
Tasked to be a Demon Lord

A man in his thirties, worked as a spy for a secret government, set up to stop future or ongoing wars. His plane that contains valuable informations of an invasion of terrorists that were believed to dress up as soldiers from another country. On the way to his set destination, his plane got shot down by one of the fighter jets that was tasked with escorting him to his destination, safely. All of the flight crew including him, died in the plane crash. When he thought he was either going to heaven or hell, he was instead given a choice to RESTART or QUIT, by picking the obvious choice, he got reincarnated. Now in another world, he managed to pick a strong race, but was despised by many. He thought he could rest in this new world and have a simple job as an adventurer who accepts Rank F and E jobs that pay well, but this wouldn't last long, like any other nice things, it just wouldn't last long. DISCLAIMER: I don't own some of the things in my story, there are some of my own characters here and there, I also don't own the novel cover and I got that in Pinterest that was pinned by Kira( I think ) in their demon king folder, I tried finding the owner but it was proving to be difficult, so if you're the owner and have a problem with it, I'll take it down and find another sucker for their work, but if you don't have a problem with it, then thank you. p.s: He'll received the demon lord task in the near future so wait.

iverson_getigan · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Chapter 1: Damn jet's!

*inside a plane*

A man in his 30's was sitting comfortably on a recliner chair, even though he's in his 30's he still look like to be in his 20's because of his young and handsome look that can make any girls blush, and make any men jealous.

'hmmmm, today sure is pretty peaceful, to peaceful' the man thought to himself while sipping his cup of coffee.

'I know that I should enjoy this kind of thing, but I've been in spy works for at least 10 years now, and this kind of peaceful day had an ominous feeling in it.' he look out the window of the plane and saw a fighter jet that guarded this plane so that in can reach it's destination safely and received the information that can either start a war or prevent it.

The fighter jet looks a bit suspicious in his eyes, because its slowly moving away. This could be missed if a normal person with no visual training see it, but he was training his for years so that it can't miss any small details, because in his line of work any missed details can cause a dangerous outcome.

Then the fighter jet's lower hatch opened and a missile came out, mid drop the missile rocket activated and propelled the missile, after firing the missile the fighter jet left quickly.

His eyes widened at the realization that the missile that was fired was not an ordinary missile, it was a heat-seeker, that's why the fighter jet left quickly so that the missile can lock on to his plane's heat signature, after a few meters the missile u-turned and it was heading straight at the plane's cockpit, there was not enough time for the pilots to fire the flares, the missile hit the plane with deadly accuracy exploding the cockpit and killing the pilots, the plane was now free falling towards the ground at a terrifying speed.

' fuck! Why did this happen!, why is there someone trying to sabotage our plan!? . . . Is this. . . how I'm going to die, heh, I did wish to die in a flashy way, even if no one saw it.' he closed his eyes and accepted his fate with a smile.

' life sure was fun in a long run, I just wish that I could have chosen the path to become a demon lord in that game.' those were his last thoughts before the plane came crashing down on the hard ground, and it exploded killing all the passenger that was onboard the plane.









He found him self in a dark room and in front of him was a blue panel, and it was making him choose either to restart or quit.

'huh?, but I thought I just died just now. where am I, in hell or heaven.' he was looking around his surrounding, only finding darkness, will besides the blue panel that was glowing. He inspected the panel thoroughly and just being careful to not press the wrong button, there was a question mark on the right side top corner. he pressed the question mark and a description panel pop out in front of him.

"By pressing the 'RESTART' button, you will be reincarnated to my personal world, but first you will need to create an account and logged in to said account. But if you pressed the 'QUIT' button, your soul will cease to exist.

'p.s. There is no heaven and hell, life is just a continuous cycle of death and resurrection and reincarnation. But your soul can sometimes rest for a bit before going back to this vicious cycle called life." he read the description and was shocked that he can be reincarnated to another world that possibly have overpowered magical powers.

'hmmm, should I quit or get reincarnated to another world and maybe have a peaceful life over there as a farmer or choose that path. huhuhuhuh. I think I know what I want now.' now that he made up his mind, he pressed the 'RESTART' button and then the process of making his account to enter this new world.

First Name:


Last Name:


Race:( pleas pick your desirable race )


'ohh, a race option, hmmm what race should I pick, and what are the race that are compatible with a human.' Ryo ask to no one in particular, another panel pop out as if the panel listen to him, on the panel where the list of race that can be compatible with a human.


lvl: 1

Str: 10

Def: 5

Agi: 10

Dex: 15

Int: 15


The human race, a race that could achieve multiple great things in their short life, surprising the other races because of their ability to adopt in any environment if given the time to adjust to the new environment. But, if they were given soo much power that it could corrupt their way of thinking, a single human can bring down a nation on its own.


lvl: 1

Str: 20

Def: 10

Agi: 15

Dex: 15

Int: 10


The beast man race is a hybrid of a beast and a human combined, this race were discovered in the forest or jungle after the land expanded, they are the protector of the forest/jungle alongside the dryads and forest elves. The beastman race also have multiple animal races of its own.


lvl: 1

Str: 10

Def: 5

Agi: 10

Dex: 20

Int: 20


The elf race, are a race with human like characteristics besides there pointed ears and longevity, and they are intelligent both in tactics and hunting. This race was discovered on top of a mountain village after the land expanded, thanks to their longevity some of the old elves that reach the peak of intelligence can see through the future.

The list was going on and on about the other races that are compatible with a human life form surprising Ryo that there are many races in the new world, knowing this he was now hype up to get reincarnated. After so long of swiping down, he finally reach the end of the list and the final race that made him want to choose it but doubt its stats and description of this race.


lvl: 1

Str: 10

Def: 10

Agi: 10

Dex: 10

Int: 10


The half-demon race is created through a forbidden love between a demon and a human, these kind of race are rarely seen due to the fact that humans have a deep hatred towards demons, but if it did happen this race is shunned by both race and can rarely survive through adulthood because they will either get killed by humans because this race is a mistake and should be purge, or kill them self. But don't let the stats and sad description fool you to thinking that this race is weak, because if you did then you are fucking wrong, the pure potential of this race to grow in strength in such a short time is quite staggering to say the least. Because of this, the demons wanted to recruit it but couldn't because it will hurt their pride and ego from accepting a half-human.

"huh, this race have a great potential to grow stronger, this race is perfect for me. Even the description fitted my past self, I just hope that I'm not gonna become a baby when I get reincarnated. But should I, this race might be perfect for me but it can also cause me a lot of trouble to keep a low profile. Buuuuuttt~, the potential of getting stronger is a key to surviving this harsh and unknown world, I think I'll take the risk." finally making the final decision, he pressed the 'PLAY' button and a timer started going down from 10 to 1.













'okay, it's going down now, I wonder what this world would look like, will there be monsters, heroes, and kingdoms, huhuhuh, this is making me excited.' Ryo thought with great excitement.










{Transferring soul is now commencing} a woman's voice was heard before Ryo's soul was engulfed by a bright light and vanished.

{Soul transferring completed successfully}


So how'd I do and what you think of the first chapter of this novel, I hoped I didn't miss up any spelling or grammar if I did I'm sorry because I'm not that good at English, if you did enjoy it pls leave a vote and thank you.
