

A boy wakes up in the middle of the woods with no idea of who or where he was. Read how he thrives to live and gain a purpose amidst the never ending chaos in the supernatural community of Beacon Hills. .... ... Disclaimer: None of the characters, except the MC, are mine. As always, my story will be cross-posted on Scribblehub and Fanfiction.net

Draul_TheOminous · TV
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220 Chs


Derek had been in a bad mood ever since he lost the Alpha, again, because of the interference of the Hunters.

That night he had heard the roar of the Alpha and unlike Scott, he could fight against the instinctual submission that washed over him due to the roar, and he had tracked them but unfortunately he had been too slow as the Hunters had beat him to it and had engaged the Alpha, not that they had much success since one of them eventually ended up dying. 

Not only that, he had caught the two stupid teens red-handed one time with shovels wanting to dig open his sister's grave. 

If not for Scott's importance in leading him to the Alpha, he would have killed him, especially that worm he called his best friend. Especially that one. 

Visiting his last living family, if he could still be called alive, had worsened his mood further that he was becoming increasingly impatient. 

Finding himself back at square one, the grumpy Hale started looking from the only link to the Alpha he had and knew of – Scott. 

He watched the boy, his mother, the worm, the worm's father who was the Sheriff, their friends at school, and anyone that they had some sort of connection with outside the school. 

Turns out the two of them were a fucking pair of social outcasts with basically zero public presence outside their school. 

He had almost written Scott's bite off as pure coincidence but then he found someone that was just suspicious in a lot of ways. The veterinarian Scott worked for. 

He didn't know why but the man gave him a different feeling from any other person he's met, even the weird pair from the Buddhist pack. It was not a dangerous feeling or anything of the sort, but something fleeting. 

Though his mother was a very powerful Alpha, he was still ignorant of most things as he was just a young teenage boy when the accident happened. 

What made Alan Deaton more suspicious in his eyes was the fact that his sister had mentioned meeting a veterinarian she thought might know something. But then she had died before concluding anything solid. 

Making his mind up, he decided to 'visit' Scott's boss to see if his suspicions were correct and if the man truly knew something. 

Walking inside the clinic, his mere presence silenced the small pups in cages as they shook in fear without him exerting any kind of influence over them. Deaton, who had been on a call, hung up as he heard someone enter his store and turned around to welcome them. 

If it had been anyone else, even Scott, they might have missed the small spike in heart rhythm that the man had upon seeing Derek, but Derek was not the average werewolf. 

"Can I help you?"

"Hope so. I want to know about the animal you found with the spiral on its side." 

Deaton looked genuinely confused at Derek's question. "Excuse me? What animal?"

'Again.' With his suspicions increasing, he held up a paper and showed the front page to Deaton. "You remember this? Three months ago." 

Deaton's confusion cleared as he finally remembered the subject matter. "Oh that? Yes. It's just a deer, and I didn't find it." He clarified. "They called me to ask if I've ever seen anything like that before."

Derek had to admit that the veterinarian was very good in schooling his expressions, but he couldn't hide the minute vibrations of his heart. All this only served to increase Derek's suspicions as he moved closer. "What'd you tell them?" He asked. 

"I told them no." Deaton took a step back as Derek came closer. 

"Did you hear that?"

"Hear what?"

"The sound of your heartbeat rising."

"Excuse me?" 

"It's the sound of you lying."

Before Deaton could react, Derek reached across the table and grabbed his collar before slamming him against that iron table between them, knocking the man out with a slight cut. 

Not caring for his state, he found a cloth and bound the middle aged man's hands and legs against a chair. 

He didn't mind the cut since he knew that it was harder to heal oneself when they were unconscious and experienced werewolves could control if they wanted to slow down their healing. 

He waited for over ten minutes before the man started showing signs of waking up. 

"Are you protecting someone?" He asked as the man came to. 

Deaton tied up, tried turning to Derek who was behind him but couldn't because of his restraints and could only anxiously plead his safety. "I promise you. I-I don't know what you're talking about."

Growing more impatient and irritated, Derek grabbed the chair and lifted it up with ease as he brought Deaton's face towards his. "I want to know why you're lying. Who are you protecting?"

"What are you doing?" The door to the room opened revealing a shocked Scott as he saw Derek lifting up his injured and bound boss. 

Feeling angry at the intrusion, he dropped Deaton, but not before knocking him out with a punch which jolted Scott back to what was happening as the young boy rushed towards Derek to stop him from hitting his boss further. 

"Stop! Stop! What the hell are you doing?" Scott shouted. 

"Look, when he's conscious, he can keep himself from healing, but unconscious, he can't." Derek pointed out while feeling his temper rise. 

"What the hell are you talking about, man?" Scott was getting increasingly confused at the bizarre scenario that was currently playing out. 

None of them were in the right state of mind so they both ended shouting at each other. "You want to know what the spiral means, Scott? It's our sign of vendetta – for revenge. It means he won't stop killing till he's satisfied."

Scott was bewildered at Derek's words. "You think he's the Alpha?" He had no idea what the fuck was going on in Derek's head that would make him think of such a stupid thing. His boss was normal for crying out loud! 

"We're about to find out." Derek didn't have the patience and time to try to convince Scott so he struck at Deaton to wake him up again, but unexpectedly his hand was caught. 

He looked up and was shocked as he saw a fully transformed Scott. 

Even Scott was surprised at his own reaction and it was until he looked at his hands that were adorned with elongated claws that he understood. He took a deep breath and surprisingly he shifted back to his human form, except his eyes were still glowing. 

"Hit him again, and you'll see me truly get angry." He warned Derek. 

Seeing Scott's gaze and knowing he would have to fight the crazy teen, which would irritate him further, he relented with a sigh and asked. "Do you have a plan?" Deaton knew something and he was getting it out of him.

Losing his glowing eyes, Scott felt completely exhausted as everything became even more complicated. "Give me an hour."

"This is a terrible idea." Stiles said after he listened to Scott narrating why he was drawn out of his house to school at night. 

"Yeah, I know." Scott simply shook his head. 

Both of them were in front of their school in the middle of the night because Scott had called Stiles and said he needed his help. 

Knowing fully well the type of help Scott was talking about, Stiles didn't need to hear what happened and immediately snuck out to meet Scott at their rendezvous. 

"But we're still gonna do it…?" Stiles asked unsurely after listening to Scott's plan. It was shoddy work at best but it was workable. 

"Can you think of something better?"

Stiles only shrugged at Scott's question. "Well, personally, I'm a fan of ignoring a problem until it just eventually goes away." Problems were called problems for a reason. 

Scott only shook his head at his best friend's antics and just resigned himself to going with the complicated turn of events. "Just make sure we can get inside."

At that moment they saw Derek's car driving towards them before stopping as the man got out. 

"He's here." Scott said before walking towards Derek. "Where's my boss?"

Derek scoffed and pointed towards the back seat where a bound and fainted Deaton was stuffed in. 

Seeing Deaton's situation, Stiles couldn't help himself from replying sarcastically. "Oh, well - - at least he looks comfortable."

Ignoring Stiles, Scott turned and walked towards the school but was stopped by Derek who asked him what he was doing. 

"You said I'm linked with the Alpha." He  took a deep breath. "I'm going to see if you're right."


Scott and Stiles walked through the halls of their school while Derek remained outside to see what the hell they were going to do inside a school that would lead them to the Alpha. 

Stiles who followed behind couldn't help but nervously ask master planner Scott. "Okay, one question… What are you gonna do if the Alpha doesn't show up?"

"I don't know." Scott replied truthfully. 

"Okay, cool… Then what are you going to do if he does show up?" He really hoped his best bud had something up his think tank. 

"I don't know…" Unfortunately, his best hope was dashed. 

"Good plan." Who could blame him? Sarcasm was his best coping mechanism! 

Scott's plan was quite simple; since he was connected to the Alpha, all he needed to do was to signal him with a big enough flashlight. As for how he was going to do that…. 

"All right. You said a wolf howls to signal its packs, right?" He asked once more to be sure. 

"But if you bring him here, does that mean you're part of his pack?" Stiles asked what he considered the most important question, but it seemed like Scott was bound to disappoint him today. 

"I hope not."

Stiles gave up at that moment and just left everything to fate as he gave the stage to Scott to do his thing. Said thing being that Scott proposed to broadcast his howl towards all of Beacon Hills, or as far as it could go, with the school's PA system. His roar was not loud enough after all. 



Outside, Derek cringed hard at the pitiful shriek that violated his eardrums. 


Scott stepped away from the mic only to see Stiles' painful expression as if he wanted to cry. "Was that okay? That was a howl, right?"

"I… Yeah… Technically…" Stiles couldn't even lie with a straight face. 

"Well, what did it sound like to you?" 

"Like a cat being choked to death, Scott." He said plainly. 

Seeing Scott panicking, Stiles shook his head as he knew this was his cue to pick up Robin and set him on the right path. 

"Hey, hey, listen to me. You're calling the Alpha, alright? So be a man, be a wolf. Not a Teen Wolf. Be a werewolf. You got this."

Gaining a bit of his confidence back, Scott took a deep breath as he faced the mic. 


Tristan and Malia jumped out of bed and shared a look before leaving through the window as they knew that something was about to go very wrong this night. 

As for why they decided to spectate, only they knew. 


At the Argents house, Chris received a call and immediately, he and his sister, Kate left the house silently with only Victoria being aware. 



A huge bipedal shadow ran through the woods at a speed that was plainly impossible for any animal to match up with. The only thing that was easily noticed were its red eyes that glowed more fiercely in the night. 


The three different groups made their way towards where the last group were located, with them being blissfully unaware of the chaos they had caused, all because of one thing they heard. 


A wolf's call.





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