
Tasked to be a Demon Lord

A man in his thirties, worked as a spy for a secret government, set up to stop future or ongoing wars. His plane that contains valuable informations of an invasion of terrorists that were believed to dress up as soldiers from another country. On the way to his set destination, his plane got shot down by one of the fighter jets that was tasked with escorting him to his destination, safely. All of the flight crew including him, died in the plane crash. When he thought he was either going to heaven or hell, he was instead given a choice to RESTART or QUIT, by picking the obvious choice, he got reincarnated. Now in another world, he managed to pick a strong race, but was despised by many. He thought he could rest in this new world and have a simple job as an adventurer who accepts Rank F and E jobs that pay well, but this wouldn't last long, like any other nice things, it just wouldn't last long. DISCLAIMER: I don't own some of the things in my story, there are some of my own characters here and there, I also don't own the novel cover and I got that in Pinterest that was pinned by Kira( I think ) in their demon king folder, I tried finding the owner but it was proving to be difficult, so if you're the owner and have a problem with it, I'll take it down and find another sucker for their work, but if you don't have a problem with it, then thank you. p.s: He'll received the demon lord task in the near future so wait.

iverson_getigan · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Chapter 2: New world

{Soul transferring completed successfully}

Ryo put up his arm to block the lights that assaulted his eyes, he blink his eyes multiple times till his eyes adjusted. Now that his eyes adjusted to the blinding lights he found himself on a rocky ground right next to a river and a bunch of trees.

"whoa, this place is beautiful, and this is just the beginning." Ryo was amazed at the place that he got reincarnated, right when he was about to walk towards the river, another panel pop up and a woman's voice was heard again.

[ Congratulations on reincarnating successfully ]

" reincarnating successfully?, does that mean it could fail!?" Ryo asked the panel.

[ Correct ]

"Motherfucker, wait a minute, why is my voice sounded deferent." Ryo jogged a bit towards the river and knelt down on one knee and see his reflection on the river surface. Ryo was surprised that he was young again, right now he is a 34yrs old man but his body looks around a 16 yrs old, black hair with bangs that covered his eyes, wearing a brownish colored long sleeved shirt, dark brown pants, attached to his side was a knife, all in all he looks like a hentai main character but nerd edition.

[ sir why do you looked surprised ]

Ryo didn't answered the question and only asked a question of his own.

"why did this happen!, I looked like I'm a nerdy sixteen again." Ryo complained.

[ will, sir you didn't put your age on the account registration so the system picked a random age. ]

"huh, is that so, I've been to excited to get reincarnated that I forget to add my age, at least I didn't become a child or an old man." Ryo looked at the bright side of things, he looked again at his reflection, his bewildered looked was immediately replace by a laughing Ryo, he was laughing at his stupidity and the backstory when he was sixteen.

[ sir?, is there anything funny ]

"huh, it's just that this young body of mine just had a hidden story." Ryo said.

[ ohhh, could you tell me the story master ]

"will, when I was younger, I was just a nerdy kid that loves to watch anime in my free time, or in another word, I'm an otaku. I was never friends with anybody other than the people that where like me, heh, but the only thing I did manage to do right was to get a girlfriend named Hana, but that was short lived, because one day I found out that she was cheating on me with the local bully/fuckboy in our school, and that asshole rubbed it on my face by sending me photos and videos of him and Hana having 'fun'!. It was so depressing that I almost ended my life, but I manage to control myself from doing anything stupid or something that I will regret, how I'm still alive is a mystery, but I think it was thanks to that motivational quote ' Don't get mad. Don't get even. Do better. Much better. Rise above, Become so engulfed in your success that you forget it ever happened.' I lived because I keep repeating that same quote in my head over and over again. When I finally graduated high school, I started planning on how to improve myself, I've been thinking of exercising for a start and maybe a better diet. Then arden, a childhood friend of mine that moved to America because of his father's work manage to get in touch with me, he said that his working at a gym as a part-time job, he listened to my plans about improving my self.

'Soo, you wanted to have a glow up, because your ex cheated on you?' arden

'yeah, I know it's kind of stupid but I just wanted to get back at them in some way.' Ryo

'heh, don't worry bro, I got you, you can come by here and be a gym member, I can even be your coach.' arden

'thanks for the kind offer but I think I'll pass it, I just don't have the money.' Ryo

'ehhh, you don't have to worry about paying, I can give you a free membership and you don't need to pay me for coaching you.' arden

'Realy!, but won't your manager get mad at you or something, I don't want you to get in trouble.' Ryo

'hahahahahaha, bro the manager won't get mad at me because I am the manager.' arden

'huh?!, dude I thought you work there as a part-timer.' Ryo

'will yeah, I'm a part-time manager, I need work experience to take over my father's company someday, so do you still want to refuse my offer or accept it.' arden

'hmmmm~, send me the location of your gym and the time you want to see me.' Ryo

'hahahahaha, okay I'll text the location, but you need to get here 6 am sharp and don't be late because if you do you'll get punished, understood.' arden

'yeah, see you tomorrow.' Ryo

'okay, bye' arden

'bye' ryo

After that, arden trained me to the ground, in just four months my body was now well developed and now hot and sexy, I've grown in popularity when I started college, girls were fawning over me and started to throw their body towards me. After awhile of bathing in my popularity I've developed a narcissistic personality at a controlled level ofcourse, but it does show from time to time. . . Now that I think bout it, my life story sound like a human version of the ugly duckling." Ryo then scooped a large amount of water with his hands and splash it on his face, he scooped another large amount of water but this time he splashed it on his hair, after wetting his hair, he slicked back the bangs to get it out of his eyes.

"And there, from an ugly duckling to a beautiful swan." Ryo said while his narcissistic side was showing, after rearranging his hair he looked up at the blue panel.

"hey blue panel, your a system right?."

[Yes, I'm a system]

"will, so does that mean you have stats that show me my current lvl and strength?."


" Each time I lvl up there's this points that I can add to an each individual stats?"

[Correct again!]

" so your mechanics faction like a game system, does that mean I can unlock other features of the system?"

[ Yes!, you can unlock the other features of the system when you reach a certain lvl.]


[For knowing a lot about the systems use and mechanics, you've been rewarded with 500exp]

[leveled up]

[leveled up]

Just when Ryo was about to ask another question, a notification bar pop up, it was showing that he leveled up by just knowing the mechanics of the system.

"hoh~, I leveled up two times just like that." Ryo was pleased that he managed to get stronger with out doing anything and this was just the start. Another panel opened and this time it was showing his stats.

Name: Ryo Masashi

Age: 16

lvl: 3

Exp: 100/300

Sp: 30

Hp: 300/300

Mp: 200/200

Str: 30

Vit: 30

Agi: 30

Dex: 30

Int: 20


[Basic knife-skills lvl: 1]

[Basic hand to hand combat lvl: 1]

[master, you have 10 stat points(sp), would you like to add them to your stat.]

"hmmm, why does my Intelligence stat only 20, while the others are 30."

[That's because intelligence stats can only increase by 5, but you can increase it by either learning new things/skills or by simply reading a good book. But don't mistaken the intelligence stats as your actual intelligent, because the intelligence stats are also for your Mana or learning spells]

"ohhh" Ryo nodded then sighed "even in another world, you still need to study, why can't I just add stats to it" Ryo released another heavy sigh.

[There is no short cut for greatness master, you need to build a solid base before advancing. You still need to add your stat points, master]

"oh yeah my stat points, hmmm, I have to think this through, should I put it on strength for damage, agility for speed, or vitality for extra healt. what to choose, what to choose. . . Okay I want to pu-" just when Ryo was about to touch the stat that he wanted to increase, a large shadow suddenly pounce on him, but thanks to his heightened sense and quick reflexes he managed to dodge a sharp claw in just a nick of time. The shadow landed on the ground with a deep growl and Ryo landed opposite from it, now face to face to his mysterious attacker. Ryo's eyes widened and his mouth wide open, the mysterious attacker was a.


To be continued.


I hoped that you enjoyed the second chapter and pleas leave a vote/star and thank you, see you on the next chapter.
