
Unexpected guests.

Evelyn froze at the center of the staircase. Her right hand clenched tightly the iron bars. Evelyn could still vividly feel the goosebumps that covered her entire skin.


" Tell me Penelope, do Ramone also know this? that he has another daughter? did you you tell him? I don't think so! "

Penelope's sad eyes travelled from it's original spot and met with Evelyn's.

" All these years, you deceived me, you lied to me. Now you ask me why you weren't informed? you__

Ronaldo came to a stop when he followed Penelope's gaze and also met with Evelyn's.

Ronaldo instantly rose, " Peanuts__

Before he could conclude his statement, Evelyn dashed away. She remembered rushing into her room and banging the door shot behind her.

Even with a closed door, Evelyn still could hear sounds of yelling rising from downstairs. She slowly walked to her bed and sat on it.

Evelyn could remember her head being instantly heavy, she remembered her heart dropping. What she heard her father uttered rang nonstop in her head in a speedy manner.

Evelyn didn't believe it, she wasn't her father's child? there was no way that was possible. She didn't even have an opening to cry because she was drowned in shock and denial.

in the midst of her intense pondering, she heard the loudest sound yet, a gunshot.

Evelyn was startled, her heart instantly rang in a heavy manner. Filled with sudden concern and more confusion, she rose from her bed and with a sharp tiptoeing, she headed for her door.

As she quietly opened it, she peeked from the little space she made. The new scene she was exposed to, sent her whole existence shambling, it was her father laying on the floor in an enormous pool of blood.

Evelyn's heart tore in pieces with a grande split. Her jaw dropped as it appeared that her whole world came to an abrupt pause.

And before she got an opening to react, her mother frantically pushed herself through the little space and banged the door.

" Evelyn, quick! " She groped her by the arm and hurriedly picked her guitar and diary and threw them inside her hands. She pulled her further inside the room heading to the window.

hot tears were pouring down Evelyn's eyes now, she looked at her mother's face, and she was also in tears.

Her mother took the curtains and began tying it around her waist.

" Jump down and run away as far as you can, don't look back. " Penelope whispered in haste.

" Papa__

" Papa is going to be fine, we'll be alright. "

" That's a lie! " she yelled, " I saw him on the ground, he needs help. "

Penelope picked Evelyn from the ground and placed her outside the window.

" Do as you're told for once, go to the police station. "

" Mom... Is dad gonna be okay? " Evelyn cried out.

" He is... " Her mother sniffed, " I love you. "

The last view she had of her mother was her peering down from the window at her as she journeyed down to the ground. That image was interrupted and put to an end, when a masked individual shot her mother from the back, creating a hole on her forehead and sending her mother to the ground.

Evelyn felt the shock of her entire existence, her eyes followed the body of her mother as it made harsh impact with the ground. Blood had splattered across her face, and some got Into her mouth.

Her gaze went back up and met the individual pointing a gun at her. Evelyn's body and bones trembled, her lips shook terribly as she held in a great amount of release.

Something happened, a second face appeared and glared down at her too. There was a short moment of Stares as the second individual pulled away the first one.

Evelyn was at the floor already, she laced her mother a freakish look. The image would be forever imprinted on her memory plane as it was the last imagine of her mother.

the gory scene caused her to stand still, void of actions or a decision. Then, Evelyn saw the gory look in her mother's eyes, and it was like she heard an eerie whisper.

" Go, run! "

Evelyn took to her heels and disappeared into the night.