
the temporal demon spirit book

"That being the case, why would I not dare? I do not believe an egotistical brat like you can achieve anything. Who do you think you are boasting to?" Shen Xiu angrily snorted, "Such rudeness to your teacher. For the next two months, you will stand at the back of the cla.s.sroom and listen to the class!"

Shen Xiu's famous for being unreasonable. Nie Li looked contemptuously at Shen Xiu. So what if he's standing at the back of the class, for Nie Li this little punishment is superficial.

"Since Teacher Shen Xiu agreed to the bet, don't regret it later," said Nie Li as he strolled to the back of the class.

"I'll regret it? What a joke. Don't come crying to me later!" Shen Xiu laughed.

Seeing Nie Li standing at the back, a few noble kids started to mockingly whisper.

"The future Legend rank Demon Spiritualist got punished standing!"

"Tsk tsk, so he's afraid of withdrawal from the institute!"

"Weren't you being egotistic a while ago?"

"Two months to raise his soul force from 5 to 100. Who does he think he is? Even when Lord Ye Mo was younger, he couldn't even reach a such frightening speed."

At this time after Chen Fan also stood up and stand beside Nie Li while Shen xiu asked," Chen Fan you? Why do you stand up with him?", Fan looked at her and said," teacher Shen xiu, I have respect for you but your words are hurtful. I'm supporting Nie Li for his words".

Shen xiu snorted and said," you and him are same anyway? What if you're from the divine family? What if you have a cyan realm? You're strength may have reached 1 star bronze but your soul force is still at the point of 20. The title trash of divine family suits you much better. If you want stand there".

Chen Fan looked at her and muttered," days someone who can't even break through silver rank 3 for almost a decade", Shen xiu can clearly hear her words and her face flushed with anger while Fan smirked at her and said," what if I can break through to bronze rank before the competition? Does that sound good? If I can't I'll apologize to you personally but if I can then teacher you have to take back your words on the commoners and also the words you said to me just now".

He appeared calm and sharp which is giving a dangerous hunter vibe from his gaze as the eyes golden with slits in them. Anyone who looked at them felt scared and Shen xiu is no exception she didn't bother disturbing Nie Li's gang anymore.

The reason Fan appeared here is simple. He can get all the knowledge he wants from his golden duck until then he'll support this guy a little. As for his help Fan has his own plans for the future. He stood there beside Nie Li while they looked at each other and didn't even speak a word.

Meanwhile other commoners who stood up for Nie Li also arrived, they stood beside them while ninger turned back to see Fan. She remembered the treatment and blushed a little then turned away before anyone can see it.

But ziyun who is observing her moments caught this. While Nie Li is making his plans he said they needed more money for that which Fan asked," how much do you need?", Nie Li coughed and said," I need a few thousand soul coins for now".

Fan gave him a small storage ring with some soul coins he obtained from killing a bandit before, Nie Li took and thanked Fan woke Fan just nodded at him. His gaze is on else where. Blankly looking at the empty air which confused Nie Li.

But suddenly he felt something is missing then shrugged it off. Meanwhile Fan's soul merged with the temporal spirit book and the two pages he got from ninger and ziyun. Even ziyun fet something is wrong but can't put her hand on it.

Fan meanwhile is looking at another soul treasure he obtained with a small smile that is concealed very well. He has to get other pages. If he remember correctly then one page is in king king tomb, one page is with heavenly marks patriach, one page is with an ancient expert in the draconic ruins realm.