
Technology vs magic

In this gripping and humorous novel, the protagonist, Alexander, finds himself trapped in a time loop after a catastrophic event. With each death, he is brought back to the same point in time, forcing him to navigate through multiple challenges and enemies. Alongside his snarky AI companion, Alex, Alexander must use his survival skills and wit to break free from the cycle. Action-packed and filled with unexpected twists, this thrilling tale will keep readers captivated until the very end.

Anime_Anime_6412 · Fantasy
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"The Unsolved Puzzle: A Journey to Uncover the Truth"

Chapter 10: Unexpected Turns

"AAAH," the man groaned, his face contorted in pain, rendering him unable to rise and causing him to drift into a deep slumber.

(5 hours later)

To his astonishment, the man opened his eyes, bewildered by his survival.

"WHAT THE F**K! WHY THE HELL DID I DIE?" he screamed in utter confusion.

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Confused and in a state of disbelief, the man struggled to comprehend his untimely demise, especially considering his recent conversation with the king. "What the hell just happened?" he pondered. "Who could have mercilessly taken my life like this? Could it be the king? No, that's impossible. Someone must have sneaked up behind me." Frustratingly, he couldn't fathom a plausible explanation for his demise.

Suddenly, the memory of the explosion he heard just before his death resurfaced, along with the king's command to investigate. "Could this be connected to my demise?" he wondered. "Did someone return from the forest and suspect me of something? But the king seemed considerate; he wouldn't have allowed someone to murder me in his presence." The man found himself engulfed in a whirlwind of unanswered questions.

His attention shifted to the surroundings, and he realized he was inside some kind of spacecraft. "Hey Alex," he called out to the AI in charge of the ship, "are there any security measures in place on this rocket? I mean, what if we're attacked and someone unauthorized boards the ship?"

[Yes, of course,] Alex replied with a touch of pride. [Your mission was of utmost importance. You were entrusted with transporting various weapons, including nuclear ones, and vital supplies such as medicine to Mars during a time of war. Did you really believe the rocket wouldn't be fortified against potential interference from other nations?]

"Yeah, I remember," the man nodded, contemplating the gravity of his task. "Just tell me, what would happen if someone were to breach the rocket and attempt to abduct me?"

[Well, if you manage to stay unnoticed and they overlook Room 15, nothing would occur,] explained Alex. [However, if they discover that room, the rocket would explode.]

"Explode?" the man exclaimed, horrified by the revelation.

[(ノ_<.)ヾ(´ ▽ ` ) (condolence) Don't worry, though,] reassured Alex with a touch of dry humor. [The nuclear weapons won't be affected since they're stored separately in another room. They'll simply freeze. After all, if they were to explode, the aftermath would be rather messy.]

The man's horror and gratitude intertwined as he absorbed the gravity of the situation. The level of security measures implemented for his mission both reassured and unsettled him.

The conversation between the man and AI Alex continued, and the man became aware of the potential dangers they faced during their journey.

[There's one thing that has been bothering me. I've detected an incoming meteor shower, and we lack the power to dodge them. However, we do have weapons onboard that can be used to destroy them,] informed the calm and collected AI.

"Shit, I completely forgot about the meteors," the man exclaimed, running his hand through his hair, a mixture of frustration and anxiety evident on his face.

[I know it can be overwhelming, but don't worry. I've got this,] reassured Alex, determined to alleviate the man's concerns.

As the man observed, Alex sprang into action, firing the weapons at the oncoming meteors. The initial success filled them with hope, until an unknown meteor composed of unfamiliar material appeared

on the radar. No matter how many times Alex fired at it, the enigmatic meteor remained unaffected.

"What the hell is that?" the man questioned, hoping for some much-needed answers, considering it had already claimed his life twice.

[I don't know,] responded Alex, his voice tinged with worry. [(⊙_⊙) (surprise) It's unlike anything I've ever encountered.]

In an instant, the mysterious meteor crashed into the rocket, sending it spiraling out of control. Terror gripped the man as he realized their grim fate, and a scream escaped his lips as darkness enveloped him. The deafening explosion shattered the rocket into a million fragments, leaving him lost forever in the vast expanse of space.

"Aaah!" The man cried out in agony, his body writhing. Determined, he pushed through the pain and managed to shout, "ALEX, start recharging the damn rocket!" With those words, he succumbed to unconsciousness.

Five hours later, the man awoke within the rocket, disoriented and in pain. Struggling to sit up, he called out to the ship's AI, "Alex, did you commence the rocket's recharge, as I requested?"

[Yes, and it's fully recharged,] promptly replied Alex, his voice exuding efficiency.

Relieved, the man let out a sigh. "Good. Now, let's depart from here as soon as possible."

"While you were unconscious, I detected a nearby planet...


The man and AI Alex approached a planet, with the AI initiating the landing process. However, just two minutes later, the man interrupted, "Wait, let's avoid landing in a forest!" Responding promptly, the AI halted the landing sequence, awaiting further instructions from the man. Peering out of the window, the man carefully surveyed the terrain, searching for a suitable landing site. Patiently, the AI awaited the man's orders, prepared to make the necessary adjustments for a safe descent.

Pointing confidently, the man declared, "There, we should land there."