
TBATE: Another Shadow Monarch

Basically, In extremely simple words without over complicating things, The events of Solo leveling never took place on Earth, but instead the Rulers and Monarchs decided on a world which had enough mana and remnants of cup of reincarnation. Yes! That would be the world of "The Beginning After The End" or "TBATE" for short. The emissaries and monarchs, their vessels roam free in the world of TBATE, getting the people ready- Ready for the fate that's inscribed from the beginning of times, set in stone. Follow the story of King Grey and other vessels of monarchs and rulers alike as they make this world ready for the biggest war in the observable universe. The Doom is nigh The divine light shall clash against The sinister dark. Who shall succeed? Darkness born of light or Eternal flames born of darkness. **************************************** DESCLAIMER: I do not own anything, all credits go to Turtleme the author of TBATE and Chu-Gong the author of Solo leveling. Also any picture used in cover or in chapters are not mine. I will give the credit to respective owners. This is a work of fiction, so relax and enjoy (while it lasts kekew)

Reprobate69_1 · Others
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7 Chs

Chapter Five - Virion Eralith

/// Arthur Leywin ///

My stride faltered, coming to an absolute halt as we reached a lawn. The aromatic smell of flowers assaulted my nose. I took in a deep breath, taking in the revitalising smell as I felt my fatigue from travelling and then thorough interrogation fade away.

"I will ask this once", the elder's voice reached my ears. Like a wet, heavy serape his intent fell on me once again, his eyes gleaming in a golden tint. Golden aura stuck to him like a second skin, the explosive mana seeming to explode from under his skin.

"What do you know about the ********?", he asked as a glitching sound reached my ears, his voice muffled as he uttered the last word.

"The what?" I asked, visibly confused.

/// Virion Eralith ///

"What do you know about the Monarchs?", I asked the boy. His left eye twitched, a visible confusion being etched over his face.

"What are you doing? Just kill the boy. I can feel it. He reeks of death. That is the vessel of the King of the Dead, The Shadow Monarch. He hasn't even tapped even an iota of real potential. Kill him now, before it's too late." I heard the familiar voice in my head, a voice that I hadn't heard in decades.

The one who granted me this power and merged with me.

The brightest fragment of brilliant light.

"Hello there, old friend. Had enough sleep?" I asked back, hurt at the fact that the first thing he did in decades was to question my judgments.

"No time for idle chatter. You are aware my consciousness is fading away with every second. Soon enough you will harness my all powers. However, this boy..." his voice trailed off. I felt it for the first time. The revered God, who even considered asuras beneath themselves shiver in fear. I felt it firsthand, the overwhelming fear that trickled from his mind to my own.

"No doubt. I don't know how he managed to find a vessel. It should be impossible for Ashborn and HIM to have vessels in this world. But this world is done for." Once again, I felt him quiver in fear, "kill the boy now. He doesn't have a black heart yet. Once he gets it, everything will be over. Our attempts to push back the monarchs for centuries will all end in vain."

"Can you just believe me once? I can feel it in these creaking bones of mine. The boy is different", I tried to argue back, struggling to make a point against him.

"How can we just leave him alone? He's a monarch. He might've shared our ranks once but he has turned his back on us after…" he paused, his voice trailing off, a hurricane of raging emotions blew in my mind, wrecking havoc. For some reason he never told me why the shadow monarch became against the rulers. No, the important question was how a ruler became a monarch. It was a topic that was always avoided by him. Not only him, but every vessel of rulers had no idea about this.

"How about we just observe the boy and evaluate him? If anything I don't see any kind of manipulation in order to turn him into a weapon against us. From what you've told me until now, I think we should just observe the boy." I suggested. It was an attempt, a little selfish in its nature. It was the first time I had seen the little one so attached to someone. See her smile so much. A genuine smile.

All this power that I had attained- what purpose did it serve? To protect my loved ones and their smiles. If I was unable to even do that, then all that I had struggled for to attain this power was in vain.

"Monarchs?" The boy, Arthur's voice, reached my ears. My eyes fixed on him. After so many centuries of living I could at least discern this much. The boy was clearly confused.

"See, he doesn't know." I almost screamed at the fragment, excited that I finally beat him in something.

"I still don't believe it", he said and paused for a brief moment, "but I have never seen you dead set on something. Since I trusted you to be my vessel, I will trust you on this one. But beware- the moment I sense something, I will take over and kill him, even if it kills the last fragment of my consciousness."

I let out a small sigh of relief, "Sure, deal." As soon as those words left my mouth I felt his presence drift away.

Looking forwards I looked at the boy, Arthur, a confused expression over his face as he clutched his head with one hand. I threw a wooden sword at him,

"Let's start, brat." I said with a smirk as I felt the ruler's powers course through my body.

/// Arthur Leywin ///

"Let's start, brat." As soon as those words left the elder's mouth, I pivoted my sword upwards, its tip pointing at him.

Scintillating, golden aura stuck to him, his white hair gleaming as it coated in a layer of the oppressive divine mana.

[Side-Quest: Bloodlust is being directed at 'Player'. Subdue the source.

Rewards: – Cursed Box

– Proficiency Boost ]

The sudden quest was like a strike from blue for me. Although it might sound tempting, it was suicide. I wasn't even an orange core while the old sack of bones was a silver core with some weird mana that made no sense.

I closed my eyes, feeling the world around me as the wind gently caressed my face.

[Skill: Swordsmanship has been activated]

It was barely noticeable, but I saw it. Streaks of light black emanated from my body. It travelled slowly like a serpent throughout my body, augmenting it. The foreign mana mixed in with the mana from my core as I felt my whole body stiffen.

An overwhelming sense of authority and superiority brimmed my mind. With a slight push I cleared the distance between us. His eyes widened but was soon replaced by a smirk as my sword went right through him.

An afterimage!

Sensing something towards my back, I jerked my head back. A blur of silver made its way towards me. I could see the incoming attack however my body couldn't react in time. His fist clad in mana striked my back like a brick. My body arched forward and went flying into a nearby wall like a comet. The wall broke, a grown-man sized crater forming. My body fell to the ground from the gaping hole formed in the wall.

[Fire has been activated]

Orange flames engulfed me, forming a blanket around me.

[Wind has been activated]

Wind blew and shaped the flames. The wind spiralled around me forming a tornado. The tornado sucked in the flames, forming a flaming tornado. I stood in the middle of the cyclone, waiting for him to make the next move. His figure appeared right in front of me, his palm gleaming in a golden aura.

My arms raised up as I manipulated the wind-fire to form a barrier in front of me. I waited for a frontal attack as I braced myself for impact. My senses heightened all of a sudden. My head jerked up on its own, like it was possessed. Seeing above I saw boulders coming down at me.

"Damn it!"

Cursing under my breath, I exploded the ground beneath me using fire mana and wind mana to propel me in the required direction.

"Those are some monstrous reactions for a four-year-old. You sure are amusing, brat." The crazy old bat spoke up in excitement, a near palpable aura weighing down on the surrounding as I saw visible cracks running along the mossy walls of the elven backyard.

Tightening my grip over the hilt of my wooden sword I dashed forward.

['Sprint' has been activated]

The ground beneath me burned and then exploded, a loud screeching voice echoing through the lawn as my speed increased exponentially. However, it still wasn't fast enough. My sword passed near his hair, severing only a few strands of his glowing white hair.

He looked over his shoulder, analysing my technique. He was forcing me into revealing all of my cards. But if that was what he wanted. I'd gladly give it to him. After learning the secret technique I was able to bring it into a more practical use. However, the backlash was still way too drastic. But… somehow I feel like it will be worth it.

[Skill: 'Burst Step' has been activated]

[Skill: 'Swordsmanship' has been activated]

The ground beneath me exploded once again with huge booms as I saw boulders break to pieces. A series of deafening explosions resonated as Burst Step took me from one location to another. Swordsmanship was originally a talent. A passive skill, however by combining it with other skills it could evolve into an active skill. And that was what I did.

['Burst Step' and 'Swordsmanship' are showing harmony.]

[Skill: Mutilation has been obtained]

['Mutilation' has been activated]

A stream of knowledge invaded my mind like a dam broke loose. The complicated connection of using sword arts and stepping technique, that seemed like an impossible mystery suddenly became simple. Like it was unravelling itself slowly. However, this seems incomplete. The knowledge was inadequate, lacking. Although I didn't know what it was, I could still feel it. It felt like a tiny drop in a vast ocean.

However, this drop was enough to quench my current thirst and desperation.

The world around me warped as "Burst Step" took me from one corner of the yard to another, my figure a mere blur. Like a ping pong ball I bounced from walls and floor alike, delivering a solid blow every now and then. However, it still wasn't enough. He was parrying all my attacks, but the stupid smirk over his face had long vanished, replaced by a solemn expression. He was finally taking me seriously.

Twisting my feet I bent my body, changing my trajectory. It was a painful move as my ankle dislocated. But I had the system, I could heal it. Paying no attention to the dislocated bone I used Burst Step in rapid succession, my sword being drawn itself to its opening.

The bones in my legs rattled, cracked, but remained in place. They didn't break. I pushed further.

"A little more." I whispered painfully as I initiated a burst step once again. Going straight for his opening I swing my sword clad in jet black aura. His clothes ripped, forming a clean cut, a narrow line of blood forming on it. The small drops tainted his clothes, forming small circles of red over his clean rob.

"BAHAHAHAHA!" He bursted out laughing as he rubbed his abdomen where the mark of my cut, a proof of my move and success, still dwelled.

I fell down on my bum, heavily panting, my sweat stinging in my eyes making my vision blurry.

[Side-Quest completed. Rewards are being delivered]

– Player has received a "Cursed Box"

– Player has received "Proficiency boost" in all skills.

[ Deviant 'Lightning' has been unlocked]

[Deviant 'Ice' has been unlocked]

I let out a slight laugh at the outcome of this battle. While I was happy at the result, doing all that despite being a 4-year-old sure is going to be troublesome.

The elder, Virion, walked over to me, an amused smile over his face as his fingers ran along his beard.

"Well done, brat. I think I deserved that for being too cocky." he paused, expecting a reply for me.

"Uhhh…. Thank you?"

He let out a cough and continued, "Me and a close friend of mine have decided to "Groom" you as he put it."

"What do you mean by that?", I asked, flabbergasted at what he meant. It seemed so out of context that it made my brain hurt more than my body.

"It means you can stay here until the gate to Sapin opens. And, while we are at it, become my disciple." He said with a smug look as I just kept looking at him, my jaw agape.

What on the unholy earth is this old bat planning exactly?