
Technology And Tensura

Cover art does NOT belong to me, However when I found it I could not find any credits, if this is your image and you would like me to take it down, please tell me. R18, no lemons or porn, but it will be suggestive and there will be some very graphic vocabulary and descriptions, so be advised. Mention of dark subject like rape included, so not for the faint of heart. This was written purely as a Pasion project and as such has no fixed schedule, I have only written a novel once before this and I abandoned that one real quick, if any of you (if anyone at all is actually reading this) enjoy my story and wish for me to put more time into this I would appreciate if you leave a review and or edit suggestions, I am open to constructive criticism and since I don't have a lot planned out, ideas for the future, again this is simply something I wanted to write and might be dropped at any time, if you want more, please support me, thank you. After killing himself to avoid spending the rest of his life as a vegetable in the hospital doing nothing but costing money to his family and being a burden to others Sebastian is given a chance to reincarnate in another world, Due to his slightly abnormal priorities he is able to gain incredible abilities and reincarnate into Tensura with his memories intact and without parents, however he has never watched/read Tensura but heard of if from others so he wont know future events, He will know the important Nations/Characters names and no more. The mc will be reincarnated when veldenava creates the universe but will not be there for long, you'll see. The mc will be slightly unhinged and has a different set of morals as to the average person, He views rape as the worst crime any being could ever commit, and cheating on your spouse to be a close second, although he sees no problem in having multiple casual relationships as long as all people involved are aware, and unless all parties are fine with it having multiple dedicated relationships is evil, he sees no issue with killing others should they threaten him, people close to him, or innocent lives, but he is not a hero, he will not sacrifice himself or people close to him for a random person he doesn't know, he is a bit of a battle junkie but only enjoys fighting people with similar skill to his own and dislikes fighting people weaker than him, but will still fight back if he is attacked, the mc will likely spend most of the novel referred to as a he however they can change their gender at will and have no problem with being a women, however they are strictly attracted to women, not men, so if you don't like that then don't read this also I likely wont write any smut but it will be implied, and if you don't like Yuri or the views on gender, good for you, I couldn't care less. they also have less of an attachment to life than others and might be slightly reckless at times however paradoxically they enjoy doing things as efficiently as possible, The mc is very powerful but not perfect, if you couldn't tell already this is pretty much a self insert so yeah.

kokishorttail · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Chapter 11

As I appear at the scene I'm surprised to see a giant city burning at the hands of a small pick haired girl, who I quickly recognise as Veldanava's daughter Milim.

See, after my appearance in the mortal world and causing chaos I re-established contact with Veldenava, he even became a reluctant friend of mine, so when he had a daughter I was invited to meet her, recognising her as Milim from canon. I can still remember the day I met veldanava in the mortal world, although I remember everything anyway that's not the point!


(3rd pov)

On a quiet day a picturesque scene plays out as the creatures of a beautiful mountain live out their lives, hunting, foraging, resting, playing, and more, when the scene is interrupted by the entire mountain fucking exploding, as a large red dragon flees for its life from a humanoid with a pair of beautiful feathered wings and an angry expression as the due screams past shockwaves flatten trees and mountains fall, creating the worlds largest canyon, known as the fear of Velgrynd.

Cutting back to the chase the red dragon fearfully yells back towards the person chasing them.



(Velgrynd pov)

Hello everyone my name is Velgrynd, a true dragon, and one of the creatures at the top of the world, monsters and mortals flee from my presence and worship me. Me and my siblings are the strongest beings in the world, so you must be wondering how I got here.


Well see, one day I came across a funny scene of two creatures I thought to be nothing more than mortals, one of them a majin with cat features and the other a seemingly normal human, the cat majin was eating a tasty looking food that I didn't recognise, and seemed to be enjoying it. Angry that someone was eating something I've never tried before, I dived down on them, turning into my humanoid form as I did so, grabbing the food from the Majin's hands before they could take their first bite of a fresh meal, and I noticed them freeze up as they noticed me.

I thought nothing of it, believing it to be nothing more than the fear all mortals feel in my presence, ignoring the pitiful creature I begin to inspect the food in my hand. It seems to be a mixture of meat and vegetables wrapped in bread. With a white sauce, and an amazing smell, (an, it's a Gyro, a greek meal, commonly made with pork, french fries, tzatziki, onion, and tomatoes, wrapped in pita bread. Its fucking amazing.) and while I don't recognise the vegetables If a mortal can eat it im sure I can, so I dig in, only to freeze up as a massive pressure appears out of nowhere, as I look around thinking my big brother was here, after all he's the only one I've ever felt releasing such a massive pressure.

But I don't see anyone other than the two people I had just stolen food from. Come to think of it, the pressure seems to be coming from the direction of the majin, and as they speak I begin to shiver in fear, as I wonder how a mere majin has a presence similar to my brother.

"How dare you." they whisper. "EAT MY GYRO" and then started the chase that would traumatize me for millenia.

*back to the chase*

(mc pov)

As I chase the rude dragon that stole my food I'm filled with anger, it took me so long to recreate all of the ingredients used to make it in this world, and finally I managed to recreate a variety of dishes from my old world, and as I was about to eat my first Gyro in centuries, this bitch drops out of nowhere and steals it directly from my hand, and in a blind rage I chase after them, to angry to even bother to aim my weapons the world around me suffers for it, gravitational anomalies obliterate entire mountains, railgun shots and rods from god cratering the landscape, as orbital lasers dig a massive ravine behind the dragon, unfortunately seeming to do little damage to the dragon itself, note to self, light based weapons aren't good against fire affinity creatures.

Unfortunately just as I'm about to catch the dragon bitch the chase is interrupted by the appearance of another dragon, much larger than the first, who blocks my path, the red one quickly hiding behind the new arrival.


"Quite anarchist, you do enough chaos as is, I will punish my sister myself for what she did, but stop your destruction, these mountains never did anything to you." the dragon says, and I recognise the voice.

"Veldanava?" i say. As my anger begins to boil again.

"Huh how did you know my name?" the dragon says, confused.

"THIS IS FOR DROPPING ME IN THIS WORLD WITH NO EXPLANATION YOU BITCH!" I yell. Unleashing the full force of my anger in the most destructive railgun shot I have ever launched since my arrival on this planet.

(Veldanava pov)

My daily life is interrupted as I feel distress from my youngest sister, Velgrynd. A cute young true dragon that was just born recently, she's such a precious little thing, who is also unfortunately incredibly arrogant, but due to her natural strength she's never had the chance to have her arrogance quelled by anyone other than me and her older sister. And as such I always feared that she would one day anger someone she shouldn't have. And that day seems to be today.

Quickly teleporting myself to her location she quickly ducks behind me as I take in the destruction of our surroundings. The only other entity in the area being a winged majin, likely the cause of the chaos. With large wings and blue hair, I remember once hearing about a strong majin like entity with blue hair causing chaos in some kingdoms, and quickly make the connection, as a weird nagging feeling enters my head that I know them from somewhere. But I ignore it.

The entity yells at me, likely angered by my interruption.

"OY I DON'T CARE WHO YOU ARE UNLESS YOU GET OUT OF THE WAY I HOPE YOU LIKE THE TASTE OF NEAR LIGHTSPEED TUNGSTEN!" and again a strange feeling of recognition tugs at my mind from the strange words used by the entity, and an unplaceable feeling of dread fills me.

But I respond anyway. "Quite anarchist, you do enough chaos as is, I will punish my sister myself for what she did, but stop your destruction, these mountains never did anything to you." the anarchist being the title I remember from the stories I heard. And the entity suddenly freezes up, likely realizing my strength.

"Veldenava?" a questioning voice fills the air, and my dread increases, now beginning to cause me a bit of nervousness.

"Huh how did you know my name?" I ask, as I try to place where I remember this person from.

And then the entity yells one last time "THIS IS FOR DROPPING ME IN THIS WORLD WITH NO EXPLANATION YOU BITCH!" and I feel a massive amount of energy, reminiscent of a star leaving their body, as in a mear instant a massive rod of metal appears before my eyes, traveling at nearly the speed of light, I only noticed it before it hit me due to magicules allowing senses to bypass the speed of light itself, and everything finally clicks in my head. And I remember who this is.

The detestable ball of energy that was there when I created this universe, the one that learned creation magic with nothing more than a mere explanation, and who I sealed in time to be released when I finished my first world, and then I promptly forgot about and went back to filling my universe with life. And I can only sigh, a long, tired sigh at the misfortune that my sister happened to anger the only entity comparable to me in strength in this world.

"Fu-" but I don't get to finish my sigh as the rod impacts my barrier, promptly destroying it and launching me kilometers into the distance.

*back to present*

Mc pov

"Yeah good times. Now what's Milim doing without her parents?"

(an, I guess I lied again, hopefully canon starts after next chapter, but we'll see, I'm not really satisfied with the quality of this chapter but I got 3 and a half hours of sleep in the last 24 hours so my mind is functioning below capacity so be glad I even decided to upload today, peace.)