
Template System In Arknight

After dying from lung cancer, Ding Liwei thought he could finally enter his isekai dream. However, nobody told him that he would be reincarnated into the apocalyptic world of Arknights! [Ding! Welcome host to the template system…] Huh? Note: No harem, will diverge from canon, might not fit your interpretation of the game as it’s my personal interpretation on the setting and character personalities.

Susu56 · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Chapter 3 - Desire

Chapter 3 - Desire

"Liwei, have you found anything yet?" Beatrix asked, perking her ears up and waving her tail. 

"From a few informants, yes. Her name is apparently Jing Liu," I replied, typing away at my computer to input the made-up intel into the system. 

This may sound stupid, but I thought it might be fun to envision a secret organisation in Lungmen composed entirely of myself. From what I know, the system implies that I can unlock various individuals from fiction. Thus, I might be able to create a whole new faction in Lungmen. 

Doesn't that sound fun? 

"I knew you were reliable. Keep up the good work!" Beatrix patted my back with a wide grin, "I have a CEO position available in the Schwire family's new subsidiary. I'm sure you would be the perfect fit." 

"That sounds quite troublesome. I don't want to be responsible for the fall of your conglomerate." I replied. 

"Well, that's fine. With you as my secretary, we'll reform Lungmen one step at a time through the LGD!" Hearing Beatrix's declaration, I recalled her confession about her goals in the LGD.

As the young mistress of a mega-rich conglomerate, you wouldn't expect Beatrix to be in the LGD. However, she got kidnapped when she was young. Luckily, the LGD saved her before anything else happened, resulting in her passion for justice. 

"Sure thing, boss," I chuckled. Ever since I entered this world, Beatrix has grown the most on me. Not only because of her constant supply of cash but also because of her radiance. 

"Speaking of which, what do you desire to achieve in the LGD?" Beatrix asked, taking a seat next to me and picking up the file of Jing Liu that I made up. 

I paused for a moment at her question. My goal was always to enter the LGD and Rhodes Island, but then what? Do I want to see what the system has to offer? Or perhaps try and solve the Oripathy problem with the Dokutah?

"...I don't know," I muttered, entering a state of existentialism as I questioned the very reasons why I wanted to join Rhodes Island. Was it because of familiarity? I could theoretically be safer here in Lungmen as a normal civilian. 

"What's with the long face? Are you constipated?" Beatrix poked, "If you don't have a purpose yet, then how about dedicating yourself to me?" 





"Hey- wait! I don't mean it as that- I meant as in, being my number one sidekick!" Beatrix's face flushed as she attempted to clarify the misunderstanding. 

"Haha, I don't mind either option," I commented, feeling the momentary pang in my heart go away. 

I still have a while until Rhodes Island rocks up, so I might as well take up Beatrix's offer. Despite this world being a hellscape, who said you can't have fun in it? 

Yes, fun.


After clocking in my hours at the office and reporting to Beatrix, I began to walk home. The streets of Lungmen's CBD at night remained as breathtaking as ever. Neon lights lit up the dark skies as thousands of cars and pedestrians wandered around. This city truly never slept. 

My progress as Jing Liu has already reached 30%, so I was almost halfway through unlocking the next template. Things are finally going uphill now. Perhaps, I should revisit that place again. 

After an hour of walking, I reached the outskirts of Lungmen's outer districts, where the slums lay. Lungmen accepted the infected, unlike a few other nations. However, they were forced to live away from the rest of the city. 

"Stop! You will be proceeding into the slums!" An LGD officer stationed at a checkpoint shouted as he saw me approaching. Usually, people don't traverse in and out of the slums, with it being illegal for the infected to exit the slums. 

"Hey Hui, it's me, Liwei!" I waved to the familiar LGD officer. Usually, moving in and out of the slums was extremely difficult. However, Hui was a guard I had known ever since I was scavenging in the slums. He also helped me as a gateway into the LGD academy by letting me study under him. 

"Are you visiting again? Sigh, now that you have a good life, you should leave the slums behind. It'll be no good if you get infected, especially with your new lil missy." Hui joked as he raised the barricade for me to enter the slums. 

"You jest, sir. I must be filial to my roots; this is the least I can do for her, who kept me alive for so long. I'll buy you a drink tomorrow once I finish my patrols." I replied, waving Hui goodbye. 

"Well, don't mind if I do hahaha. I'll make your first paycheck disappear before your eyes," Hui laughed back. 

Despite being reputed as one of the more tolerable nations to the infected, it was still in a state of apartheid. If it weren't for Hui, I would've had a much harder time exiting the slums to join the LGD, much less re-entering it now. 

Of course, not all slum dwellers were infected and barred from entering the city. However, from memory, 90% of my orphanage was filled with infected kids. It would be a lie to say I wasn't somewhat afraid of them, however, they were rationally no different from me. Unfortunately, due to their infection, they'll probably only see what the slums of Lungmen have to offer in their lifetime. 

Lungmen's CBD and slums were day and night in their difference. 

Unlike Lungmen's ever-luminescent CBD, the slum districts were pitch dark. The only light sources that existed were those from the windows of individuals who remained awake at this hour, and the moon itself. 

The air was silent, occasionally blowing the dust from the unpaved dirt roads. Luckily, however, the hike into the slums didn't take long, with the destination being located closer to the outer districts. 

It was a run-down Lateran church, acting as an orphanage that housed children of the slums. Unfortunately, donations were minimal, resulting in active food shortages. Death was fairly commonplace, mostly due to intensifying infections rendering many unable to even eat. 

Knocking on the thin wooden doors of the orphanage, it didn't take long for a young boy around 10 years of age to open it. 

"Brother Liwei!" The scrawny boy cheered, arousing several more voices from within the orphanage. 

As a result of Beatrix providing for most of my needs, I had quite a lot of disposable income. I never found joy in buying anything excessively expensive, so once every few months, I took a trip into the slums. 

"Is Sister Theresa here?" I asked the boy. 

"Yes! Did you bring any tasty snacks this time?" The boy asked cheerfully, his smile making the outline of his collapsed cheeks clear. 

"Unfortunately, I didn't have time. However, I'm sure Sister Theresa will buy you some," I rubbed the boy's head, walking further into the familiar dusted place. Despite looking so run-down, it was significantly better than when I was around. 

Pushing my way through the sea of children, I recalled where the dean's room was. Opening the door to the room, I found an aged infected Sankta who was doing some paperwork despite the time. This was my only parent figure in this world- the sole person who ran this orphanage. 

"I knew it was you coming when I heard the kids get so rowdy. So, how are you?" Sister Theresa asked, raising her head to look directly at me.

She was always walking late at night to register kids. Her determination was respectable, continuing her work despite so many kids actively dying before her. However, she nonetheless kept many of us alive as well. I couldn't help but be grateful for the bowls of rice I ate as a kid in this slum. 

"I'm an LGD officer now. I also just got my first paycheck as an officer." I smiled, handing over an envelope filled with blue. I'm sorry Hui- you'll only be eating away at Beatrix's money instead of my salary. 

With a gentle yet melancholic smile, she shook her head, "No, you've helped us enough already. Your first paycheck should be spent on something you enjoy." 

"This is what I desire." I firmly placed the envelope on the desk. I still had plenty of money to sustain myself from Beatrix. 

Yes, Love.