
Tears: as the world burns T-T

δάκρυα a girl living in a word that loathe her, a world just like hell that fears the unknown as she struggles to make decisions, one that would take her head as the choices became harder, blood flowed like an endless river

chisom_eze · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 1: My eyes speak volume


A man staggering from the dim street to a small house where he opened the door and entered the house.

When the front door swung open χαρούμενο τέλος hide a 2 year old δάκρυα in the wardrobe. Then he walked into the room, χαρούμενο τέλος knelt down in front of him as if knowing what comes next, right then he slapped her, he continued to slap her and continuously repeating this same words.


Sebastian: you ruined my life.


After a while he felt a sharp pain as δάκρυα touched him in his lower back then he pushed her away with force, as he was in immense pain, δάκρυα started sulking immediately he tilted her head and covered her eyes, the tears burnt him like a wild fire in his palm ripping his skin, leaving nothing but his bone. He commanded her to stop cryig. After which she stopped crying then he said;


Sebastian: (as he smiled and lowered his head) you gave me a demon to nurture as my own

(As he scoffed and walked away, χαρούμενο τέλος hurriedly hugged her child and consoled her).


δάκρυα narrating: this went on for years, he never valued her. Ever since the revelation was brought to light every member of the χάος clan was to have no relationship with my mother so as her new founded family. During the time of my infancy I was to be killed, beheaded actually, not once not twice but several times in fact, but no metal or material from the surface of this earth could hurt me (physical hurt) except the pain and tear of my mother (emotional hurt), after my birth my father love towards my mother slowly diminished as the years went by. The love she sort after became her doom, my mother always says that she never regretted being in love she always quoted Alfred Tennyson "that it is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all", but I presumed love to be only an illusion like Virginia woolf once quoted, it a was wise word in fact, love broke my mother, and she could never be fixed again.





 A dark alley a girl standing underneath a flashing lamp post, then a drop of tears fell from her face at the exact moment rain started falling.


 χαρούμενο τέλος in her mind: the tears in my eyes I can wipe away but the ache in my heart will always stay.


(From a distance a group of individual were running to her direction with unpleasant expressions on their face and weapons)


χαρούμενο τέλος: I love you δάκρυα stay strong 

(everything went dark)





The 4 year old δάκρυα opened her eyes, a clear glass iris as clear as a trop of tear stared back at the woman who lingered over her, and the woman had an unpleasant expression on her face.


Veronica: what are you doing it is the first cock crow (meaning it was 4-4:30am in the morning) do u need a royal invitation, my clothes aren't going to wash themselves are you listeni.... (As her voice slowly fading away).


(As δάκρυα kept a straight face)


δάκρυα narration: after my mother's disappearance, my father assumed her as dead, his fame grew like no one has ever seen and his riches flowed endlessly. With both power and money happiness lingered in his heart as to that he remarried a woman known as veronica.


Flash Back one year ago


(It showed veronica on Sebastian lap with his hand on her thighs, wearing a black suit he was putting on glove )


Mr. Ezekiel: I have a very pretty daughter


Sebastian: I must say


Mr. Ezekiel: do you accept this alliance


Sebastian: how can I decline such a beautiful young lady?


As Mr. Ezekiel smiled with relief and pleasantry with the success of his new founded alliance


 δάκρυα narrating: As they dined and wined I stood there as thou I was a statue, I watch the immoralities of men and sebastian , and they did as thou I wasn't human, I stood and watched without a word or muscled moved. My mother told me the story of old, of when my father as a man of integrity and virtuous but looking now at the man in front of me I ask myself what happened to the man she once knew.




(4 year old δάκρυα washed the clothes by hand, she scrubbed the entire mansion floor only yielding a brush, after all her work is done she is locked in her room as her father and step mother receives guest during the weekends and at week days she is sent to school this event has been on repeat since the disappearance of her mother.)


δάκρυα narrating: One day veronica fainted during a party and she was rushed to the hospital what seemed to a be terrifying event was a blessing unto my father's hand, she was pregnant, and the news flew far and wide, the party never stopped, I was ordered day and night to prepare for the new life, veronica got all she wanted on a silver platter, I was no more than a slave to Veronica in my own home but my father gave me the necessary requirement I needed to survive and suffice as a child because of the fear that I may cry and destroy the land.


δάκρυα narrating: After so many month veronica gave birth to three boys this news was like dew on the morning leave, everyone was satisfied with her outcome of reproducing male triplet on her first attempt , veronicas father Mr. Ezekiel was ecstatic, my father was over the moon, I was happy for the new life brought into the world, but I was forbidden to go any were close to the triplets because they feared that I may ruin the joy that they managed to acquire.






Rain fell heavy as δάκρυα opened the front door then walked in drenched.


Veronica: what are you doing home so late?


δάκρυα: I was at school and the rain started to pour, so….. (cut -short)


Veronica: so, you have one job, OK, not one but essential jobs, to do around the house.


 δάκρυα: I've already done them.


Veronica: ya, this morning (δάκρυα bared no emotion), don't look at me that way, (veronica smiled) am having guest, (then immediately retracted her smile) okay get to work.


(As she walked away δάκρυα stared into the endless hall then she went to her room to change to normal house wear then started her chores she scrubbed the walls, floors and furniture with the strict guidance of veronica).




Night fall


A woman (χαρούμενο τέλος) shouting and crying as people sit in a place just like an auditorium, while the woman was on the stage publicly humiliated and laughed upon as they tutored her, the situation was then changed to the woman running in pain and with opened wounds as people chased after her,


δάκρυα narrating: The image of this event was in haze


δάκρυα in her mind : I have been having the same dream for the past TWELVE YEARS but tonight own was different


(As δάκρυα slowly opened her eyes)


δάκρυα: she fled


A school building is shown, δάκρυα carrying her bag pack and a huge trash bag, she stepped out of the school building and there was a trash can beside the door which she stepped out from and placed the trash in the trash can; δάκρυα heard someone call out her name from a distance, as she casted her eyes upon the figure behind her.


δάκρυα: mom (χαρούμενο τέλος tears flowing down her face as δάκρυα ran to the direction of her mother and stopped few inches away from her mother)


χαρούμενο τέλος: my tear drop (with tears and a smile on her face)


δάκρυα: mummy (then she embrace her mother as tight as ever).




δάκρυα and χαρούμενο τέλος sitting on a bench at the back of her school.


χαρούμενο τέλος: I know you have so many question, like why I left you (sniffing in), why I never came back, what I've been doing all this years (as she bawled her eyes out)


δάκρυα: all is forgiven if you don't leave again(as δάκρυα tilted her head up, turned to face her mother with a smile)


(Χαρούμενο τέλος looked at her nodded as she wiped her tear)


δάκρυα: And yes I have question but we have plenty of time for the answer, right


χαρούμενο τέλος: definitely (as they embrace them self-one more time before departure as δάκρυα took a few step away from her mother she turned around)


δάκρυα: when can I see you again, how can I find you


χαρούμενο τέλος: you already know


(As δάκρυα turned around then, then turned back to face her mother.


δάκρυα: how?


(As she turned around her mother was no were to be seen)




δάκρυα woke up early, did her chores and decided to go out early that morning, as she opened the door;


Sebastian: where are you going?


δάκρυα: out (as she turned around)


Sebastian: why (as he stood up)


δάκρυα: don't I have permission to go out, or am I solely confined to my room.


Sebastian: don't give me that attitude child. (As she turned to leave)


Sebastian: be back, before twilight


δάκρυα: am surprised you even remember


Sebastian: believe me, I can never forget such a day. (As δάκρυα walked out the door)


Sebastian: be back before twilight, understood (as he went to his bar area and poured wine into a glass)


δάκρυα: (as she smirked in pain) sure thing. (As she left the house and shot the door behind her.)

Sebastian: (exhaled, as he sipped from his glass, Sebastian wearing a black glove).