
Tearing Through the Heaven: Battle God Yin JianJun

Oh Sang Go, a seemingly ordinary student, has always lived life as a loser, enduring relentless bullying and heartbreak. In his adult life, it was not going so well, even after his military service he gained no friends or lovers. So he ended it all. But fate has other plans for Sang Go. Instead of meeting his tragic end, he finds himself reborn as Yin Jianjun, a lowly slave in the remote Su clan, deep within the mysterious murim world. Stripped of his memories from his previous life, Yin Jianjun is thrust into a harsh and unforgiving existence. As Yin Jianjun navigates the treacherous world of the Su clan, a brutal martial arts society, he begins to awaken to his past life experiences when a near-fatal encounter with the clan's Third Master jolts his memories to the surface. Realizing that his modern life knowledge can be a powerful asset, he embarks on a journey to leverage his newfound understanding and transform himself into a force to be reckoned with. Drawing upon the wisdom and resilience gained from his past life, Yin Jianjun challenges the traditional norms of the murim world. He seeks to break free from the shackles of his lowly status and rise above the oppressive hierarchy of the Su clan. With each step forward, he uncovers hidden secrets, unravels complex political entanglements, and exposes the corruption that plagues the murim society. As Yin Jianjun's strength grows, he attracts both allies and enemies. Through strategic alliances and his own determination, he faces formidable opponents, taking down those who once looked down upon him. Along the way, he discovers the true meaning of honor, loyalty, and love, as well as the consequences of his own actions. Tearing Through the Heaven: Battle God Yin JianJun is an exhilarating tale of a man's journey to find his place in a world that has repeatedly cast him aside. It combines elements of martial arts, adventure, and self-discovery, painting a vivid picture of a young man who defies his destiny and rises above the darkness to claim his rightful place among the murim elite.

DormaFlormage · Eastern
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4 Chs

Embers of Resilience

I woke up to the harsh reality of my new existence, the biting cold of the dirt floor seeping into my bones. My body ached from the previous day's grueling labor, but it was the emptiness inside that gnawed at me the most.

As Yin Jianjun, the name bestowed upon me in this unfamiliar world, I had no recollection of my past life. The only remnant was a vague sense of loss and a burning desire for something greater.

The curiosity that brewed inside me, forced me towards the training grounds, where I could hear the clash of weapons and the grunts of fellow disciples.

I approached the training grounds; my eyes fixated on the flurry of movement around me. The clang of swords and the thud of fists echoed through the air, each strike resonating with a sense of power and purpose. Lost in the mesmerizing display, I failed to notice the imposing figure of Master Su Lai approaching me.

His voice boomed across the courtyard, cutting through the clamor of combat. "Yin Jianjun! What are you doing, neglecting your duties and daring to spectate our martial arts practice?"

Startled, I turned to face the stern gaze of Master Su Lai. His eyes bore into mine, the weight of his authority pressing down upon me.

I stammered, searching for an excuse, but the truth was written all over my face. I had allowed myself a moment of respite, drawn by the allure of the martial prowess surrounding me.

Master Su Lai's voice grew sharper. "You are a slave, Yin Jianjun. Your place is to serve, not to indulge in the privileges of the martial arts. Do you understand?"

A mixture of fear and frustration swirled within me as I tried to find the right words to appease Master Su Lai. "Master, please understand, I was merely captivated by the skill and grace of the Su clan's martial arts. I yearn to learn, to contribute, to become more than just a lowly slave."

Master Su Lai's expression hardened, his eyes narrowing into slits. "You dare speak of yearning and contribution? You, a slave of our clan? Your place is to obey, not to dream beyond your station!"

I could feel his anger radiating, his patience wearing thin. In a fit of fury, he called over his most formidable student, the notorious Third Young Master Su Renshu.

"Su Renshu, teach this insolent slave a lesson he won't soon forget. Use him as a dummy for your techniques for the entire evening!"

Su Renshu, a cold and ruthless figure with a reputation that sent shivers down my spine, sauntered over with a wicked grin.

His eyes glinted with sadistic pleasure as he sized me up. "Well, well, it seems we have a disobedient rat in our midst. Don't worry, slave, I'll make sure you never forget your place."

My heart sank, but a flicker of defiance still burned within me. I braced myself for the pain and humiliation that awaited, determined to endure whatever Su Renshu would throw at me.

For the entire evening, the courtyard became my personal hell. Su Renshu unleashed a barrage of punishing strikes and bone-crushing techniques, each blow echoing my growing desperation.

I stumbled, gasping for breath, but refused to yield to the pain. Every strike fueled my determination to rise above my circumstances, to prove that I was more than just a disposable pawn.

As the moon climbed higher in the sky, my body battered and bruised, Su Renshu paused. His eyes gleamed with a twisted satisfaction.

"You're resilient, I'll give you that. But remember this, slave: no matter how hard you try, you will always be beneath us, always a lowly speck in the Su clan."

His words struck a nerve, igniting a fire within me.

"Watch me, Su Renshu. I may be a speck now, but one day, I will rise above the heavens and cast a shadow that engulfs you all."

Su Renshu chuckled, dismissing my words as foolishness.

"We'll see about that, slave. We'll see." 

From night till dawn, I lay there, battered and bruised, my body a canvas of pain. As I drifted in and out of consciousness, fragmented memories invaded my mind, intermingling with the ache of my physical wounds.

I saw glimpses of a life that wasn't mine, the trials and tribulations of a man named, Oh Sang Go. His struggles with bullying and heartbreak, the relentless torment that had pushed him to the edge of despair.

In those moments of lucidity, I felt his pain as if it were my own. I could hear the echoes of cruel laughter and taste the bitterness of betrayal.

The weight of his past burdened my soul, intertwining with my determination to rise above my current existence.

From the depths of my fragmented memories, I emerged into a world of throbbing pain. The first glimmer of consciousness revealed the concerned face of Su Yanmei, the daughter of the Su clan, gazing down at me with a mix of compassion and worry. Her beauty, like an ethereal light, momentarily eased the ache within me.

From the depths of my fragmented memories, I emerged into a world of throbbing pain. The first glimmer of consciousness revealed the concerned face of Su Yanmei, the daughter of the Su clan, gazing down at me with a mix of compassion and worry. Her beauty, like an ethereal light, momentarily eased the ache within me.

"Yin Jianjun, you're awake," she said, her voice soft and soothing. "You've endured a terrible ordeal. Let me tend to your wounds."

With a nod, Su Yanmei summoned her servant, YanYan, who quickly arrived with a basin of warm water and fresh bandages. YanYan's skilled hands worked diligently, wrapping the cloth around my wounds, providing a measure of relief and support.

"I'm indebted to your kindness," I murmured, grateful for their care amidst the harsh reality of my existence.

Su Yanmei smiled gently. "You don't owe us anything, Yin Jianjun. We believe in compassion and fairness, even in the face of adversity."

As Su Yanmei took her leave, attending to her duties, I was left alone to gather myself. Painstakingly, I rose from my makeshift bed, every movement a reminder of the punishment I had endured. The soreness in my muscles protested each step, but I refused to succumb to weakness.

Dragging myself back to the slave quarters, I changed into the tattered garments that marked my status. The worn fabric clung to my battered body, a constant reminder of the servitude I was born into.

But within me, a quiet fire burned, fueled by the memories of my past life and the determination to rise above my circumstances.

I set about my duties with renewed vigor, scrubbing the floors and carrying out the menial tasks expected of me. The pain persisted, a constant companion, but I refused to let it define me. Each action I took, and every chore completed, was a testament to my resilience and determination.

As the day wore on, the whispers of my former life mingled with the harsh reality of my current existence. It was a balancing act, navigating between the fragments of Oh Sang Go's pain and the strength I had discovered within myself.

The memories served as a reminder of what I had endured, fueling my determination to forge a new path, one that defied the expectations of my lowly status.