
Template World

By some miraculous power, Ethan and his friends were given a second chance at life. The new Earth they were born in was vastly different from their previous one. On this Earth, no boundaries exist to the imagination, whatever you think is probably real in this world or some other world. Here exists powers and character templates from anime, TV shows, movies, or comic books. This is a place where no limitations are put on humans or any other being for that note. See how Ethan unfolds his new life with his family and friends.

Mik_024 · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Daily Life in William Family I

After the talk with my brother that night, I started feeling hungry. I made a gesture for him to wake Mom up. He asked me why and I made a gesture for feeling hungry. He made a thumbs-up sign. But what he did next was so infuriating that I want to crush that bastard, till his family can't recognize him. He started taking off his shirt. At first, I was confused about what he was doing but the next moment, he picked me up and tried to take my mouth near his man boobs. Fuck how can he? This bastard's joke is going too far

I immediately started crying for my mother to wake up, and she got up quite quickly. I mean in the world of superhumans this is not surprising. The next moment when my new mom saw what my brother was doing, she got outraged and said "Jeff what are you doing". Jeff got scared for his life. His face told me his time for reincarnation had come early. He is going to pay for his little prank.

"Mom, Dad told me that babies drink milk from here. So, when I saw my baby brother crying for food, I thought I could help" Jeff said with tears in his eyes. This fucker should be given an Oscar for his performance.

Mom looked at Jeff in understanding and said "Jeff, this is not what boys can do. You made a mistake this time, don't repeat it ok" and looked towards our sleeping dad with a calm but deadly look. It was nice knowing you, new Dad. I will avenge you in the future.

"Ok Mom," Jeff said while wiping his tears but I could see he was grinning towards me. This Fucker, I fucking hate being a baby

"Oh my baby wanted to eat, let mom give you your first treat in this world" And that's how my first night went in this new world.


Well, let me tell you, I have seen many enthusiastic people in my life. Hell, I was one too. But this man beats them all, my new Dad or Pops I like to call. He was holding me while kissing my whole face continuously. It felt like he had some kind of template related to kissing maybe he got Lickitung from Pokémon. I get it man you are excited to see your newborn which is obviously much more handsome and awesome than the earlier one. But you got to control your horses. They are running wild right now

"Mary, do you see this, he loves his dad," Max said excitedly to Mary

"Yeah, yeah"

"He will surely become someone great like me in the future"

"Oh right, I remember the great things you have been teaching Jeff, He is putting them to use," Mary said coldly

"What" Max looked confused. New Dad again I will avenge you alright


I was in my grandma's arms right now as she was patting me on the back. I don't understand why she is doing it to me but it was fucking annoying. I was continuously burping after drinking milk and this patting made it worse. I wanted to struggle but I was too damn weak and Grandma Sal was a Templer. Do I even need to say more? 

"Sal, you have been holding him for so long, it's my chance now," Grandpa Jack said

"No," Sal said calmly to Jack

"Why, I'm the only one who didn't get to hold him till now," Grandpa Jack said while making an anime cute girl face. Grandpa, it does not work when guys do it.

"Mom, you got to stop Dad from watching those shows," Mom said but Grandma looked mesmerized by Grandpa. This family sure is weird

"All right here take him" She gently passed me to Grandpa. Finally, I felt so free after getting strangled by her grip for so long. I don't how she has 2 kids

Grandpa Max was so mesmerized by my appearance that he started singing a song

{Louis Armstrong - What A Wonderful World}


I see trees of green

Red roses too

I see them bloom

For me and you

And I think to myself

What a wonderful world


I smiled and slowly went back to sleep. I was wondering if my grandpa was a singer or something. I mean this man's voice is magical. Sure, he is weird at times but aren't we all weird in some way? I thought and crept back to Dreamlands


4 Days Later


Gosh, we were finally going home after they did all the medical procedures to check if mom and baby were healthy. It was nice while it lasted, but it's time to go to my new home baby.

"Max look Ethan looks so excited," Mary said to Dad who was carrying me at the moment

"He must be thinking how awesome his dad is" Max in his internal monologue 'Kids love me, I don't know what it is. But it's just natural attraction' while signing 

While we were passing through the corridor, two hot girls were coming out of a room. They seemed to recognize my dad and spoke

"Hey Maxy you leaving so early, without saying goodbye," Hot Girl 1 said

"Maxy do you like what I'm wearing today, you said it looked too big yesterday," Hot Girl 2 said while wearing a short dress

"Hey guys, how do you know Max" Mary asked while smiling calmly. But I swear I saw something so dark and horrifying that Satan would pee his pants while Max internally 'Well here goes my lovely bed'

"Oh, we met 3 days ago, he was bored and we were bored. So, we had a little fun"

"Haha, Max sure gets bored fast. So, what did you do"

"We just had a little pillow fight"

"Pillow fight nice, you all sure know how to have fun," Mary said while smiling weirdly. Just then an older lady came from the room

"Max you are leaving, we are going to miss you," the Hot Milf said. Now Dad is totally fucked. If earlier was like 90% chances of death. Then now it was 200% and it was going up by the moment

"She is our mom; she is the one who is admitted to the hospital, she broke her leg" Hot girl 2 said. It looked like Mom was thinking of breaking the other one

"Well here goes my dream of buying the new Lego set," Max said

"It was nice meeting you guys but we have to go now," Mary said while smiling

"Oh bye" They all gave my dad one last hug and left

"Honey about the trip me and my friends are taking, we can still go right" Max asked

"What do you think"

"I will immediately say no to them"

'That was something. I didn't know my dad was so good with the ladies. I will make him teach me his ways' I said internally while looking at my dad with respect. 'But I was still on mom's side. She is the Boss.'

That's how my life in the hospital ended and in my new home started


3 Years Later


Kanata North Ward, Ottawa, Canada


There is a cozy and compact house, with a warm and welcoming ambiance. It's a two-story structure, painted in cheerful colors to reflect the vibrant energy of the family living within. The exterior features a small garden or veranda where family members can relax and enjoy the outdoors.


Upon entering the house, you're greeted by a living room adorned with comfortable furniture, with a plush sofa set arranged around a coffee table. Family photos and artwork adorn the walls, giving it a personal touch. The living room serves as the heart of the house, where the family gathers for conversations, celebrations, and occasional chaos.


Adjacent to the living room is a modest dining area where the family shares meals together. It's a simple yet functional space, with a dining table surrounded by chairs, maybe overlooking a window with a view of the neighborhood.


The kitchen, though compact, is well-equipped with modern appliances and neatly organized cabinets. It's where the family's matriarch works her culinary magic, preparing delicious meals while managing the household.


Upstairs, you'll find the bedrooms, each reflecting the personalities of its occupants. The children's rooms are decorated with posters of their favorite idols or hobbies, showcasing their individual interests. The parents' bedroom is a serene retreat, offering respite from the hustle and bustle of family life.


Overall, the house of "Ethan and his family" embodies the warmth and closeness of a typical

family. It's a place filled with love, laughter, and the occasional mishap, where every member contributes to the beautiful chaos of everyday life.

(Image Here)


"Ethan, come down and eat your breakfast," Mom said while I was sleeping and having the best dream ever. I had Luffy template and was in gear 5 mode fighting whatever was in my way. "You motherfuckers think that you can beat me," I said while laughing like a maniac on the hardened clouds (think of Luffy while he was laughing). "Here take my normal punch," I said while inflating my hands like Luffy till it was a little too big (Imagine Bajrang Gun).

Just when the punch was going to hit my enemies my mom came to wake me up

"Mom, couldn't you wait 2 minutes, the best part was just about to come," I said grumpily

"Then why were you awake till 1 am, last night" Mom asked me angrily

"Huh, how did you know? Did that moron Jeff tell you about this" I asked immediately getting angry at Jeff

"First of all the point is you slept late at night, you know less sleep for kids stop their growth. Imagine you being 4 feet tall for a 20-year-old. Wouldn't that be embarrassing for you? Second, keep your tongue in control, little man, Jeff is your big brother" Mom started her nagging mode.

"All right Mom, I get it, don't need to nag like an old hag," I said without any care in the world

"What did you say you little brat, Old hag" Mom grabbed her slippers

"Mom, you know that what you are about to do is an international crime," I said while backing away on my bed till I was in the corner

"You should have thought about it before you ran your mouth" She immediately started hitting me with her slippers.



"Mom sorry, I was wrong"

"Somebody save me" while was getting beaten up. I saw my dad with little Sam in his arms staring at me through the little opening in the door. You see my dad knocked my mom once again. And here we are with Sam.

"Dad" I stretched my arms towards my dad. I said 'Save me' with my lips to my dad. He looked at me with sympathy and slowly closed the door.



My name is Sam Williams and the last surviving adult member of my friend group. I mean how can these dumbfucks even be called adults. I said while looking towards Ethan who was getting a beating from Mom right now, I swear he has some kind of weird fetish. He always asks for a beating.

And as for Jeff, he is mature

Wait for me to finish, mature for a child he is. Sometimes I ask myself how many wrong decisions I made to have them as my best friends. Well, all funny talk aside. I freaking love these guys and not in a weird way. Sure, these two are dumb, and sure they are never going to get laid, and sure their brain is not going to grow more than the size of an almond but they are still my brothers. Even in past life, we may not be brothers in a biological sense but we are closer than real bros. And now we are real brothers. But I can't say it as I am the only calm and smart one in the group. I can't ruin my image. (Only Nathan is smart in their group, the other three are all stupid)

While I was having my internal monologue, Jeff and Ethan came to me and said.

"Hey isn't his pee pee too short"

"Haha I can't even see it"

"Maybe Sam is a girl"

"I was always in doubt but now it is confirmed"

Ahh take that back you "idiots" and that's how my first ever words in this world were idiots

"Mom look, little Sam said his first words"

"What let me see" Mary rushed to the boys from the kitchen

"What did he say"

"Mom he said "idiot", I think Ethan is having a bad influence on him," Jeff said

"Take that back idiot"

"Shut up, you two" Mom punched both our heads



"Haha" I started laughing seeing both of them getting hit

"Baby Sam, let Mom also hear your first words"

"Mama," I said to my mom. Of course, I would make her happy. She is the queen here. And I sure do love my family

"Haha, that's make it 2 to 1," Mary said excitedly. You see Jeff's first words were "Mama" and Ethan's first words were "Papa" making it a tie between the Mom and Dad. But now the balance has been broken. I sure hope that Dad won't be too devasted. He went on a movie marathon about kids who don't love their Father. Which lasted 2 days, I think. Well, he was just depressed and got out of it after Jeff spoke his second-word "Golf". You see our dad was a big golf fanatic, and thought that Jeff would surely be a golf genius. Well, that thought was flushed down the drain after Jeff turned 5. He broke our dad's favorite golf club (stick).


Well, that's the crazy daily life of me and my family




What would Ethan find in the forest?

Why did Mary have five slippers?

Why is Max (Dad) crawling on the ceiling?

We will get you all that in the next chapters of Template World