
TDG: Time-Space Spiritualist

A young man who finds himself in TDG world as a nephew of the city lord, with a powerful method to cultivate the strongest law, and beauties around him. However, the protagonist isn't here. How would he achieve his dreams then, with all of the possible dangers this world offers.

blazuki · Anime & Comics
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39 Chs

Chapter 37

Who knew that Ye Qi would face a major Demon Horde soon. The answer is Ye Qi himself. It was an expected action that would happen since he had opened the teleportation array to the Abyss Prison Realm.

Standing on the walls that surrounded the Glory City, Ye Qi looked around at the soldiers, and the fighters and the spiritualists from the other families

He then looked at his brother in law, and he smirked.

In the original, Shen Hong would use some lame excuse not to bring members from his family to fight in the Demon Horde. But because most of the Black Gold Spiritualists of the Sacred family are in his family's prison, it doesn't matter.

The soldiers looked in front of them.

Ye Xiu was standing in front of everyone along with Ye Zong, and the rest of the patriarchies of the noble and major families.

"We are going to clash with them soon." Said the patriarch of the Dragon Winged family, who also happened to be Ning'er's dad, and also was standing to Lanruo's dad as well.

'Now I think about it, I have the strongest connections in the Glory City.' Ye Qi rubbed his chin. Damn it, this would mean a lot of favour and face demanding. That would be annoying for sure.

"Did you eat well?" Ning'er was hugging Ye Qi's arm while looking forward, before staring up. Ye Qi got taller in her eyes for sure, and seemed more muscular, hotter as well. Saying that it is fine, Ye Qi leaned down after he held her chin and kissed her, inserting his tongue and kissing her up and down.

Because of the amulet and the resources she had, she is now second star Gold Rank.

Shen Xiu was 3rd, about to break to the 4th. Ye Ziyun just reached the third star Gold Rank.

Looking at his women in front of him, who were wearing armours, Ye Qi smiled.

"Don't worry girls, this would be easier than we may think."

They have legendary rank fighters. Many spiritualists. Not to mention, Hongyue is 3rd Star Black Gold, with Legend Rank physic. With such a demon spirit like hers, it's needless to say that she can fight on par with peak Black Gold.

Hearing some soldiers around talking about the approaching Demon Beasts, Ye Qi looked forward. Everyone had a drop of sweat running across their chins as they felt the ground shaking. Although the Demon horde was far, their senses were strong enough to feel the vibes from a far distance. Millions of Demon beasts are coming, and Ye Qi realised that it would be a very small number compared to the Demon Horde that should destroy the Glory City in the original timeline.

Telling the girls to take their positions behind him, Ye Qi nodded. They have God Rank Demon Spirits, also, they had been training by him, so they can take care of themselves.

Even Lanruo has reached the Golden Rank quickly, and she had been staring at his crotch ever since she had decided to tease him with her knee a few hours back. Ye Qi only smiled at her to see her blushing so hard and turn her face. "Let's go back safely. You better be whole when we come back. I don't care about marriage or whatever." Lanruo said.

"Rest assured. You can be horny after this ordeal is over. Ye Qi patted her perky soft ass, gaining the glares from other girls and her father. Ye Ziyun yelled at them and told them to have some manners, to which they responded by chuckling.

"You look very assured of our victory?" Shen Xiu noticed, before shooting her brother a glare and then looking at Ye Qi again.

"Can you guess why?"

"Legend Rank spiritualists, and 10.000 spirits, black gold, are on our side." Shen Xiu said.

The number of Black Gold demon beasts in the demon hordes would usually be little. And the legend ranks always rate between 0 and 2. With ten thousand demon spirits from the array, which was placed in front of the walls, their victory would be assured.

Very soon, as the sun was shining, everyone held their breaths. Ye Zong was standing in front of one of many gold pillars, which presented the Ten Thousand Beasts array. He was ready to use the array to attack with the best chance possible.

The demon beasts appeared in their line of sight, dashing and running. Their sizes varied from small like dwarves, to colossal like mountains. One of the beasts alone can overstep this large wall that protects the Glory City and kill whosoever is on its way.

"Get ready." Ye Zong turned to his soldiers. The battle is going to start soon. Before looking at the beasts, he gave Ye Qi a glance. This nephew of his, before vanishing with his brother to the Abyss Prison Realm, had told them to make another array in front of the wall, in this direction. Not another direction, but this one. Ye Zong didn't know how to feel except awe.

Other than that, he felt hatred for Shen Hong, the bastard who killed his foster son. Well, that dog would have his moment.

The demon beasts started approaching, in their lead was a Great white ape which happened to be 5 stars Black Gold, and a smart one as well.

Ye Xiu, who is legendary rank now, merged with his demon spirit, gaining the form of a strong humanoid goat.

Quickly, he landed off the walls and dashed forward. Although there were many demon beasts on his way, Gold and Silver Rank, they flew off the way, dead and missing limbs, from the sheer power of clashing with Legend rank spiritualists.

When Ye Xiu met with one of the Black Gold Demon Beasts, which happened to a great silver wolf, standing at the height of 7 meters, Ye Xiu made a palm and gathered his soul force there. Swiftly, he palmed forward, sending a surge of soul force. A big hole appeared in the wolf's body, allowing Ye Xiu to pass by it like it was nothing. The wolf fell dead.

Ye Xiu met with the great ape and attacked. The ape, however, seemed smart enough to jump back and punch on the ground, making a wall of ice rise. Quickly, as Ye Xiu destroyed that wall, the ape appeared behind him and tried to attack, with soul force enough to kill anyone here.

Turning, Ye Xiu kicked the ape's fist, making it fly back 7 meters. The ape put its hand on the ground and roared, moving in circles around him.

"Spiritual Wisdom level Demon Beast." Ye Xiu opened his eyes widely as the ape roared. Such demon beast is very smart and intelligent, compared to other demon spirits, and stronger.

Ye Xiu smiled. Although this would take more time, this spirit would help his brother to break through to Legend Rank since it has the same attribute as him.

Now that Ye Xiu was occupied by the ape, the other demon beasts had a chance to attack, three of them being at the 4th-5th star Black Gold. Around them, there were millions of demon beasts with gold and silver rank, not to mention the worthless Bronze rank. They dashed quickly toward the walls. Once they pass by them, it would be easy to slaughter hundreds of thousands of the citizens of the Glory City

Ye Zong made a hand seal and many demon spirits appeared in front of the horde that was dashing. All of the spirits were Black Gold demon spirits with an endless supply of energy. Not only so, but they can work together.

The beasts' momentum was stopped due to their animalistic instincts. When clashing with the spirits, they had no chance. Just ten of the Black Gold spirits was enough to deal with the rest of the beasts and plant fear in them.

Attacking the demon beasts next to the wall, the spirits started killing them with ease. The demon beasts, which had quite higher intelligence, moved out of the formation and moved into other spots of the wall.

"I won't let you."

Sneering at their pity attempt, Ye Zong made another hand seal. The demon spirits, which had a lightning attribute, were absorbed by the Golden pillars that started producing lightning, which was controlled by Ye Zong.

Using that lightning to attack, Ye Zong directed the bolts at the demon beasts with larger sizes and bigger cultivation bases, leaving the rest of the spiritualists to deal with the remains.

After witnessing this performance from Ye Xiu and the 10,000 Demon Spirits array, the soldiers held their weapons excitedly and jumped off the walls. That was the case for the Black Gold fighters and demon spiritualists.

Hongyue held her sword and dashed forward so excited to show her capabilities to Ye Qi. With her God Growth lighting Demon Spirit, it wasn't a problem. Flapping her four wings, she flew forward with lightning forming a shield around her, which fried up the demon beasts around her. Because of the cultivation base level, those who were near had no choice but to accept their death peacefully.

The rest of the army wouldn't expect that the horde would come this easy. Seeing a few brave people' performances, they were inspired and dashed to the battlefield, killing all of those demon beasts. For many times, each horde would cause many casualties. However, not anymore. Humans have a quite bright light for them today. Even the guards on the walls clenched their weapons tightly, motivated to do more.

However, someone wasn't happy. He was looking at the field, to the City Lord and Ye Xiu, with an ugly expression. Ye Xiu killed the Great Snow Wind demon beast. With its spirit, no doubt the city Lord would reach Legend rank. One can easily tell that the sly fox face of Shen Hong has some bad intentions behind it.

"Brother in law." Ye Qi said, appearing next to Shen Hong.

"What's the matter." Turning, Shen Hong said, looking annoyed, as he barely bothered trying to fight.

Making a big smirk on his face, Ye Qi patted his arm. "Why aren't you fighting. It looks like a good day."

Shen Hong frowned at the brat, who was nothing more than a tool to let some failure sister enter the enemy rank, which failed by the way. "Go away."

His smile growing wider, Ye Qi approved. "Sure, we aren't supposed to fight here anyway."

"Here, fight?"

Quickly, activating his Space Seal technique, Ye Qi teleported to the spot he had marked earlier before leaving the City Lord's mansion, which happened to be next to a training ground. Because of the horde, there weren't many people to guard the mansion.

When Shen Hong noticed that the view around them has changed, he smelled something fishy. After looking at Ye Qi, surprised, he said. "What have you done!"

"I have to kill you, brother in law." Ye Qi said.

Shocked by the little brat's words, Shen Hong couldn't help but examine him before laughing out loud.

"Hahahaha… you, an ant, wants to kill me. Did some demon beast hit your head with a stick? Go to your mama and drink your milk."

It was total madness. Ye Qi is only recorded to be some Silver Rank a few months ago. At best, he has yet to reach the Golden Rank. What is that level to Shen Hong, who is just a step away from reaching Legend Rank?

But he has to admit, it was a good laugh, until…

Ye Qi sighed. "Don't worry about my nutrients. Your sister feeds me all the milk I need."

Choking on the words he heard, Shen Hong glared forward.

"You and I have some unfinished business." Ye Qi said, summoning the thunder sword from his storage ring and unleashing his soul force, which showed the level of the 1st Star Black Gold.

Shen Hong was shocked for a part of a second, which is so long for someone at his level. He couldn't believe that a 14 years old teen is 1st Star Black Gold. He unleashed his soul force in return, summoning his demon spirit and merging with it.

"I don't know about which unfinished business you are talking about, but have to kill you here, and right now."

Shen Hong felt it was a must to kill Ye Qi. The brat would kill his dream in the future for sure. This is the most astonishing genius all of the time, and he is Shen Hong's enemy.

After merging with his Sacred Flaming Condor, Shen Hong gained new flaming red wings, with his head changing into bird-like as he was covered in red feathers. Also, his hands turned into very sharp claws.

"I will use my sacred flames to burn you. But I have to ask. What kind of unfinished business do you and I have?"

Harrumphing, Ye Qi held his hand around the sword.

The spirit of the Devil Shadow started running through his body, getting affected by his soul force.

Ye Qi, since he had gained the Abyss Demon Bloodline, his soul force has changed, and thus, his demon spirit has been affected by that, since it was directly linked to his soul realm.

Devils and Demons, Abyss and Shadow, were very linked to each other.

The Shadow Devil demon spirit has mutated.

"I'll answer you."

With his voice becoming devilish, pitch-black soul force surrounded Ye Qi and formed an aura. Pitch-dark fog started gathering around him. And then, his figure changed in one second.

Pitch black demonic like scales covered his whole body. On the sides of his head, Ye Qi had long horns growing. His eyes had changed to completely shiny red.

Red abyss flame, mixed with black fog danced gently around the scales.

And Ye Qi grew to 2 meters tall.

On his elbow, long pitch-black bone blades grew. As for his free hand, two bone blades grew from there, making it seem like long claws.

And lastly, on his back, two long grey bat wings grew out of his back, covered by the fire of the same colour.

"What kind of spirits is this!" Shen Hong opened his eyes widely. He could feel so much power. Is this a demon or a devil!

"Mutated spirit. Call it, the Shadow Abyss Devil." Said Ye Qi with a devilish voice, which he gained while merging. If one looked carefully at his mouth, one would notice that his teeth have vanished, replaced by fangs.

Ye Qi has overcome the weakness of the Shadow Devil. He has a legendary physical body, and mutated spirit, with the abilities such as going to the void.

It has the perfect combination of strength, speed, and assassination abilities.

"Whatever. You will die anyway."

Opening his mouth, Shen Hong sent a strong flaming beam on his way. Ye Qi didn't dodge, instead, he extended his hand and activated one of his skills, <<Elemental freezing>>. The fire stopped moving in the air.

Thinking that it stopped because Ye Qi was pushing it with his soul force, Shen Hong flapped his bird wings and dashed forward as fast as he can, and he appeared behind where he thought Ye Qi would be.

But as soon as he stood there, he found that the fire was frozen there, without Ye Qi pushing it. After blinking, the fire beam continued moving, hitting Shen Hong, who crossed his arms and flew back from the power of the shockwave.

Ye Qi, who was moving within his Void form, appeared behind Shen Hong, clenching his hand on his sword's grip, and channelling the lightning law, making the sword producing a thunder sound.

Hearing that, Shen Hong turned back and faced Ye Qi, raising his claws and ready to cut him with them.

Ye Qi slowed the time six times. Yes, since he reached Black Gold, he can slow the time rate 6 times, making himself six times faster.

Shen Hong, who was 4 stars higher than him, was moving slowly in Ye Qi's eyes.

"Die!" with that scream, Shen Hong was above Ye Qi and waved his claw down, only to realise that he hit an afterimage.

"Impossible." Shen Hong landed on his feet, turned, and saw Ye Qi's back, the thunder sword pointing the side.

A deep wound appeared from nowhere on Shen Hong's chest, and a lightning bolt ran across him, making Shen Hong's body shining in blue. Clenching his fists and growling, Shen Hong screamed as he unleashed his soul force, making the lightning leave his body.

"I will kill —"

Before he could complete his words, Ye Qi vanished in thin air. Anyone would think that he used his Void Form. However, Ye Qi used <<Location Rewind>>, appearing behind Shen Hong in no time. Taking advantage of the delayed reaction of Shen Hong, Ye Qi, mercilessly, slashed his sword, sending Shen Hong fly across the training yard, making him crush on the wall that protects the mansion.

Ye Qi could tell Shen Hong why is he trying to kill him, and also he can tell him the fact that he killed his son. But it is useless to tell the dead things that only serve on delaying his death.

Blood leaving his mouth, Shen Hong opened his arms widely and landed on his feet, looking at Ye Qi and panting.

"Why are you…"

Slowly, but not really slowly, Ye Qi extended his hand toward Shen Hong, his claws aimed at him. Lightning bolts started dancing there, giving him power

Shen Hong opened his eyes widely and tried to dodge the lightning to the side. However, this was no ordinary lightning. This was the law of the lightning. A very strong offensives law that qualifies Ye Qi to become a spiritual god in the future. Shen Hong failed to dodge it, freezing Shen Hong temporarily in his place.

Focusing the energy on the law, Ye Qi concentrated it to make ten swords in the air. All of them were blue, glowing and floating in the air. The phantom lightning swords flew around Shen Hong and wrapped him from every direction like a ring. Each one of the swords was mixed with Ye Qi's sword intent and killing intent.

"Now, brother in law. You wonder why you are dying." Ye Qi said.

Shen Hong glared at him and didn't dare to move. Stalking Ye Qi with talking would seem a good idea until he finds a solution.

"Yes, what is it?"


Ye Qi waved his finger and one of the phantom swords entered Shen Hong's back, getting out of his stomach.

"I was planning to kill you, for no personal reason, just like the rest of the Dark Guild."

Another sword entered Shen Hong's leg, making him fall on his knee.

Ye Qi continued. "All because I wanted nothing more than a long slacker life with your sister and other beauties around my arms."

"What?…" Shen Hong went back to human form, bleeding from the mouth and staring at Ye Qi with one closed eye.

"People like you are standing in the way of my dreams. And for that, you will die." Declared Ye Qi.

Before Shen Hong could even say his last words, one of the swords spaned on his neck, severing Shen Hong's head from its place.

Ye Qi appeared above the corpse. Extending his hand down, the Abyss Flames, which is part of his bloodline, flew out of his hand and incarnated Shen Hong into ashes.


Ye Qi emerged victorious out of the battle. The sword vanished. The scales around his body turned into black smoke and vanished along with the horns and the wings.

"What's going on." Ye Qi turned around, to see that his mom was approaching from far.

Quickly, not wanting her to take his time grabbing his cheek and making him have dinner before he leaves, Ye Qi quickly activated the Space Seal and went back to the battle location, where he left everyone fighting.