
Taming The Twin Alphas

"You're pregnant? How could you sleep with someone before finding your mate? Who is the bastard that impregnated you?" yelled her father making Chloe jump out in horror. How could she tell her father that she slept with the ruthless Alpha twins at the same time and had no idea who is the father of her unborn child? On top of that they are the biggest rivals of her father. Chloe the ideal good girl of her father and the next Alpha of her pack ruined all her family image and lost her virginity in a drunken night. She slept with two playboy Alphas of their rival pack. Will she be able to find out who was the father of her child between these two devilishly handsome Alphas? Will she fall in love with them to be their Luna? Or she will tame them as the badass Alpha she was born to be?

Tondra164 · Fantasy
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164 Chs

Have you made her pregnant?

Chloe's POV

Tyler glanced at me with pleading eyes, asking permission to reveal the truth. I slightly nodded in disagreement. Instinctively, Tyler let go of Tyson's collar and composed himself.

"We are not hiding anything, and there's no other identity of her that needs to be revealed," Tyler replied to Tyson in a forcibly calm voice. Tyson frowned, his eyes traveled from Tyler to me, then again back to Tyler.

"Do you think I am a fool? Or do you think that I didn't see the silent interaction between you two?" Tyson scoffed. His cold eyes were mocking us for underestimating his wisdom.

"Can you refuse that she didn't shake her head to forbid you from spilling out the truth?" he tried to press both of us and of course, we couldn't refute. Both of us decided to be silent and it elevated Tyson's anger.

"From your secret gestures and secret meetings, it was evident that you were hiding something from me. At the same time, I feel like I have met her before though I can't remember where." Tyson was frustrated and angry.

I was nervous about Tyson's continuous pressuring Tyler. What if Tyler spills the truth to Tyson? 'Oh, Goddess! I couldn't take this stress anymore. Suddenly I felt bile rising through my throat and I was feeling like vomiting. The next second I rushed to the adjoining washroom of the office.


Inside the bathroom…..

I vomited a few times and then sat on the floor to catch my breath. This morning sickness has been troubling me for the last few days. Leaning against the bathroom wall I was thinking of Tyson. If he got to know my truth, then he would despise me more. There's the possibility that he will drive me away and throw me out of the pack. And Tyler, He would be so embarrassed because of me. How do I escape from this problem?

"Chloe, are you okay? Do you need any help?" came Tyler's worried voice from the other side of the bathroom door. His worried voice always makes me desperate. I had no other choice than to come out of the bathroom. I splashed some water on my face and looked at the mirror. I have to be strong; I reminded myself then dried my face.

As soon as I came out of the bathroom, Tyler hurried near me checking my face intently. His worried eye made me feel wanted for a moment. I don't why I feel so safe with him. Then my eyes fell on Tyson who was glaring at us in pure anger. If looks could kill, then both me and Tyler would be dead by now.

"Have you made her pregnant?" Tyson angrily asked Tyler who seemed to have lost in thoughts for a few seconds. From his looks, I could tell that he was determined to agree with Tyson for my sake. But I couldn't let him do it. Before he could open his mouth, I pulled the corner of his T-shirt to draw his attention. When he glanced at me I shook my head in a 'No'.

"Do you think I am blind?" Tyson roared at us. His eyes were red and it looked like he was fighting with his inner wolf for control. Tyler instantly pulled me behind him in order to protect me from Tyson's wrath. Tyson closed his eyes to control his wolf and when he opened them again they were cold like an iceberg.

"I can see that both of you have no intention to tell the truth. So, don't regret it later," Tyson said the last part looking at me. Though he looked calm outside his venomous words were the proof of his anger and hatred.

"I won't regret anything, that I can assure you of," I replied to him nonchalantly. But he took it as a challenge and then he gave me the most unexpected job I ever thought of.

"The floor of the pack house hall is very dirty. You have to wipe it clean with a rag until it shines like a mirror," he finished with a cold smirk.

"Are you trying to embarrass her? This isn't her job," Tyler intervened again angrily.

"Why are you always ready to protect her? Why didn't you ever stand for other omegas in Pack House? Is she special to you? Are fucking her?" Tyson continued throwing question after question to Tyler, fuTysonng his raging anger. They both were about to fight again for me but I couldn't let this happen so I had to intervene between them.

"I am willing to do the work appointed by alpha Tyson," I said out loud to draw their attention to me. Being tortured by Tyson here was much better than being a rogue, I thought to myself.

I excused myself from the alpha's office and went downstairs to clean the hall. An omega handed me a bucket full of soaped water and an old rug. I sat on the floor on my knees and started wiping it without thinking anything else. I could feel two pairs of eyes on me who were watching me from the second floor.

"I can't bear it anymore. You are not doing this anymore," came Tyler's desperate voice from the second floor. Before I could turn my face, he was in front of me the next moment.

"Let's go from here, right now," Tyler insisted pulling me by my hand. He helped to stand on my feet and started dragging me with him.

"Where are you taking me? I am not done with my job yet," I tried to free myself from his grip but he was adamant this time. He looked at Tyson one last time with hatred, who was watching everything from the second floor. Then Tyler dragged me out of the pack house with him.

"Tyler, you shouldn't have done this. It will create more suspicion in your brother's mind," I tried to make him understand the consequence of his action but he was reluctant. I was still walking behind him when he suddenly turned back to face me and I collided with his hard chest.

His manly scent mixed with sandalwood managed to calm me down. I felt his hands cupping my face and pulled it up to look into his deep grey eyes. I was lost in those deep eyes of his until I heard his angry voice.

"Have you seen your face in a mirror, Chloe? Have you seen how pale your face is?"  Tyler asked in his angry voice but I could sense care and worry for me. This caring side of his always attracts me to him. He rubbed his thumbs on my pale cheek and sighed heavily.

"I am taking you to a special doctor and you are going with me there's no space for an argument," he stated strictly and took back his hands from my face. I felt cold all of a sudden without his warm hands on me. I followed Tyler to a doctor's clinic of their pack.

A middle-aged woman welcomed us with a broad smile. She said her name was Doctor Zelda and she was a gynecologist. Tyler asked her to check on me. I guess I could no longer hide my pregnancy from him. For some unknown reason, I didn't want to hide it from him anymore.

"She's just a bit weak because of the pregnancy. With proper nutrition and rest, she will be fine within a few days," said the doctor after doing all the checkups. Tyler heaved a deep sigh of relief as if he was holding his breath all this time. Doctor Zelda left us alone in the hospital room.

The moment I was about to lean on the bed to relax Tyler asked me the dreading question again. "Is it my baby?" Tyler asked seriously. His seriousness made me anxious and nervous.

What should I do now?