
Chapter Twelve: A fully mated Luna

" Maddox you do need to know me, who I am. It's important that you understand me as your mate. It's also important that you know my past, all of it. " Aaliyah said sadly.

I laid Ana in the bed covering her naked body. Going into my closet changing from my wet clothes to dry boxers and a T-shit still talking to her wolf. I can't believe she was talking to me . By all accounts she should have died tonight. Coming back into the room I lay on top of the covers next to her.

" Alright Aaliyah, tell me everything, if you have enough strength to do it now. If not, I will wait. I know you are still healing yourself and I do not want you spent before you are well and whole once again." Maddox said to her.

" I can't just tell you, but I can show you. The only way that I can do that is during the mating and marking process. Just because we mark one another doesn't mean we are stuck with each other. If you decide you want to reject me after this is done..." Aahiyah paused. Then continued looking at the covers instead of at her mate.

" I can remove our marks and the bond will painlessly disappear, as well as the power you will gain. It will be as if we never mated or marked each other. You will not only see my past you will hear every conversation I have ever had as well as feel everything I have felt in my lifetime. If you are still willing to stay mated to me then we will feel each other for the rest of our lives. Are you willing to do that, my Alpha?" Aaliyah asked him raising her eyes back to his.

" I could never reject you Aaliyah. I told you already you are mine. Once I realized my emotions towards you, my true emotions I could never and I mean this with my whole heart and soul. I could never let you leave, or reject you myself." Maddox told her his forefinger curled under her chin keeping her from lowering her head keeping his eyes locked on hers.

" No matter what?" Aaliyah asked.

Maddox leaned down kissing her lips once more wondering why he felt the need to keep kissing her. Reluctantly he pulled back looking her in the eyes once more. He replied.

" No matter what Luna, you are ours. Mine and Ezras' no one else will ever have you.... EVER." He emphasized the last word.

" Ok, I believe you Maddox. I am tried can we stay here a while and rest." Aaliyah asked him.

" For as long as you want. I own this place, not Ezra but me. Maddox Ezra Grayson Black is what is pinned on the deed." Maddox said chuckling.

" I do not know why he did it that way. When I asked about it he said it was mine to destroy if I needed to hurt something. This place has been built and rebuilt a dozen times in the last few years." Maddox said still laughing.

" I didn't feel very well before I left the main land. I think I am becoming sick Alpha." Aaliyah said as she drifted off to sleep.

Maddox laid in the bed next his mate understanding that this was the first time he had done so. Ezra had not let even the sain version of him lay with their mate. Fearing he might lose it in the night. It felt good to be next to her.

Ana's Guard had returned to the room about an hour after she had left it. Peter swaor as soon as the scent hit him upon opening the door. His charge had run her ass right to her death and all because no one caught it in time.

" Where is Ana?" Sabri asked noticing the womans scent was faint.

" She has gone back to the pack. She is going into heat. She has run to her death all in the name of easing a pain I'm sure she doesn't understand. Given her up bring. Ezra said she was mistreated and abused in that pack so I am certain no one has explained the heat cycle to her. All she will know is instinctual, and her instinct says find your mate." Peter said as he left the room to gather everyone else to head back home. Ana had at least an hour on them so he was sure they would arrive to find their Luna dead, and they would follow after her when their Alpha regained his senses and seen what he had done. Ezra was and is as deadly and violent as Maddox if he had to be.

Maddox had fallen asleep with his mate when something had woke him. He hadn't heard anything, noo he had smelled something. How had he missed it earlier? His woman was going into heat. Maddox got up and left the cottage house and headed for the pack intending to check on Alex. The moon was still in the sky so he hadn't slept that long he was sure of it. As he walked in the direction of the man's house he ran into eight rushing and frightened men and women.

" Alpha?" They all said kneeling at his feet.

" We had failed you, we came here to accept our fates." Peter said.

" Oh. How so Beta?" Maddox asked having and angry look on his face.

" We did not watch our Luna properly and she escaped us coming back here. Alpha we followed her scent to the cliff. It ended there. I went to the bottom of the ravine and her blood and scent are all over the place, So was yours. I figured you killed you Sir and took her body away. We were charged with her protection and we failed." Peter explained bowing his head.

" Ana is fine, well as ok as she can be after jumping off a two-hundred foot cliff. She is in the cottage recuperating. Go there and guard the house NO ONE is to enter that cottage Beta. Try to guard your Luna better in the future. I am going to check on Alex, I hurt him pretty bad this time before I regained my sciences once more." Maddox told them.

" Alpha?" Peter said he looked to be in shock. He cleared his throat and started again.

" Alpha, the moon is still high in the sky?" He asked the half question hoping he would understand he wanted to know how it was that he wasn't raging and destroying them and everything else in the path of the beast.

" You are very preceptive, arencha Beta?" Maddox said chuckling. Turning on his heel he walked toward the Gammas' home once more. Pausing he turned his head and smiled at the dumbfounded group and said.

" You can thank your Luna for my current state of being. It would appear that no one not even a monster can resist her charms." With that he went to check on the Gamma.

Alex was sitting in his chair when the Alpha walked in the house.

" Are you alright Alex?" He asked him going to check his wounds, Only there was barely a scratch on him. He looked at the Gamma with a question in his eyes.

" Ana. I think." Alex replied. He then asked.

" Alpha where is she?"

" Safe and in the cottage. She really is a remarkable woman." Maddox told his old friend.

" I need to get back there I left her sleeping and healing." Maddox said. Alexs' eyes shot up to meet his Alphas'.

" I didn't hurt her. I did however allow her to plunge off the cliff to her own death. I told her it would make me feel safer for myself and pack if she were dead, so she jumped to prove she would in fact die for us all. It's what brought me back to my Sanity. She isn't dead. She is a remarkable woman." He repeated.

" She is going into heat Alpha. I caught it as she tried to help me. My wolf was clawing at me. I kept him locked up maybe because I was to hurt to do much about it." Alex chuckled.

" I know. I don't know how I missed it when I first approached her at the cliff. I think I did smell it when I found the boat she rented to come back here in. I just think I was too crazed to notice at the time. I'm sorry Alex." Maddox said leaving the mans house.

Maddox took off at a run wanting to get back to Ana. Just as he approached the cottage he heard Ana screaming.

Ana had awoke to the worst pain in her stomach she had ever felt. It felt like she would combust from the inside out. She opened her mouth and screamed as the fire burned through her. The door to the room burst open and Maddox stood there eyes wide.

" Alpha, something is wrong I can't heal the burning in me." Ana said the heat bringing her back to consciousness though Aaliyah was still right there with her. He knew that because her eyes were swirling colors of Chocolate Brown, Violet and Gold. Rushing to her he laid down and gathered her in his arms. The pain subsiding by a lot.

" Ana there is nothing wrong. This is normal. It happens when you find and accept your Mate. Ana Love you have begun your Estrous Cycle. It would normally happen on the full moon after the wolves accept each other, but in our case you mated to Ezra and this is the first full moon after that. You started this heat before you left the main land. I smelled it in the scents surrounding the speed you drove back here." Maddox explained.

" Salene did say we tend to do things ass backward." Ana said painfully.

" I am going to get a basin and a wash cloth to bathe you down and try to cool your skin." Maddox said getting out of the bed. Maddox was in the bathroom getting the water basin when Ana let out a blood curdling scream. Peter, Michael, and Sabri ran into the house and into the room, the two men froze while Sabri was trying to push them out again.

Maddox came into the room and growled.

" Get out." He said in a deadly forceful tone using his full Alpha commands on them.

" No one gets in here. If anyone comes and tries to gain entry kill them." He said. All eight of her Assassins were now under his command being he linked them to give them those last orders.

Maddox went over to the bed glad that she was still covered and her men had not seen her naked body ( Because if they had he'd have to replace two of them ) no one could be permitted to see what was his and live. Ana may have tamed her Alpha Mate but I am not going to kid myself I AM still a monster. Lowering himself down on the bed he kissed her.

Ana deepened the kiss running her hands up and down his body until she found his hard center tented in his boxer shorts. Maddox growned, then ran his own hands the length of her body finding her core dripping wet. He groaned again pushing himself back on his elbow looking at her.

" Ana baby we can't. You were badly wounded tonight. I can not bring myself to hurt you. I know the irony but its true, the beast that has sworn to kill his mate when he finds her can not even bring himself to cause her the least bit of intentional pain." Maddox said to her as she was now pumping his hardened member up and down in her tiny little hand, wait when had she gotten his boxers off.

" Maddox it hurts without your touch, so please touch me, cause me pain if it will stop this incessant knawing in my body." Ana pleaded.

" Ana if I touch you I will have you mated and marked before you know what happened. Is that what you want?" He asked her.

" Well, umm, No, Maybe, I don't know." Ana said whimpering.

Maddox got up picking her up with him taking her to the shower. Turning on the water he stood her under the spray. The water was cold but it barely registered in mind that it was. Maddox removed his shirt and climbed in behind her pulling her body next his. Ana moaned as he began to wash her back leaning forward so he could reach her better. As soon as her body lost contact with his a pain shot through her. Ana screamed and dropped to the tiled floor in the washroom.

" Alpha is the Luna alright?" Sabri linked him.

" Yes I am trying to get her through this heat without taking what is mine to take and what she is so willing to give me. Please Sabri do not break my concentration." Maddox said it was obvious to anyone who could hear him that he was struggling.

" Good luck Alpha. We are keeping the unmated busy out here." Sabri said and closed the link.

Maddox sat on the floor next to Ana pulling her into his lap. Ana planted her lips on his sliding her hand into his lap and once again she had his cock in her hand. Growing Maddox slid his hand up her leg and to the apex of her thighs. Goddess he was going to die today. He rubbed his own hand against her pussy he pushed two fingers inside forcefully. Ana moaned into his mouth.

" Ana love I will not take you on the shower floor like a common whore." Maddox growled out panting now.

Ana stilled realizing what she was doing she stopped. Looking at him her eyes wide they stood up Maddox never taking his hand from her body. When she stood up she felt a pain only this time it shot from her stomach to her core Ana growned lifting up on her toes she kissed him hard. His fingers again began to move pushing in and out of her core.

Her scent was stronger now indicating her heat had intensified. Maddox knew he wouldn't be able to fight Ana and her scent, so accepting defeat he pushed her against the wall lifting her as he did. Ana wrapped her legs around his waist grinding herself against his groin. He imagined it looked like a sausage being slid back and fourth between a bun at this point.

" Ana baby please be still just for a minute. I need to get us back to the bed. I can't do that if you keep trying to get my dick inside that sweet pussy of yours." Maddox growled out.

" It hurts Maddox. I need the pain to stop." Ana cried.

" I know baby. Your beastie will fix it but you must be still just for a minute, alright my Little Wolf." Maddox cooed.

Maddox walked from the washroom to the bed and lowered them both down kissing Ana as he did. Pushing her legs up and apart he laid between them. Calling Ezra to share their mind and body both man and wolf would mate her this time.

" Ana?" Maddox said his voice a graveley mix of his and Ezras'.

" Hummm." Ana hummed.

" Look at me kitten." He commanded.

Ana opened her eyes and seeing Aaliyah was still present as well he smiled.

Lower his head he kissed her, sliding his hand up he cupped her breast with the one hand while he played with her luscious folds with the other. His mouth kissed licked and sucked her lips, neck and other breast just so nothing felt lonely or neglected he thought. He hoped Ana didn't regret any of this come morning, because it was to late to stop now they were committed. He couldn't stop now even if he wanted to, the only thing that would stop him now was his own death. He wasn't even sure hers would be sufficient, gross he knew, but sadly it was the truth.

" Ana I need you, we need you." Maddox whispered in her ear as he licked and suck at the lobe.

" We need you too Beastie." Ana moaned back. She was the only person that had the balls to call him that (to his face) anyway. But it was true he was and would always be her beastie. But if anyone else called him that he'd pull their tongue out and feed it back to them. See he couldn't even mate with his mate without threatening people. Monster that he was.

" Who do you belong to Ana?" he asked her. Needing her submission. The Alpha in him wouldn't allow anything less than her total compliance.

" You, Alpha Ezra Maddox Grayson Black." Ana said between moans as he kissed, licked and sucked every part of her body.

With Ana's admission a loud howl escaped his throat looking Ana in the eyes he said.

" I'm sorry kitten." He pushed himself deep into her core sinking balls deep in one mad hard thrust. Ana had only had sex one time so his rough entry into her body hurt like the first time should have, but she didn't care the pain she was in was almost gone. It was replaced with another pain one she would welcome anytime he wanted to give her the current pain she was in.

Maddox kissed her as he roughly sunk himself into her he hadn't wanted to hurt her he was totally lost to the lust that boiled in his veins so entering her gently wasn't in his nature right now. He needed to be inside her so he'd pushed into her hard swallowing her gasp. He felt her nails dig deep into his back, she was going to turn his back to hamburger. He didn't care he'd heal.... Tomorrow. He pushed and pulled his hard cock in and out of her heat still kissing his way around her face, breast and neck stopping at her marking spot. He licked it, sucked it, and nipped at it.

" Maddox!" Ana screamed. He felt it then she was building getting ready to to cum. He slowed his pace bring her back down from the clouds, not allowing her release.

" Ana you will not have your release until I allow it, understood?" Maddox commanded her. If only his commands worked on her.

" I, I, I." Ana tried to say.

" Ana, are you ok love am I hurting you." Maddox asked.

" Yes, I need to cum Maddox, I am trying to do as you asked, but the pain is increasing if you won't allow me release then I'll take it." Ana said as she pushed up with her feet slamming into him, effectively gaining her release. Well thats what he got for losing his concentration, she wouldn't get that chance again. Pinning a writhing Ana below him holding her hands above her head in one of his, he drove into her hard and fast.

" You are being a bad little kitten Ana. You were suppose to wait for me." He said speaking the words between thrusts.

" Now you will see what happens when you defy me Ana." Maddox said. He pulled out all the way then slammed back into her. He repeated the process several times, causing Ana to scream his name multiple times.

" Yes baby, scream my name so the bastards outside can hear who you belong to. " He had been hearing the fighting going on outside and he had to admit Ezra had done well choosing her guard, well at least when it came to fighting. They would learn to keep track of her as well as they fought.

" Ana I'm building baby cum with me, let me mark you." Maddox panted.

" Maddox you have to be sure you want me. I know you said you did, but you have to be sure." Aaliyah said. He knew it her was because her eyes were Purple and Gold no brown except around the ring of her irusis.

" I love you Ana, I love you Little Wolf." He said and with that he sunk his K-nines into her marking spot so deep he hit bone. He came into her hard and fast feeling her release with him.

Aaliyah sunk her own K-nines into his neck marking him as her own. Before she bit him though she bit into her own lip and tongue. This caused her blood to mix with her teeth and ultimately his blood to. As it did he was assailed with every single moment of his mates life. He also felt stronger and bigger. The memories poured into his mind one after the another. He removed his teeth and his cock from her flesh as he laid beside her. Ana had lain in his arms trying to ease his pain she knew it would hurt when she marked him because of who she was. She had to share her powers and her memories with him all at once. All she can do is knock him out, if he would let her, she wouldn't do it without his permission.

" Maddox I can help with the pain. I can knock you out." Ana said.

" NO! You will not take this from me mate. If you can live through it then so can I." Maddox said. His voice was pained and she felt guilty.

" Don't." Maddox snapped.

" Don't what?" Ana asked.

" Don't feel guilt.. for...this. You have nothing to feel guilty about. This was done to you. You are an amazingly strong woman Ana and your Wolf is the most magnificent creature I could ever have the pleasure to know let a lone be mated to." Maddox said. He had decided to stay forward so Ezra wouldn't have to witness their mates abuse alone. She had been so little when they started beating her. The bitch Luna had chained her little body to a wall in the basement and whipped her with a belt and a whip. How old had she been Two, maybe, this thought being confirmed as he got to the point the Goddess was talking to her after she had been in his pack, that was when she had cut to deep. He knew it was. Ana had been conversing with their creator.

" Anabella Mera Caulder Black you are mine." Maddox growled. " You are my fully mated Luna. No one will ever touch you again."

Now he knew everything. He was going to murder that entire fucking pack and soon.