

Christian Jones otherwise known as CJ to his friends gets reincarnated into one of his favourite shows I don't own teen wolf it belongs to Jeff Davis I only own my oc

Demonwolf217 · TV
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22 Chs

Formality & Betrayal

~~Normal POV~~


Chase sat on a couch watching as Two beings who had similar looks to him except for the fact they had different hair color and their eyes were glowing their respective color the one with raven hair eyes glowed a Icy bright blue while the one with auburn hair eyes glowed a fiery orange and they looked about 20 years older

Greyhound: Fuck You! It wasn't my fault the boy did it I had no part of this

He gets judo-flipped to the ground and a kick to the chest followed by another one

Halwyn: You're telling a boy did this? A boy?! *Points towards Chase* HIM?!

They both look at Chase who sat on the couch legs crossed on the coffee table reading a comic as if knowing he was being stared flipped them off

Halwyn: And how did he know about me or any other hellhound? You told him didn't you?

Greyhound: I... Uh.... It was by mistake?

Halwyn growls and sits down next to Chase who continued to read his comic when Sebastien walks in he looks from the upset Hellhound to the scared Zeta to the teenage boy who was reading seemingly unfazed by the tension in the air and right before he could say anything a loud beeping sound came out of nowhere as Chase got up and stretched before walking away without saying another word

~~Chase's POV~~

I looked at the sun that was shinning brightly and went to get up but fell down immediately feeling the effects of the fight last night I sat at the edge of the bed and looked at my hand and made claws appear but they were different they were darker and sharper than before I chuckled to myself before getting up and getting ready

I get to Scott house and see him looking for his phone while set to the side I nodded towards him getting a nod in return

Stiles: So you lost your phone. Why don't you just get a new one?

Scott: I can't afford a new one. I can't do this alone. We need to find Derek

Chase: I know where Derek is

they both looked at me

Stiles: How do you know where Derek is? And when were you gonna tell us?

Chase: First I was there when they shot at the house, Second they put him underground they never left the place

Scott: Okay now we know where to find Derek but what about Peter we need to distract him

we both looked at Stiles who looked between us

Stiles: No, no, he's been threatening me so no he can die for all I care. And he tried to kill Jackson *Points to Scott* And you got in between that

Chase: Didn't you call and tell me that they were going after my brother

Stiles: Yes 'cause that's what friends do they help each other even if they don't want to

After a while we got Stiles to agree and started planning on how to get Derek and keep Allison safe and kill Peter, right when I went to talk I stopped and listened as Scott's mom pulled up I looked at Scott and saw he was listening too.

Stiles: What?

Scott: it's my mom just got home from work

Scott stopped what he was doing and leaned on the desk, me and Stiles looked at each other sad for our friend and looked back at him we saw his face saddened as his mom cried

Stiles: Is she okay? *Scott shakes his head* What's she doing?

Scott: Crying

In the car Melissa seat inside crying after her phone call, while inside Scott walks over to the bed and sits down next to me

Stiles: *Sighs* Scott, you can't protect everyone

Scott: I have to

I just patted him on the shoulder before getting up and grabbing my bag and they did the same

~~Normal POV~~

~~Beacon Hills High~~

~~Locker Room~~

Chase stood infront of Stiles chatting when Scott walks in following Coach

Scott: What do you mean, I can't go to the formal?

Coach: McCall, You're failing my class and two others. They told me to cut you from the team. I told them I'd sooner cut off my last remaining testicle, than cut my best player

Scott: So the compromise is I can't go to the dance?

Coach: Yes

Scott: Then I quit the team

Coach: *Laughs* No, you don't. and if you show up at the dance and I see you there, I'm gonna drag you out by your teeth

Scene changes to the trio standing behind Jackson with Stiles slamming his locker shut

Jackson: You want me to take her to the formal

the trio nod their heads

Scott: I don't want you to. I need you to

Jackson: Screw you. *looks between the trio * You screw you too. In fact screw each other

Stiles: Hey, you know he saved your life, right?

Jackson: he left me for dead

Scott: I got shot for you

Jackson: oh yeah? then show me the wound

Scott: you know it healed

Jackson: Mm. Convenient

Chase: Just do it for the girl? hmm? if she dies then you won't get what you want and that's the bite right?

Jackson: Why don't you have her dad do it hmm? he's the one actually equipped to handle this

Scott: How am I supposed to do that, if he doesn't know that I-I'm a werewolf?

Jackson: Not my problem

he goes to walk away but Scott puts his hand infront of him

Scott: You're friend, too. You are. All that time you spent with her to get to me, you can't tell me that you didn't get to know her and like. it's Allison. It's impossible not to like her

Chase: Actually it is possible not to like her. If you look at the fact her dad can kill you and also she talks too much and -

Scott: Not helping. *Turns back to Jackson* And you can't tell me that you don't care if she gets hurt.

Jackson: What if I get hurt?

Scott: Than it's worth it

Jackson: not to me

Chase/Grey/Halwyn : 'Good choice'

He pushes through Scott and Stiles while Chase moves aside before he could push him he looks at Scott and Stiles nodding his head

Stiles: Well, I shouldn't tell you I told you so, 'cause it's not strong enough. How about I'm always right and you both should listen to whatever I say never disagree, never, ever, ever for the rest of both your wolflihood

Scott: I'm not done *walks forward* One more thing

Jackson and sees a growling Scott with his eyes shinning bright

Scene changes to them watching Jackson sweating profusely as he looks over at them

Stiles: Hey don't worry I'll still be there

Scott: I'm still going

Stiles: Is that such a good idea? Do you even have a date?

Scott: Not yet

Chase: Do you have a suit?

Scott: Not yet

Stiles: Do you have a ticket to the formal?

Chase: A ride there?

Scott: No. And no

Stiles: So you're gonna ride your bike to a dance that you're not even allowed to go to without a date, or a suit, or a way in, with werewolves and werewolf hunters all out to kick your little werewolf asses

Scott: You both gonna help?

Stiles: Hell, yeah

the trio walked off planning how to get Scott into the dance without being caught, as they walked off Chase stops feeling someone staring a hole into him but shrugged it off as nothing


~~Still 3rd POV~~

Chase could be seen walking through the woods with Quinn he seemed to be lost in thought but shake his head to get rid of the thought and stops Infront of Quinn

Quinn: What?

Chase: Nothing. Just that I was wondering if you would've wanted to go to a dance with me

she seemed to adapt a thinking look and then smiled before kissing him passionately

Quinn: Does that answer your questio?

Chase: Yeah.... Very much

she patted him on the chest while giggling and walked ahead of him

Halwyn: 'boy I feel like there's something she's not telling you. You want me to find out?'

Chase: 'How're- Nevermind. Yes find out for me maybe it's serious and doesn't know how to ask for help'

he looked at Quinn's retreating form before catching up with and picking her up and putting her on his shoulder causing her giggle which turned into a cute laugh

Quinn: Chase.... let.... me.... down... now

He ignored her and walked up the trail which led to the cliff and put her down as she playfully glared at him before shoving have him lightly and he just smiled innocently and shrugged his shoulders and looked ahead to the setting sun before pulling her towards and hugging her from behind resting his chin on her right shoulder

~~ Spirit Realm~~

Sebastian was sitting on a chair as he and Greyhound wait for Halwyn to return from Quinn's mindscape, but they didn't have to wait long as the front door flung open and they saw Halwyn standing there with sad expression

Grey: Hal, what did you see?

no response from the hellhound who looked at him with a sad expression on his face

Seb: What did you see?

Halwyn: *Sighs* The girl's stressing about moving away from beacon hills with the pack, and how she's going to break up with the lad

~~Chase's Pov~~

~~Hale house~~

I walked over to the back of the burnt down house and listened to Kate try to rile Derek up, I started to talk to him knowing that he could only hear me and no-one else could

Me: Oy sourwolf, can you hear me? Of course you can why am I even asking? Look me and Scott are gonna bust you out soon just stay put *Chuckles* get it?

he looks towards me and glares at me while I just smile and show him the bird and get up walk away before I stopped hearing her figure out Scott and I are werewolves

'For fuck sakes, now she's gonna go after me'

and started running towards Scott's house


~~Still Chase's Pov~~

I ran all the way here and walked over to the front door about to knock when I got a text from Jackson wanting to talk, I replied saying I'm on my way and started running back home

I got back home and walked towards his room hoping to find him there but I didn't

I walked towards my room and found trying on one of my suits, I stood there before clearing my throat to get his attention

Chase: You called me here just so you could try on one of my suits?

Jackson: Yeah. Is that a problem?

I just shook my head before heading for the shower but stopped midway

Chase: Wait I need to show you something c'mon

I walked back out and got in the driver seat of his porche and he followed suit sitting in the passenger seat I put my hand out and he gave me his keys


I drove all the way into the woods before getting out walking into them and Jackson followed

Jackson: What the hell are we doing here?!

Chase: Relax will you it's not like I'm gonna kill you okay

we walked further before I came to a stop in a clearing, I looked back at him before stepping again and took a deep breath and closed my eyes

Jackson: What're we doing h-

~~3rd POV~~

Jackson stood there shocked with his mouth wide open as he saw he's twin catch on fire but stood there seemingly unfazed by the fact he was on fire, he started backing up

Jackson: W-what the hell?

Chase opened his eyes and they shone brightly the fiery blueish orange fire as he opened his mouth fangs replacing his teeth as the fire dimmed leaving burning marks on his body

Chase: I'm a werewolf

Jackson: How long?

Chase: Beginning of the year

he rushed at Chase hit him with a straight jab to the jaw catching Chase off-guard sending him to the floor

Chase: I deserve that

Jackson: Wait, you could get me the bite

Chase: What? No

Jackson: Yes. Think of it as an apology for lying to me this whole time

Chase: 'If I did I'll be blamed for him turning into a Kanima. Hell no!' I'll think about it

Chase walks back towards Jackson's car getting back in, Leaving a somewhat hopeful yet sad Jackson


~~Formal dance~~

A black dodge charger pulled up in the parking lot and out came Chase who walked over to the passenger side and opened the door allowing Quinn to step out they both smiled at each other, before something out the corner of his eye caught his attention he saw Scott up on the roof who looked at him and they both did the two finger salute, as Chase looked towards Stiles who was helping Lydia out of his Jeep's passenger seat and they both nodded towards one another before walking into the dance

inside the dance Chase crouched next to Scott who was looking over the dance, Chase tapped him on the shoulder as they both looked straight at Peter who stood in the crowd staring intently at them as he's eyes shined red for a second before disappearing into the crowd

-With Allison and Jackson-

Allison looked towards Jackson smiling

Allison: Do you wanna dance?

Jackson: Do I have to?

Allison: *Chuckles* Not the answer I was expecting but okay

Jackson rolls his eyes and sighs frustrated before closing his bottle of vodka and holding his hand out for her to take, she smiles at him taking his hand walking towards the dance floor

-With Stiles and Lydia-

Stiles looks at the dancing crowd before looking over at a bored Lydia

Stiles: Do you wanna dance?

Lydia: No

Stiles: you know what? Let me try this again

Stands up and walks in front of her

Stiles: Lydia get off your cute little ass and dance with me

Lydia: Interesting tactic but I'm gonna have to stick to no

Stiles: Lydia get up I don't care that you made out with my best friend for some weird ass power thing I don- Lydia I've had a crush on you since the third grade and I know somewhere in that maniacal mind of yours there's an actual human soul, and I bet I'm the only one that knows how smart you are and that your gonna go of and write a mathematical therum that wins you the noble prize medal. So get up

she smirks before standing up

Lydia: Fields medal.

Stiles: What?

Lydia: A fields metal is the one that wins me a prize for writing a mathematical theory not a noble prize

she grabs his hand and drags him towards the dance floor while Stiles silently celebrates

back with Chase who was dancing with Quinn he looked over at her before turning his head as the music stops and everyone just stared at coach who was chasing Scott and laughed with Quinn before the music started up again but this time it was a slow dance, he looked over at Quinn who was seemingly lost in thought and pulled her closer

Chase: Hey, what's wrong?

Quinn: Nothing, just got a lot in my mind right now

Chase: Are you sure? Nothing else?

She nods and lays her head on his chest closing her eyes as they swayed to the song

~~Quinn's Pov~~

Fuck what am I gonna do they just had to decide to move again and I can't break up with Chase he makes me feel happy but at the same time a long distance relationship isn't what I want.

I look up into his eyes and saw those same eyes I fell in love with, I must have been staring too long because he looked at me before he smiled and I smiled back it wasn't a real smile and somehow he noticed but didn't say anything

I reached behind his neck pulled him towards me and planted my lips to his before I pulled back after a minute

Quinn: I love you

Chase: I love you too

~~Chase's POV~~

Something wrong with her but why isn't she telling me

' Hey Hal '

Hal: 'Yes boy what do you want now, because it better be important'

' Did you find anything when you went inside her mind'

Hal: 'Well it's nothing serious, it's just her sister is sick'


but I knew for a fact that she didn't have a sister or a brother she's an only child so he lied so it's something important since he won't tell me anything and she won't tell me as well

I looked over the crowd trying to find Jackson because I he'll end up switching me and Scott if he's drunk and right now he is, I looked back at Quinn

Chase: Sorry, I'm doing this right now but I need to find my brother before he does something he'll regret

She nods her head understanding

Quinn: OK, I'll see you later right

I nod before giving her a kiss which lasted longer because something told me I might not see her later

I walked out just in time to see Jackson being escorted back here by Argent and his lackeys when he saw me, I knew the look he gave me told me everything because right there on the spot they aimed there assault rifles at me and opened fire on me and I winced as the bullets went right through me forcing me to shift while I was coughing up black blood. Wolfsbane and Mountain Ash, they came prepared so I ran pushed through two or three hunters and towards the woods as fast as I could and as far away from them

I stopped in a clearing before falling to my knees as I looked at the bullet holes , seeing my flesh knit itself together and I fell forward and I was fading in and out of consciousness before I blacked out.

~~3rd POV~~

Jackson sits on the steps tears forming in his eyes blurring his vision after what he saw his twin brother shot right infront of him and ran into the woods bleeding. he stands up walks back into the dance only to find Stiles waiting for him

Stiles: Where the hell have you been? Did Lydia ever find you?

Stiles looks at his eyes seeing the tears in them

Stiles: What? What's wrong?

but he doesn't say anything for awhile before he started stammering over his words as a single tear fell down his

Jackson: I-I was out behind the school, and I... I was out...

Stiles: What happened? Jackson. What did you do?

out on the lacrosse field Lydia walks in the middle of it screaming Jackson's name hoping to find him before the lights came on and there stood Peter

Lydia: Jackson!

Peter to walk towards her quickly as she tries to make out who it was

Lydia: Jackson, is that you? *Queitly* Jackson. Is that you?

Peter approaches her quicker than before as on the other side Stiles runs towards her in an attempt to save her from the beast alpha

Stiles: Lydia! Run!

from behind Lydia, Peter stood behind her eyes glowing red as Lydia turns around she is met with the Alpha's fangs as he bites her

Lydia falls to the ground covered in blood as Peter moves over her body like a predator guarding its meal from others he looks at Stiles who tries to get close to her and growls at him lowly

Stiles with his body shaking from fear

Stiles: D-Don't kill her. Please

Peter: Of course not. just tell me how to find Derek.

Stiles: W-what?

Peter traced a clawed finger over Lydia's unconscious form and says slowly

Peter: Tell me how to find Derek Hale

Stiles: I don't know that. How the hell would I know that?

Peter: Because you're the clever one, aren't you? And because deception has a particularly acrid scent, Stiles. Tell me the truth or I will rip her apart right infront of you and slowly.

Stiles: Look, I don't know, okay? I-I swear to God, I have no idea.

He looks at him, he's eyes starting to glow as he yells in a demonic voice

Peter: Tell me!!

Stiles: Okay. Okay, look I think he knew...

Peter: Knew what?

Stiles: Derek, I think he... I think he knew he was gonna be caught.

Peter: By the Argents?

Stiles: Yeah

Peter: And?

Stiles: When they were shot, him, Scott and Chase... I think he took Scott's phone

he looked at Peter with he's breath shaking as Peter just stared at him

Peter Why?

Stiles: They all have GPS now. So if he still has it and if it's still on... You can find him.

Back at the school Scott walks outside with Allison but stops as he smells something or someone bleeding but shrugs it off as nothing as Allison pulls him towards the school busses

Scott: Where're we going?

Allison: *Laughs* Somewhere we can be alone

Scott: Alone where?

They both laugh as they round the corner of the bus as Allison runs towards the entrance of the bus

Scott: Where are you going?

Allison: Over here

She pulls him again and kisses him before pulling him towards the bus entrance

he looks into the bus he was getting pulled towards before he gets hit with the scent again but this time it's stronger he looks at the bus next to the one they were going into but Allison calls him again

Allison: Hey, are you okay?

Scott: Yeah. Just a little weird deja vu

they start kissing again before he speaks up again

Scott: Are you sure this is a good idea?

Allison: In a minute, You are going to think this is a great idea.

she runs into the bus

Scott: I really hate it when you say things like that

~~Halwyn/Chase POV~~

I took over the boy's body right after he was hit with the bullets and ran out the woods towards on of the busses to heal up when I heard the other young werewolf's voice what was his name again Scooch. That's not it Sco... Scott yes Scott he was with that hunter's daughter and how I would love it if I was allowed to kill her right infront of her father but the boy stopping any of us from killing these people well that's what we get: A boy with a selfish yet selfless heart as our host

I looked out the window just in time to see two Suvs pull up both sides blocking the love sick puppy I-I meant too say werewolf, I didn't feel like helping him so I just stood back and watched as he was almost ran by both vehicles he jumped at the last second crouching on both vehicles he looked towards the girl and she looked shocked guessing she didn't know he was a werewolf.

She backed away from the window and in doing so she saw my glowing eyes and the dried up blood from the corner of my mouth, I just smiled showing her my fangs and put a finger to my lips motioning for her to be quiet as I walked backwards closing my eyes before opening them again, and looked down at my as it was enveloped by smoke and transformed last thing I saw was my eyes glowing with a light blueish orange covering as I let the boy take control again

I opened my eyes and looked at my hands before seeing them big and black with blackish orange mist covering them I looked up into the window and saw my new form it looked just le bete's

'Hal you did this?'

Hal: 'Yes I did, what you don't like the new form or what?

'Yeah It's looks awesome!'

I busted through the window going through the woods and towards the cabin

I made it before transforming back I looked inside and saw the lights were on, but I heard two grown ups and Quinn talking or more like yelling at each other, I just stood outside listening before I turned around and walked away

~~Quinn's POV~~

I heard someone outside walking away and I knew who it was I ran out the door ignoring my parents calling me to come back but I just ignored them, I stopped and looked around but I didn't see him so I followed his scent and found him at the cliff we would always hang out whenever our dates were done or if we missed each other

And I saw him standing with head he stared at me with mixed emotions

Chase: When were you gonna tell me?

Quinn: I-I was gonna tell you but I didn't find the right moment to tell you

Chase: So you were gonna tell me right before you went wherever you were gonna go to

Quinn: I-I'm sorry

Chase: What the fuck are you sorry about? Hmm? Huh?

I just looked down nothing came to my mind and I heard him walk away without saying another word

~~3rd POV~~

Chase walk towards the hale compound with one thing on his mind and one thing only.....

Kill Peter Hale.

/\To Be Continued/\

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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The last chapter for Season 1 might come later in the month since school started last week Monday

so till next time

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