
Chapter 5  Remember? 

Three days later, in the Dawn family’s mansion.

The study room on the second floor was decorated in a subtle but luxurious European style, which had a black theme, symbolising calmness and quietness.

Brant leaned against the window and chattered incessantly.

"Those guys in the Dawn family are really one of a kind. When they saw you come back, I swear they were cursing you under their breaths, but they still pretended to welcome you home. They are the ones who should get Oscars awards."

Edmund didn't respond to Brant. His slender fingers were holding a cigarette which had already stopped burning.

Not until Brant finally stopped talking did Edmund ask, "Where's the person I asked you to find?"

Brant gulped. "You really couldn't blame me. That place is really messy and underdeveloped, so there weren't any survelliance cameras there."

A knock on the door interrupted their conversation. The servant spoke softly, "Young Master, everything has been completed. The Old Master invites you downstairs."

"Got it."


Outside the Dawn's mansion, looking numbly at the ground, Adeline's body was stiff as ice.

Today she was wearing a red shoulder-length dress, which emphasized her perfect figure and complemented her pale fair skin. After dressing up, she looked like a delicate red rose.

Fred nodded in satisfaction and warned her in a low voice, "This is a big event. You'd better be my good girl and don't make me any trouble, or you will know the consequences."

Then he grabbed Adeline’s arm and walked into the Dawn's mansion.

Adeline attracted everyone's attention when she and Fred entered the hall. Fred enjoyed it very much - the feeling of being envied by other men, so he tightened his grip on Adeline.

When Edmund went downstairs, he saw a beautiful figure and could not help but stop.

"Who are you looking at?" Brant asked.

"Who is that?"

Following Edmund' gaze, Brant saw a beautiful woman in red dress. "Hey, what a beauty. How come I don't even know her? But I do know the man next to her. He's Fred Emery, CEO of the Phantom Group. It has been said that he is an aspiring businessman and a force to be reckoned with, so Phantom has been quite developed for the past few years..."

Edmund remained silent, but his eyes fell on that woman once again.

He remembered that her soft and delicate fingers ran across his body without scruple, his heart beating wildly at her every touch.

Even though he was seriously injured that night, he could still clearly remember the way she unlocked the inner hunger and desire in him, which was an unforgettable experience to say the least. Especially when she was this hot and sexy as rose... all the more reason he would never forget her.

"And I thought I couldn't find her..."

The beauty said something Brant and left for the restroom. Edmund told to Brant, "You go ahead and I'll come back later."

He then followed her. 

In the female restroom.

Adeline patted her face with a napkin, feeling frustrated. Fred had always been vain, who had always taken her to such important events.

She hated those men who had always given her dirty looks. But for now, she must bear it all as the Hills still needed her. 

Adeline stepped out of the bathroom after refining her makeup. 

Outside the restroom, a man stood by the corridor with his back against the wall. He looked lazy and causal, but his aura still captivating.

Stunned for a moment, Adeline slowly walked over.

The man grabbed her arm when she passed by. 

"Why? How come you don't know me?"

Hearing this, she took a good look of the man. He was indeed really handsome, so if she had seen his face before, she would definitely not forget him.

"Sorry, sir, but you must have mistaken me for someone else."

"Heh... is that so?" Edmund smiled warmly. He tightened his grip on Adeline and directly pinned her against the wall. "How about this? Can you remember me now?"