
Chapter 6  It's Only Fair

Emitting a dangerous aura, The man made Adeline's whole body shiver.

Especially now there were no one in the corridor, she started to feel nervous.

"Let go of me!"

"Now you want me to let go of you? Weren't you the one who took the initiative that night?" Edmund's words struck her like a bolt of lightning.

That night?

She then looked at him carefully. The man had stunningly handsome features with a strong muscular figure and an innate noble temperament, completely different from the man covered in blood that night.

"What nonsense are you talking about? I can't understand."

"Woman..." Edmund gently pinched Adeline’s chin. "I've never seen in this world who dares to abandon me."

After that, he lowered his head to kiss her lips.

Just like that night, he took the control, whose kiss carried a certain tinge of vengeance.

Adeline was shocked. "Is this man really him? But I thought he was just a delinquent roaming on the street! How could he be this man standing in front of me now?"

Their lips still sticked to each other's.

The woman's sweet breath made Edmund recall that night, who felt a tightness in his lower body and subconsciously leaned closer to her.

Adeline was shocked by his move and tried to resist him, "What do you want to do?"

"You took advantage of me that night, so now it's my turn, very fair!"

"No!" Adeline freaked out. "I..."

Edmund crashed his lips against hers again before she could finish her words, 

Unlike that night, Edmund was even more passionate this time. Adeline was unable to resist his firm grasp and soon she felt her butt pressing against the sink in the bathroom. He lifted her dress and then he leaned his hip forward.

As she was trembling, he whispered to her aggressively, "Remember my name, Edmund Dawn!"


For a momnent Adeline forgot about struggling. The man in front of her turned out to be Edmund Dawn, the most successful businessmen in Rosaville City.

Rumor has it that he was a ruthless and decisive man, as any company competing against him would never survive for more than a year. Same went for his women. Within the two years after returning to Rosaville City, there were already at least two women rumored to be involved with him. One went crazy, while the other was even dead. How on earth did she come across such Satan?

Edmund, however, didn't seem to care about what she was thinking. He was in a good spirits today as he stroked Adeline’s stray bangs away from her pretty little face.

Pa! Adeline pushed his hand away. "There's no need to trouble yourself, Mr. Dawn. I'll do it myself."

She was just like a feisty wild kitty.

Edmund glanced at her playfully, "You haven't told me your name yet!"

Adeline's hand trembled, clenching her teeth as she answered, "I don't think you need to know my name. That is all for today. I don't owe you anymore!"

Adeline quickly rushed out before Edmund could say anything. 

As he looked at the woman’s figure scurrying away, Edmund narrowed his eyes.

After she had ran away from the man, Adeline found tears started welling up in her eyes. Fred yelled impatiently at her when she returned, "What the hell are you doing? Why were you in bathroom for so long?"

Adeline hurriedly wiped her tears away, walked over to Fred after assuring that she was fine.

"I'm feeling a little uncomfortable, so I wanna go back first."

"What?" Fred was annoyed by her words. "I told you why we are here. Tonight is an important event! I haven't met the rest of the significant clients. Stay here!"