
First contact...

I have no Plans whatsoever how am I gonna do this... Hmm... "System make me a new Identity as well as an Authentic Drivers License, And Make a Banking Subsystem so I don't have to worry about normal security, and Buy me a Nice House that suits my tastes as well as prepares the school for my transfer and Put 10 Million Usd in the new Banking sub-section"

[Completed... Placing keys, ID, Debit Card, Ownership deeds, and Security Info in inventory]

"Awesome teleport me to my new home!"

Half a second later August arrived at the door to the new house, The house was modern and looked exactly like the Cullens Home From Twilight(AN - That's right I watched twilight that doesn't mean I liked it... Still a beautiful house tho...) Everything suited his tastes, the house was 20 minutes from school but he could always Teleport if need be...

"System show me some nice phones you have available"

[System recommends the Samsung Galaxy S8]

"Cool Buy it!"

"Also Buy my Dream car 'FERRARI F12 BERLINETTA' in Red please and thank you and if you wouldn't mind buy me a nice little leather Bifold wallet."

[Completed host's New car Is Now in the Garage to the Right, and Your ID and Debit Card have been moved to your wallet, The system has gone ahead and taken the liberty to both add 2 thousand dollars to the wallet in cash and filled the gas tank of the new car, System also went ahead and Furnished the new home for you with all your Preferences in mind, And yes the bed is memory foam.]

"Thank you very much System that makes me very happy!" August said in glee, God he hoped this wasn't a dream!

"Joy Ride Time!!!" August Yelled Excited as he reached the garage the door opened revealing one beautiful car, August was Drooling if he were any more Excited he'd have a hard on...

The engine was Purring and that new car smell was radiating from the leather, Then August eyes opened and he shifted the car in gear and pulled out and speed down the driveway before pulling out onto the main road and zooming down the road before he slowed down at the sound of incoming sirens.

"System where in the storyline are we?"

[Host, Stiles has just heard the fact of the body and is leaving to Scotts as we speak, In 3 hours Exactly Scott will be bitten]

"Hmm, Joyride postponed let's go home and get acquainted with our new abilities"