
TBATE: Reborn on Earth

When a slightly unique soul finds himself in a world of Kings and Ki with one special ability Will he change the fates of his friends and family Will he become the King himself or Will he fail to do anything at all This is Alio' Beginning After the End --- TBATE belongs to TurtleMe

merlin_ · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

The Meeting Part 1

Clearing my head of the thoughts that would start plaguing me by thinking about that topic with a variation of combat meditation I focused on the average looking boy in front of me, wondering how such a child could wind up doing the things he's done in the novel. All that needless slaughter, all that death just for one girl, it hasn't been revealed, from what I remember, exactly what he did in this world after his beloved Cecilia died, but I doubt it could have been good based off the emotions Agrona said he had before even getting manipulated by Agrona into having more hate, hate towards Grey, I really don't want to be on the receiving end of that so I should probably keep a safe distance from the main cast. At least until I have decent confidence in my strength.

"Alio, he's your age so get along well, he'll be moved to your room along with anyone else your age who comes." I suppose staying away will be tougher than I thought but just talking to the kid couldn't hurt that much, I wouldn't want to sit in an awkward silence all day long after all. "Yes, Headmaster" I replied with excitement, ok, I admit it, I'm excited. After all I'm just a little kid, even though I could calm myself with combat meditation that would make me more robot than human in my opinion, sure it's useful in a fight but not something that you should use all the time, lest you wish to lose your emotions or something. I'm very excited to have someone of my age to talk to, I can act like a kid freely and let off some stress by playing pranks on him. Hehe.

"Hi, my name's Alio, what's yours", I questioned Nico, who was curiously looking at me with those little black orbs of his. "I'm Nico" he replied, slightly cautious of me, seeing as I'm a stranger. Not really sure what to do we just looked at each other for a bit before getting interrupted by Headmaster Wilbeck saying "Now boys, get along, Alio show him to your room there should be a bed in there for him as well, I added it a week ago" Oh, that's why theres a bed there, there's room for maximum one more person so I guess that will wind up being Grey. "Nico, come with me, we'll go to our room" I said with a smile. "Sure!" Nico replied, seemingly excited at the prospect of having a room, even if it was shared. Upon seeing that reaction I decided that even if we weren't going to be friends I'll still treat him decently, after all right now he's just a kid, no war crimes committed.

As I led him to our room we talked quite a bit and it turned out he was quite a meek child, who hesitated about most things, given that I knew his genius in technology I decided that I would try to get him to gain some confidence in his skills with tech early. After all, with more confidence he could have gone much further with tech than he originally did and he did go pretty far, even making a device to weaken the legacy's powers without any education while still a kid. Well, Cecilia was a kid to, so her powers weren't as advanced as they'd be as a grown up, however it's still impressive. With that skill sharpened more than the original timeline its possible he could make something to stop the Headmaster from getting shot. That night I kept trying to warm up to him instead of doing my usual training, I'll do that for a few days before getting back on the grind and training extra hard to make up for it. Wait, no, I can't just not train, I've learnt from my last life that putting things off never helps, so I'll do at least a little training tonight to keep myself diligent.

Nico Sever POV

It's been a few weeks since I've arrived here and I've gotten to know the kids of the orphanage, specifically Alio and Jessica, since Jessica and Alio are usually together and Alio keeps trying to talk to me. He's really nice, nobody's been all that nice to me since my parents passed away, yet he keeps being excessively nice to me so it feel a bit strange. He doesn't really seem that close to the other kids in the orphanage so I wonder why he's trying to befriend me. Maybe it's because I'm new and once he gets to know me he'll leave. I don't want that...

Alio also seems to have a few strange habits like just sitting and mediating for an hour before getting yelled by the Headmaster, who tells him to go move around and stop sitting around. Its funny to see his scared face when the Headmaster gets mad at him, well the Headmaster is scary so I don't blame him. Jessica's pretty scary too, she seems obsessed with cheeks, so much so that I sometimes see her staring strangely at my cheeks before going and squeezing Alio's cheeks, I really hope she doesn't try to do that to me since I'd be at her mercy till the Headmaster comes to stop her. I shivered at the thought of the headmaster leaving us alone for a while and Jessica being able to do whatever she wanted, I really have no clue how Alio still has cheeks after all that, I'd think they would've fallen off.

Alio POV

It's been two months since Nico's came to the orphanage and I think it's time to finally pull a prank on him, he won't expect it even a little bit after all the buttering up I've done. I grew to like the kid over the while he's been here so it wasn't hard being nice to him, it's been a while since I pulled any type of prank so I decided to go with something simple, Naruto's prank on Kakashi, except instead of the eraser I'll just put a dusty rag in-between the sliding door, my genius is astounding. I finished setting it up and waited for Nico to fall for my prank, it took a while but he eventually came through the door.

The rag fell right on top of his head, feeling now was the time to show myself, I popped out from where I was hiding and yelled "Get pranked Nico!". Only then did I see his face and realise I made a big mistake based off of the face Nico was making, which was one on the verge of tears. I couldn't move, I had no idea how to comfort adults who were crying even less little kids, I didn't have any younger siblings in my past life only an asshole of an older sister who thought beating up little kids was fun, it was so bad she had to go to anger management sessions once a week, I'm glad she did as I was her main target. Realising I need to focus my thoughts on the kid in front of me rather than myself I noticed that he actually had started crying, making me feel even worse, I always hated people who were mean to kids be it physical or verbal yet I wound up doing the same thing, what a hypocrite I am.

Right when I was about to call out to Nico I saw Headmaster Wilbeck come to see what happened, and when she asked "What happened here?", all I could say was "I'm sorry". Putting the crying Nico and me saying sorry together she realised I must have done something wrong and went to comfort Nico, giving me a questioning yet slightly angry gaze while doing so which made me lower my head.

Headmaster Wilbeck POV

"haa, I thought that little Alio had been maturing quickly but it seems he's still just a kid" I said aloud while thinking back at the events of today. It seems little Alio's been bored lately so he decided to play a prank on little Nico, where he puts dusty rag between the door and then when the door opens it falls onto the person who opened it, where he got the idea that this was something he should do, I have no clue but it definitely wasn't something he should have, as it made little Nico start crying, after comforting Nico and sending him to their room, I gave little Alio a scolding, as well as telling him that if he does something like that again he'll be punished by getting locked in a room with Jessica where she's allowed to do whatever she wants for an hour, he seemed scared so I let him go back to there room after saying that him and Nico need to make up. What an eventful day.

I really have no idea how to do character interactions I've avoided it up till now but I think I need to try and get people talking more

Anyone got a clue about Nico's background, checked the Wiki and there's nothing much there so I made one up for him

I accidentally deleted half a chapter, this was annoying to rewrite :(

merlin_creators' thoughts