
Teen Wolf: The Singer

Mathew. Someone who was the entire world knows, is blessed by god. Every single instrument he had picked up since the age of 5, he had mastered with relative ease. It took him a year with the piano, to reach levels current musicians took decades to reach, and he was only a good. Only his talent was not a blessing but was a curse. Being taken advantage of since the age of 7, he was destined to live a life of sorrow. When he was 14, he was taken away from the public eye since he had finally broken down. His progress in instrument stopped. He started playing worse, getting sick more often, and the only reason he stayed alive was for Archer. However one day when he was 16, 2 years after being taken away from the publics eye, even Archer wasn't enough for him to stay alive. But when he opened his eyes one day, he was different. Mathew had changed, and now, he would travel to a certain part in the world, to find out why God had placed this curse on him. I do not own the cover or any characters that are not original in this work.

Fat_Cultivator · Movies
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27 Chs

Chapter 17: S.S.S

(For next chp, we have to reach 200 :))

Chapter 17: S.S.S

"So let me get this straight. Stiles called Scott telling him that he slept walk to some random place and find him. You can hear voices in your head that leads you to dead or dying beings. One of those voices said my name, and you heard it from a red string in Stiles' room with my face inside of it." I asked, summarizing everything.

"That's actually surprisingly well summarized." Aiden nodded in approval, as Lydia shot him a glance of annoyance.

"So, can you help? What are you anyway? Werewolf?" Kira asked me.

"Werewolf? What's that?" I asked with a straight face, also keeping my emotions in control so Aiden didn't hear anything out of the ordinary.

"We don't have time to give him a crash course in supernatural 101." Aiden said, as he grabbed my hand.

Then, he seemed to be putting some power in his squeeze, since I felt exertion from his aura, but I felt no force on my arm so I was a little confused.

Was he testing me?

Was this to see if I was faking being natural? Was the trap to act getting hurt?

Anyways, since I didn't feel any pain I didn't react.

"Augustine." Lydia called out, as she held my hand.

"Please, trust us. Our friend is dying and you seem to be our only hope." She said.

"Where was he last seen?"

"They are checking the hospital right now, but before I heard a voice leading me to you, something told me to go to this place called Eichen House."

I then moved my hand to my chin, my typical thinking posture.

How the hell was I supposed to tell the cast that Stiles was inside of Malia's old cave without saying he's in Malia's old cave.

"Did he give any clues?" I asked.

"He said something about being inside of a basement. Somewhere enclosed, cold and damp. He also felt like someone else was there." Kira recited.

"Wait, you said Stiles was sleeping walking right?" I asked.

"Yes. He slept walk and then woke up." Aiden said.

"Did he though?" I asked, as I walked out of the house.

"What do you mean? Do you know something?" Lydia quickly followed me, as the other 2 followed as well.

"Kind off. You see, my uncle from New York has a problem with sleep walking (Rip Harvey, MC be throwing you under the Bus). When he does sleep walk, he always swears he is in situations he isn't." I explained, as I opened my Car door.

It only fit 3 ppl, so I just looked at them and continued as I entered the car.

"One of you can get in and call each other so we can continue this over a call and driving." I told them.

Lydia tried to immediately get on the other side, however Aiden held her hand and nodded at Kira.

It seemed like they already saw that she was behaving weirdly around me.

"Let me go!" Lydia said, however Kira already got on so the pair could only move into their own car.

I sweat a bit, thinking about how large her addiction would be in the future…did I have a yandere in the making?

Kira then called Aiden and I continued explaining as I tried and set the GPS.

"You were talking about your Uncle." Aiden asked after he accepted the call.

"Yeah. So my uncle is a lawyer. One day he left his room and started shouting objections. They didn't even make sense. I am pretty sure at one point he objected to himself being a lawyer." I said, as I had fun creating a hilarious image of Harvey.

"Get to the point." Kira urged from my side, knowing about my slight habit to drift around in thoughts sometimes.

"Right. When my uncle woke up, he could swear that he was inside of a courtroom. So what if Stiles claims to be inside of a basement, since it is dark, he feels a rough and damp floor but…"

"But he actually is hallucinating…"Lydia continued, as we reached the Beacon Hills forest, we quickly got off, and met up at the entrance of it.

"Has Stiles been here recently? Somewhere where his subconscious would automatically send him when he saw this place."

"He was here for Malia's…"Kira said, as she quickly stopped herself.

Lydia understood her though, and we soon reached the cave.

As we reached the cave, I could hear from a distance away, Reaf Mcall also pulling up to an outskirt point of the forest.

"Come and help me." Aiden said, as he both crouched into the cave.

It was damp and wet, but we both ignored it for obvious reasons. As we crawled forward, I could see a distraught Stiles, talking out loud, but in his mind was probably conversing with the Nogitsune.

"AHHHHHHH!" I heard a scream, but it wasn't that of Stiles, since he didn't clock that I was there yet. No, I could see and hear the Nogistune.

The second I made eye contact with what was supposed to be Stiles hallucination, I could feel the overwhelming fear radiating out of his…or its body.

Pure, primal fear is an intense and overwhelming emotional response to a perceived threat or danger.

When this fear is radiating off of a person's body, it can be an extremely powerful and palpable sensation, almost as if it is a physical presence in the air.

And I could see this physical representation happening inside of the Cave, since the cave became filled with an eerie aura.

The Nogistune was trembling and shaking uncontrollably, its eyes wide and staring, its breath shallow and rapid. Its body language was also tense, with its muscles rigid and its movements jerky and erratic.

Its screams was high-pitched and strained,and it was completely silent and frozen in place.

The level of fear was accompanied by a feeling of complete helplessness and a sense that death or serious harm is imminent.

"I AM SORRY SIRE!" The Nogitsune screeched, as I was confused, and it disappeared from its place, as if to never exist.

Stiles, seemingly realizing what was happening, finally woke up, and he himself began screaming in fear, not at me though, in general.

I saw a Scared, Screaming Stiles.

I then mentally activated my skill, and made Stiles calm down.

His Aura quickly and efficiently changed to one of serenity and calmness.

"Where…Where am I?"

(Inside of the hospital, right after)

It seems like the first slight change from cannon has occurred.

Everyone immediately came and attended Stiles MRI.

Right after Scott talked to him though, everyone brought me into a separate room, as Mellisa also had accompanied me. Only a doctor, the Sheriff and Lydia had stayed behind with Stiles.

Lydia mainly at the insurance of Aiden and Kira.

"So, what is he?" Allison asked, as she and Isaac had made it from her house.

Even Derrek and Argent made it.

"Something that forces even a True Alpha to lose to his Urges." Argent said.

"He wasn't in complete control then." Allison defended.

"No, even right now. I am sure all the werewolves here feel it." Derek said.

Then, I watched as Aidens eyes glowed a hue of blue.

"Yeah." He said," I want to rip his head off."

Well isn't this a slight predicament.