
Tempest Empire in the Apocalypse (Moved to a New Link)

Corbin Tempest awakens from a year-long coma to a bleak reality: he has lost his entire family. Grief-stricken and broken, Corbin stands on the edge of a bridge, ready to end it all. But just as he prepares to jump, an extraordinary event unfolds—Corbin is bestowed with a supernatural power akin to a video game RPG system. This newfound ability enables Corbin to traverse between dimensions, shifting between his familiar world and an apocalyptic realm. In this desolate wasteland, he discovers that he can alter and shape both realities. Determined to rise from the ashes of his shattered life, Corbin sees this power as a chance for redemption and ultimate control. In his world, Corbin decides to carve out a new path, leveraging his RPG-like abilities to excel in business and politics, quickly amassing wealth and influence. He becomes a figure of controversy and admiration, feared by some and revered by others as a visionary. Simultaneously, in the post-apocalyptic dimension, Corbin assumes a different persona—a messianic figure. He gathers followers, offering hope and leadership in a world ravaged by despair and chaos. Using his powers strategically, he transforms barren landscapes into thriving settlements, garnering a loyal following who believe in his divine purpose. As Corbin navigates between these contrasting worlds, he grapples with the morality of his actions and the consequences of playing god. He faces adversaries in both realms—jealous rivals in his world and ruthless warlords in the apocalypse. Yet, driven by ambition and the need for redemption, Corbin persists in his quest to leave an indelible mark on both dimensions. Echoes of Tempest is a riveting tale of resilience, ambition, and the complexities of wielding extraordinary power. It explores themes of identity, morality, and the blurred lines between heroism and tyranny in the face of overwhelming adversity. As Corbin Tempest endeavors to rewrite his fate across multiple realities, he discovers that true transformation lies not in dominion over others but in finding redemption within himself.

LawnmoverMan · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
42 Chs


The woman, her eyes never leaving Corbin's, introduced herself as Ember. Like her namesake, her presence was smoldering, intense, and impossible to ignore.

"Well, Corbin, if you're willing to risk your neck for these people of yours that arent even here, I'll show you the way."

With a nod, Ember led Corbin deeper into the forest. The air grew colder, the trees more twisted and gnarled. Corbin could feel the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end. Ember's camp, nestled deep within the forest, was a stronghold of Etherwalkers. They numbered five hundred strong, three hundred of them possessing the unique abilities that allowed them to harness the very fabric of reality.

Ember was among the more powerful of these Etherwalkers, with her two brothers holding positions of leadership in the camp. Together, the three of them formed a formidable triumvirate, protecting their people from the dangers of the post-apocalyptic world.

Their camp was a marvel of ingenuity and survivalism, blending modern technology with the ancient wisdom of the forest. As Corbin and Ember approached the camp, the trees parted to reveal a sprawling collection of structures, from simple lean-tos to towering wooden fortresses.

The Etherwalkers had crafted a technological wonderland, powered by geothermal energy and fueled by salvaged parts from the pre-Blight era.

But perhaps most impressive was the advanced medical facility that the camp had built, using both Etherwalker powers and modern medicine to treat even the most serious injuries and illnesses.

Corbin saw a ray of hope for the people of Caer Tempest as he made sure that he'd recruit these people. As they entered the heart of the camp, Corbin and Ember were greeted by Ember's brothers.

"You're back, Ember," the elder brother said, his voice deep and gravelly. "And you've brought us a visitor, I see."

Ember nodded, gesturing to Corbin. "This is Corbin. He's an Etherwalker like us, and he needs our help."

The younger brother, his eyes narrowed in suspicion, stepped forward. "What kind of help?"

Just as Corbin was about to respond, a piercing scream cut through the air, shattering the moment of stillness. The three brothers exchanged a look, their expressions turning grim.

"We're under attack!" the younger brother shouted, his hand reaching for the sword at his side.

Chaos erupted as Blight creatures came charging out of the surrounding forest, their twisted, disfigured bodies a testament to the corruption of the world. The Etherwalkers wasted no time in springing into action, unleashing a flurry of powers to defend their camp.

The younger brother conjured a massive wall of fire, igniting the air and scorching any creature that dared approach.

The elder brother unleashed a barrage of shards of ice, freezing the Blight creatures in their tracks.

Ember, meanwhile, channeled the earth itself, uprooting trees and rocks to create a barrier around the camp.

The forces of the Blight met resistance at every turn, but they were relentless, their hunger for destruction insatiable. The battle raged on, the air thick with the scent of smoke and ash. But amidst the chaos, a new threat emerged.

A creature unlike any the Etherwalkers had ever encountered before rose from the ranks of the Blight. It was tall and gaunt, with pitch-black skin that seemed to absorb the light around it.

Its eyes burned with a malevolent intelligence, and its form seemed to ripple and shift, as if it were composed of nothing but shadows and void.

As it stepped forward, a voice, like the creaking of a tomb, issued from its lips. "I sense a kindred spirit," the creature hissed, its gaze fixed on Corbin. "You possess the Void, just as I do. You will make a delicious addition to my collection."

Corbin could feel a chill run down his spine as the creature spoke, its very presence seeming to distort the fabric of reality.

"Who are you?" he demanded, his hand instinctively reaching for his own weapon.

"I am Kurok, the Shadow Walker," the creature replied, a hint of amusement in its tone. "And I will have your power, one way or another." As Kurok began to advance on Corbin, the Etherwalkers rallied to defend their camp and their leader.

Ember unleashed a torrent of rocks and vines, ensnaring the Shadow Walker in a tangle of nature's wrath.

The younger brother conjured a fiery tornado, engulfing the Shadow Walker in its infernal embrace.

And the elder brother summoned a storm of ice, the freezing winds biting at the creature's shadowy form.

But despite their combined efforts, the Shadow Walker remained unharmed. With a contemptuous laugh, Kurok dispersed the attacks as easily as a child swats away flies.

"Is this the best you can do?" he taunted, his voice echoing with dark mirth. "I am the Void incarnate, the embodiment of entropy itself. Your feeble powers are nothing to me."

As the Etherwalkers regrouped, they could see that Kurok was more than a simple enemy; he was a force of nature, a darkness that defied the laws of reality.

"Corbin," Ember whispered, urgency in her voice. "We cannot defeat this creature," she continued. "Its power is beyond anything we have ever encountered before."

Corbin glanced at Ember, his expression grim. "Then I must face it alone," he said. "If it's after my power, then it's my duty to protect you and your people."

The Etherwalkers exchanged looks of concern, but they knew Corbin was right. If Kurok wanted the Void, then Corbin was the only one who could stop him.

"Be careful," the younger brother said.

With a thought, Corbin summoned the Cryofiber armor, an advanced creation that seemed to materialize out of thin air.

The Etherwalkers watched in amazement as the armor covered Corbin's body in an impenetrable layer of protection, its smooth, metallic surface reflecting the harsh light of the battlefield.

In his hands, Corbin held two daggers, forged from the same Cryofiber material, their edges shimmering with an icy glow.

Kurok, however, remained unfazed. "I see you have prepared for this moment," the Shadow Walker said, his voice dripping with malice. "But all the armor in the world will not save you from the Void itself."

With that, Kurok disappeared, his shadowy form dissipating into the very air around him. Corbin, alert and ready, scanned the battlefield, but he could sense the creature's presence everywhere and nowhere at once.

"He's using the Void to slip between dimensions," Corbin muttered, his heart racing. "I have to find him before he strikes." Corbin closed his eyes, letting his Void powers flow through him, heightening his senses and sharpening his perception. He could feel the presence of the Shadow Walker like a cold, hungry shadow at the edge of his consciousness.

"I see you, Kurok," Corbin whispered, his voice filled with determination. "You can hide, but you cannot escape me."

And with that, Corbin vanished in a ripple of shadow, leaving the Etherwalkers to stare at the empty spot where he had once stood. Corbin and Kurok found themselves in a realm beyond reality, where the laws of physics and time ceased to exist.

Corbin drew his daggers, the cold, hard metal of their blades the only thing that felt solid in this place. Kurok, his shadowy form shifting and writhing, regarded Corbin with a wicked grin.

"You are brave, Void Walker," Kurok hissed, his voice echoing through the emptiness. "But I will devour you all the same."

Corbin took a step forward, his footing unsteady in this strange, unreal realm.

"I will not let you destroy the future," Corbin said, his voice a low growl. "The Void's power is not yours to claim."

Kurok let out a chilling laugh, his form shifting and distorting as he began to circle Corbin.

"The Void does not belong to any one being," Kurok said, his voice dripping with malice. "It is chaos incarnate, and it hungers for power. And you, Void Walker, you are nothing but a tasty morsel in its eyes."

Corbin shook his head. "I am not a victim. With a shout, Corbin launched himself at Kurok, his daggers slicing through the darkness.

But Kurok was quick, his shadowy form shifting and avoiding the blows with impossible speed.

They danced through the Void, each strike and counterstrike echoing through the emptiness.

Corbin was fast, but Kurok was faster.

Each time Corbin thought he had the upper hand, Kurok would disappear into the shadows, only to reappear moments later from another direction. Corbin could feel the strain of the fight beginning to take its toll. The Void was a place of unnatural, eldritch forces, and even his Cryofiber armor was struggling to withstand its effects.

He had to end this fight, and quickly.

With a final cry, Corbin focused all his Void powers into a single, devastating blow.

The air around him froze, encasing Kurok in a shell of solid ice.

But even as the ice shattered, Kurok emerged unscathed, his shadowy form flickering and distorting. "Is that all you have, Void Walker?" Kurok taunted, his voice echoing with mockery. "You think a simple shell of ice can defeat me?"

Corbin grunted in frustration, his weapons feeling heavy in his hands. He could feel the Void beginning to take hold of him, its cold, chaotic influence creeping into his very being.

But he refused to give in.

"Then let's see if this can defeat you!" he shouted, summoning a sphere of pure, unadulterated Void energy in his hands. As Corbin summoned his twin daggers, he channeled not only his own innate Void powers, but also the icy Affinity that lay dormant within the Cryofiber blades.

The energy coalesced in his hands, forming a sphere of frosty, chaotic power.

"The time has come, Kurok," Corbin said, his voice filled with determination. "You will not consume the future. The future is mine to shape."

With a final roar, Corbin unleashed the sphere, its freezing power amplified by the Void within. The sphere collided with Kurok in an explosion of ice and shadow, shattering the very fabric of the Void realm itself.

In the aftermath, Corbin stood, his breathing ragged and his armor cracked and broken. But Kurok was nowhere to be seen.

"It is over," Corbin said, his voice barely a whisper. "The future is safe, for now."

He closed his eyes, letting himself drift back into the real world, where the battle for Caer Tempest still raged on. As Corbin opened his eyes, he found himself back in the midst of the battle, his Etherwalker allies fighting off the remaining Blight creatures with a newfound ferocity.

The Shadow Walker had been defeated, but Corbin knew that their victory was only temporary. There would be other threats, other enemies waiting to strike.

But for now, they had won.

The leader of the Etherwalker camp, Ember's elder brother, approached Corbin, a look of grudging respect in his eyes.

"You fought bravely, Corbin," he said.

"I did not expect you to survive that battle, let alone defeat Kurok," the leader continued, gesturing to the fallen Blight creatures that surrounded them. "The Etherwalkers owe you a debt of gratitude."

Corbin shook his head. "We are all fighting for the same cause, to save this world from the darkness that threatens it. I am but one man, and I could not have done it without your help."

The Etherwalker leader nodded, his gaze turning towards the forest beyond the camp. "The world is full of mysteries and dangers," he said, his voice heavy with the weight of their fight. "And now that Kurok has been defeated, we must prepare ourselves for what comes next. The Blight will not be deterred by one defeat, and neither will our other enemies."

Corbin nodded in agreement

Ember stepped forward, her gaze meeting Corbin's with a newfound respect.

"Kurok..." Ember said, her expression grave. "That was no ordinary Blight creature. What was he?"

Corbin hesitated for a moment before responding. "Kurok was a Void Etherwalker, like me. He had the power to control the Void, to slip between dimensions and consume the very fabric of reality."

The Etherwalker leader let out a low whistle. "I have never heard of such an Etherwalker before. Where did he come from?"

Corbin shook his head. "I do not know, but he was neither Etherling nor Etherwalker"