
Tears: as the world burns T-T

δάκρυα a girl living in a word that loathe her, a world just like hell that fears the unknown as she struggles to make decisions, one that would take her head as the choices became harder, blood flowed like an endless river

chisom_eze · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 2: what missing has been found?

δάκρυα waiting at the bench were her and mother had their conversation. She waited but to no avail.


δάκρυα: she isn't going to show up, (sad but the in ability to express herself facially hence she seemed fine )


δάκρυα: she promised, she said I could find her, but I can't .


δάκρυα: (she stuttered) w.. Why, why didn't I say anything, I could have…? I could have been angry, maybe, just mabe…... She could have tried to coax me, maybe she could have tried harder to stay (As her head was lowered.)


마음 : What are you doing? (A figure emerged from behind her).


δάκρυα: nothing


마음: Really, I most have sworn I heard sulking.


δάκρυα: well you heard wrong.


마음: do you need a tissue paper.


δάκρυα:I am not cry, so I don't need it.


마음: (looked at her, her head still lowered he sat there for a long time before he finally spoke) don't be ashamed to weep

δάκρυα: what


마음: (as he smiled) it is right to grieve, tears are water. and flower, trees and fruit cannot grow without water . But there most also sunshine,


(as he bent his head to get a closer look of her face) 


 (δάκρυα raised her head as he handed her a tissue paper)


δάκρυα: I told you (as she slightly pushed his hand back) I am not crying, and I don't need it



마음: If you say so (as he put the tissue paper back in his pocket), if it okay with you, you can burden me with what bothering you.


δάκρυα: I don't even know you.


마음: That is more so a reason to tell me cause you may never see me again.


δάκρυα: (as she smiled a little)


마음: Here we go ( he smiled but she retracted her smile almost immediately)


마음: so am ready to be burdened (as he adjusted his sitting position)


δάκρυα: well tomorrow is the day of my birth anniversary


마음: ohh, That cool


δάκρυα: well not really, but I thought it will be better this year


마음: Why?


δάκρυα: cause something I ones lost returned but went missing all over again, if I have been more persistence and angrier about it going missing maybe just maybe, the lost thing would have stayed.


마음: Probably the missing thing will be found again, you found it before


 δάκρυα: it came back, I didn't find it


마음: Same difference cause dip down you know where it is (as δάκρυα looked at him with disbelieve in her eyes.)


δάκρυα: do you school in prestigious international school as well, I've never seen you before, but the school pretty big so it is possible to have never see you.


마음: No. and the school is way too expensive anyways


마음: You know it better to cry it out than bottle it all in


δάκρυα: I also wish I could cry


마음: Then cry


δάκρυα: it not that easy (as she looked at him and pressed her lip together she then lowered her head)


마음: Okay then we should celebrate


δάκρυα: celebrate what


마음: Your birthday (as she looked up and was met with his eyes and he smiled down on her)


δάκρυα: I thought you said we will never met again


마음: I guess faith has other plans


δάκρυα:ohh, really ( 마음 smiled), but maybe not this year


마음: Then next year, what your name?


δάκρυα: δάκρυα


마음: That a peculiar name, never heard of it (as δάκρυα stared at him) it very pretty


δάκρυα: your just saying that


마음: No, it is a very pretty name, seriously


δάκρυα: yours??



마음: 마음 (pronounced ma-eum)

( meaning heart as in feelings and emotion)



δάκρυα: now that a peculiar name


마음: (chuckled) it Korean it pretty normal



δάκρυα: I guess faith truly has other plans

( they smiled while facing one another).


δάκρυα narrating: cause true emotions and feeling are what I truly want to feel.


Night falls.


(Almost midnight).


(Sebastian mansion was in chaos as everybody prepares for δάκρυα birthday)


Sebastian: get the locks


Maid1: here you go sir


(Indiscriminate talking)


Sebastian: are the food prepared


Maid1: they have been prepared and placed in the room sir


Sebastian: the cake and the decors (short for decoration.)


Maid1: ready sir


δάκρυα: all of that, isn't necessary


Veronica: she's right


Sebastian: it is important (looks as veronica) she is still my daughter in the eyes of many and mine, understood


Veronica: yeah


Sebastian: very well, get in (as he looked at δάκρυα)


(δάκρυα entered a dark room with a heavy metal door, a reflection of light could be seen underneath the end of the stares case, the time was 11: 55 shown on an analog clock on Sebastian wrist , three minute went by as δάκρυα took pictures of the cake, decors and cuisine's on the table, Sebastian could be seen in a darkened room as well, with multiple monitors streaming δάκρυα every action. One minute to go)




(δάκρυα received a message which read)


δάκρυα: happy birthday teardrop (in a whispered tone as she read it to her self)


 (Simultaneously the weather changed drastically as rain began to pour heavily, as tear droplet surrounded the room)


δάκρυα: (screaming with pain which it echoed across the room, her voice cracks in agony ) Noooo (in a soft voice) mom


(As she floated up, dropping her phone from her hand, δάκρυα body started to contort and her face showed the discomfort and pain she was going through, Her chest suddenly burst open, releasing a flood of liquid…(which were tears) it then suspended on the air as her skin was ripped from her body as tentacles like appendage emerged from inside her , the tear droplet suspended on the air rushed towards her and gradually encasing her in a glistening circular tear bubble. The tentacle from her body attached to the tear bubble. on outside the tear bubble web like string in every part of the tear bubble were connected to the walls stabilizing the structure ;)


Sebastian: it time (opening the roof to a thunderous sky. A bolt of lightning struck the tear bubble, halting at δάκρυα's heart. The thunder remained, feeding her.)


Sebastian: This creature embodied in human flesh has turned out to be my greatest source of wealth (as his smile widened)



Next day


Next morning, δάκρυα lay on the floor, nude and wet, her new skin glistening.


 Maids entered, clothed her, and placed her in her room.


δάκρυα narrating: on my one year birthday, my parent were excited to celebrate my first birthday. At midnight the incident that happened at my birthday above,occurred that when it dawned on my father and mother that I was far from normal.


Later that day


δάκρυα walking through the hall of her school as people wish her a happy birthday.


Tina: happy birthday δάκρυα


δάκρυα: thanks Tina


Maddie: happy bday


δάκρυα: thanks Maddie


δάκρυα: hay Theodore


Theodore: happy birthday δάκρυα


As she walked into class with this three individuals as people continued to wish her a happy birthday.


Tina: saw your post, your dad really spoils you (as they sat all around her)


Maddie: you could have invited us


δάκρυα: it is an old tradition, family only, but


Tina: I love it when you say but


δάκρυα: it not too late to celebrate, it still my birthday (as their eyes widened in excitement)


δάκρυα: bills on me (as her friends screamed in happiness)


Alexander: am in, happy birthday (as he spoke from behind and sat close to her)(they are desk mate)


δάκρυα: thanks


Maddie: you're late


Tina: as always


Theodore: hay buddy (as they fist bumped)


Alexander: so what are we going to do?


Tina: let watch a movie


Maddie: karaoke


Theodore: gaming house


Tina: no way (referring to Theodore's opinion)


Maddie: it's kryas party after all.


Alexander: what do you think?


δάκρυα: I literally don't have an opinion in this, just pick a place, okay


Tina: okay, let watch movie


Maddie: no, karaoke


Theodore: gaming house


Alexander: it δάκρυα birthday not yours


(As they all argued on a place to go δάκρυα stayed quite with a forced smile on her face)


δάκρυα narrating: the life I had in the eyes of other was a dream, a privileged life,(scoffed) a friendship only based out of power and influence every one of them call me there friends, but known of them ever take the time to look past the lies and fake smiles, and they never saw my pain, the pain I felt…..


δάκρυα on the bench where her and her mother once sat.


마음: (singing, with a cupcake with one candle in his hand)

Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday, happy birthday, happy birthday to you.


δάκρυα: it you


마음: it me (as he sat down)


δάκρυα: how did u know I'll be here


마음: (a smile on his face) i guess faith truly has other plans for us,


δάκρυα forced a slight smiles

마음: (having an odd feeling) what wrong


δάκρυα: nothing


마음: I can feel something odd(He gazed at her with a piercing look, his eyes seeming to say, 'I know you're hiding something.)


δάκρυα: really


마음: yeah (He smiled, his eyes fixed on her face, but her expression remained unreadable) what wrong


δάκρυα: nothing


마음: keep telling yourself that (As he sat facing forward, his eyes gazing straight ahead)


δάκρυα: what (As she looked at him with a puzzled expression, her eyes clouded with confusion)


마음: That you're fine when you are truly not, (His eyes delved into hers, searching for the hidden emotions, the unspoken words, the secrets she kept guarded), your holding onto something, that you should have to walk away from


δάκρυα: what? (her voice laced with curiosity, her eyes sparkling with interest)


마음: Pain. (Their eyes met, and he smiled) I have no gift but this small cake and some words of advice "Be patient and tough, for someday this pain will serve you well" (quoted by Ovid). Remember, pain is inevitable, but suffering is optional, so don't choose to suffer.


δάκρυα narrating: …..Except him


마음: Blow out the candle and make a wish. (He gently pushed the cake closer to her, his eyes sparkling with encouragement)



δákrya: Okay! (Her eyes shone with anticipation, her face aglow with excitement, as she brought her hands together in a prayer-like gesture)


마음: what did u wish for?


δάκρυα: am not telling you, it may not come true when spoken out to the air


마음: if it comes true can you tell me then


δάκρυα: definitely (as they both smiled)


Night fall


 Alexander, Theodore, Tina, and Maddie all walking out of the mall, smiling and laughing while δάκρυα forcing a smile as she watches her friend.


Tina: in the end we did what we all wanted to do


Theodore: how do you feel δάκρυα, is you bank still stable?


δάκρυα: like the mountain


Maddie: her monthly allowance is 9 month if not a year of yours.


Alexander: are you okay


δάκρυα: I am, I don't mind spending money on you guys


Tina: see, she doesn't mind (pouted, then held alexander hand) you've never cared about me that way before (referring to alexander)


Theodore: that because you aren't δάκρυα


Tina: hay you (in a annoyed playful tone as she chased Theodore as all of them laughed and δάκρυα forcing a slight smile)


δάκρυα and her friend departing Tina and Theodore in the car will Maddie and alexander were outside the car, Maddie was holding the door in the front side of the car while alexander was holding the back door of the car;


Maddie: are you sure


δάκρυα: am sure, get in (looks at her driver) get them home safety


Driver of δάκρυα: yes mam


Alexander: what about you


δάκρυα: I can take a carb


Maddie: it dangerous, what of if something bad happens


δάκρυα: like what


Alexander: what of if you encounter a kidnapper


δάκρυα: then I'll fight back am stronger than I look(as she slightly forced smiled)


Maddie: seriously


δάκρυα:everything is fine

Tina: don't worry about δάκρυα she is strong enough to take care of her self, right


δάκρυα: right


Theodore: right, you're definitely right, let go it almost 10 we have school tomorrow


δάκρυα: you should go


Maddie: bye (as she entered the car)


Tina: bye


Theodore: bye


Alexander: take care, okay (δάκρυα nodded) bye (as he entered the car)


δάκρυα: bye guys (as the car accelerated as they were waving each other bye)


δάκρυα narrating: would you really call this friendship


δάκρυα in her mind: Theodore, Tina, Alexander, and Maddie, they all have their own lives, their own struggles, (she thought to herself.) And I have mine, separate and apart from theirs, a constant reminder that I'm just a temporary visitor in their world, a world that's never truly been mine.


 ( As she watched her friends drive away, a figure on the opposite side of the street caught her attention, standing and staring at her)


δάκρυα: ma (as she called out to her mother, then a car passed and the head light of the car reviled the figure to be


χαρούμενο τέλος)


δάκρυα narrating: at that moment different emotions were felt and I thought this was it, this was what a perfect gift felt like, I thought it would last forever that the search, pain and hardship were over but little did I know, like a saying once quoted by Margaret Mitchell; that life is under no obligation to give you what you expect.




We could now see a building burning δάκρυα cover with blood and ash running through the burning flame calling out to χαρούμενο τέλος by repeatedly calling out "mum", then we see χαρούμενο τέλος lying on the floor covered in blood unable to move, her eyes were opened but immobile, she laid there like a lifeless body) 


δάκρυα: ( as δάκρυα sat down beside her)mum, mum talk to me don't go we have so much left to say mum!!!! (Screaming in pain) you promised


(a drop of blood rolled down χαρούμενο τέλος eyes then tears started to gather at the corner of δάκρυα eyes, burning her skin (eye lid) as it stayed there unable to flow down as she sealed her eyes before it flow down her skin, burning both her eye lid and eye balls like acid


δάκρυα narrating: that day I released that our happiness was short lived and the torture and pain was far from over it was just learning to crawl, it was only just beginning, that to with a death and blood drop.




Writer narrating: her story hasn't began, but what is life with no pain and hardship