

"Aaaaaaaah!" Tellania screamed and fell with a loud thud...

"Where are we?" Creston asked and wiped off a speck of red dust from his black leather jacket.

"How am I supposed to know!? I'm clearly the one who NO ONE believes.... So how should I know!?" Tellania asked in disgust.

"Are you still mad at me?" Creston asked and sat beside her.

"Why would I be mad at you? You did nothing wrong." Tellania said. Creston had no idea what to say, so he placed his head on her shoulder.

The awkward silence was heavy and Tellania began to feel more awkward than the atmosphere, so she stood up and said, "If we have no idea where we are, we can always look for a way out."

"You have a point." Creston spread and got up. "Only one problem..." He added..

"What's that?" Tellania asked in curiosity, yet she didn't want to hear it for the fear that it might kill her vibes...

"Which way do we go?" Creston asked and Tellania realised that he was right... There were four tunnels, each leading to an unknown destination...

That was when they came to a decision... They followed the one right in front of them till they reached a wide courtyard filled with skeletons, corpses, abandoned weapons and broken bones...

From a distance, they could see a black figure standing right in front of them. The figure came closer and that was when the two teenagers realised that they were standing in front of an evil spirit....

The spirit had deep eye sockets like that of a skull, stains of blood on its' face and its' overstretched mouth... It's hair was filled with cobwebs and looked like a five hundred year old mob stick... It's torn, threadbare rags couldn't be called clothes, for they were ill-fitted, blood stained and covered it's bony legs which couldn't be seen for they were high above the ground (It was floating) and well covered...It looked like it died a million years ago...

"AIULA!!!AIULA!!!" The spirit moaned and raised a crooked, bony hand towards them and floated closer...

"What the hell is that thing saying?" Creston muttered to himself and Tellania replied as though she was being referred to," I have no idea... But I'm beginning to think it's some kind of spell."

No sooner had she said those words, a bony, blood stained hand emerged from the ground, about three feet away from where she stood.

"AAAAAAAAH!" She shrieked and stepped back quickly.

A bony dead man crawled out from the ground and Tellania let out out a loud scream.

But that wasn't all....

More dead people kept crawling out from the ground.

"So THAT'S it's power!?" Tellania cried. "The undead are here... They're real!..I was right!" Creston said and Tellania kicked his ankle.

"What was that for!?" He asked. "Focus!" Tellania said and Creston sighed, "What do we do?"

Tellania, already feeling the pressure of keeping herself alive, looked around for a while, and soon, her eyes fell on the abandoned weaponry, belonging to the deceased warriors who died in that tunnel.

With a smirk, she said," I think I have an idea."

.. She ran to a skeleton, picked up a sword, a shield, and a scabbard. Creston, now getting the message, ran to another skeleton and picked his weaponry.

Looking over at Creston, Tellania smiled and said, "Let's do this thing."

Creston smiled back and slashed a zombie, causing it to split into two. Tellania did the same, and the fighting began.

After a while, the two teens were kinda exhausted, but more and more of the undead kept crawling from the ground.

"We're outnumbered!" Creston said and moved back slowly. "What are we gonna do?" Tellania asked.

Creston looked around and sighted the evil spirit reciting the spell over and over again. "We have to attack the source." Creston said and Tellania smirked.

"I got this." She said and ran towards the spirit. With a high leap, she slashed the spirit once, but it didn't seem to have any effect. "What the...?" She mumbled, and it was at that moment that she noticed the burning fire in the spirits' eye sockets.

.....For sure, it was mad.....

The evil spirit moaned, bent inwards and a red beam of light escaped from its' belly.

The bony, shriveled body of the spirit started cracking and breaking, and a figure could be seen coming out it. It was like a caterpillar completing it's metamorphic stage.

The now empty body of the spirit turned into sand and was blown away by the dry, dusty wind.

Out came a dark red being with white long hair, short, dark horns, and sharp, long nails, too long to be called claws. It wore a short, sleeveless, torn, white dress, and it's eyes were flaming with rage.

...A she-demon was born...

"What in the...?" Tellania mumbled, and was hit by a red beam.

"My revenge shall be solid, and I shall fulfil Grimalkin's wish, and bring you to her alive or dead." The demon said, pointing to Tellania.