallic gate, that oddly looked like an elevator door… Or, so Tooru thought, until the 'gate' opened and it turned to be an actual elevator. Except the fact that the 'doors' were much much thicker than any other she has seen in her life.

"Come on, the laboratory is underground." Sora simply said before guiding her into the elevator.

["Greetings, Master. Ms. Eri is awaiting your arrival."]

An androgynous voice resounded within the elevator, startling Tooru to the point that she yelped before holding onto Sora's left arm. The latter simply chuckled at her cute antics.

"Good. Is anyone else there?"

["Affirmative. 2B, who now has a replicant support-type superbrain as per your orders, is waiting in front of the lift."]

"Oh, this fast? I was expecting the replicant to take a few more days to develop."

["The modular unit was able to calculate a new formation that significantly reduced the load on the motherboard, resulting in a faster production."]

What's going on? Where am I? Such questions swirled within Tooru's mind as she tried to make heads and tails of the conversation her classmate was having with… the elevator(?).

Shortly after that, a ring was heard by the duo before the elevator's door opened. As ARCH had stated earlier, 2B was seen by the two, standing with her back as straight as possible.

"Welcome back, Master." She welcomed in a cool voice.

"Thank you, 2B. I see that you're already used to your body."

"Yes. The data I was provided with prior to my startup helped immensely." She responded, her face and voice devoid of any emotions – even if she could possibly come to feel them.

"I'm glad to hear that. If you need any help, no matter with what, you can refer to me or our family. Got it?"

"Yes. Thank you." This time, there was a very slight hint of happiness in her voice. Only someone like Sora, who has lived thousands of years, could tell.

"That's a robot, right?" Tooru suddenly asked. Was this place actually Sora's home?? It almost felt like Sora was some secret project by the government and was raised in this facility disguised as a luxurious mansion. A lot of things would make sense if that were the case. His power, his experience, his connections, and everything that screamed 'I am not a normal fifteen year old!' about him would make sense.

"Please, fellow me, Master and guest of Master." 2B stated monotonously before she began leading the way.

And so, the three quietly moved through a long, white hallway. They passed a number of doors with labels on them. Some sounded normal for a secret facility, such as: Quirk Testing, Quirk Detection, Legacy Quirk Activation (what is a legacy quirk though?).

Then, there were some that didn't sound normal, even for a secret facility: Quirk Farm, Quirk Extraction Center, Quirk Control Center, Quirk Modification Center. Then there is that one eerie-looking door that was slightly deformed and had the following label: Stress Relief.

"This… is legal, right…?"

Sora simply quirked a brow at that before chuckling. "Don't worry, everyone here is a willing test subject. Either they made the choice to be here, or their choices had the consequences of them ending up here."

Holy crap, that last part sounded scary. Was Sora hinting at something? Just what sort of 'consequences' was he talking about. In fact, a lot of those labels sounded very wrong. Quirk Farm? The notion that there is a lab farming quirks for whatever reason unsettled Tooru in a multitude of ways. She… wasn't going to be killed, right? This wasn't going to be a 'you know too much' situation, right?!

"Geez, calm down you dork," she heard her classmate playfully say before patting her head. "I have brought you here, because I know that I can trust you to not share what you see. Even if you did share, there would be very few who would believe you. Aside from that, I wouldn't be the one at a loss even if others were to find out about this place, trust me on that."

Oh, she trusted him, all right. This guy was terrifying. 'I wanna go home…' Tooru could only sob internally. Still, she had to hold on. On the bright side, she now felt even more confident in what he had claimed outside the mansion. Today, she was going to see herself. And, she was going to be very pretty. As for the one that will be granting her a long-awaited wish… maybe, she could reward him… somehow? Was there anything that she could give Sora? It felt like he had everything already. Well, she would figure something out by then.

The trio's walk came to an end when they reached a pink door labeled 'Princess Unicorn's Room'.

"The heck…?" Tooru couldn't help but mutter as she saw the door and read the label. The door stood out like a sore thumb. Don't say that this was the 'professional' Sora had mentioned earlier…

"Don't question it. You'll understand once you see her in person."

"Sure." She simply replied.

Then, Sora took a step forth and the door opened on its own. Stepping inside, what greeted Tooru was a very cute and comfy office-like room. There was a small office desk at the far back of the room. On each side of the walls was a door. Beside the doors were bookshelves that were filled with books and a ladder in front of them. Not to mention, there was a plethora of figurines that looked like Sora in the back, placed in a glass display stand.

As much as Tooru would like to believe in Sora's words, all this-

Before the thought could solidify itself in her mind, the left door suddenly burst open before small figure rushed toward them. Then, the figure leaped up, right into Sora's embrace, who had a bright smile on his face.

"Hey, sweetie."

"Welcome home, Papa! You came to my office, which means we can finally start, right?!"


Tooru felt like a nuclear bomb had just exploded in her head. The so-called professional was a girl that looked to be five or six years old. Not only that, but she was adorably embracing her classmate while calling him 'Papa'. SHE IS CALLING HIM PAPA!

Breath in, breath out. Calm down, now, calm down. Tooru was confused, shocked, and damn flabbergasted. Wait, just calm down. There isn't much going on. Just that her classmate is a dad, apparently. But, seriously? Like, was aware that puberty had evolved over time to develop years earlier than it did centuries ago, and that lead to some changes in consent laws and such, but still, he could have only been ten AT BEST when he had her.

"Papa, she broke," Eri declared as she pointed at the wide-eyed Tooru who didn't even hear her.

"Just give her a moment. She will come to some weird conclusion and decide to not question the matter as a sign of respecting my 'privacy'."

That's exactly how it turned out. Somehow, Tooru concluded that Sora was a victim and that his daughter was a result of a woman forcing herself upon him. She felt her heart throb for the father and daughter duo. While she couldn't ask about the specifics, she could ask something that bothered her.

"Is her mother here?"

"No." Sora simply responded, but Eri seemed to like this situation as she smiled cutely before saying, "My mom handed me over to a Yakuza boss once she found out my quirk was dangerous."


Another explosion that felt like two nukes this time. It wasn't enough that the accursed woman had forced herself on a child, but when she got pregnant with a daughter as a result of it, she sold her off to gangsters because of her quirk?! Was this the real reason why Sora was so nonchalant and seemed experienced with everything? After all, tragedy does make children mature faster. (She had experienced a bit of that, considering the time she was briefly bullied, though it was thankfully mostly verbal.)

Tears welled up in the corners of Tooru's eyes (not that anyone would be able to see them) as she peered at the duo. That's it. She had come to a conclusion. Sora was in no way a bad person, and even if he had weird tendencies, it was a result of childhood trauma. She would have to tell the others about this later on… (A/N:- Misunderstandings, but for once they're going to be funny and not frustrating.) ((A/N 2.0:- Also, if this feels a bit exaggerated, please do realize that Tooru has a VERY active imagination. At least, in this novel anyway. Well, being invisible and imagining your own looks almost every minute has such effects; who would've thought?))

"Okay," Tooru finally said after a deep breath and exhaling, "what are we going to do about my quirk?"

"Well, let's move to that room first," Sora responded as he gestured to the door through which Eri had came out from a moment ago.

"Alright," she agreed, and so, the two entered the room that lay beyond that door, while 2B remained in the office. There, Tooru was fascinated by the sight of a very professional-looking bio-lab. There were three beds on one side of the room, beside each one was very complex machines. Scattered around the room were small robots that were about fifty centimeters max (A/N: For our fellow Americans, that's about twenty inches).

Still, no matter how professional it looked, Tooru couldn't help but look over at Eri who was snuggling into Sora's chest. Was she a child-genius or something? That's the only explanation she could think of that didn't involve her getting caught up in some scheme and dying a wretched death.

"Let's begin the quirk counseling session." Sora proclaimed as he set Eri down on the ground.

"R-right." Tooru uttered, a little nervous.

"For now, let's confirm whether you have an emitter type or mutation type." He said with a grin. "Voyeur, come here."

Following his calling, one of the small robots drove(?) over. It had wheels instead of legs, which made sense, to be honest.

"Tooru, meet Voyeur. Most of her functionalities are visual-based, hence the name. One of her simplest functions is determining whether an active quirk is an emitter type or mutation type. So, Voyeur, go ahead."

A few cute noises escaped from some part of the robot before the dark screen on its face lit up: [Emitter-type.]

"There you have it. Voyeur, details."

[Quirk: Refraction.

Type: Emitter.

Class: D.

Potential Class: S.

Legacy factors: 5]

"Refraction…?" Tooru was somewhat familiar with the word. But, that's just a scientific label for what her quirk basically does, no?

"Voyeur, list the legacy factors. List priority: Success rate."

The screen on the robot flashed once more.

[F1: Toggle (96%)

F2: Absorption (89%)

F3: Spectrum (88%)

F4: Light Amplification (73%)

F5: Light Manipulation (47%)]

"What is this…?" Tooru muttered as she tried her best to understand what was going on.

"Let me as ask you a question. How many quirks does an individual have?"

"Only one, obviously," Tooru responded at a heartbeat. That was common sense, after all.

"Well, you're technically wrong."

"HUH?!" What was this guy saying? Everyone has one quirk. There are no exceptions. Some might have combination of their parents quirk, but it was still a di-hybrid quirk that counted as one.

"Think of it this way: Quirks came two centuries ago. Over the years, they have integrated with the human genome and modified bits of it over generations. So, when there is enough data for the body to use, we call that a quirk. The one that is obvious and manifests at four years old would be the main quirk. However, there are also dormant support-quirks for that main one that we call legacy quirks. Am I clear so far?"

Tooru could only nod dazedly as she processed the information. No one has ever said anything like that. This was definitely not common knowledge. Just what the hell has she walked into?!

"Are you familiar with the phenomena commonly called a 'quirk awakening'?"

"Yes. That's a rare occurrence that happens when someone is in a stressful situation, so their quirk becomes stronger, right?" Tooru responded.

"Not quite. See, while that is technically true, there is more to it than that. Legacy quirks are probably what they actually 'awaken', not the nonsensical reason the public believes. That simply makes no scientific sense in the first place." Sora looked a bit disgusted before his expression turned back to normal as he continued. "What's actually happens is that they fulfill the conditions for activating a particular legacy quirk. For that scenario you mentioned, the ones that will most likely 'awaken' would be those that have an emitter-type quirk with its core being in the brain."

Ah, it makes a little sense now. But, why was Sora- OH. One of the doors they passed earlier had a certain label: Legacy Quirk Activation. They had somehow managed to find a way to activate those legacy quirks. Maybe they find and fulfill the conditions required, or maybe they do some crazy science stuff (which seemed much more likely, now that she thought about it).

Wow, Sora wasn't kidding when he said this would be life-changing. They hadn't even done anything yet, but she already felt like her entire world was turned upside down. What she believed to be truths turned out to be false. Now, she was going to awaken a legacy quirk.

"Papa, let's hurry." Eri spoke up with a bright glint in her red eyes.

"Alright, alright," Sora smiled before he gestured for Tooru to come over while Eri was already latched onto his left leg. Blushing once again, though much less than the first time, Tooru hugged Sora of her own accord, which he not only didn't seem to mind, but appreciated given the fact that he very abruptly kissed the top of her head.

'HOLY CRAP.' Now, Tooru felt that her chastity was in danger ever minute she spent with Sora. He was an adonis. A rich and powerful top-notch adonis. Fortunately, before her mind could sink into less than appropriate dream lands, they teleported into another room.

Looking around, Tooru found herself in a room that was tight fitted with machines all around. What caught her interest most was the device near the center of the room. It was a 'bed' that felt like a science fiction chamber of sorts.

"You will have to strip naked before lying in there," Eri explained as she pointed at the 'bed'.

"Oh, alright," was the simple response by Tooru. It's not like she was visible anyway- Oh, right. Sora could 'see' her. Wait, was that why he was so confident about her beauty?! Right, he could see her! He was being honest when he said he 'knew' not 'thought'. Wow… Now, she felt much more excited.

Once Tooru lied down in the chamber, it closed off slowly. Then, green liquid began to seep out of a few powers at the bottom of the chamber, causing Tooru to yelp in surprise and slight terror.

"Calm down," Eri said cheerfully, "this is a special bio-liquid that will help awaken a legacy quirk of your choosing. It will be harmless process."

Sighing in relief, Tooru decided to ignore the cold sensation of the liquid as she looked out of the clear glass that acted as the lid of the chamber. Her gaze settled on Sora, who was standing with his arms crossed. Then, his expression suddenly changed to one of annoyance. The last thing Tooru saw before her vision abruptly went dark was Sora's eyes, which were now glowing in pink instead of blue.


"AH!" Tooru awoke and immediately exhaled loudly. She was still lying in the chamber, except that the lid was open now. Her body felt dry, and she felt none of the liquid that was seeping in earlier. How much time had passed? Was the process over?

She slowly rose and looked around. A few meters away, Eri was seated on a completely extended office chair as she worked with a machine.

"Uh…" Tooru voiced weakly.

"Oh!" Eri stopped what she was doing and turned to face her. "You're finally awake!"

"W-what happened?"

"We succeeded, that's what!" Eri responded with a grin. "Get out of there, come on."

Tooru did as she was told, asking about Sora's whereabouts while she was it. Eri simply explained that he had to leave the room for a short while.

Once she was out of the thing, the first thing Tooru noticed was that she could see a pair of very pale arms. Then, looking down, she found an equally pale naked body. As far as she could see, the only part that had a different color were the tips of her breasts, which were pastel pink.

She couldn't believe it. Tooru could see herself now. Her body which she could only feel so far was now visible. Wait, a mirror! She needed to see her face. And, her hair!

Right at this moment, the door opened and Sora stepped inside. Tooru didn't so much bother to cover herself, considering the fact that Sora was somewhat blind. However, she did feel embarrassed, especially when looked at by a child like Eri.

"Uh, I will take you to a place where a mirror would be," Sora explained before he walked over to her.

"Y-yeah, thanks!" Tooru attempted to reply cheerfully, but there was am obvious bit of nervousness present.

"Don't worry. You're absolutely gorgeous."

Uwa… There he goes again, casually saying stuff like that. It's bad for a girls heart to be told that by someone so attractive, you know?!

Sora didn't seem to notice her plight as he embraced her before teleporting them away.

"This is…?" Tooru questioned as she looked around. A bedroom. Sora had brought them to a very big bedroom. "Uhm, why are we here?"

"Mirror." Was the only response she got as Sora pointed at a huge mirror on one side of the wall. The young girl immediately approached the mirror with a nervous gait. Okay, moment of truth! Tooru looked.

OMG! She was pretty! YES! Finally, her mind could be at ease! Sora was telling the truth! Her face, while very pale, was quite good-looking, if she were to say so herself. Her eyes were a mix of blue and green, while her hair was a yellowish-green. Never had Tooru experienced any of the emotions she was feeling at that moment.

"I told you that you're pretty." Sora said as he walked to her side. It was then that Tooru noticed his eyes. Pink. They were glowing in pink.

She recalled seeing that the moment before her consciousness faded, but had passed it off as her seeing things. Yet, now?

"Why are your eyes pink?" She asked curiously.

"That… is one of the drawbacks I mentioned earlier. It makes it harder for me resist my urges and desires."

"What do you mean?" She slowly asked as an odd feeling settled in.

"Something," Sora responded before slowly moving closer to her and wrapping an arm around her waist as he brought his face close to hers, "like this."

Oh, no. It was happening! She understood what desire Sora was talking about. He wanted her! But, she can't just give in, right? He would think she is too easy. But, does she have the heart to reject him? Ugh!

"If you're not fine with this, turn your head away." Sora stated before he slowly started closing the distance between their faces.

Tooru felt very conflicted. Can she do this? Is this really fine? In the end, Tooru decided to go through with it. Damn it, this was the guy that made her dream come true and trusted her with his deepest secrets! She would forever regret it if she turned her head away right now!

And so, once the distance between them became null, their lips met. Tooru felt her body melt as she fell into his arms, their lips still connected. Then, Sora proceeded to turn his body before embracing her properly with both arms. What followed was a series of long kisses. For now, no tongue. Just, chaste kisses filled with affection.

"Mngh," Tooru groaned as she felt a hand slide across her back, over to her left butt-cheek, slowly sinking into the fleshy bit.

"You're so adorable…" Sora muttered lovingly as he broke their kiss for a moment.

"You can't even see me properly…" She rebutted playfully.

"But, I can?"


"When my eyes change color, I am able to see 'normally', somehow."

"WHAT?! Why didn't you say so?!" Now, Tooru felt completely embarrassed about her nude state. Yes, he could still 'see' her before, but this was different!

"Well, you were being a naughty exhibitionist with how little you cared, so I thought you didn't mind," Sora teased as he moved his head over to lightly nibble on her earlobe.

"Ngh! Wait, nooo! I am not an exhibitionist!" Tooru was completely flushed red, which was very apparent due to how pale her skin was.

"If you say so," Sora responded before they both suddenly floated into the air, then moved in the direction of the bed.

Realizing what was about to happen, Tooru was practically cosplaying a tomato with how red she was all the way to her ears.

Once the two settled on the bed, Sora wasted no time as his clothes literally blew apart into small pieces that moved off the bed. Yeah, she would probably take some time to get used to that. Or so she was thinking in order to ignore the sight of a very nude Sora on top of her.

Looking down, she noticed the sexiest sight ever. His entire body was muscular in just the right amount. His amazing abs, his broad shoulders. And… A certain part of his was dangling, with the tip in contact with her body.

Embarrassment 10x.

Despite how shy she was feeling, Tooru couldn't get herself to turn invisible or close her eyes. There was an odd determination settling in the back of her mind. Today, she was going to fuck. That's it. Fucking, it is!

And just like that, Sora was pulled into a much more passionate kiss, as Tooru even wrapped her legs around his waste. They felt the warmth of each other's bodies as they made out on the bed.

Eventually, Tooru needed to breath, so she broke the kiss. She then stared at Sora's face, particularly his mesmerizing pink eyes.

"Do you… like me?" She asked.

"Absolutely," came an instant response.

To that, Tooru smiled so brightly that it felt like the room had lit up in ablaze. Sora simply smiled back before he moved his hands over to her voluptuous breasts and began kneading them. His partner let out a slight moan whenever his finger brushed against her nipples.

Realizing that she had sensitive nipples, Sora pressed her breasts together before lowering his face and taking the tips into his mouths. Tooru's back arched as she pressed into the bed sheet with her toes and fingers. She felt great pleasure as Sora's tongue played with her nipples.

While at it, Sora slowly shifted placed his leg in between her legs, then slowly shifted it to the left in order to spread them. Following that, he traced the tips of his fingers across her abdomen over to her slit. Upon contact, Tooru's body tensed a bit, causing Sora to let go of her nipples before proceeding to kiss her once again. After a few seconds, Tooru teased just enough for Sora to begin stroking the tip of his finger against her lower entrance.

Then, Sora broke the kiss and made some distance between them. "Are you ready?"

Tooru took a moment to process the question before she looked down and saw his member erect. Wait, wasn't that a little too big!? She has never inserted anything there, including tampons, so wasn't this bad? Also, what about protection!?

She voiced all her concerns, to which Sora responded calmly, "I will be extra gentle with you, don't worry. As for protection, my quirk has an application that can help with that."

Convinced, Tooru nodded as a sign of approval, to which Sora aligned the tip of his member in front of her entrance, slightly pressing the tip and separating the lips.

Then, Sora began to slowly insert it in. As the huge member continued to sink into her, Tooru's body continued to tense. She felt as if her heart would burst at any moment now, due to how fast it was beating. This was her first time experiencing all of this, so it was natural that she would be nervous.

There was a stinging pain for a moment as Sora seemed to penetrate barrier, but it receded just as quickly as it came. And so, following that, Sora gently kissed her lips before he began to slowly move his body.

Just like that, for the first time in all the cycles he has been through, Sora slept with a first year student from UA. It would be the first step toward a future brighter than any of the ones preceding it; that, Sora was confident in.