
Template system in Bleach

Waking up in bleach, a teenager who wants nothing to do with the plot is sucked into the events that follow, watch as he tries to live his second life as he continues to run away from his past, and is forced to embrace the present and find joy for the future. I do not own bleach.

DarknessAuthor · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Chapter 8 ( Shiba Kuukaku)

A little time had passed, and now the whole gang was together in a room with an old man as they talked about what to do next.

" So can't we just use another gate?" Ichigo asked.

" No, all the other gates are ten days away it would be a waste of time, and since one has been opened, the security should have been increased." says Yoruichi.

" I guess we will have to use that method."

" Do you know where Shiba San is?" Yoruichi turned and asked the old man.

The old man seemed to realize what Yoruichi wanted to do as he looked shocked.

" You want to enter the city using that?" he asked.


The door was knocked down, and a man walked in as he pulled off his goggles and scanned the room.

" What the hell is a shinigami punk doing here?" he asked, looking at Ichigo.

" Ganjyu, it's you. What are you doing here? Go back home."

He ignored the old man as he continued looking at Ichigo, even going as far as squeezing his face, only to receive a punch to the face.

And as one would expect, a fight broke out between the two as he pushed Ichigo outside Ishida and Orihime went to watch but were stopped by the underlings of Ganjyu.

The fight didn't last long as Ganjyu was in a hurry to be somewhere else and then left.

After which, Yoru called everyone back together.

" Alright, we will be staying here tonight then set off tomorrow to find Kuukaku. He's the only one who can get us into the city now."

" Alright."

The group divided as everyone went to do their own things as the night passed quickly.

( morning)

The group had already left the village and were walking to the place the old man had told them to go.

" We are already pretty far from the village. If this Kuukuka person is the only person who knows the other way to enter the city, then why doesn't he live in the village?" Orihime asked.

"Probably because out here is quiet and peaceful."

" Gow are we supposed to know when we arrive anyhow," Ishida asked.

" You'll know."

True to her word everyone knew when they had arrived looking at the weird building that stood in front of them.

What looked to be a house stood between two large pillars shaped into the form of human hands holding up a sign that read.

'Shiba Kuukaku.'

Soon, the group walked forward as they came to the entrance of the house and were stopped by two guards.

" Stop!! a group of suspicious people who are dressed weirdly, and one even looks like a shinigami, we Koganehiko and Shiruganehiko shall not let you pass."

The two said, looking serious as Kai walked forward from the back of the group with Yoruichi on his shoulder.

"Mhm, Lady Yoruichi, ah, please forgive us. We didn't think you would be with these guys." The two said.

" It's fine, I didn't notice you two at first either."

Then, one of the guards led the way into the house, which turned out to be a staircase, and the group descended for a while.

As they came to a door.

" Please wait a minute." he said as he knocked on the door.

" Is it Koganehiko?" A voice sounded from inside.

" Yes, we have important guests."

" Hurry up and open the door." The voice sounded again.

As the door opened, it revealed the occupant a one-armed woman sat inside with a smile on her face.

" It's been a long time, Yoruichi."

" Shiba Kuukaku is a woman???!" the group asked in shock.

" Who are these kids?"

But Yoruichi ignored them and walked forward, entering the room.

" Kuukaku, I actually have a favor to ask you."

" As always, every time you visit it for a favor."

" What's the matter? Is it complicated?"

" It is."

" It's been a while since we had this kind of conversation."


Yoruichi went on to explain the situation to Kuukaku quickly.

" I will accept this job, not like I could reject since Keiske is involved."

" I trust you two both, not these kids, so I'll send one of my men along with you, no objections."

" Fine." Yoruichi replied.

" Good."

She stood and walked to a door in the room and pulled it open and introduced the person kneeling inside.

" This is my little brother Shiba Ganjyu."

" A pleasure to meet you." Ganjyu said as he dashed his head and saw Ichigo at the same time Ichigo saw him.

" You!!!" They shouted.

" Eh, you guys know each other?" Kuukaku asked.

" Yeah, we met the other night." Orihime answered.

Kai watched on. He still didn't understand how this woman could help them, but Yoruichi wouldn't just waste time so he said nothing and just let things play out.

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