

Christian Jones otherwise known as CJ to his friends gets reincarnated into one of his favourite shows I don't own teen wolf it belongs to Jeff Davis I only own my oc

Demonwolf217 · TV
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22 Chs

Codebreaker & Goodbyes

(An: This chapter might suck seeing as I wrote it while I was high and I'm too lazy to edit it with that out of the way Peace! and enjoy the chapter )

~~Chase's POV~~

I sat on top of the staircase waiting for Peter to show up but he didn't that's when I heard something snap... a twig somebody was here by the sound of the footsteps they were females two of them since I could hear their heartbeats one was calm and steady Kate , while the other was beating fast meaning that it was Allison.

After awhile I stood by the window watching as Derek and Scott came upto the house but Derek stopped feeling out of breath

Derek: Wait... Wait this- this feels too eas-

Scott: No! Don't say "It feels too easy" Because every time anyone says that bad things happen

he was right after he said this a flash bolt came landing between them

Derek: Cover your eyes!

But it was too late a bright light flared as both of them were blinded temporarily but I heard Scott say something from disbelief

Scott: Allison

said girl shot Derek in the leg before shooting him in the chest and shot Scott in his shoulder and leg sending him to the ground clutching the arrow in his shoulder, Derek stood up ripping the arrows from his chest and leg and went up to Scott helped him up shoving him towards the house

Derek: Go! Go!

and so I ducked to the side of the window before

I stood up and jumped out of the window and landed in a crouching position

I made my eyes glow and looked at them, for a second I saw in Kate's eyes there was fear but just as it came it disappeared, I stood up walking towards them Allison started shooting arrow after arrow at me but I either evaded or caught them snapped them with my bare hands and marched over towards her grabbed her bow and broke it over my knee and grabbed her by the throat lifting her up into the air I looked back at Kate who had shot Derek and pointed it at Scott who looked afraid that I might kill Allison or was it because of the gun pointed at his head?

I'm not sure but I looked back at Allison who was struggling to breathe so I dropped her on the ground and she started coughing and gasping for air , as I looked to my left and saw Argent arrived he looked at me shocked to see me alive after taking that many shots from him and his lackeys

before looking back at Kate who still held Scott at gunpoint and aimed his own pistol at her and said angrily

Argent: Kate, put the gun down

Kate: Nope, I don't think so. He's a werewolf Chris

Argent: He's a beta and you don't have proof he spilled innocent blood. We do things by the code, remember? " We hunt those, Who hunt us"

Kate: I'm getting tired of that code, y'know that right?

Argent: is that why you killed all those people? there were innocent people in that house Kate

Kate: I was following orders Chris

While they continued arguing I hear something step into the house and knew staight away that it was Peter I looked over at Scott and he knew Peter was here, after a few minutes the door swung open and everyone looked towards it

Kate: What the hell was that?!

Scott: *Eyes shine* It's the Alpha

Peter came dashing out and took out Argent and then Scott before trying to take me out but I jumped out of the way and Kate shooting around hoping to hit him but that didn't work out as he stood behind her and grabbed her hand which held the gun and snapped the wrist before grabbing her by the throat and throwing her onto the porch

He walked over towards her grabbed her by the hair and dragged into the house

Allison: No

Allison ran into the house and I followed her she stood there as Peter held her by her throat with his claws

Peter: She is beautiful Kate, isn't she? she looks like you probably not as damaged. So I'm going to give you a chance to save her, Apologise. * Voice breaks* Say that you're sorry for decimating my family... and leaving me scarred and broken for six years. Say it and I'll let her leave

Kate: I'm.... Sorry

I watched as Peter looked Allison in the eyes and slashed Kate's throat letting her body drop to the floor with a thud and her eyes lifeless

He started walking towards her

Peter: That Apology didn't sound very sincere, now did it

I stepped infront of Allison growling at him as my eyes shined bright and saw Scott walk in growling aswell followed by a pissed off Derek

I looked behind me towards Allison speaking for the first time since I got here

Me: Run!

I looked back at Peter and roared at him and ran towards him attempting to tackle him but he caught me and chokeslammed to the floor and Scott ran in throwing punch after punch but Peter just parried his fist as Derek kicked him from behind sending him forward abit and I swept his legs sending him to the floor he got back up quickly and grabbed both Scott and Derek by their throats and tossed them through a wall

Before looking back at me with his eyes shinning bright and he started transforming his clothes ripping apart before he fell forward his limbs elongating, before he stood up and boy is he a ugly son of a bitch

He grabbed me and threw me up to the ceiling and I landed with a crack on the floor maybe broke two or three ribs but I stood up and black mist started enveloping my body as my eyes shined a bright blue before the mist disappeared and I stood in my new form and roared in his face seeing him step back a few steps

I tackled him to the outside with fire enveloping both of us burning him to the point he had to transform back and I knelt over his body and raised my burning clawed arm ready to take his power but

Scott: No! Chase stop, I know that's you, you don't have to kill him, please.

For fuck sakes sigh I shook my head preparing to bring my hand down on his throat and I saw that fear in his burned body's eyes

Seb: He's right boy, you're already powerful. Don't need to add more power to yourself, Let Derek have it just burn him a little bit more

I nodded my head and transformed back and got up from him not before burning him more walked away from his corpse and watched as Derek knelt over him

Peter: You've decided already haven't you, I knew you were more power hungry than me

Just when he's eyes shined a weak red a porsche pulled both Stiles and Jackson stepped out with the latter making eye contact with me before he looked away quickly

Scott: No!

*Slash* it was done Derek Hale became the Alpha and he stood up looking behind him as the moon shined brightly over us and said in a demonic voice

Derek: I'm. The. Alpha now

And I walked away


I was in my room now after I showered and got rid of my destroyed suit, I got dressed in my black sweatpants and my grey hoodie and my sneakers before I ran out the door

I stopped in the woods before my phone started ringing I took it out and saw it was Allison who texted me to come to her house so I started running again

I got there and she was sitting on the roof looking up at the moon, she looked beautiful I shook my head and climbed up quietly

Me: Hey

she turned around and smiled at me

Allison: Hey

Me: Where's Scott?

Allison: He just left, he needed to go check if Lydia is a werewolf or not

Me: *Sigh* I'm sorry

Allison: For?

Me: For almost killing you, but I'm not sorry for trying to kill your dad he tried killing me first so I returned the fav-

she cut me off by kissing me and straddled me I moved back abit

Me: What about Scott

Allison: Worry about that later

and we went back to kissing I rested my hands on her ass and squeezed a little earning me a moan from her

She got up and I followed , we climbed through the open window and started making out again before we fell onto her bed with me ontop of her and started taking off our clothes piece by piece

~~3rd POV~~

~~An hour later~~

~~Spirit Realm~~

The trio of supernaturals looked on sadly as their time with the young werewolf was coming to an end and they knew it

A few minutes passed and they all fell to the ground clutching their chest as their power was transferred to Chase who felt the same effect

Chase: Grey, Seb, Hal what the hell is going on?

Seb/Grey/Hal: It's time

Chase: Time for what exactly. You guys are really scaring me right now

Seb: You're getting all of our power and with that we'll be dying

Hal: Damnit at least you'll have my strength for when you face that ugly ass bastard and also that two-faced bitch who calls himself a supernatural

Grey: Don't go soft and not kill your enemies when needed

Séb: and Don't blame yourself we were gonna die anyway, as this is a part of you evolving into something more powerful than a true alpha. Goodbye Chase

They all looked up and roared in unison as their skin started cracking and their eyes shinning a dark blue before closing them and faded into dust with smiles on their faces

Grey: I knew you were gonna hit that eventually

~~Chase's POV~~

I sat up in Allison's bed shocked at the fact they were gone and I was sad, I got up and got dressed and sat on the edge of the bed bare chested tying my shoe laces when I felt a hand touch my shoulder I looked back and saw her awake with her hair all messy and she smiled at me giving me a peck on the lips but before the kiss could go any deeper I moved back and looked straight in the eyes

Chase: I got to go

Allison: So.... what happens now?

Chase: *Sighs* Nothing happens. You're with Scott and I need some time seeing as I broke up with Quinn, maybe in the future we could be a thing?

She nodded with a sad look on her face and I felt bad for what I said but I was right and with that out of the way, I threw on my long sleeve black shirt and jumped out the window landing on the ground gracefully and looked back at Allison who stood at the window before I shifted into my black wolf form and started running towards the woods

when I reached the cliff I turned back and roared to the sky letting out my sadness as I lost apart of me letting out my feelings

as I just stayed there on my knees letting out quietly sobbing with my head hung low staring at the ground and for the first time I never felt so alone in my life

/\To be continued/\

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