
Dinner Reveal

Both Evelyn and her father shook. Ronaldo's eyes met with Penelope's raging eyes, but he's was mild and careless.

Evelyn increased the pace at which she ate, all she wanted was to disappear from the scene in order to avoid the tension her mother was causing.

Her father sniffed as he released something that would shock everyone.

" I'm selling the company. "

Evelyn remembered the sign of disbelief and lostness in her mother's voice.

" What? "

" you heard me right, I'm selling it. "

" You're not serious Ronaldo, this is a joke. "

He passed Evelyn a reassuring look, to place her in a calm position amidst the increasing tension.

" You want to turn me into a joker too? "

" Ronaldo__

" This is not a debate or a discussion, this is merely a notification. "

Evelyn had never heard her father sound so serious.

" What are you talking about? "

" Arrangements have already been made, I'm meeting up with the said party Tomorrow to finalize the last agreements. "

" The is absurd and out of nowhere, " her mother sounded frantic, " Ronaldo, we worked hard and long to get brute into the position that it currently is, and now you talk to selling the company? you can't be serious. "

" Peanuts.... do you need more food?

" No, " Evelyn softly answered.

" Then go upstairs. " her father strictly instructed.

Evelyn got to her feet, she carefully drew back in her chair, positioning it rightly under the table and prepped to exit the dinner table

" who in the world advised you to take such a drastic step?

just as her mother asked, Ronaldo's phone rang again, it was the same woman as the first

" was she the one who told you to do this?

" Pass me the salt. "

" Ronaldo! " her mother yelled, " will you please answer me, you're taking a foolish step.

" You will not pass the salt?

" And you didn't even inform me!

That was when her father lost it, he viciously threw his fork on the floor and ranted

" just as you didn't inform me that you slept with my brother years ago and delivered me his child!! "