
Tearing Through the Heaven: Battle God Yin JianJun

Oh Sang Go, a seemingly ordinary student, has always lived life as a loser, enduring relentless bullying and heartbreak. In his adult life, it was not going so well, even after his military service he gained no friends or lovers. So he ended it all. But fate has other plans for Sang Go. Instead of meeting his tragic end, he finds himself reborn as Yin Jianjun, a lowly slave in the remote Su clan, deep within the mysterious murim world. Stripped of his memories from his previous life, Yin Jianjun is thrust into a harsh and unforgiving existence. As Yin Jianjun navigates the treacherous world of the Su clan, a brutal martial arts society, he begins to awaken to his past life experiences when a near-fatal encounter with the clan's Third Master jolts his memories to the surface. Realizing that his modern life knowledge can be a powerful asset, he embarks on a journey to leverage his newfound understanding and transform himself into a force to be reckoned with. Drawing upon the wisdom and resilience gained from his past life, Yin Jianjun challenges the traditional norms of the murim world. He seeks to break free from the shackles of his lowly status and rise above the oppressive hierarchy of the Su clan. With each step forward, he uncovers hidden secrets, unravels complex political entanglements, and exposes the corruption that plagues the murim society. As Yin Jianjun's strength grows, he attracts both allies and enemies. Through strategic alliances and his own determination, he faces formidable opponents, taking down those who once looked down upon him. Along the way, he discovers the true meaning of honor, loyalty, and love, as well as the consequences of his own actions. Tearing Through the Heaven: Battle God Yin JianJun is an exhilarating tale of a man's journey to find his place in a world that has repeatedly cast him aside. It combines elements of martial arts, adventure, and self-discovery, painting a vivid picture of a young man who defies his destiny and rises above the darkness to claim his rightful place among the murim elite.

DormaFlormage · Eastern
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4 Chs

Unveiling the Hidden Strength

As the day wore on and my duties as a slave were fulfilled, I found solace in the solitude of my cramped quarters. With only the dim light of a flickering candle to guide me, I embarked on a clandestine journey to unlock the secrets of the martial arts that Oh Sang Go had once learned in the South Korean army.

The memories of Oh Sang Go's training became my guide, a roadmap to reclaiming a part of my lost identity. I attempted to replicate the movements he had once mastered, clumsily mimicking the stances and strikes.

Teukgong Moosool, a martial art focused on self-defense, demanded precise footwork and intricate techniques. Every step felt foreign, every punch lacked the fluidity I desired. I stumbled, frustration mounting with each failed attempt.

Won Hwa Do, a discipline blending traditional Korean martial arts with modern fighting styles, proved equally challenging. Its combination of strikes, locks, and throws required a level of coordination and finesse that eluded me.

The memory of Oh Sang Go executing the techniques effortlessly taunted me, amplifying my determination to conquer the art form.

Night after night, I persevered, my body aching from the strains of my clandestine practice. The walls of my confined quarters witnessed my silent struggle, the echoes of my grunts and exertions confined within its confines.

Sweat dripped from my brow, mingling with the flickering candlelight, as I persisted in my pursuit of mastery.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months. Slowly, painstakingly, I began to grasp the basic movements of Teukgong Moosool and Won Hwa Do. Each small victory brought a glimmer of hope, fueling my resolve to push forward.

Yet, for every moment of progress, countless failures plagued my journey. The limitations of my environment, the lack of proper instruction, and the absence of sparring partners hindered my growth.

Each technique felt incomplete, lacking the refinement that could only come through rigorous training and guidance.

As the days turned into weeks, the arduous training began to shape my once-slender frame. Muscles, honed through relentless practice, now lay hidden beneath the surface, ready to be unleashed with every flex and strain.

Though not immediately visible to the casual observer, the strength that had blossomed within me infused my every movement, lending newfound confidence to my endeavors.

However, my progress remained a secret, concealed within the walls of my secluded quarters. The rest of the Su clan, unaware of my clandestine training, still perceived me as the same lowly slave.

And it was under these circumstances that Su Xiosi, a strict disciplinarian and overseer of the slaves, summoned us all to gather before him.

The air crackled with tension as the slaves assembled, their gazes downcast, their bodies taut with anticipation. The annual ritual was upon us, where the martial students and young masters of the Su clan would test their blades on the very tools that served them. It was a grim reminder of our place within the hierarchy, yet also an opportunity for a fortunate few to escape the chains of slavery.

Su Xiosi's voice cut through the silence, his tone laced with authority.

"Slaves of the Su clan, today you shall prove your worth. The martial students and young misses and masters will test their skills upon you. Survive for fifteen minutes, defeat your opponent, and you shall earn your freedom from these walls."

A mixture of fear and hope swept through the crowd of slaves, myself included. The prospect of liberation beckoned like a distant star, promising life beyond the suffocating confines of the Su clan. I stood, my heart pounding, ready to face whatever challenge awaited me.

The young masters and martial students stepped forward, their blades gleaming in the sunlight. The air bristled with anticipation as the first clashes of steel echoed through the courtyard.

The slaves were allowed to move and evade, to showcase their agility and resilience. However, the unspoken rule lingered heavily in the air—escape was not an option, and surrender was met with severe consequences.

As the battles raged on, a chilling realization settled over me. The courtyard became a merciless arena, painted with the blood of my fellow slaves.

I watched in horror as bodies crumpled to the ground, severed limbs scattered in their wake. The once hopeful faces contorted in pain, their desperate cries mingling with the clash of steel and the thud of lifeless bodies hitting the earth.

My heart pounded like a drum in my chest, threatening to burst free from its confines. Fear clutched at my throat, tightening with each passing moment.

The line of slaves grew shorter, their numbers diminishing with every devastating blow. The air became thick with the metallic scent of blood and the raw stench of violence, assaulting my senses and shaking the very foundations of my sanity.

My hands trembled, my body locked in a paralyzing mix of terror and desperation. I wanted to turn away, to shield my eyes from the brutality unfolding before me, but my gaze remained transfixed.

Each strike inflicted upon my fellow slaves sent shockwaves through my being, a haunting reminder of the fragility of life and the depths of human cruelty.

With each passing moment, the survival instinct within me waged a fierce battle against the overpowering horror. The screams and pleas for mercy became a symphony of despair, haunting my every thought. How had the pursuit of freedom become a macabre dance of death?

As the line inched closer to me, my mind spun with conflicting emotions. Should I fight with all my might, risking my life for a chance at liberation?

Or should I surrender, preserving my existence at the cost of perpetual servitude? The weight of the decision pressed upon me, threatening to crush my spirit.

But amid the chaos and carnage, a flicker of determination ignited within me. I refused to be a mere spectator to the cruelty around me.

This was my chance to break free from the chains that bound me, to honor the memories of the fallen by fighting for my own survival.

I took a deep breath, steadied my trembling limbs, and steeled myself for the inevitable clash. The fear that once consumed me transformed into resolute defiance.

I would not allow myself to be another casualty. With every ounce of strength I could muster, I prepared to face the merciless onslaught, knowing that the outcome would shape not only my fate but the very essence of who I had become.

As the battle raged on, the crowd fell into stunned silence as a towering figure named Ma Kang stepped forward. Standing at an imposing seven feet tall, his massive frame seemed to dwarf the surrounding chaos. Gasps of astonishment echoed through the courtyard, for Ma Kang's size was an anomaly among the slaves.

However, his towering stature belied his true nature. Ma Kang was known to be a simpleton, lacking any discernible skill or strength. Many regarded him as a gentle giant, incapable of inflicting harm. The martial student who stood before him, confident in his abilities, dismissed Ma Kang's presence as inconsequential.

With the clash of blades, the fight commenced, the martial student's arrogance fueling his initial strikes. But to the shock of everyone watching, Ma Kang moved with a speed and ferocity that defied his simple-minded reputation. In just a few steps, he closed the distance between them, his enormous hands descending upon the martial student's head.

A sickening crunch reverberated through the air as Ma Kang's massive fists collided with the martial student's skull. Bones shattered under the immense force, blood spraying in a crimson arc. The lifeless body of the martial student crumpled to the ground, a grotesque testament to the unexpected power that lay within Ma Kang.

Silence engulfed the courtyard, broken only by the gasps of onlookers. The once-confident martial student, reduced to a mere lifeless heap, lay at Ma Kang's feet. The sight sent shockwaves through the hearts of those witnessing the scene, challenging their preconceived notions of strength and capability.

As for Ma Kang, a flicker of realization flashed in his vacant eyes. The power he had displayed, hitherto unknown even to himself, awakened something primal within him. He had become an unwitting instrument of retribution, a manifestation of the fury and suffering endured by the oppressed.

Whispers rippled through the crowd, mingling with the lingering scent of death. The balance of power had shifted, and the spectators, once confident in the outcome of this cruel spectacle, now held their breath, wondering if more surprises awaited them.

At that moment, I felt a strange mix of awe and trepidation. Ma Kang's triumph had shattered the illusion of invincibility that the Su clan had cultivated.