
TBATE: Reborn on Earth

When a slightly unique soul finds himself in a world of Kings and Ki with one special ability Will he change the fates of his friends and family Will he become the King himself or Will he fail to do anything at all This is Alio' Beginning After the End --- TBATE belongs to TurtleMe

merlin_ · Anime & Comics
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Sadly, things never go to plan, and over this next year I realized exactly where I am, on Earth yes, but this is very different from the one I was from and very similar to another earth I remember. The problem however is that the place I remember this Earth from is a book, "The Beginning After the End" to be more specific, some people may get excited thinking that they'll meet there favourite characters and sure if I was on Dicathen, I'd probably be excited to meet major characters, even knowing of the looming threat coming toward my continent, but no, I'm on Earth, the home world of Grey, Cecilia and Nico. My exact location is the orphanage where they grew up, around the same time as when they'll be here, I figured this out by piecing together the fact that Headmaster Wilbeck is still alive and I haven't spotted them around the orphanage, they'll presumably arrive within the next few years, they're around my age and I've just turned 2, since in the novel Cecelia arrived here when she was what? six, Grey and Nico would have come here earlier than her maybe 3 or 4.

Headmaster Wilbeck... Can I save her? is there really anything I can do about her death or should I just distance myself from her and forget about her. NO! She's been raising ever ever since I got here, I'm not the best person out there, but I sure as hell won't let someone I owe so much to die without me even trying to save her. That settles it I've got to learn everything I can about Ki, surely something supernatural like Ki could make the impossible, possible. I'll ask the Headmaster if she could teach me how to read, from what I've gathered the written language is quite similar to English just a tiny bit different so I could play the role of genius child then be able to get access to books and stuff like that early. The only problem with playing genius is that I'd likely be a meat shield for the legacy along with Grey. "ha, well you win some, you lose some".

Well that went strangely well, the Headmaster just gave me a little book to practice with and taught me the basics, before telling me she's busy. Is it something to do with the legacy that she's busy? Well she should be born around the same time as me so it'd make sense that she'd start working on her plans to keep the legacy safe around now. I hope she just doesn't get involved but I don't think she'd listen to a kid, and I can't even explain how I know what the legacy is, much less how I know she plans to harbour her. Speaking of the legacy, before I had died it was revealed that Grey only got sent to Dicathen due to a mistake on Agrona's side when trying to get the anchors to bring the Legacy to his world, I remember hearing the theory that Agrona wanted to use the Legacy as a "vessel" or have a kid with the legacy and then use the kid as a "vessel" for himself to increase his strength.

I shivered at the thought of my soul getting snatched by that creepy bastard and decided that I was glad to have [Enhanced Mind] since then the mad bastard couldn't use his stupid Mind Control techniques on me. Thinking about Agrona got me all the more excited to gain strength, since if my soul is suitable, I have no doubt Agrona would grab me for some purpose or another.

It's been a few months since I had my thoughts about Agrona and I've been getting very frustrated at the fact that there's nothing I can do except learn some basic knowledge about the world at the moment, I figured out that you only start training your ki core once you turn five so I'd have to wait for 5 years till I could start my training with that. However luckily I've found something useful I could be doing with my time by going through books, meditation. Yes, you heard me right meditation, if you're wondering why then it quite simple, it's a mind related skill and I have increased talent towards mind related skills, according to one book I've read there's a technique called "combat meditation" that those who are incredibly good at meditation can pull off, those who are talented with it can slow down there perception of time, and anyone who puts time into it can use it to calm there mind while fighting, many use it to ward of lower levels of killing intent.

Another useful technique I plan on learning is called "mind palace", apparently it can improve memory and increase the overall efficiency of the brain. With my talent in mind related skills, I'd assume that I could develop these techniques to a new high and make use of them as a base for my fighting style. I'm also planning to simply try to sense ki but not move it at all, simply try to sense every bit of ki perfectly, my idea is that if I know every ounce of what's in my core I'd be able to use it more effectively. After all, who knows whether I'll have a big ki core, or a below average one like Grey.

It's been six months since I've turned two, Headmaster Wilbeck learned that I've been staying in the little study every day and forced me to play with other kids, I didn't fight it as I knew that being outside and active is important as a child. I've made good progress in my Mind Skills, I've been able to make my mind much less childish than an average child through a weak version of combat meditation despite the fact that I mainly focused on the "Mind Palace" technique so I could remember all the details of the novel without the need to write them down, I don't want someone finding them after all. My progress on observing ki hit a plateau at the level of observation necessary to form a core so I've put that on the back burner as well.

It's been another few months since then, it's my third birthday soon, and my progress in my "Mind Palace" hasn't slowed down at all with me being able to remember most of the novel as well as the day I read it, my goal at the moment is to be able to remember each and every sentence, if I could pull that off I'd have a practically photographic memory, my combat meditation allows me to keep my emotions completely calm like the surface of a creek on a calm day, I've decided to put off ki sensing and only do about ten minutes of practice a day until I awaken my ki core, they must have a reason for putting off making a ki core till you're five, maybe it's easier to sense after then.

"Kids, come over here, we're gonna have a new kid staying here from today onwards." I heard the Headmaster call everyone over to where we eat and decided to stop training for the day and check out what's happening, when I got there I saw an average looking child around my age, figuring she'll tell us who he is, I focused on the Headmaster and my assumption was correct. "Say hi to Nico everybody, he'll be staying here from now on."

Oh, I guess this makes it definite that I'm in the novel, not just a similar world.

I've got no clue what Nico looks like, so you're just gonna be stuck with average child for the time being

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