

"Get off me, you monster!" Tellania screamed as the witch kept on attempting to bite her throat.


Creston had smacked 'the witch' with a log and it rolled and fell on the grassy surface of the earth.

"Thanks for saving me from the witch." Tellania said with a little shiver.

"The witch? That's a squirrel right there." Creston said and Tellania turned to see a dead squirrel beside her.

She shrieked.

"I... But... But, I saw her...I could've sworn I saw the witch. She wanted my soul." Tellania said and looked at the squirrel. Creston looked at her facial expression.

Fear... Nothing but deep fear...

He wanted to show that he believed her... that everything she said was true, but instead, he asked, "Are you okay, Tellania?"

She looked up at him with a puzzled look.

"Of course, I'm okay." She said with a frown.

"Are you sure?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

"...You.. You don't believe me..Do you?" She asked with a frown and bit her lower lip.

"It's not like that.. It's just.."

"No one ever believes me... I'm probably weird to you now." She said and a tear rolled down her cheek.

"Oh no, no, no... Please don't cry." Creston pleaded and sat beside her. "I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation for this." He assured and she gave him a hard stare.

"Yeah, right. A reasonable explanation for my weird habit of thinking squirrels are witches." She said with a wry smile and got up.

"I didn't mean it that way...I actually..." Creston said and fell silent after noticing the look Tellania was giving him.

Mocking.. yet, sassy...

He couldn't help it but smile...

"Am I amusing you, if I may ask?" She asked with a frown.

"I'm not laughing... I'm just... smiling... It can't do any harm, can it?" Creston said with another smile, but this time showing his teeth.

"Well, it can if you keep on doing it unnecessarily." She said and Creston frowned slightly.

Then, there was silence... awkward silence...

"So, what are we gonna do about my problem?" Tellania finally asked.

"Problem? What problem?" Creston asked with a puzzled look.

"You know, my 'thinking-squirrels-are-witches' problem."She said and Creston thought for a moment.

"I don't know actually... I'm not the magic type." Creston said and Tellania sat on the ground. She seemed really disappointed.

"Hey, don't feel bad. I'll figure out a way.. Besides, it's not that bad." Creston assured.

"Says the guy who smiles practically every second." Tellania mumbled.

"Hey! I heard that." Creston said and Tellania got up and turned to leave.

"Hey, where are you going!?" He screamed and she replied, "Home!"

"There she is!" Sara screamed and pulled Tellania into her arms..."Told you she didn't run out of the village. She probably might die in 5 seconds." Don, a villager said. The stern look she gave him was enough to make him shut up.

"Where were you?" Alexa asked and Don cut in, "I'm guessing she was 'battling the witch' and the villagers laughed..

"I saw her...I know what I saw. She.. She was on top of me." Tellania said, ignoring them.

"Huh.. same old story." Don said and he and the villagers left, leaving Alexa, Sara and Tellania alone. "Meet us at home, honey. We'll call Doctor John to check you up." Sara said and she and Alexa turned to leave.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME!!" Tellania screamed.

"Your soul... and... revenge...It's not too much to ask...is it?"

Tellania turned and right behind her was a cloaked being engulfed in darkness.

"So... you're the witch?" Tellania asked in fear and noticed how the sky turned blood red.. bolts of purple lightning moving around the sky.

"Yes..I am...And I'm not leaving TILL I HAVE YOUR SOUL!" She screamed and opened a huge portal-like-wormhole.

"Uh-oh." Creston murmured and ran out from his hiding place (behind a tree)...

Sara and Alexa had not gone really far, when they felt a huge rush of wind behind them.

Out of curiosity, Alexa turned back and ran to where they left Tellania. "Alexa! Get back here, right now!" Sara screamed in authority, but twenty year old Alexa was gone. Sara groaned and ran after her daughter.

Eventually, she caught up with her.

"Holy shit!" Sara heard her daughter swear and she nudged her violently on the shoulder.

"Ow!" She said and Sara ignored her. "What...is that thing?" Sara asked with her eyes fixed on the worm hole. "I don't know.. But whatever it is, it's sucking Tellania in!" Alexa screamed and ran to save her sister.

Sara groaned and ran after her daughter again.

Grimalkin looked down and saw Alexa running towards the worm hole with Sara following behind.

"Foolish mortals... You're useless!!" She screamed and threw a ball of flames in their direction.

"Watch out!" Alexa screamed and in three seconds, it hit the two ladies, exploding in a huge cloud of smoke and sending the unconscious ladies deep into the forest.

"MOM!!! ALEXA!!!" Tellania screamed as she was being pulled into the portal-like-wormhole.

"Tellania! It's okay! I'm here!" Creston said and grabbed her hand attempting to pull her out of dangers' reach... But that was when Grimalkin increased her power and Tellania was sucked into the wormhole with Creston following behind.

Closing the worm hole, she laughed heartily with a smile and disappeared in a cloud of smoke.