
Template World

By some miraculous power, Ethan and his friends were given a second chance at life. The new Earth they were born in was vastly different from their previous one. On this Earth, no boundaries exist to the imagination, whatever you think is probably real in this world or some other world. Here exists powers and character templates from anime, TV shows, movies, or comic books. This is a place where no limitations are put on humans or any other being for that note. See how Ethan unfolds his new life with his family and friends.

Mik_024 · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Daily Life in William Family III (Christmasa Edition I)

Zurich, Switzerland

2 Years Later, December

"Finally some break, otherwise these old bones of mine would have fallen," Sam said like an old man while basking in the heat from the chimney. We go to our grandparents every year at Christmas time. Our Grandpa is a lot like Santa. I feel he has a Santa Template or something. He even laughs like him (Ho-Ho-Ho), you get me.

"Young man you are only 4 years old, go play with others," Max said

"Dad you don't understand, my problems"

"Are there any"

"Of course, do you know how tough it is to walk when you can sleep, how tough it is to talk when you can just sleep, how tough it is to eat when you can just sleep, how tough it"

"I get it, you want to sleep. Sam, you shouldn't be like that. Learn from me let's go out and play baseball" (Max was one of the laziest people ever)

"I don't want to, when there is such a good place to sleep," Sam said while almost falling asleep on the Sofa

"You don't want to, but you have to" Max grabbed Sam from his back collar and started going out of the house

"Max, close the door" Mary shouted from inside. She was cuddling with Selena right now. Oh right, I forgot to tell you, that Selena and Nathan were born in December 2005. We were really surprised when Selena too reincarnated. We thought it was our thing but she also joined our reincarnation group. Maybe next Is Jimmy, but Mom is not pregnant right now. Selena often requests our mom for a younger brother, she goes crazy thinking about Jimmy. Well, she is our sister too, so we also frequently ask for just one more sibling. Mom should be tired of having children too. I would argue that she was tired after me because can there be a better and more handsome child than me?

Nathan was with Grandpa Jack right now in the basement. Grandpa was a Jewelry Maker and quite a famous one at that in the industry. He also had some ancient jewelry collectibles. When Nathan heard that he was literally releasing smoke from his nose. He was just too damn excited. It looked like he would pounce at Grandpa at any moment.

Jeff had gone somewhere in the neighborhood. I don't know where.

And Grandma was reading a book on Sofa. I mean there is snow out there why isn't anyone playing?

"All right, honey," Dad said

"Dad what are you doing here with this little brat," I said with a question mark on my face. I mean Dad only went out for his job or Golf.

"Oh, we are just going to play some catch with a baseball, you want to join us"

"Sure," I said with excitement. I was making a snowman out of boredom. Usually, to pass the time I would play pranks on Jeff, Sam, Nathan, Selena, or Dad. You may be thinking why not Mom, well if you saw me after the last prank I played on Mom, you would understand. Jeff has even become more mature after the last time Mom beat him


"That's just the right position," I said while placing a water bucket just above the door at such an angle that the bucket would fall whenever someone opened the door

"It looks like today is your bad day Jeff," I said while setting the trap originally for Jeff. When I was thinking, the door suddenly opened

"Ha Ha How you like that" But before I could say anything, I saw a silhouette of someone who shouldn't be there

"Mom, that was not meant for you. You know that right, I would never do that to you" I said while a cold sweat appeared on my forehead. Just then I saw Jeff laughing at me behind the door. ' Fuck that shit must have known' I said internally

"Ethan, do you want to come with me quietly or do I have to force you" Mom asked me calmly

"I will come with you" After that, you must all know what happened. For those who don't know, I got the beating of a life. I wasn't beaten like that even during my boxing days in my past life

Flashback Ends

"Dad catch this" I passed the ball lightly to Dad

"You have to put some strength in your hits like this," he said while throwing the ball with his full strength. But it looked slow in my eyes. I have been training myself from the age of 4 to keep myself in the best condition. I'm training my flexibility more these days as it's easier to become flexible when you are young. And I can't put much stress on my body, otherwise, it will hinder my growth. And last, I practice my past life martial skills. I was adept in Taekwondo, Judo, Mu Thai, and classic Boxing. Sure I already know these skills but my new body isn't used to it. I have to put in the effort for the results to show

"Here you go Sam" Dad threw the ball lightly thinking it was Sam's first time but Sam effortlessly caught the ball. He was a pretty good fighter in my past life too. He has good reflexes too

"It seems like you got a talent for it buddy. Try catching this" Dad started his little game between Sam and himself.

"Dad give me the ball too" I cried out for being ignored for such a long time

"Here you go buddy" I effortlessly caught the ball

"Dad can put in some strength this time. I mean I saw the ball coming from a mile away" I said

"Oh, you want fast huh? Then I will give you fast" He threw the ball so hard that it went into the forest behind me

"Oops my bad," He said while scratching the back of his head

"I will get the ball" I ran into the forest. It was my first time. Not because it was dangerous or something. Just because I forgot about it. Our grandpa's backyard was connected to a forest.

I finally found the ball after 10 minutes of search. 'Phew that was tough'. While I was leaving I saw some weird insects flying. They were multicolored like a rainbow

"Ethan, you lost buddy" Dad shouted at me

"Nope, coming Dad" I went back forgetting about the strangeness of the forest.

"What took you so long" Dad asked

"The ball landed somewhere else than expected"

"Dad did you forget that he is Ethan, he is stupid by nature," Sam said

"Oh sorry, I forgot" Dad apologized to me

"No I am not," I said angrily

"Ok don't mind your brother, and throw me the ball"

"Here you go" While putting too much strength in that throw

"Honey, when are you coming it's lunchtime"

"Com" Before Dad could finish the ball smacked right onto his face




"Brother you did that on purpose right"

"Of course not, do I look like that kind of person"

"Yeah," Sam said while nodding

"Dad does it hurt"

"It's ok buddy, you get hurt sometimes while playing," Dad said with a black eye

"It's just why are there 2 of you, and 2 of Sam, why the hell is everything 2"

"Mom I think Dad is losing his damn mind"

"Ethan language and help me take your dad inside"

"Alright," We both quickly gave support to Dad and walked him inside. We put him on his bed

"Honey, you should rest for a bit"

"Ok," Dad didn't even look at us and started going to sleep. I swear he is going to break the world record or something.

"And you Ethan, I know you would never hurt your dad intentionally. So don't need to fret over it. Go and play with your brother" Mom said to me quietly

"Mom" I hugged her

"Thanks for believing me"

"Anytime honey" She also hugged me. After that, I went to see Sam

"Hey Mom, told me to play with you"

"I know a nice game"

"Oh, tell me quickly," I asked excited

"It's called sleep master"

"Whoever can sleep the fastest, will win," Sam said with quite an unusual enthusiasm

"Then isn't this game tailor-made for you and Dad"

"Of course, Dad used to play with me. We are tieing right now" I slapped my forehead at what he said

"This is not going to work" I started thinking seriously. (It is one of the rare moments when Ethan actually thinks)

"Yes let's do that. You know that there is a forest behind us" I asked Sam and he nodded in response

"Let's explore it," I said in excitement

"Why can't we just sleep? There is nothing to do in the forest"

"Hey don't be such a kill bill"


5 Minutes Later

"OK, I will go with you"


"Let's take Nathan and Selena too" Then we both went inside to take them with us

We saw Selena sitting on Sofa browsing on Mom's phone

"Sis, we going out you coming"

"Nah," She said without even looking at us. She is one of those who remain on the phone 24/7

"You come with us and I will buy you a new phone"

"Have you looked at yourself in the mirror"

"Of course, this level of handsomeness is not easy to achieve"

"Will you stop with this nonsense if I come with you"

"Sure," I said while going downwards

"Hey where are you going"

"He is going to ask Nathan too. But instead of asking he will eventually force him like us" Sam said while signing

"Well that's Ethan for you," Selena said. She is already used to all of them in these 2 years. She sees them all as her real family and real brothers

"Hey, Nathan we are going in the forest. You wanna come with us"

"Don't you see I'm busy"

"If you come with us, I will not tell Grandpa that you were kissing his artifacts just now"

"You saw that" He asked in surprise

"You see these eagle eyes"

"OK, I will come with you. But this shouldn't see the light of day"

"Deal" "Deal" We both did a man's handshake to finalize the deal.

After that, we all went towards the forest. Well the journey was more like 300 meter walk

"Guys this is the place"

"We can see that idiot," Selena said

"We also have eyes man," Sam said

"Hah" Nathan signed

"Hey isn't this dangerous," Selena asked concerned

"Shouldn't you have asked that before coming?" Sam said

"Well, it is true. It can be very dangerous. After all, all living beings got power after the tower appeared instead of just humans. Some theorized that animals and plants also got templates. It's just that due to less intelligence, they were not able to utilize it properly. I mean everybody has heard of dinosaurs right?" Nathan asked

"Yeah" "Yeah," Sam and Selena said

"Who hasn't," I said

"Well, there are lizards who have evolved into dinosaurs. Some even go into the unrecognizable category. Like fantasy creatures like dragons or Pokemon too. There are all kinds of various species out there. If earlier we could at least count the number of beings on Earth, now it's impossible because we see an increase in different species every year"

"Some people go out there and tame a new species. I saw in the news last time that some female adventurer had tamed a new species of butterfly. You have watched Pokemon so you must know Butterfree right? Other than non-aggressive creatures there are larger numbers of aggressive ones. So adventurers and Heroes kill the ones that harm humans. There is also an ongoing controversy about a proper animal kingdom in Amazonian forest. Maybe there is a real Lion King here"

"Wow, how did you know that brother" I asked

"It's you, brother. How didn't you know"

"Yeah even I knew about it and I sleep all the time"

"Even I know it and I am 2 right now. It comes on the phone all the time. Those wildlife shows also show these new species"

"What, you guys kept such huge secrets from me all this time," I said while almost crying

"Hey don't be a drama queen now and let's go inside. We won't go too deep" Sam said while grabbing Selena and Nathan's hands (they were still small) and going inside with them.

"Hey wait for me" I quickly ran after them


What happens in the forest?

What creature will they discover?

Will they come out alive?

We will get you all that in the next chapter of Template World