

Christian Jones otherwise known as CJ to his friends gets reincarnated into one of his favourite shows I don't own teen wolf it belongs to Jeff Davis I only own my oc

Demonwolf217 · TV
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22 Chs


||| Chase |||

I watched as Matt ordered for Jackson to kill the guy and growled letting my Transformation take over and black mist covered me before I moved quick in the shadows when Jackson moved towards the trailer.

I stalked Matt all the way back to his car and he looked around as if he sensed himself being watched but he didn't see me seeing as I was covered in mist which blended in with the night and he shrugged his shoulders and got into the car before he started the car and drove, I moved quick running next to the car and growled lowly and bashed into the side of his car and he screamed and looked at me through the window and I heard him whisper underneath his breath

Matt: What the hell?

He started driving faster hoping to lose me, but I jumped onto the roof of his car and smashed through his window, and he stepped on the brakes hoping to toss me off, but I anticipated that and dug my claws into the side and right when the car stopped, I pulled him out through the window and threw him to the side of the road and he landed on the ground hard

I jumped off the car and started stalking towards him and he scrambled back whimpered and tried to beg me not to kill him and I chuckled at his fear

Matt: Please, d-don't do this! Please

I kicked him in the side sending him flying across the ground and he tumbled to a stop, and I dropped to all fours enjoying and said in my demonic voice looking directly at him.

Chase: Run!

He scrambled to his legs holding his side and ran into the woods and I started chasing him through the woods, he kept glancing back to see if he lost me, but I was right behind him and I swiped at him which he ducked and tripped over a tree root and he tumbled to the ground, and I stopped right on top of him and growled in his face and said

Chase: Any last words, Daehler?

Matt: Don't do this

I raised my arm and as I was about to bring it down something hit me in the side hard sending me flying into a tree and I smashed through it and quickly got to my feet and looked to where Matt was and found nothing and roared out in anger

||| 3rd POV |||

Chase walked down the stairs to Derek's hideout just Erica spoke

Erica: Scott, Stiles or Chase?

Derek: Either

Isaac: You know, the full moon is coming, Derek

Derek: I'm aware of that

He went back to opening the trunk and pulled out chains and headgear with screws in it and Erica picked up a set

Erica: Mm, these look comfortable.

Isaac: You said you were gonna teach us to change whenever we wanted

Derek: There hasn't been time.

Isaac: But if you have to lock us up during the full moon, that means... That means you're alone against the Argents.

Chase: He's not alone.

They all looked at Chase who sat on the stairs

Derek: And they haven't found us.

He walked away

Isaac: Yet! So how about we forget the Kanima?

Derek: *Looks Back* We can't! But there was something about the way Gerard looked at it. He wasn't afraid... At all. Now, I don't know what he knows or what he's planning. But I'm sure about one thing. We have to find it first.

He looked at Chase when he said the last part and the hybrid nodded before he got up and walked back up the stairs


Chase walked into the library before he sighed when he saw Allison walking towards him, and he turned around and walked out with her following him

Allison: Chase

He ignored and continued walking before he stopped when he saw Stiles standing at the end of the hallway and he turned just as Allison stopped in front of him

Allison: What happened to your parents? Your real parents.

Chase: I'm not telling you anything.

He turned and saw Stiles standing there and sighed annoyed by this

Chase: Stiles. Move.

Stiles shook his head and Chase willed his eyes to glow dimly and said in his demonic voice

Chase: Move. Before I make you

Stiles moved out the way scared, and Chase walked away leaving Allison and Stiles

Stiles: Well, he's still pissed.

Allison sighed and they turned walking away


Chase sat in the library reading his book before he heard a rapid heartbeat and knew who it was and sighed before he got up and walked out the room his hand being covered with black veins, and he opened his closed fist to flex his now clawed hand and walked towards the boy's locker room and took out his phone

Chase: *Thoughts* Can't even get a break when I'm mad at them


Scott was busy with his test before he heard the same rapid heartbeat Chase that heard and felt his phone vibrate against the table

Harris: No phones allowed Mr. McCall.

Scott: Yeah, sorry. I'll switch it off.

He picked up his phone and saw a text from Chase that said, "Stay in class, I'll take care of it," he sighed a sigh of relief and went back to his test and finished it quickly before handing it to Harris and rushed out the room


Back to Chase who barged into the boy's locker room and saw Jackson on the floor and looked over and saw Allison scared

Allison: Chase, I-I'm fine

But he didn't listen and stalked towards Jackson who looked scared and he started backing away before Chase got to him and threw him into the lockers and Jackson growled before he rushed at Chase who caught him in a lock and started kneeing him in the side and threw him into the wall leaving a huge crack on it and he picked Jackson up before he threw him into the shower area and walked towards him and punted him hard in the head knocking him and he turned his head to the door which opened and he growled at who he saw walk in

Scott came rushing into the locker room and saw Chase glaring at him and rushed to stop it before Chase got to him and punched him across the face after he had knocked out Jackson, Scott tries to cover his face but Chase him twice breaking his nose with the second punch

He picked him up and threw him into the shower area and Scott scrambled to his feet and tried fighting back and he threw a punch, but Chase caught his hand and drove his twice into his side and then in his throat winding Scott who gasped trying to breath but couldn't and Chase grabbed him by the throat and slammed him through a sink and kicked him in the side sending him into the wall beside them and kicked him three more times before backing away still pissed

And he heard groaning from behind him before he turned and saw Jackson getting up and he walked towards and slammed his fist into his face hard causing his head to ricochet off of the wall beside him he looked at Scott who was writhing in pain on the floor and then towards Jackson who stood up and rushed towards him and Jackson tackled Chase through the door, and they tumbled out the door Chase on top punching Jackson before they were separated by Stiles and Erica

Harris: What the hell is going on?! Hey!

Both boys tried getting to each other before Chase looked over to Matt who picked up Scott's tablet

Harris: Enough! Enough! What do you idiots think you're doing? Hey, both of you calm down

Chase shrugged Stiles off him while Erica held Jackson back. Scott walked out the room with Allison helping him walk

Harris: Do you care explain yourselves? Stilinksi? McCall? Whittemore

Chase: Fuck you!

Matt: You, you and you...

He pointed at Scott, Chase and Jackson before he smirked and looked at everyone standing there

Harris: Actually, all of you... Detention. 3:00.


All six of them walked into the library with Harris waiting for them and Chase sat at a table alone while Jackson looked at Harris then at Scott and Stiles pointing at them

Jackson: We can't be in detention together. I have a restraining order against these tools.

Harris: All these tools?

Stiles: No, just us tools.

Chase shook his head and went back to listening to music on his phone but groaned at what Harris said next

Harris: Fine you two over there.

He pointed at the table Chase sat at and they got up and walked over to the table and in front of him and Scott looked over and glared at Jackson

Scott: I'm gonna kill him.

Stiles: No, you're not. We're going to find out who's controlling him and then you're gonna help save him.

Chase: Nope. You were right, just kill him.

They both looked towards Chase

Stiles: You still mad?

Chase: *Looks at Scott* With him and Allison, yes. But you, no.

Scott nodded sadly


Stiles looked towards Matt with squinted eyes and Chase saw him and chuckled at the face he was making

Stiles: What if it's Matt?

Scott: Danny said that Matt was the one who found the two hours of footage missing

Stiles: Exactly! He's trying to throw suspicions off himself.

Chase: I'm with Stiles on this one.

Scott looked at where Matt sat and then back to Chase and Stiles

Scott: So, he makes Jackson kill Isaac's dad, one of Argent's hunters, *Looks at Stiles* and the mechanic who was working on your jeep?

Stiles: Yes!

Scott: Why?

Stiles leans in and Chase chuckled when he leaned forward dramatically

Stiles: Because... He's evil.

They all look at him and he looks at them uncomfortable

Scott: You just don't like him.

Stiles: The bugs me. I don't know what it is.

Chase: Same for me.

Stiles: Just look at his face.

Scott: *Sighs* Any other theories?

Chase stood up when he saw Jackson get up holding his head and both Scott and Stiles looked at him

Chase: I'll be right back.

He walked out following Harris and Jackson and he walked into the boy's locker room and watched as a snake came out of Jackson's eye

Chase: That must've hurt.

Jackson turned around breathing heavily and Chase walked up to him and stood in front of him

Chase: You, OK?

He nodded and picked his bag up


They walked back into the library and Chase walked over to Erica and Stiles who were busy talking to Erica about his birth parents

Chase: Why're you guys looking through these?

Stiles: We thought it had something to do with Jackson being the Kanima

He nodded and saw Harris started packing up about to leave and everyone else got up and Harris laughed looking at them

Harris: Oh. No, I'm sorry. Uh, yes, I'm leaving. But none of you are. You may go when you're done with the re-shelving. Enjoy the rest of your evening

Chase groaned sitting back down while the others got to work re-shelving the books. Before he got up and walked out the door eyes glowing dimly mischevious smirk on his face


Harris got into his car before he looked at the rear-view mirror and saw a humanoid figure covered in black mist standing at the back of his car eyes glowing a bright blue and Harris started breathing heavily and looked away for a moment before he looked back at the mirror and saw no-one standing there


Chase walked back into the library just as he heard a thud and he ducked down when a cart came flying into his direction he looked up and saw one of the lights fall from the ceiling before he heard a roar of pain

Chase: Erica!

He rushed to where he heard the roar come from and saw Erica having a seizure on the floor, he rushed to her side and heard a hissing sound come from his back and turned seeing a half-turned Jackson and he roared at him and he got a shriek in return before he was thrown into the bookshelf knocking it over and he growled getting up right as Jackson finished writing on the board and jumped out the window

He looked back towards Erica and picked her up, Scott, Stiles and Allison rushing towards them

Scott: Where're you taking her?

Chase: Derek. Call an ambulance for Matt.

Allison and took out her phone while Scott and Stiles followed Chase to his car and they got in sped off.


They got to Derek's hide-out and carried her into the train set her down on the ground

Derek: Pull her up

Chase pulled her up to his thighs

Chase: Is she dying?

Derek: She might be. I... Which is why this is gonna hurt

He grabbed her arm and broke her arm and Stiles looked at him

Stiles: You broke her arm?!

Chase: It'll trigger the healing process

Derek: Exactly. But I still gotta get the venom out. This is where it's really gonna hurt. *Looks at Chase* Hold her down.

Chase nodded and Derek started squeezing her broken arm getting the venom out while she screamed from the pain before she stopped panting.

Erica: Chase...

She stopped talking and fainted and Chase set her down on the floor


They stepped out the train letting Erica rest and Scott looked at Derek then at Chase

Scott: You two know who it is?

Derek looked at Chase who nodded sighing

Derek: Jackson.

Scott looked at Chase

Scott: You told him?

Chase nodded again and Scott looked at Derek

Scott: I'm going to help you stop him. As part of your pack. If you want me in. Fine but we'll do it under one condition. We're gonna catch him, not kill him

Derek chuckled internally

Derek: And?

Scott: And we do it my way.

Derek: *Chuckles* No.

Chase: We're doing my way. We catch him and we save him but he's gonna have to die for that to happen.

Chase got up from the stairs and walked out the building


Mrs. McCall is at work at the hospital. The woman we saw in the trailer has just delivered her child. She grabs Mrs. McCall's arm and says the thing that killed her husband wasn't human. After she leaves the room, we see the hooded figure enter and a gloved hand come down over the new mother's mouth and nose until she is no longer able to breath and suffocates.

Chase waits outside the hospital and watched as Matt walked out the building pulling his hood off and Chase walked over to him

Chase: Daehler.

Matt turned around and was confused seeing Chase

Matt: Chase? What're you doing here?

Chase: I could ask you the same thing. What're you doing here. Matt? Hmm?

He listened as Matt's heartbeat increased and smirked before patting him on the shoulder chuckling

Chase: Let's go for a little walk.

Matt tried to refuse but Chase slung his arm over his shoulder pulling him along as he walked, they walked into the woods and Matt looked behind him fear taking over his body

Matt: W-w-where are you taking me?

Chase didn't answer as his eyes glowed a bright electric blue with the whites going dark and he shoved Matt forward who turned around and almost shit his pants when he saw Chase snarling at him

Chase: You see... I get you killing people for revenge but using my brother. That's a no-no

He lunged at him and punched him across the face sending him to the ground and Matt scrambled back and stomped on his hand earning him a scream before he kicked him in the side sending him skidding across the ground.

And walked over to the crying Matt and turned him around onto his back and stepped on his chest holding him down

Chase: Any last words?

Matt: Don't... please...

Chase picked him up and shoved him against the tree before he flicked his claws out and raised his clawed hand and smirked looking at Matt's fear filled face and brought his clawed hand down

|||| To Be Continued ||||

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Also New story out. Go check it out just uploaded the characters page

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