
Template system in Bleach

Waking up in bleach, a teenager who wants nothing to do with the plot is sucked into the events that follow, watch as he tries to live his second life as he continues to run away from his past, and is forced to embrace the present and find joy for the future. I do not own bleach.

DarknessAuthor · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Chapter 1( Intoduction)

As the sun shines on Karakura Town in the early morning, a young man opens his eyes to reveal completely lifeless eyes.

He soon stood up, black eyes, blood-red hair reaching his knees, a handsome face, and well-defined muscles. Put it together and it made an attractive man who could catch anyone's attention, but the most attention-catching thing about this boy was something that couldn't really be seen.

It was the distant vibe he gave off, it seemed like he was separate from everything and everyone, nothing anyone did could cause him to take interest.

As the sun continued to shine into the room making it possible to really see everything, one could see countless cuts and stab wounds on the chest and arms of the boy, it was clear they were old, but they surely told a story.

Maybe one that was best forgotten.

"Another day in this world apart from the super powerful spirits wandering around it isn't much different than the first life I lived."

"Even the hell this body when through is no different than, what I had gone through, I guess whoever brought me here has a sick sense of humor."

'The World of Bleach I hadn't read the entire manga so I really don't know what happens after the first five chapters, other than some pieces of information that do me no good seeing as I don't have the context for them.' He thinks as he exits his room and heads downstairs.

As he enters the kitchen, a black cat could be seen sitting on the table seemingly waiting for him.

' I always have this feeling this cat has something to do with the plot of this manga I just can't remember, but it for sure isn't a normal cat with the amount of danger I used to feel from it, and still do even with how much my strength has increased.' He thinks while he continues.

"Morning Yoru."


"Yeah, I know you are hungry, I am going to make something soon."


<<Name>> Kai

<<Sex>> Male

<<Spirit Class>> 3 ( Fusion of two souls and time spent in limbo/ current template has little to do with it)

<<Completed Templates>> 0/3 ( System provides only three templates random from all worlds)

<<Template in progress>> King the wildfire (50%)

<<Template mission 15/30>>

<<Items>> 1 Asauchi

<< Abilities>> Fire Manipulation, swordsmanship, Busoshoku Haki, Kenbunshoku Haki ( all abilities have been altered to work in this world.)

"After all this time it's still stuck at fifty percent, I haven't had a mission in a while anyways, hopefully, things pick up soon, but my strength still isn't enough."

Deep in his thoughts, Kai didn't notice the shining eyes of the cat sitting on his table, eyes full of intelligence.

But even if he did notice, chances are he wouldn't have cared, as he when about making breakfast for himself and the cat named Yoru.

Making breakfast didn't take long and after cleaning up, Kai took Yoru dressed and left the house.

He was at the age where he should be in school but, Kai barely went, after all spending his day with a bunch of children didn't really seem all that attractive to a grown man.

So today, like most days, Kai took Yoru, who was now sitting on his shoulder, and walked around the city, doing nothing.

Their walks took them to parks, to rivers anywhere, but they always ended up in the same place on a hillside looking down on the city as the sunset.

" You know, I don't know why, but I feel safe around you, it's kind of weird to say that to a cat, or to say it all, but it's true."

" For the first time in my life, I can say I have someone I care about even if it's a cat." Kai says as he strokes Yoru's head, as his eyes shine with endless coldness and obsession.

" I won't let anyone take you from me Yoru." Kai says slowly as he returns to his former indifference.

The day came to a peaceful close as late at night Kai and Yoru could be seen fast asleep on his bed, as Yoru's eyes snap open as she jumps from the bed to the window.

She stops and takes one last look at the sleeping Kai and disappears faster than any cat should be able to move.

As she does, Kai's eyes open as he looks at where she disappeared, for a minute before closing his eyes and going back to sleep.


Yoru appeared in front of what looked to be a store as the door opened and a blonde man wearing a striped hat and holding a cane appears in the doorway.

" Yoruichi, I didn't think you would be back tonight."

" Well, I am." Yoru the black cat speaks in a deep voice sounding very masculine.

" So how's the target?"

" I've told you he isn't a target, his name is Kai." Yoru spoke seemingly a little angry at Kai being called a target, as she glared at the blonde man.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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