

Christian Jones otherwise known as CJ to his friends gets reincarnated into one of his favourite shows I don't own teen wolf it belongs to Jeff Davis I only own my oc

Demonwolf217 · TV
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22 Chs


~~3rd POV~~

Chase ran across a rooftop before jumping onto the next and tumbled across it and got to one knee and started running again he looked over the edge and saw Derek chasing the Kanima which ran around a corner, Chase jumped off the building landing on the road in a crouched position he got up and started running again while black mist covered his entire body and his eye started glowing brightly and he growled


Derek stood face to face with the Kanima and growled at it while the slithery snake hissed at him both supernatural creatures rushed at each other and started going back and forth

While a few miles away

Stiles' jeep pulled up to a fence and came to a halt when he saw spikes laid out in front, they both looked and saw Chase covered in black mist rush through the fence leaving a huge hole in the fence and Stiles looked on ahead shocked

Stiles: What do we do now?

He looked to his side and saw the jeeps door opened and looked forward just to see Scott rush through the hole and down the street

Back to Derek and the Kanima's fight both creatures kept going back and forth with Derek dodging its venom laced claws and side stepped it cornering it against a wall and kicked it into the wall before trying to go for a punch which it dodged, and Derek punched through the wall, and it grabbed onto him and pushed away

And he went tumbling across the ground before coming to a stop laid out next to a car door he rushed to his feet before grabbing the car door and started blocking hit after hit from Jackson who pushed him into a wall and shrieked in his face earning a furious roar from the Alpha werewolf who pushed it back and it climbed up the wall and away from Derek who roared at it before it slit some electric wire and sparks flew from it blinding the werewolf momentarily and it jumped down and grabbed onto the werewolf threw him away

Just as Chase came running and tackled it to the ground with a roar, he got up huffing before he looked behind him when he heard a car came screeching into the scene before he slammed his fists down on the car and Argent got out the car rolled across the ground pulling out two pistols and started laying bullet after bullet at Chase

The latter who started blocking every shot when the hunter ran out of ammo, he tried too quickly reload but Chase grabbed him by the throat and started squeezing growling in his face right as he was about snap his neck Gerard came from the back of the car with a shotgun in hand and shot the hybrid four times sending him tumbling across the ground roaring from the pain of the wolfsbane laced bullets and watched

as Gerard stood in front of the Kanima not afraid of it and Scott came rushing into the scene and shoved Jackson away before looking at Gerard and rushed to chase the Kanima


Scott watched the crowd which was gathered at a club before he jumped a little when he felt someone touch him and turned to see Stiles

Stiles: Wait, wait. Sorry, I'm sorry. Did you see where he went?

Scott: I lost him

Stiles: What? You couldn't catch his scent?

???: He doesn't have a scent

They both jumped and turned to see Chase standing there his shirt soaked in black blood and he stumbled over to the wall and they both looked at each other

Scott: Are you sure you're, okay?

Chase: Yeah, it's not like I'm in pain or anything

Stiles: All right, any clue where he's going?

Scott: To kill someone

Stiles: Ah! That explains the claws, and the fangs, and all that. Good. Makes perfect sense now.

Chase chuckled and Scott glared at Stiles before he shook his head and looked back at the club

Stiles: What? Come on, Scott. I'm a 147 pounds of pale skin and fragile bone, okay? Sarcasm is my only defense.

Scott: Just help me find it

Chase: Not "It" Jackson.

Scott: Yeah, I know. I know

Stiles: All right, but does he know that? Did anybody at the house see him turn?

They both looked at Chase who shrugged his shoulders

Chase: I was busy saving you from getting killed by Isaac

Stiles nodded his head

Scott: But he already passed Derek's test anyways, right?

Stiles: Yeah, but that's just the thing. How did he pass the test?

Scott: I don't know

Chase: It's like an either/or thing. I mean, Derek said a snake can't be poisoned by its own venom, right?

Stiles eyes widened

Stiles: When's the Kanima not the Kanima?

Scott: When it's Jackson

Chase and Scott looked over at the line while Stiles backed up looking at the roof and Chase saw him trying to get their attention and he backed up as well and the Kanima climbing up the wall

Stiles: Uh, Scott

Chase: We found Jackson

Scott backed up as well and they all saw the Kanima's tail disappear into the open window and Stiles let out a sigh

Stiles: Well, now we found Jackson

Scott: But what is he gonna do inside there?

Chase: He's going after Danny

They both turned to him and he pointed to the crowded line and they saw Danny up front before he walked into the club and they all looked at each other worried


The trio walked up to the backdoor and Stiles started looking around for something to break door

Stiles: We need something to pick the lock or...

He was cut off by a snapping sound and turned around to see Chase open the door and hand the doorknob to Scott who handed it to Stiles and he looked at it in surprise

Stiles: Or we can do that instead

He dropped it to the ground and followed them inside closing the door behind him they walked in and techno music was blasting inside the club and Scott looked around and spoke over the loud music

Scott: Dude everyone in here are dudes

He looked behind him and saw Stiles surrounded by drag queens and Chase laughing at him phone in hand taking a video and Stiles glared at him before looking at Scott and said sarcastically

Stiles: Gee, nothing gets past those keen werewolf senses of yours, huh, Scott?

Chase looked over to the bar and saw Danny walking away with a drink in his hand

Chase: Found Danny

They walked over to the bar and Stiles smiling order them drinks while Chase looked around for any sign of the Kanima

Stiles: Three beers

Bartender: IDs?

They all pulled their licenses and handed them to the bartender who looked at them before looking at the boys

Bartender: How about two cokes?

Stiles: Rum and Coke? Sure

Stiles looked at the bartender who stared at him and chuckled nervously while looking around

Stiles: Coke's fine. I have to drive anyways.

Chase took the glass and sipped from it before laying eyes on Jackson moving through the crowd stealthily and saw a couple feet away from him Derek moving towards him head down growling lowly and Chase looked at Scott and Stiles tapping them on the shoulders and they both turned as suddenly they heard screams drown out the music

And looked into the crowd and watched as Jackson kept slashing people as he went through the crowd and bodies drop to the floor and have seizures and Chase quickly moved into the crowd and tried to reach Jackson before Derek could but was too late as in front of Jackson stood Derek who slashed him across the throat

Scott: Derek! No!

Jackson's body dropped to the ground black blood flowing from his wound as he turned back to his human form and coughed blood before Chase knocked him out with a soccer kick to the head hard and he fell back to the ground. Chase looked at Scott and Stiles and shrugged his shoulders from the looks he got from them

Chase: He had it coming.


Chase, Stiles and Scott all sat in the Jeep and watched the crime scene as stretchers carrying the victims were wheeled out of the building and Chase looked at Jackson sleeping form and sighed

Chase: Now what are we gonna do with my brother? Cause I'm not gonna be a part of a kidnapping

He said the last part looking straight at Stiles

Stiles: Why're you looking at me? I wouldn't kidnap Jackson because right after I kidnap him, I would kill him after 30 minutes of me kidnapping him

Chase chuckled and looked ahead and saw someone walking towards them and tapped Stiles on the shoulder

Chase: Hey. isn't that your dad?

Stiles turned to look ahead and saw his father walking towards the jeep and scrambled to get out the jeep and Chase chuckled at his nervousness and looked at Scott who kept looking from the back where Jackson slept and towards Stiles and his dad and Chase sighed

Chase: Why're you freaking out?

Scott looked at Chase

Scott: Why wouldn't I be don't you see what's happening here? If Stiles' dad decides to walk over here, he's gonna see a naked and bloody Jackson in the back of the car sleeping and worse call our parents or hr might arrest us.

As if he heard them Jackson started waking up and Chase jumped a bit and looked at the half-asleep Jackson who looked around

Jackson: Wha--

before he could finish talking Chase punched him across the jaw knocking him out and looked at the front and saw Stilinski looking at them and Chase waved with a nervous smile on his face before sighing of relief when Stilinski looked back at Stiles, and they continued talking

Stiles walked back to the car and climbed in after they were done talking and looked at Chase and Scott and sighed

Stiles: Let's get this over with.

Stiles started the Jeep and they drove off while Chase looked at the Red SUV parked a few feet from them


They were driving down the street trying to figure out where to hide Jackson and Chase looked behind to make sure no one was following

Stiles: Uh, what about your house?

Scott: Not with my mom there. We need to take him somewhere where we hold him long enough to convince him he's dangerous. Or long enough to stop him from committing a murder.

Stiles: I just say we kill him

Chase/Scott: We're not killing him!

Stiles: *Sighs* Fine. Chase what about your underground cellar?

Chase: That's the first place Derek would look for him and also, I had him hide out there last time, remember?

Chase sighed before he looked at Stiles

Stiles: I got an idea.

Scott: Does it involve breaking the law?

Chase: Half his ideas involve breaking the law. Why the hell would you ask that?

Scott: I was just trying to be optimistic

Chase/Stiles: Don't bother!

They sped down the street and towards the woods


Chase sat on the hood of his car after he went back home and got it and he was too busy staring at the night sky failing to notice Allison walk up to him

Allison: Hey

Chase: Hey

He looked back to the night sky and Allison sat next to him and laid her head on his shoulder and smiled softly

Allison: So, you're sure you're okay with us keeping your brother locked up?

Chase: Now that you say it like that, I'm not sure

She giggled a bit and he chuckled and sighed before he looked at the transfer van they stole and heard Jackson waking up

Jackson:<<Stiles! I'm gonna kill you!>>

Chase chuckled at that and saw Allison looking at him

Chase: Jackson's awake


Stiles walked towards the van and saw Chase seated on the of his car while Allison leant on his shoulder and shrugged knowing the girl had a crush on the hybrid boy


Back at school Chase sat at the back taking a nap when he shot his head up and saw Victoria Argent walk into the class and growled

Victoria: I'm afraid your teacher was feeling ill today and had to leave early. So, unfortunately, you're stuck with me as a substitute

She looked at Scott who looked down into his book before she looked at Chase as well the latter's eyes glowing dimly growling lowly and she paled when he gave her a smirk filled with fangs

Victoria: So, uh, can anyone catch me up to speed on where we are? Mr. McCall, how about you?


Back at the van Stiles sat explaining to Jackson who already knew he was the Kanima thanks to Chase

Jackson: So, you're telling me I have scales, like fish or?

Stiles: No, they're more like a reptile. Um, and your claws have this liquid in them that can paralyze a person, and you have a tail.

Jackson: I have a tail?

Stiles: Yeah, you have a tail

Jackson: Does it do anything?

Stiles: No, that I know of

Jackson moves forward a little pissed that his cuffed and says the first that was on his mind

Jackson: Can I use it to strangle you?

Stiles: God, you still don't believe me. All right. The night of the semi-final game, what did you do right after?

Jackson: I went home

Stiles: Are you sure about that?

Jackson: Yes, you idiot. What the hell else would I do?

Stiles: You attacked me and Derek at the school and you trapped us in the pool. You also killed a mechanic. Right in front of me by the way. That was lovely. And one of Argent's hunters. Oh, and last night you tried to kill Danny.

Jackson looked at him not believing the last part and chuckled a little

Jackson: Why would I want to kill my best friend?

Stiles: Well, that's what Scott and Chase are out trying to figure out right now.

Jackson: Wait-wait, Chase knows about you guys kidnapping me? And maybe you and McCall have to instead figure out how he is going to pay for a lawyer when I prosecute your asses straight to jail!

Stiles: No, he doesn't know and it's gonna stay that way. But tell me this. On the night of the first full moon, what happened?

He thought back to the first full moon forgetting his anger and playing the sad card

Jackson: Nothing. Nothing happened.

He slumped back against the van and Stiles felt bad for him


Back at school the bell rang and students started packing up and Scott got up and Chase walked up to him and whispered

Chase: Did Allison know about this?

Scott: I don't know

Chase: If that psycho of a mother tries anything, they're going to find her scattered in pieces after what Argent did to me last night.

Chase walked away leaving Scott behind and walked out the classroom


Stiles was busy talking to Allison and Chase walked over to them and pushed Stiles against the van while Allison stepped back, and Chase grabbed the phone from Stiles and looked at the text

Chase: You fucked up

Stiles: How did I exactly fuck up?

Chase: You wrote I love you, at every last sentence. Me and Jackson don't say I love you to them not since we found out we were adopted.

Stiles started panicking before Chase calmed him down

Chase: Get in the van and go! Now!

Chase grabbed the phone from his hand and dialed his mother's number and dropped it to the ground and walked away hands in his pockets before black enveloped his body and he disappeared


Scott got to the car to find Chase already there and the trunk to Danny's car already open and he sighed when he saw nothing in it

Chase: Somebody took it before us

Scott sighed and they started walking away before getting into Chase's car and they sped off towards the others

They got to the woods and walked up to the cliff and Scott spoke first

Scott: If Jackson doesn't remember being the Kanima, then he's definitely not gonna remember stealing Danny's tablet

Stiles: Why would he steal the thing if he doesn't even know what's on it?

Allison: What if someone else took it?

Stiles: Then somebody else knows what he is.

Chase: *Thoughts* Matt

Scott: Which could mean someone's protecting him.

Allison: Like the bestiary says, " The Kanima seeks a friend," right?

Scott: It couldn't be Chase, right?

Allison: No, it couldn't he was with you guys the whole time.

Stiles: Yeah, besides he wouldn't use his brother to commit murders if he could do it himself

Chase kept his distance listening to them talk and teleported into the van and Jackson was startled before he calmed when the mist disappeared and saw Chase and whispered angrily

Jackson: Why the fuck am I in hand cuffs?

Chase: Relax, you're gonna have to shift

Jackson: I don't know how to.

Chase: It's easy just calm down take a deep breath in and just think of transforming but do it in a couple of hours, I'll be back these guys don't know I'm here

And with that the same mist covered Chase and he disappeared and appeared just as Stiles said

Stiles: Alright, I got it. Kill Jackson. Problem solved.

Chase: Nobody's killing my brother. And plus, he risked he's life for us against Peter, remember that?

Stiles: Yes, but what did we just find out? He got the bite from Derek. It's funny how he got exactly what he wanted just by risking his life for us.

Scott: Yeah, but it doesn't mean he's still not worth saving.

Stiles: It's always something with him, though

Chase: He doesn't what he's doing

Stiles: So what?

Chase: He's my brother. And me and Scott we didn't know what we were doing either.

Scott: *Turns to Allison* You remember when I almost killed you and Jackson? I had someone to stop me. He has nobody

Stiles: That's his own fault.

Chase: *Eyes Glow* Could you shut the fuck up.

Scott: Doesn't matter. If we could save him, we should try.

Chase walked into the back of the van and saw Jackson having a panic attack as his skin changed from its human state to his Kanima state and Jackson looked at Chase

Chase: Hey, calm down. Just breath in let the takeover, okay?

Jackson nodded and closed his eye as the change took over him and his teeth were replaced with rows of fangs, and he started crying and Chase did the best he could to comfort him before he decided to leave right before his transformation was almost complete.


Chase walked up to the car and knocked on the with Stiles over at the van and Scott and Allison woke up and got dressed while Chase walked back over to stand next to Stiles

Chase: Well, you guys are in a lot of shit

Allison: I have to tell my father

Chase head shot to the side and his eye glowed dimly

Chase: You're not telling him anything.

Allison: He's going to kill someone.

Scott: Okay, tell him. Tell him everything.

Stiles: Scott, I got to tell mine too.

Chase turned towards Scott and glared at him walking towards him a little pissed

Chase: If she tells him everything, they're going to kill Jackson. And if they do, don't be surprised if I end up killing a whole family of hunters

He shoved Scott away and looked directly at Allison

Chase: And I won't stop until they're all dead.

He walked away after he said this and shoved his hands in his pockets


Chase walked down the stairs and stood in the center before he saw red dots coming from the shadows and Derek stepped out from there, eyes going back to normal.

Chase: If we do this, we save him not kill him and maybe a couple of hunters along the way of saving him. We do this my way, last time it was your way. And we keep this from Scott and the others. This just between me and you and your pack

Derek nodded with a smile on his face

||| To Be Continued |||