

Christian Jones otherwise known as CJ to his friends gets reincarnated into one of his favourite shows I don't own teen wolf it belongs to Jeff Davis I only own my oc

Demonwolf217 · TV
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22 Chs

Night School & Meeting the Primal Pack

~~Chase's POV~~

I shot up gasping looked around where I was right before I heard a wolf's howl that just pissed me off I didn't know what episode it was and now I hear this stupid son of a bitch I got up and saw that my clothes were messed up from the fall, I looked around checking if Deaton was here but he wasn't and shrugged my shoulders and walked out the door and made my way home to change

I got home and heard the Alpha's howl and shook my head ' I'm gonna kill this son of a bitch ' , I jumped out of my room's window and ran towards the school when I got there I saw it standing on the roof looking inside probably at Scott and Stiles I partially shifted and flicked out my claws and roared gaining it's attention, It looked surprised to see me still alive and standing and I took my chance and ran at it with my full speed and jumped into the air ready to claw it and it looked like it had the same idea in mind (Season 5 scene Liam and the beast) .

~~3rd POV~~

~~in the classroom~~

After Scott and Stiles found a classroom to hide from the Alpha and Stiles' Jeep's battery being ripped out they both heard a roar similar to Scott's but more powerful they turned and looked out the window to Chase and The Alpha jumping into the air and clawing each other with the former falling to the ground and the Alpha running towards the school , with the two boys running out of the classroom towards the locker room " We're gonna die , I don't wanna die in school man " " Stiles we're not going to die " " Yes we are!! did you see what it did to Chase out there man he literally got clawed to death " they both heard someone coming and ran to hide inside the lockers after they hid in the lockers they saw that it was the janitor , he walked towards on of the lockers and looked through the peepholes and saw Stiles standing there and pulled him out followed by Scott jumping out of his hiding spot scaring the janitor " okay out " " no there's something outside" " no get out of here " the boys pleads fell to deaf ears as the janitor was pulled back into the room screaming by a clawed and mauled to death while screaming both boys jumped back after seeing him pulled back and the door close after the screaming died down they saw a monstrous figure with glowing eyes growling through the doors glass and so they blocked the entrance with a locker they found at the side after awhile of trying to break the door the Alpha stopped and when it got quiet Stiles climbed into the locker and started taunting it " Yeah not so tough now are ya? " " Stiles stop " Stiles climbed of and stood in front of his best friend and said in cocky tone " What it's not like he gonna break o- " he was cut off by the sound of something crashing and they both looked through the glass and saw he Alpha wasn't there and had crashed through the ceiling escaping they both looked t each other and looked up at the sound of banging in the ceiling and they started running

~~Chase's Dreamstate~~~

Chase is standing with the zetas well atleast Sébastien was standing next but Greyhound was laughing writhing on the floor " hahaha ha... You were defeated by that so-called Alpha hahaha hahaha " " OK that's enough! if you think you can do better why don't you try?! " Greyhound stopped laughing and stood while stretching and cracked his knuckles and neck and chuckled " I thought you'd never ask " after saying this his eyes started glowing and his started changing to black and vanished while smirking evishliy

after he disap Sébastien turned to Chase " *sigh* you had to say that " and walked away leaving a dumbfounded Chase " What the fuck ?! "

~~Infront of the school~~

~~Grey's Pov~~

I woke up in front of his school and looked up to the stars and breathed in the fresh air and started walking towards the entrance but I stopped and looked behind me when a car pulled up from behind ' Why now of all the times ' I turned back around and walked inside ignoring the dang annoying brats calls for the boy

when I got inside I started stripping in a classroom and hid the clothes somewhere safe and I fell to the ground from the pain of shifting once again "Ahhhhhhh" I looked at my legs and watched as they stretched out and then at my fingers as claws grew and felt my spine snap making drop to the floor and hear the cracking of it reforming and then looked at my arms break and reformed and I just laughed enjoying the feeling of shifting once more, I reeled my head back and let out a powerful roar once the shift was done if you saw me standing there you would see a creature standing at 7ft1inch with glowing murderous eyes and a sharp fangs instead of normal teeth I whipped behind me and watched as that ugly piece of shit ran past the door chasing the annoying brats I just growled in anger of seeing its eyes and crashed through the door and when it heard me crash through it looked behind and saw me standing there I just put up my middle finger and said " Elloo there bitch " .

he rushed at me but I stepped aside and threw hammer punch to his head sending him to the floor and then I stomped on his leg breaking it and them did the same to his other leg " You call yourself an Alpha.... huh pathetic " I grabbed him by the head picking him up and kneed him in the gut and headbutted him letting go of his fur so he could drop to the floor and I got ontop of him and raised my hand ready to claw his throat out but stopped after I heard the brats pleas ' No let him live I have a plan ' instead of killing him and becoming an Alpha I listened to the brat and just clawed his face over and over and over and then I smacked its head against the floor hard causing cracks to form on the floor and leaned to his ear " We're not done see you next time " I got up and looked behind me and saw Scott standing there and thought to myself why not kill this brat instead ' No you're not gonna kill him Grey he still intrigues me now back off from him ' " Always have to ruin my fun Séb " I just looked him in the eye and let out a roar which sent him running back to the classroom after he was gone I let out a bark of a laugh 'Pussy' and started running on all fours towards the exit

after a while I found myself in the woods I sniffed the air and caught a scent of a pack of werewolves but one of the scents caught my interest it was familiar and then I remembered the Brats girlfriend was a werewolf maybe it was her pack I followed the scent and as I got closer I laughter and someone playing a guitar when I got they all stopped what they were doing and looked up at me and some of them were growling the others stood up and flicked out their claws and got ready to attack but stopped when they heard a voice " Wait stop he's not here to harm us " she walked from behind the crowd and stood in front of me

' Quinn why now of all the times '

' So this is Quinn '

'she looks delicious can I kill her '

they both yelled at me in unison

'NO!!' Why can't I just kill someone I looked back at Quinn and saw she was talking " Chase hey can you hear me what am i saying of course you can hear me " I chuckled at her rambling " Hey I need some clothes if you don't mind lending me some " after I said this I started shifting back

~~Quinn's Pov~~

I turned to get him some clothes when I heard bones cracking and I looked back to see him shifting back to normal it was kind of gross to see him shift back after he was done he stood back up and I checked him from his face to his ripped body I looked down then I heard him clear his throat and chuckle, I whipped my back to his face and felt my blood rush to my cheeks I turned around and moved quickly to get him some clothes I went inside my uncle's trailer and got him some clothes

I walked back and saw dad standing there staring at him " So your the boy that stole my baby girl's heart, you don't look like much except for the fact you can shift into a seven foot beast what makes you suited for my baby girl " it was kind of shocking seeing him stand up to my dad seeing as every boy that I've dated his scared off or almost killed after they dump me before anything could happen I walked over and handed him the clothes " here you go , dad can I talk to you for a minute " before he could protest I grabbed him by the arm and dragged him far away from the others " What the he'll are you doing?! " " Oh I was just having a talk with your boyfriend that's it, seeing as he didn't get scared of me he's a keeper " he kissed my cheek and hugged me tightly before walking of maybe to go find mom I looked back at the bonfire and saw that he got along with everybody

~~3rd Pov~~

Chase and Quinn walk through the woods and towards the cliff they stopped for a second to kiss and started walking again " so your dad is interesting " " sorry about him he's overprotective towards any boy that I bring home " " What were you guys doing out in the woods " " it's a tradition we have before a full moon we get together in the woods keep ourselves from the town so we don't hurt anyone and also we do it for fun " Chase chuckled and walked faster making Quinn to jump on his back

they got to the cliff and sat down on a rock with Chase behind Quinn hugging her from behind and looked at the clear night sky " why do you smell like blood " " oh that might be Grey " Quinn looked at him confused " who's Grey? " "he's one of the wolves in my head " she still looked confused " he's a spirit just like my other wolf Sébastien but they're me at the same time it's confusing " after awhile of looking at the stars they started kissing and it got heated after awhile

~~At the School~~

Lydia, Allison and Jackson were panicking in the room while Stiles pulled Scott to the side " What if we called Chase over " " no we can't " " last time you said you saw him take on the Alpha and seeing as that ugly thing is your boss and you blamed this on Derek you don't have any right to say no " while they whispered shouted towards each other Jackson watched them " hey Stilinski why don't you call your dad, he is the sheriff right? " Stiles walked and stood infront of him " no I'm not calling my dad " " Call him ! " *smack* the sound rang through the room as everyone stood shocked seeing Stiles the scrawny annoying kid hit Jackson with a right hook leaving him on the floor holding his cheek in pain he walked away and took out his phone called his dad " hey dad we're at school and we're being chased by a psychopath, call me when you get this " while the girls checked if Jackson was okay Scott looked at his friend and saw him clenching his fist he looked towards the door and listened closely as he heard growling he turned back to the others " we need to distract it long enough for the cops to get here " Allison looked at him with fear in her eyes " How are we gonna do that " Scott took a deep breath and said " I'll distract him and get the keys from the janitor's body that wa- " " no you're not doing anything w-what if he hurts you " " then I'll have a weapon or something to protect myself " after saying this he grabbed a pointing stick from the corner everyone looked at him dumbfounded and this time it was who spoke up from Jackson's side while looking at the cabinet filled with chemicals " or we could make a self-igniting Molotov cocktail " Stiles looked at the same cabinet " what're we gonna do throw acid on him " " no like a firebomb in there is everything we need to make a self-igniting firebomb " " Self-igniting fire- " " Molotov cocktail "

~~Back in the woods~~

Chase's on his back with Quinn using his chest as a pillow while he threads his hand through her hair he looks up into the sky and thought to himself ' Does Eichen house exist in season 1 ' he looked down at his girlfriends sleeping form and covers the blanket they brought over them and whispered " I seriously need to get stronger I can't keep on counting on those two " and looked back at the night sky ' Maybe I should get Halwyn's spirit in me before season 6 but that's a long way to go '

~Back at the school ~

Scott can be seen walking down the hallway towards the gymnasium with the Molotov cocktail that Lydia had made he got inside and saw the body under the bleachers dangling he climbed up to it and reached for the keys, he almost had them when he heard a click and saw the bleachers closing he quickly reached for the keys and jumped out from underneath the bleachers right before they closed he sat there on one knee and looked up and saw the Alpha snarling at him standing on its hind legs before dropping to all fours and roared while Scott stood there like a dear caught in headlights while breathing heavily he snapped out of it when it almost reached him and threw the beaker at it hoping it will ignite but it didn't when the alpha caught it in mid-air

in the classroom Lydia looked at the chemicals and then looked at Jackson " you did give me the right chemical right " " Yea I did " " You're sure right " " Yes Lydia I'm sure now shut up " Stiles watched as they quarrelled and looked at the chemicals with a worried look

Scott saw the alpha catch the beaker and looked at him before throwing it away and grabbing him by the neck lifting him off the ground and then slamming him to the floor earning him a grunt from Scott he moved close to his face as drool fell into Scott's face and then roared into the air which was so powerful it caused the lockers to rattle and also causing Scott to shift as his screamed from the pain of being forced to transform back in the classroom as the roar echoed through the halls Jackson buckled screaming from the pain in his neck as everyone gathered around but it only lasted for a second but Stiles saw the claw marks and stepped back back with Scott who had now fully transformed he looked around the gym and saw he was alone before looking at the keys he was clutching before getting up and walking towards the classroom

as he walking slowly through the halls dragging he's clawed hand against the lockers he got to the class and put the key in and started having flashbacks about Allison after awhile he locked itnin the process breaking the key, Allison heard the door lock and ran to it " Scott what're you doing Scott! " everyone heard sirens outside and looked out the window to see the cops and an ambulance arrive Scott who was now on his knees started breathing heavily looked up and he was back to his human form

they were all outside safe and sound with Scott and Stiles talking to the sheriff " you sure it was Derek hale? " " Yes " " I saw him too " " what about the janitor? " " We're still looking " " Did you check under the bleachers? Under them ? " " Yeah, Scott we looked, We pulled them out just like you asked, there's nothing " " I'm not making this up " " I know I believe you, I do " " No you don't , you have this look like you feel bad for me, like you want to believe me but I know you don't " " *sighs* listen to me we're gonna search this whole school we're gonna find him okay? I promise " one of the officers calls the sheriff over he starts walking away but looks at the boys " Stay. both of you " after he's gone Stiles tries to cheer up Scott " well we survived, dude. You know? we outlasted the Alpha, it's still good right? being alive? " " when we were in the chemistry room he walked right by us, you don't think that it heard us? You don't think it knew exactly where we were? " " Well, then how come we're still alive? " " it wants me in its pack, but I think, first... I have to get rid of my old pack. " " What do you mean? What old pack? " " Allison. Jackson. Lydia. You " Stiles looked sad and then it hit him " The Alpha doesn't want to kill us. " " He wants me to do it, And that's not even the worst part " " How in holly hell is that not the worst part?" Scott looked unsure about something " because when he made me shift, I wanted to do it , I wanted to kill you, all of you " Scott looked behind Stiles and started walking with Stiles following him when they reached the ambulance they Deaton sitting there " There you are " " How... how did you... " " Get out? not easily and from what they tell me, I'm alive because of you. I think I owe you a raise * chuckles* " Noah showed up before they could say anything and grabbed Stiles pulling him away " Guys, come on, let's let the EMTs fo their job, you can talk to him later " Scott saw Allison walking away " Allison! are you okay? " " My dad's on his way" " You need... You need anything from me? Want me to go with you? " " No. I don't " " Okay " " And I also don't know what happened to you in there. I don't know what you were thinking, Maybe you weren't, but... Right now, I don't... I don't feel like I can trust you." " Allison I can explain " " I don't care l... " " please just don't say anything " " Scott, I.... " " Allison just stop. Please, just don't say anything. Stiles' dad gonna give me a ride home and I need to make sure my mom isn't freaking out, I'm gonna get a new phone tomorrow morning, and..... " " Scott..." " I'm gonna give you a call... " " Don't " " What... " " Don't call, Just please don't call me " after saying this she starts walking away leaving a heart broken Scott McCall staring at her walking away

~~Spirit Realm~~

Sébastien and Greyhound watch as this unfold from the Alpha forcing Scott to transform to him locking his friends in the classroom to him being dumped while Sébastien looked sad for the boy Greyhound on the other hand was on the ground clutching his stomach laughing at the boy being dumped " Hahaha ha.... did you... see his face... when she dumped him.... " Sébastien looked angered by Greyhound's actions and merely looked away and started walking " hey wherever are you going Séb this is the boy that intrigues you hahaha hahaha " ' ooh I should tell Chase about this '

...To be continued...