
the bet finale

Shen Xiu lowered her head and took a look at the parchment paper in her hands. After taking a glimpse of the contents, she mockingly laughed, "Nie Li: red soul realm, current soul force 5, strength 21. With your talent you can only reach Bronze rank Fighter in your entire life. Wanting to become a Demon Spiritualist is simply impossible. You're even inferior to some of the commoners. No wonder you dare to speak in this way. You are just trying to hide your own low self-esteem!"

A soul realm's grade is differentiated by the colours: red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, azure and indigo. Of the seven different grades, red is considered the worst. It's the weakest to the lowest level. An average person would have an orange or yellow soul realm. Having a green or cyan soul realm could already be considered a genius. As for azure and indigo soul realms, they have only existed in legends.

After hearing what Shen Xiu said, the group of commoner students began to feel sorry for Nie Li. As someone of nobility, Nie Li's talent could be considered the worst. They fear that it would be difficult for him to have any achievements in his life.

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After hearing what Shen Xiu said, the group of commoner students began to feel sorry for Nie Li. As someone of nobility, Nie Li's talent could be considered the worst. They fear that it would be difficult for him to have any achievements in his life.

Ye Ziyun looked at Nie Li and sighed gently. Although her impression of Nie Li isn't good, knowing his talent is so terrible, she couldn't help feeling sorry for him.

Shen Yue, who is sitting next to Ye Ziyun, curled his lips in disdain. If he knew sooner of Nie Li's horrible talent, he wouldn't have considered Nie Li a threat. As Nie Li is simply not qualified. With his horrible talent, he could only live at the lowest levels of Glory City, and he, Shen Yue, was one of the three Major families. As a Sacred Family direct bloodline, how could Nie Li compete with him?

If it wasn't for Ye Ziyun, he wouldn't even come to this trash class and be in the company of trash like Nie Li.

Shen Xiu aggressively continued, "With such talent, even within your family, you won't be able to get any attention. Yet, you act so rampant and are rude to your elders!"

Everyone was surprised that even though Nie Li was being ridiculed by Teacher Shen Xiu, there wasn't any shame shown on his face.On the contrary, his gaze was firmly locked onto Shen Xiu's and he said, "Teacher Shen Xiu, you feel that a person's soul realm decides a person's future, right? With that despicable character of yours, you'll only defend the gifted and mock the mediocre. And yet, you still speak a bunch of principles. You're just merely trying to cover your despicable character."

Hearing Nie Li's words, Shen Xiu's body quivered with anger. She had never met this kind of student. He actually dared to contradict her so badly. Nie Li's words directly hit the hidden thoughts within her heart, causing her to be enraged. She cursed uncontrollably, "Silence! Who do you think you are to discredit your teacher?!"

Nie Li curled his lips in disdain.

"I feel ashamed to have a teacher like you. I can guarantee that in this cla.s.s, there will be a lot of commoners exceeding your imagination. They will have unimaginable achievements. Instead of coaching then patiently, you use harsh words to attack their self-confidence. You're not worthy to be a teacher! Although my talent is weak, so what? One day, I will become a Legend rank Demon Spiritualist like Lord Ye Mo and marry the most beautiful woman in Glory City!"

"Hahaha! This is the funniest joke I've ever heard! A red soul realm actually said that he wants to become a Legend rank Demon Spiritualist like Lord Ye Mo. Even when Lord Ye Mo was younger, he was already tested and showed to have amazing talent. He had a cyan soul realm! You think success relies on luck alone? Ridiculous!" Shen Xu mocked mercilessly, "Rather than being a smart mouth here, why don't you start learning seriously?"

Nie Li's next words were powerful and resonating.

"I know your heart is full of contempt, but one day I will shut your mouth with hard facts. Aptitude cannot determine a person's achievement! We use the weak to defeat the strong, to overcome the heavens! We practitioners are already challenging the impossible by going against the way of the heavens!"

Nie Li's words couldn't stop causing the students in the cla.s.s to feel their blood surging. Practicing was already going against the way of the heavens. If one did not oppose the heavens, how could they talk about practice?

Nie Li enunciated powerfully, "Without a continuously fighting heart, without the courage to turn the impossible possible, even possessing extraordinary talent would be useless. Since I, Nie Li, was born into this world, I shall challenge the impossible! Teacher Shen Xiu, how about having a bet with me?".

"What bet?" Shen Xiu sneered.

"We'll bet that on the coming test in two months time, I will be able to reach Bronze rank. If I fail to do so, I will resign from the inst.i.tute. If I reach Bronze rank, then you will resign, how about it?" Nie Li said unyieldingly, looking at Shen Xiu.

Listening to what Nie Li said, everyone was taken aback. They were all surprised that Nie Li actually proposed this kind of bet with Teacher Shen Xiu. Although they were hoping that Nie Lie wins, they felt that there's no way that Nie Lie can win.

"Hahaha. You're funny enough to actually say that you will reach Bronze rank within two months. You think that you can raise your soul force from 5 to 100 in two months?" Shen Xiu face was full of spite. Has Nie Li gone crazy?

"I only asked one question. Do you dare or not?" Nie Li ignored what Shen Xiu just said.