

A boy wakes up in the middle of the woods with no idea of who or where he was. Read how he thrives to live and gain a purpose amidst the never ending chaos in the supernatural community of Beacon Hills. .... ... Disclaimer: None of the characters, except the MC, are mine. As always, my story will be cross-posted on Scribblehub and Fanfiction.net

Draul_TheOminous · TV
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219 Chs


While Tristan and Malia the new workings of their relationship with Allison, in the principal's office, Gerard made the decision to move to Victoria.

"Tell him to take the men and find Derek. Since he's so stupid as to keep his betas away from him at such an ill time, who are we not to reward him."

"Gut him the very chance you get. Hales are known to be the slippery sort, we can't take any other chances."

Victoria nodded and left the office to phone Chris and relay Gerard's order. Thankfully the schools will be closed earlier due to Jackson's death so they can immediately provide backup if needed. 

Today was bound to be a long day. 


Since there was no lacrosse practice today due to Jackson's death and whatever well-wishing event that was to be held for him and his family, Tristan and Malia saw themselves out of school the moment the announcement was made. 

"Am I missing something?" Boyd couldn't help but ask as he saw how awkward everybody was behaving. "For some reason, I don't think it's because Jackson died."

The four of them were walking and so far not a single person had muttered a word since they left the school making Boyd feel like the third wheeling fourth wheel. 

He looked at Tristan but said person just looked unfazed. Malia looked as if she's given up on even trying while Allison looked as if she was walking with some random strangers. 

"Oh-" Looking at the different reactions on their faces, Boyd's mind spun a web of tales and arrived at one that made him dumbstruck. He looked at Tristan and his face paled as if he'd seen a ghost. "You didn't."

"I don't know what's going through your head but I can tell you that whatever is playing up there couldn't be any more farther from the truth." Tristan cut him off before he could say anything and make the already dreary atmosphere take another plunger down. 

"It's nothing, Boyd-" 

"What do you mean by nothing? I still don't know how to react even now!" Allison in an out of character moment, snapped at Malia as she tried downplaying what had happened. 

"Okay?" Now Boyd knew that he had stepped on a mine. 

"Just behave as if you don't see anything out of the norm. It should fade away soon, just give it time." Whispered Tristan to Boyd who wisely nodded. 

"So, uhm, does anyone have an idea what happened to Jackson?" He expertly changed the subject to something he knew would draw their attention away from… whatever this is. 

Tristan was all too glad that he didn't have to suffer in such an uncomfortable silence that he happily jumped train. "No, heard anything?"

Boyd looked around them as if checking if anybody was listening to them. "They said something destroyed his heart and there were claw marks all over his body, as well as his neck."

"Well he was found in the woods, so maybe an-" 

"Animal? Yeah, that's what everyone is saying but Jackson was at the rave, he was nowhere near the woods so how did he get there?" 

"So you're saying that someone likely killed him and dumped his body in the woods and made it look like an animal killed him?" Allison interjected. 

"What?" Malia gasped, silently chuckling as she earned a side eye from Allison. 

"I'm not saying that's definitely what happened, but it makes more sense to me than the convenient animal attacks that never ends."

"Well it is quite the stretch but-" 

"But it's entirely plausible, right?" 

"Yeah." Tristan answered. 

"And get this, someone said they saw a humanoid monster with a tail before the gunshots started going off. I'm telling you, something strange is happening in Beacon Hills." He really believed that there was something happening under the cover of night in Beacon Hills. 

"Well, you might be right, who knows?" It's not as if they could do anything to convince him otherwise. "There's a curfew to help the investigation of Jackson's death so you guys should be careful how you walk, see ya." Boyd left them and separated from his group when they passed his house. 

Now with just Allison, Malia and Tristan, the air around them was not as stale as it once was. 


"I killed him."

"… I was asking if he was the kanima."

Tristan chuckled at that and nodded his head along as if he didn't catch the lie. "Yes, he was."

"So do you guys just go around killing people or is there a reason?"

"Seriously girl, what do you think we are? We're not some type of psychopathic supernatural creatures that can't survive on blood." Malia screamed and had to restrain herself from punching Allison across the face when she saw the ironic look she was giving Tristan. 

"Tristan only feeds on my blood and all those we kill are all people that go around killing others for whatever twisted and sick reason they have." She explained. 

Allison slowly nodded and asked again. "And what if it's for revenge? Like the Alpha?"

"Then we do nothing. We are not overseers. We just act in our own interests."

Even if the Hunter part of her told her not to believe anything they say at face value, the part of her that was their friend wholly believed them and trusted what they said. 

She was naïve. She knew that and they knew that but with what she knew of them and how brutally honest they were, she knew they weren't lying. Tristan did tell her how he would make sure to kill her parents then her, if she ratted them out. If that wasn't honesty then she didn't know what was. 

"Damn, this isn't what I thought would happen to me when I planned out my high school life." 

"Trust me, you're not the only one who thought so." Malia added. 


[Derek's hideout] 

Derek held his sides and cursed under his breath as he could feel the poison of the wolfsbane that laced the arrow that shot him through his ribs. 

"How the hell did they find me?" He breathed out and tried slowing down his heartbeat and slowly as possible to reduce the poison's rates of propagation. 

"Come on out, Derek!" He heard Chris call out and a few gunshots followed but he remained silent and timed his next attack. 

"My father is already rounding up your betas as we speak. No one is coming to save you Derek. Maybe we'll finish what Kate started and…"

End the Hale line once and for all. 

Derek didn't wait to listen if he actually said those words or if it was his head that played it for him word by word, he picked up a pipe and threw it at one of the Argents, impaling him through the neck. 

The sudden attack took them by surprise only for another scream to resound through his hideout as he broke the knee of the pudgy guy next to him and sunk his hands into his back and ripped out his spine. 

He used the man as a shield to block the hail of bullets that followed and turned into a blur in the few second window it stopped and was upon the next person. 

He slashed his claws through the man's neck up to his forehead and took his gun and shoved its nuzzle into the next person's eye socket and forcefully ripped it out, along with a part of his brain. 

His body was fully transformed and his skin turned a darker pigment and easily highlighted his blazing red eyes. 

"Throw the flashbangs!" Someone shouted but that turned out to be a bad decision as well as his final words as the last thing he saw was a blur with red eyes along with his headless body before everything went dark. 

"Fuck, Chant is dead! Boss we're losing people!" By now, Derek's body had grayed out and his face contorted into something heinous that even Chris felt a chill in his heart when he saw him. 

He threw a flashbang but Derek jumped back and covered his eyes right before it blew, saving him from having his retina hurting due to the intense light. 

Seeing Derek dodging that, he pulled out two arrows from his quiver and pierced them into the ground. 

Derek winced as he felt his eardrums about to explode due to the grating frequency the two arrows were emitting. 

He felt another arrow pierce his arm along with a bullet entering his thighs but he didn't care. 

The only thing that pervaded his mind was to make Chris take back those words. 

He pulled himself up just in time to catch another arrow that was going straight for his chest. Using the surge of adrenaline pumping through his body, he yanked out the other arrow in his arm and bared his fangs at the group of Argents in front of him. 

His pride as an Alpha was at stake. 





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