
TEAM 7: Once More

Kaguya the mother of all chakra, the ones that eat chakra fruits and gain a unexplainable power, she was the only one enemies that team 7 need to take down. After obito dies and give kakashi his mangekyou sharingan, kakashi manage to summon one of the perfect susanoo and save sakura, then all of them start to attacking kaguya who seems like want to change her appearance to the ten tailed beast or as we all know the perfect juubi. When they all trying to sealed her something bad happened. They stuck in the dimension that even kakashi kamui couldn’t take they back to where they was. And then suddenly they all wake up in their 12 years old body leaving the war behind. What will happen to them? Can they make a better future for everyone? I DO NOT OWN NARUTO, ALL CHARACTERS BELONGS TO MASASHI KISHIMOTO, AND ENGLISH IS NOT MY FIRST AND MAIN LANGUAGE, SO I’M SORRY IF THERE ARE SO MUCH GRAMMATICAL ERROR OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT, I’LL TRY MY BEST TO WRITE AND RECHECK THE GRAMMAR ON GRAMMARLY BEFORE I POSTING IT, THANK YOU.

Arunsyfdn · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Chapter 13: The First Exam!

Chapter 13: The First Exam

Karin watched as the blond Uzumaki made his way to his seat, determined expression fixed on his face. He seemed so confident, so self assured. Could he... could he really be family?

Karin wouldn't have believed it at first, just because he looked nothing like an Uzumaki. He didn't have red hair or pale skin like her or her mom did, but he was as bosturious as her mother said their clan was. And his chakra... it was so warm and bubbly. She'd felt it immediately when he entered the room, like a bonfire on a cold night. It was something she automatically wanted to latch onto, just because she never felt that back in Kusa. Maybe she had with her mom, but that was long ago. She couldn't honestly say she remembered everything about the woman perfectly, even though she wished she could. The memories were all tainted with bitterness and regret.

She'd never met another Uzumaki before, she'd thought she was the last one. After all, she had no reason to think otherwise. To this this boy smiling and bouncing around, it was so foreign to her. What did he do for the village? Did they treat him like they treated her? Did they treat him better? He said he'd never had a family, so he was orphaned like her. Did they kill his mom too? Push her to the edge where she couldn't crawl back from?

Looking at the way he smiled, somehow she didn't think that was the case.

The proctor up front continued his speech on the rules of the exam and signaled for them to start. Karin did. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught sight of her teammates glaring daggers at her. She had to pass this exam or else, is what their eyes said. Gulping, she turned to the clock.

One hour until she could speak with that Naruto boy.

Suddenly passing this test didn't seem all that important.

Sakura was willing to just sit the test out if she was being honest. She didn't have to answer a single question or do anything. The point of this test wasn't to answer the questions correctly after all, it was just to gather information without getting caught. Which wasn't a problem for her. She'd already made chunin, she could gather intel just fine. But that wasn't the problem right now. The problem was she was so bored.

She was easily smart enough to answer all these without having to cheat, albeit it would still be hard, but she didn't have to. But on the other hand, she couldn't just sit here for an hour!

God, decision, decisions...

Eventually she decided to answer the questions, not working too fast in the hopes of stretching it out for as long as possible. If she really tried to she might even be able to push it till the last question. Maybe.

Across the room, Sasuke was eyeing his own test. His sharingan wasn't activated yet, as he was still debating the merits of bothering to answer the questions. He didn't have to, they were going on to the second exam anyways no matter what they did or didn't do. They just had to stay until the very end.

Around him, he noticed some people begin to start cheating. Next to him, a boy was blatantly looking over at someone's test. It was so obvious Sasuke almost laughed. He didn't, but he did roll his eyes. He saw one of the chunin proctors make a tic on their clipboard. So he'd seen it too, he thought. Good. Any ninja as obvious as that didn't deserve the title.

A few rows in front of him sat Naruto himself. The boy wasn't nearly as panicked about the test as he was last time, but that didn't mean he was doing anything either. He was torn between looking around to see if he could spot any familiar faces and just straight up taking a nap. He didn't quite want to risk doing the first one though out of fear of one of the proctors thinking he was cheating. Nap it was.

We went to settle down, but a voice next to him spoke up before he could.

Hinata: Um, Naruto-kun You haven't answered a single question.

Naruto looked up and spotted Hinata's blushing face gazing down at him. Her brow was furrowed in worry, obviously concerned that he wouldn't pass.

Naruto: oh, yeah i know that

Hinata: W-would y-you, would you like to copy my answers?

She offered nervously, scooting her paper a little closer to him. He just shook his head.

Naruto: Nah, it's okay. I'm know what I'm doing.

She looked uncertain, but nodded anyways.

Hinata: Al-alright, I-I just don't want to see you fail.

Naruto: You won't, But thanks anyway.

he promised internally, remembering how she'd stood up for him in front of Pein. She'd been ready to sacrifice herself so he could have a chance..

He went back to staring at the blackboard in the front, sinking into his musings of the future.

One by one, teams of three were kicked out of the test. At one point, Kankuro left for the bathroom, followed by one of the proctors.

Finally, forty five minutes into the test, Morino Ibiki announced the tenth question.

Ibiki: Now... before we get to it,

he started, hawkish eyes staring over the assembled genin.

Ibiki: I'd like to go over the added rules for this question.

Murmurs of unrest rippled through the classroom.

Ibiki: These are... The rules of desperation."

This time, Naruto could see some of the genin sweating nervously. A few shifted in their seats. Boy was the man getting to them.

Ibiki: First, for the tenth question you have to decide whether or not you'll take it.

Immediately there was an outcry from one of the seats in the edge of the classroom. "Choose! What happens if we choose not to?" It was Temari that had shouted. She looked so young!

Ibiki: If you choose not to, Your points will be reduced to zero, and you'll fail. Along with your two teammates.

"What does that mean?" A random genin yelled, the same time another shouted, "Then of course we decide to take the question!"

Up font, Ibiki just humphed.

Ibiki: And now...

he continued, ignoring the outbursts.

Ibiki: The other rule, If you choose to take it and answer incorrectly, that person will lose the right to take the chunin exams ever again.

While the rest of classroom silently freaked out, Naruto had to suppress the urge to roll his eyes.

Kiba: What kinda rule is that!

Kiba shouted from somewhere behind him.

Kiba: There are guys here who have taken the exam before!

Ibiki just laughed.

Ibiki: You guys were unlucky, This year it's my rules. But I am giving you a way out. Those that aren't confident can choose not to take it and try again next year.

Ibiki: Now,

he went on, ignoring the panicked looks on everyone's faces.

Ibiki: Let's begin the tenth question.

Next to him, Hinata shot Naruto a worried look. She knew he hadn't answered one question, and if he failed this one too...

But Naruto was resting his chin against his hand, bored as all get out.

Ibiki: Those that do not wish to take it, Raise your hand. Once your number is confirmed, leave.

A boy next to him stood up, followed by the rest of him team. A group a few rows ahead followed suit. It went on until there were twenty six teams left in the room, all visibly sweating. At that moment, Naruto decided to shoot up from his chair.

Naruto: I call that a bullshit.

Suddenly, everyone in the classroom went silent, eyes locked on him. The chunin proctors around the edges were staring at him with wide eyes. Up front, Ibiki was staring him don, trying to understand what was going on in his mind.

Ibiki: And why's that?

He eventually asked, unable to deduce the reason for the boys sudden outburst.

Naruto: his question is rigged, We're supposed to cheat. Knowing the answers isn't the point of this. If you know the answer to the tenth question, that defeats the purpose of the whole test. And if you don't know, you don't have enough time to copy someone who does. Besides, even if I answer it wrong and stay a genin forever, that doesn't matter. I can still become Hokage through skill alone. You don't have to have a fancy rank to get the hat. You don't have to have one to chase after your best friend, or go on S-rank missions, or fight in a war. So yeah, I'm calling bullshit.

Ibiki looked almost impressed, looking over the blonde with a intrigue.

Ibiki: Very well, he said, But I'll say it again, your life is riding on this decision. This is your last chance to quite.

Naruto just scoffed.

Naruto: Find someone else to quite, Because I won't.

Ibiki nodded before glancing around the room. All the other genin were looking inspired, instilled with confidence after Naruto's impromptu speech. The chunin proctors were all giving Naruto looks of impressed admiration, some even smiling to themselves. Ibiki sighed, might as well get on with this.

Ibiki: Good decision,

he finally nodded.

Ibiki: Now, to everyone still remaining...

The whole classroom (minus team 7) leaned forward, nervous and excited.

Ibiki: I congratulate you on passing the first test.

Naruto was smiling like an idiot as team 7 regrouped at the doorway to the hall. Sasuke was giving him the most unimpressed look possible while Sakura could only roll her eyes.

After Anko had made her... striking entrance, and explained the second exam, they'd been let go. Unlike last time she didn't make them follow her to the forest of death to start the second test, saying there would be one days preparation and to show up training ground 44 tomorrow at noon.

Sakura: Was the speech really necessary?

Sakura asked with a sigh, eyeing their blonde teammate in exasperation.

Naruto: I gave a speech last time, didn't I?

Sasuke: Yeah, But how'd you figure out it was rigged. I thought you were a dumbass.

Naruto: Hey, I can be smart!

Sasuke: Hn.

While they bickered, Sakura just rolled her eyes before tugging her boys out into the hall, ready to go home to get ready for the second exam.

Karin was waiting outside the classroom for them when they walked out, hands clasped together in a clear sign of nervousness. Her teammates were nowhere to be seen, either having abandoned her or not noticing that she'd slipped away.

Karin: Naruto, wasn't it?

She asked, stepping forward. Naruto nodded.

Karin: Um, can we talk? Alone?

Naruto glanced over to his teammates. Sakura nodded encouragingly, offering a smile as well. Sasuke just shrugged apathetically. He didn't care either way.

Naruto: Yeah, Sure. You wanna go somewhere else? I know this great ramen place!

Her smile was small, but it reached her eyes.

Karin: Sounds great.

*At Ichiraku*

Naruto: Hey, Teuchi-Ojisan, two bowls of miso char siu and pork ramen, please!

Naruto cried out as he pushed past the curtains. Karin was being dragged behind him by her hand, which was held firmly in his own. Naruto tugged her into the ramen stand and finally let her go, pulling out stools for both of them.

Teuchi: Welcome back Naruto, And who's this?

Naruto: This is Uzumai Karin, We're cousins!

Teuchi looked shocked at the declaration, but quickly slipped into an easy smile.

Teuchi: That's great, Naruto.

Naruto: Come on, sit down.

Naruto gushed, patting the stool next to him. Karin quickly slipped onto it, fingers going to drum the counter anxiously.

Naruto: So, tell me something about you.

Karin: Umm, I don't know what to say to be honest...

Naruto: ah, I see, umm you can start by telling me your age

Karin: I just turned thirteen, Almost two weeks ago.

Naruto: Oh, well, happy birthday!, yosha!, so to celebrate your late birthday, eat as much as you want, it's on me.

Karin giggled hearing that he was so enthusiast about her birthday.

Karin: Thank you.

The chatted some more while they waited for their food to come. About their teams, their sensei, their village. Anything really. When their food finally came, the conversation was halted for a good few minutes while Naruto dug in. Karin watched with amusement as the other Uzumaki slurped up his ramen like he hadn't eaten in days. Eventually he slowed down enough for them to resume their conversation.

Karin: So, what do you have to do, To stay here?

Naruto stopped slurping his ramen and looked at her.

Naruto: Wha' 'o you mean?

Instead of answering, Karin looked down at her half eaten bowl of ramen, red eyes staring back up at her in the dark reflection of the broth. She look, sad? Anxious? There were tear in her eyes, he noticed. Was she, grieving?

Karin: Back in Kusa, My mom and I were allowed to stay because of her chakra, If someone who was injured bit her, then they would be healed by it. Even if they were on the brink of death.

She shifted to cover her arms, as if self conscience about them. Naruto followed her movement and noticed old scars speckled across her skin. They looked like teeth marks.

A sick feeling dropped into Naruto stomach at the realization. "You're mom wasn't the only one with that gift", he thought to himself, mouth twisting in disgust.

Karin: She worked at the hospital, helping heal wounded ninja. But the trick with her gift was that, for everyone it healed, it took away some of her own health. Her eyes were now brimming with unshed tears.

Naruto, already knowing how the story would end, had his hands clenched tightly underneath the table in fury.

Karin: One day... she didn't come back.

She blinked, and droplets fell from her eyes into the broth, rippling and distorting the surface.

Karin: They made me take her place after that. Every day, for years. I had to go to the hospital and let them bit me. It was horrible, but I couldn't say no, because I didn't have anywhere else to go. They were letting me stay there after all. I'm actually only here to make sure my teammates get through the exam. They don't care about me at all.

Naruto: They shouldn't have done that, They shouldn't have made you do those things. What they did to your mom was awful, and you don't deserve that.

Karin blinked, startled, and looked up at him. Her eyes were still glistening with tears, wet streaks tracking down her face from them.

Karin: But, we didn't have anywhere else to go, Nowhere else wants us.

Naruto: That's not true!

Naruto scoffed.

Naruto: Did you know that the wife of the first Hokage was an Uzumaki? And that the founding clans of Konoha were related to ours? And like, All chunin and jonin where our symbol on their backs to show the villages friendship, ya know. Hell, if Kusa won't have you, Konoha will.

Karin blinked, startled by the proclamation.

Karin: You, you mean it?

She asked, voice shaking. Her eyes were blown wide, still glistening with still flowing tears. She looked so small and pathetic, like a street cat that'd been kicked around so much it had stopped seeking human affection. It was a heartbreaking expression to see on her.

"That's it," Naruto decided right there and then. "I'm not letting you be alone any longer. We're family now."

Naruto: Absolutely, We can go talk to Jiji right now, I'm sure he'll let you stay! And if he doesn't, well, I'm not letting Kusa have you.

Karin: Jiji?

She asked as he threw some money on the counter before grabbing her wrist and leading her out of the shop.

Naruto: Yeah, Jiji, Hokage. Or Gramps. Whichever. I've known him since forever, and he's got a soft spot for me, not that he'll ever admit it.

As he spoke, he led her down the crowded streets, still tugging her along by the hand. She didn't seem to be putting up a protest though, and was only slightly lagging behind from the shock of it.

Naruto: He might be busy because of all the exam stuff, but I'm sure we can get it. Especially if I just go in through the window. Hm, probably shouldn't do that though, those Anbu are touchy...

Karin: You know the Hokage?

Naruto: Well, yeah, Anyways, I'm sure if we ask nice he'll let you stay. And then those Kusa ninja you're with can't touch you because you won't be a Kusa shinobi anymore. They don't deserve the title anyway.

Behind him, Karin could only blink in wonderment at everything he was saying, red eyes wide. Someone was going out of their way to do something for her. That hadn't happened since... well, since her mom. "Is this what having a family was supposed to be like? Is this what having a brother was like?"

A blush crept up on her face from the thought, and a small smile followed after. His chakra was so warm, and he was so kind. Everyone's in the village was. She truly hoped she would get to stay.

Sandaime: You want to what?!

Hiruzen deadpanned, looking back and forth between the two Uzumaki's.

The two had made it to the Hokage's office, somehow convincing the guards to let them through and see him, which had been an effort in itself, and were now addressing the man himself. Karin was standing with hunched shoulders and folded arms, clearly uncomfortable, while Naruto was standing with his hands at his sides instead of behind his head, his version of respect. The action didn't go unnoticed by the Hokage.

Naruto: You heard me, I want to adopt Karin. We're family ya know.

Hiruzen sighed, rubbing his temples tiredly. "This is your doing, Kushina", he thought, remembering how much the red head would latch onto family. Clearly her son had picked up the trait.

Sandaime: She is an adult in her own right, And from another village. I simply can't allow that to happen.

Karin: But what if,

Karin suddenly spoke up, finally looking up from where she'd been staring at the floor. There was a hard, self assured look in her eyes Naruto hadn't seen from her as of yet.

Karin: What if I wanted to leave Kusagakure? And join Konohagakure?

Naruto glanced from the Hokage to Karin and back again. Hiruzen was leaning over his desk, fingers steepled together in thought.

Sandaime: Well, That would be quite complicated.

Karin looked back down at her feet, disappointed.

Sandaime: But not impossible.

Her head snapped back up.

Sandaime: It would take some time to get the paperwork in order, and a signed document from your village leader renouncing you from Kusa so you wouldn't be a rogue ninja and for you to be officially registered here... But it is doable.

Next to him, Karin was fighting hard to keep down her hopeful smile, lips straining from the effort.

Sandaime: I must ask you though, Why do you want to leave your village?

Naruto reached over and squeezed her hand for comfort. Karin squeezed back, thankful.

Karin: They treat me like crap in Kusa, I don't have any family left, and I don't want to be used for the rest of my life.

Sandaime: Used? how?

Instead of responding, Karin just twisted her lips into a grimace and looked down at her feet again. Naruto felt her hand grip tighter to his, tendons straining under her skin.

Naruto: It's...

Naruto started, trying to think of a good way to explain her situation without bringing up bad memories. Ultimately, he couldn't, and ended up settling for,

Naruto: Complicated.

Lord third frowned, but seemed to understand the severity of the her situation.

Sandaime: I understand, I will send a message to Kusa after the second exam.

A deep sigh of relief escaped Karin, and for a second Naruto was afraid she might faint and he'd have to catch her. She didn't, thank God, but she did look feint.

Sandaime: It is also helpful that you have family here, That would make the process much smoother.

Naruto: Do you mean it Jiji? She can stay?

Sandaime: Yes, She can stay.

Naruto: YES!

Naruto cried, jumping up in victory.

Naruto: This is great! You stay at my place and we can eat ramen for dinner like a real family, and you can have my bed and I can sleep on the couch, like a sleepover. Or like siblings! It's like, gonna be great, ya know!

The Hokage just smiled as he watched his surrogate grandson gush about his new family. He'd gone so long without anyone, he deserved this. Karin did the same, soft smile lighting up her face as Naruto rambled on about the things they could do now that they were family. She'd only just met him, but she knew she wanted to stay with him. His chakra was so nice and warm, and they were family. Family!

She knew then and there that she was glad to have taken the chunin exams. She'd found her family.

Sandaime: Now go back to your exam, and for you Naruto, Good luck.

Naruto: I will, Thank you Jiji, I talk to you later.

So, That's it for this chapter. Interesting isn't it? well, there are plenty of interesting events upcoming in the next chapter, so make sure you stay tuned so you won't miss the next chapter.

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Thank you, Minna xoxo

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