
Taming The Twin Alphas

"You're pregnant? How could you sleep with someone before finding your mate? Who is the bastard that impregnated you?" yelled her father making Chloe jump out in horror. How could she tell her father that she slept with the ruthless Alpha twins at the same time and had no idea who is the father of her unborn child? On top of that they are the biggest rivals of her father. Chloe the ideal good girl of her father and the next Alpha of her pack ruined all her family image and lost her virginity in a drunken night. She slept with two playboy Alphas of their rival pack. Will she be able to find out who was the father of her child between these two devilishly handsome Alphas? Will she fall in love with them to be their Luna? Or she will tame them as the badass Alpha she was born to be?

Tondra164 · Fantasy
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163 Chs

Den of the Devil

Third Person's P O V


Chloe was sitting in her room and thinking about how to teach a lesson to that evil alpha Tyson when an omega knocked on the door.

"Alpha Tyson wants you to be in his room right now," the omega informed her.

"Took the name of the evil and here he appeared," Chloe mumbled in a low voice while following the omega.

They went to the south corridor on the third floor of the big mansion. Chloe never came to this part of the mansion. It was for alpha Tyson; only with his permission one can come to this part of the mansion except for Tyler of course. 

The omega took Chloe to the end of the corridor in front of a big wooden door. Chloe's heart was thumping loudly as she stopped in front of Tyson's room. The omega pushed open the door for Chloe and gestured for her to go inside. As soon as Chloe entered the room the omega closed the door behind her leaving her alone at the Den of the Devil. 

Chloe looked around the room. This room was as big as Tyler's room the only difference was that every decoration of this room was black. It made the room colder while Tyler's room was filled with life and color. While Chloe was looking around the room, her eyes stuck on the handsome man who was standing in front of the mirror only with a towel hanging loosely around his waist. From the mirror, she could clearly see his muscular torso and sexy abs. As her eyes fell on his Adam's apple it moved slowly making Chloe burn from desire. 

"What's the hell wrong with me?" Chloe thought. "it must be because I am pregnant, and my body changed with multiple hormones." She persuaded herself.

Her eyes went on upwards and their eyes met. An evil smirk plastered on his lips while his eyes were mocking her.

'Oh goddess, he caught me ogling his body like a shameless woman,' Chloe cursed herself in her mind. Her face became red because of embarrassment.

"Don't feel embarrassed," Tyson said out of the blue making her surprised. She was wondering how this evil became so considerate suddenly. But his next sentence made all her thoughts run away.

"I am used to women ogling my body shamelessly. And of course, you are one of those shameless woman," he said with a cocky grin. Chloe felt insulted and angry but she didn't have any choice but to let him insult her.

"Wait, just wait, jerk. I'll teach you a lesson sooner or later." Chloe thought.

"Come here, slave…. I mean assistant, come and shave my beard. I don't like stumbles on my face," said Tyson slumping his muscular body on a nearby armchair. Chloe stood in her place like a thunder-struck person. 'Had he gone mad?' Chloe thought.

"Are you sure you want me to shave your beard?" Chloe asked to confirm that she didn't hear something wrong. 

"Of course, I am sure. You are my personal assistant and it is obvious you will do all my personal errands. Now hurry up I have a meeting in an hour," Tyson urged her as he was getting irritated by her continuous questioning. 

Chloe reluctantly walked to the bathroom, collected the shaving kits, and went near Tyson. Tyson leaned on the chair and closed his eyes. Chloe slowly spread shaving cream on his face. This was the second time Chloe had observed his face so closely. The first time was the morning after their sex. He looked so calm when his eyes were closed. He was undoubtedly the most handsome man Chloe had ever seen. While shaving the stumbles on his upper lips Chloe's eyes fell on his thin lips. They were so luscious that Chloe wanted to kiss them but she controlled herself from doing so.

"The shaving is done, sir," Chloe said looking in another direction to hide her flustered face. Tyson went to the mirror and checked his face intently to find any mistake of Chloe but he was impressed with her work.

"You seemed expert on shaving; have you done it many times with other men?" Tyson asked curiously. But Chloe felt he was doing it with the purpose of insulting her.

"If my work is done then can I go back now?" Chloe asked ignoring his question. Tyson didn't reply to her either instead he just smirked and went inside his big walk-in closet. Chloe kept standing at the corner of the room praying that this monster wouldn't play any more tricky games with her.

After several minutes Tyson came out of his closet wearing a black suit. He was looking as handsome as a prince. No wonder all the women were crazy for him.

"Don't stand there like a statue. Bring my shoes and help me put on my shoes," Tyson ordered her as if she wasn't his personal assistant but a slave. At first, Chloe felt angry but then she remembered showing her anger on him would only bring satisfaction to him so she compelled with her feelings and went to bring his shoes dejectedly.

After Chloe helped Tyson put his shoes on he asked her to follow him to his office. Chloe had no other choice but to follow him all the way to his office on the second floor like a puppy. She could hear the slow murmuring of the omegas who were feeling pity on her.

"Don't you all have any work? Or do you want to be in her place?" Tyson yelled with his cold tone making everyone shiver in fear. Within a second the whole corridor was empty and silent. 

After reaching the office, Tyson handed Chloe a big pile of documents. 

"These are the financial documents of our pack from the last twenty years. Sort them all in order and make a copy of them," Tyson said dismissively. Chloe knew well he was doing everything to torture her. But she was no normal she-wolf. She can overcome any hardship that comes her way. Chloe tried to cheer herself up and started working on the documents.

While Chloe was sorting the documents Tyson was sitting on his large revolving chair and watching her work with a lot of papers. At that moment, the door of the office burst open and Tyler came inside fuming. He glanced at the tired Chloe surrounded by several piles of papers and his face became hard in anger. He rushed to Tyson and pulled himself up from his chair and grabbed his collar.

"How dare you torture her like a slave?" Tyler asked using his alpha tone. His alpha aura was radiating from his body because of anger. It was not easy for regular werewolves to stand the aura of an alpha but it made no difference to Tyson. He stood there lazily looking at the shocked Chloe. He smirked at Chloe and then turned to face Tyler.

"Is it so hard for you to stand and see her getting tortured?" Tyson asked mockingly and it angered Tyler more. He was about to punch Tyson in the face when Tyson asked the most unwanted question.

"If you can't stand it then tell me the truth. Who is she?" Tyson asked imitating his alpha aura. Tyler's hand stopped midair and he looked at Chloe.

Chloe felt scared watching their situation. What will happen now? Will Tyler tell him everything about me? These thoughts were running through Chloe's mind.