
Tempest Empire in the Apocalypse (Moved to a New Link)

Corbin Tempest awakens from a year-long coma to a bleak reality: he has lost his entire family. Grief-stricken and broken, Corbin stands on the edge of a bridge, ready to end it all. But just as he prepares to jump, an extraordinary event unfolds—Corbin is bestowed with a supernatural power akin to a video game RPG system. This newfound ability enables Corbin to traverse between dimensions, shifting between his familiar world and an apocalyptic realm. In this desolate wasteland, he discovers that he can alter and shape both realities. Determined to rise from the ashes of his shattered life, Corbin sees this power as a chance for redemption and ultimate control. In his world, Corbin decides to carve out a new path, leveraging his RPG-like abilities to excel in business and politics, quickly amassing wealth and influence. He becomes a figure of controversy and admiration, feared by some and revered by others as a visionary. Simultaneously, in the post-apocalyptic dimension, Corbin assumes a different persona—a messianic figure. He gathers followers, offering hope and leadership in a world ravaged by despair and chaos. Using his powers strategically, he transforms barren landscapes into thriving settlements, garnering a loyal following who believe in his divine purpose. As Corbin navigates between these contrasting worlds, he grapples with the morality of his actions and the consequences of playing god. He faces adversaries in both realms—jealous rivals in his world and ruthless warlords in the apocalypse. Yet, driven by ambition and the need for redemption, Corbin persists in his quest to leave an indelible mark on both dimensions. Echoes of Tempest is a riveting tale of resilience, ambition, and the complexities of wielding extraordinary power. It explores themes of identity, morality, and the blurred lines between heroism and tyranny in the face of overwhelming adversity. As Corbin Tempest endeavors to rewrite his fate across multiple realities, he discovers that true transformation lies not in dominion over others but in finding redemption within himself.

LawnmoverMan · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
42 Chs

Power Struggle and her Pleasure +18

Seated across from one another in the oak-paneled study of the Ashbury Estate, Corbin and Lord Ashbury shared a moment of quiet contemplation, their eyes locked in a silent exchange of understanding.

"The success of Tempest Jewelry has been quite remarkable," Lord Ashbury said, his expression one of genuine admiration. "Your innovation and vision have propelled the business to new heights. The profit made from the stores is in excess of 10 million British pounds."

Corbin allowed a small chuckle to escape his lips as he responded, "Indeed, my lord. It would appear that the world has an appetite for fine jewelry and, of course, the allure of the Tempest name." "Indeed," Lord Ashbury concurred, his gaze assessing Corbin with a shrewdness that betrayed his experience in matters of business and influence. "Such success, however, often draws attention. Unwanted attention, in some cases."

Corbin raised an eyebrow, his expression a mix of curiosity and intrigue. "And what of it, my lord? Attention can be managed, molded to our benefit."

"True, but only if one is aware of the hands that reach out from the shadows," Lord Ashbury said, his voice dropping to a quiet intensity. "The powers that be do not take kindly to those who rise too quickly, too powerfully," Lord Ashbury continued, his eyes narrowed with a hint of warning. "The Crown has its eyes on you, Tempest. And they are not the only ones."

Corbin leaned forward, his posture now one of predatory focus. "And what would you suggest, my lord? Shall I lay low? Shall I hide from the light that is rightly mine to bask in?"

Lord Ashbury's expression remained unchanged, his gaze unwavering. "No. You will not lay low. You will not hide!" "You will embrace the light. You will wear it like a cloak, a mantle of power that all will see and tremble at." Lord Ashbury's words carried a sense of command and authority that seemed to echo through the room. "But, you will be smart. You will be cunning. You will not underestimate your opponents, for they are many and they are powerful."

Corbin nodded, his eyes now alight with a fire that matched the intensity of his companion's words. "A wise strategy, my lord. And one that I am more than ready to embrace."

"Given our successes and the ongoing challenges we face, I find it prudent to expedite our partnership," Lord Ashbury said, his voice carrying the weight of his decision. "The three-month probationary period is hereby canceled. I shall become a full investor in Tempest Jewelry, with a thirty percent stake in the company."

Corbin could sense the shift in their arrangement, the subtle power play that had just taken place. But rather than feeling threatened or undermined, he saw it for what it was: a necessary move, a strategic alliance that would strengthen them both in the face of their adversaries. Lord Ashbury continued, his voice taking on a more conspiratorial tone. "With this new arrangement, you and I shall be bound by more than just business interests, Corbin Tempest. We will be partners, allies in this game of thrones we find ourselves playing."

"And what of the other players?" Corbin asked, his eyes narrowing slightly. "The Crown, the MI6, the others who lurk in the shadows?"

"They are not the only players in this game," Lord Ashbury said, his voice low and grave. "There are those who watch from the sidelines, those who pull the strings from the shadows," Lord Ashbury said, his voice laced with a hint of intrigue. "You must learn to see them, to identify their influence.

"Take, for example, the men and women who hold the true power in this city," he continued. "The bankers, the brokers, the financiers. They may not wield swords or guns, but their influence is no less potent."

Corbin's mind raced, attempting to connect the dots that Lord Ashbury had hinted at.

"These are the people who control the flow of money, the lifeblood of our society," Lord Ashbury continued, his voice now taking on a more urgent tone. "And if we are to succeed, we must understand them, we must learn to play their game."

"And what of the crown?" Corbin asked, his voice laced with a hint of skepticism. "Will they simply stand by and allow such games to be played?"

Lord Ashbury smiled, the corners of his mouth curling up in a knowing expression. "The Crown, my dear Tempest, is not as monolithic as you might think," Lord Ashbury said, his voice lowering to a whisper. "There are factions within the palace, factions that vie for power and influence.

"And if we are to succeed, we must learn to exploit these divisions, to turn them to our advantage," he continued, his eyes gleaming with a dangerous sort of intelligence. "For only by understanding the true nature of power, the true nature of this game, can we hope to succeed." Lord Ashbury leaned forward, his voice dropping to a near-whisper. "The political winds are shifting, Corbin Tempest, and it is the Princess Charlotte who holds the favor of the House of Commons, who wields influence among the liberals and the progressives. But there are those who favor Prince Arthur, who believe that a man should sit upon the throne, who whisper among the conservatives."

Corbin's mind raced, piecing together the implications of Lord Ashbury's words. "So, you believe that these factions, these divisions within the Crown, can be turned to our advantage?"

"No, my dear Tempest, you are already participating in this game," Lord Ashbury said, his voice low and grave. "Your moment with the Princess Charlotte did not go unnoticed. The spies of Prince Arthur are aware of your presence, of your influence."

Corbin's eyes widened in shock, a rush of realization flooding through his mind. "You mean... they see me as a threat? As a potential rival for Princess Charlotte's affections?"

"Exactly so," Lord Ashbury said, his voice calm and measured.

"They will not stand by and allow the Princess to fall in love with you, to marry a commoner," Lord Ashbury continued, his expression grave and serious. "They will seek to eliminate you, to neutralize you as a threat."

Corbin listened intently to Lord Ashbury's words, his mind racing as he began to grasp the true nature of the political game at play. He could see the wisdom in Lord Ashbury's strategy, the potential to turn his precarious position into a powerful advantage.

As if reading Corbin's thoughts, Lord Ashbury produced a document from within his coat, the seal of his family stamped at the bottom. "I believe this will cement our alliance, Mr. Tempest. Thirty percent ownership of your company will ensure our interests are aligned." Corbin took the document, his fingers tracing the intricate details of the Ashbury family seal. "You have my gratitude, Lord Ashbury. I look forward to working closely with you and your family."

"And now, Mr. Tempest," Lord Ashbury said, rising from his seat, "I believe it is time for us to retire for the evening. I am sure you will find my home more than adequate for your needs."

As Corbin made his way back to the luxurious bedroom, a familiar figure appeared at the end of the hall, a smile on her lips.

"Mr. Tempest," Vivienne Ashbury said, her voice soft and inviting. "I hope your meeting with my father went well?"

Corbin inclined his head in greeting, his expression neutral. "Indeed, Lady Ashbury. Your father is a shrewd businessman. I am honored to have him as an ally."

Vivienne's smile broadened, a mischievous glint in her eye. "Ah, yes. But what of his daughter? Am I not to be considered an ally as well?" Corbin felt a faint tingle of uncertainty at the woman's forwardness, but he knew better than to underestimate the games that the nobility played. He met her gaze, his eyes steady and unflinching. "Of course, Lady Ashbury. Your support and friendship are invaluable."

Vivienne took a step closer, her voice lowering to a conspiratorial whisper. "Then perhaps we might find ourselves natural allies in more than just business, Mr. Tempest."

Corbin's heart skipped a beat, the implications of her words not lost on him. "Forgive me if I am being too forward," Vivienne said, her smile remaining, but her eyes now carrying a hint of something darker, more dangerous. "But I believe you are a man of ambition, a man who sees opportunity where others see only obstacles."

Corbin's mind raced, assessing the potential risks and rewards of the situation. He knew the value of having an ally within the Ashbury family, but he also knew the dangers of becoming entangled in their affairs.

"I am, indeed, a man of ambition, Lady Ashbury," he replied, his voice smooth and measured. Vivienne's smile widened, a victorious gleam in her eyes. "Then let us forge an alliance, Mr. Tempest. Let us be partners, not just in business, but in the greater game that we are all playing."

Corbin's heart thudded in his chest, his instincts screaming at him to be careful, to proceed with caution. But he knew that to refuse such an opportunity would be folly.

"An alliance, then," he said, his voice steady despite the turmoil within him. "An alliance between the House of Tempest and the House of Ashbury." Corbin's lips twitched into a wry smile as he held up his hand, the calloused fingertips betraying his origins. "Lady Ashbury, I'm afraid you give me too much credit. I am but a commoner, born of humble beginnings. There is no 'House of Tempest' to speak of."

Vivienne's laughter was musical, her eyes alight with amusement. "For now, perhaps. But I have a feeling, Mr. Tempest, that there will be one soon enough."

After the talk the two individuals separated, and Corbin went retired to guest bedroom

Vivienne stirred, her eyes fluttering open as the morning light spilled into the room. She turned her head, her gaze falling upon Corbin, who stood at the edge of the bed, his expression unreadable.

She smiled, a slow, sensual smile that promised pleasure and danger in equal measure. "Good morning, Corbin Tempest," she purred, her voice still husky with sleep. "Are you leaving so soon?"

Corbin did not respond, his gaze fixed upon her face, his heart racing as he thought of the night they had shared.Vivienne slid her legs over the edge of the bed, rising to her feet. She approached him, her hips swaying in a slow, seductive rhythm.

"Perhaps I can persuade you to stay a little longer," she said, her voice dropping to a low, sultry murmur.

Without waiting for a response, she sank to her knees before him, her hands deftly unbuttoning his trousers. His shaft sprang free, hard and ready for her touch. Vivienne took him into her mouth, her tongue teasing the sensitive tip, her lips wrapped around the shaft. She moaned softly, the vibrations sending jolts of pleasure through his body.

Corbin's hands clenched into fists at his sides, his breath catching in his throat as she worked her magic upon him.

She drew him deeper, her tongue swirling around him, her hands stroking his thighs, her gaze locked upon his face, as if she was memorizing every nuance of his reaction. Vivienne increased the pace of her movements, her head bobbing up and down in an erotic rhythm. Her hands cupped his balls, her fingers massaging gently, sending shivers of pleasure through his body.

Corbin could feel the pressure building, his body tensing as he neared the edge.

"Vivienne," he groaned, his voice a low, guttural sound. "I'm close." Vivienne let out a soft moan, the sound vibrating around his shaft as she sucked harder, her tongue working the sensitive underside. Her hands moved faster, her fingers tightening around him.

Corbin let out a low, animalistic growl, his hips bucking as he surrendered to the climax, his essence spilling into her mouth in hot, pulsing waves.

Vivienne swallowed, her eyes never leaving his face, her gaze daring him to resist her allure. Corbin looked down at her, his breath coming in ragged gasps, his body still trembling from the intensity of his release. He could see the hunger in her eyes, the desire for more, and he knew that she was not a woman who would be satisfied with merely the taste of victory.

"You are a dangerous woman, Vivienne Ashbury," he said, his voice a low rumble. "Dangerous, perhaps," Vivienne purred, rising to her feet, her lips still glistening with the remnants of their union. "But also, I would hope, persuasive."

She leaned in, her breasts pressed against his chest, her lips brushing against his ear. "Tell me, Corbin Tempest," she whispered, her breath hot against his skin. "Are you convinced of the value of our alliance?" Corbin's heart pounded in his chest as he looked down at her, his mind still reeling from the passion they had shared. He knew that he was treading a dangerous path, a path that could lead to power, to wealth, but also to ruin.

And yet, he could not deny the allure of Vivienne Ashbury, the way she made him feel alive, the way she ignited a fire within him that he had thought long extinguished.

"Yes," he whispered, his voice hoarse with desire and hunger. "Yes, Lady Ashbury, I am convinced."