
Teaching the CEO

Kiara Davis gets a temp Job working for Jones enterprise. When she sees how the CEO treats his employees she can't help but say something to him. She ends up betting him that he couldn't live his life like a regular employee, on a regular income. He'll have some trials and some realization that life isn't all rainbows and lollipops. But it will be a great adventure for her and him to learn new things

Amanda_Lewis_8707 · Urban
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3 Chs

The Rules

"What you're proposing is crazy!" He throws his hand up and slams them back down on the table.

"It's not that crazy." I stare him down.

"So what you're saying is you can't do it?"

"I never said I couldn't. I just think it's a crazy idea. What good would it do?"

"It would teach you how the other half lives. How eighty percent of your company lives. You treat all of them like shit."

"I should have fired you the first day you came in here. I knew you would be horrible at this job."

"I've done amazing at this job for the last two weeks. You're just mad that I paid attention to how poorly you treat your employees and how you throw your money around."

"Just because you've seen some of the things I've done doesn't mean that I can't do what you're saying."

"Your excuses prove to me that you can't do what I'm saying." With that I stood up and went back out to my desk and sat down.

I'm Kiara Davis I'm a temp secretary here at Jones enterprise and that was Ethan Jones CEO of Jones enterprise. I know I probably shouldn't talk to my boss like that but I seriously had enough of the way he was acting.  So this morning when I got here I gave him my proposal which included a task or dare persay. On it I said he couldn't make it three months living off of a normal persons salary.  And I gave him rules.


1. You have to live in a normal apartment. Something similar to what most people that work here live in.

2.  You will start out with a what a person in the mail room makes in a month.

3. You can't dip into your own money after you take out the wages.

4. You will have to work in the mail room.

5. You will have to get a whole new wardrobe.

6. You have to learn how to respect people regardless of their titles.

7. If I come up with some new rules I have the right to give them to you as long as it's within the next week.

I knew he wouldn't leave his job unattended, his brothers business in California isn't doing anything at the moment and their dad is there also. So he can have his brother come and take care of the business for a few months. He's done it before

8. Have your brother come run the business.

9. You will have five chances to mess up after that you will have one week added onto your time each time you mess up.

If at the end of this three months you don't learn how to be a human being , then you have to donate one million dollars to a charity.

Good Luck....

I can see through the window to his office that he's reading over the proposal again. He keeps shaking his head and laying it back down.

He didn't come out and fire me today or even come talk to me. So I left at five with everyone else. No need in sticking around.

I stopped at the local store that usually has some good meats on sale and went home to make dinner and some snacks because Netflix was calling my name tonight.

While I was making dinner I was pretty proud of myself today. Since it was Friday he'll have all weekend to decide if he was going to fire me or not.

I sit down with my food and turn the tv on. I lucked out with this building they offered us free wifi. So paying eight dollars a month for tv isn't to bad. My thirty inch tv was what I got for Christmas from my parents this last year. I told them they didn't have to do that. They insisted I take it. They got a different tv, so I say this was my Christmas present.

The next morning when I woke up I went to the animal shelter to volunteer. I love spending time with the animals and helping out at the shelter, that's something that I've always loved to do. I spent most of my day there. It doesnt hurt that they give us lunch when we volunteer too. On the way home I stopped in at the local store and picked up something for dinner. I won't get paid until next week so it has to be something cheap. Tonight feels like a ramen noodle night anyways.

I probably have those more times than I should. It's just cheaper to buy those then to buy something that's good for me.

I get home and I clean my house and I do my laundry, downstairs in the laundry room. I put all my laundry away and pick up the living room and dust everything.

Tonight seems like another Netflix night I'm not one to go out to clubs.

I'd rather stay home and enjoy my ramen noodles and TV instead of dealing with a bunch of drunks.

Sometimes I think I act older than I am and I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. I don't see the point in going and getting drunk and acting a fool in front of everyone.

If I wanted to be internet-famous I would just go stand on the corner naked somewhere. I enjoy my nights staying home, some nights I read, some nights I go to my brother's house and hang out with them. But most the time I enjoy being by myself.

I make my ramen noodles and sit on the couch and eat. One of these days I'll have a dining room table that I can sit at and eat my dinner. But until then my couch works just fine. I do like my one-bedroom apartment it's homey feeling and honestly it's nice to just have a place of my own. So I don't have to live with my brothers some of them only live a few blocks away.

Having temp jobs are sometimes few and far between and sometimes I'm working two at a time. So when I don't have work I need to make sure I have enough saved until I get my next job. This job does pay more than the other jobs. So that will be good for when I get laid off or get fired on Monday whichever comes first.

I finish watching my show Sons of Anarchy and take a shower and went to bed.

The city is awfully noisy at night. So I've always slept with a fan to help drown out the noise. But tonight it seems like it's extra noisey.

Maybe what I said yesterday is starting to bother me a little bit. I toss and turn for hours and finally I have to admit to myself I do regret what I said to Ethan. He might be a jerk to everyone he meets but I should of been a bigger person and left it alone or maybe dropped suddel hints to him that he needed to be a better person. I can't really go back and change what I said so I might as well forget that I messed up. I have one more day to enjoy before I have to go to work on Monday.