
Chapter Thirteen: She is no Omega

Ana woke feeling warm and better then she had in a long time. She didn't feel like she wanted or even needed to die anymore. She had all she has ever wanted. She had her mate, all of him. She rolled over to find the bed empty and began to panic. Fear rising in her that Ezra/Maddox had marked her then ran off. Maddox had once told her that he'd mark then reject her so no other self respecting wolf would have her. Because he didn't want her, did he, but he also didn't want anyone else to have her. Apparently he just couldn't handle that someone might want her when he didn't. She rolled back over and buried her head in the pillow.

The door opened and a panting Ezra entered the room. Going over he climbed in the bad behind Ana wrapping his arms around her pulling her back into his front.

" Baby whats wrong? Why are you frightened and crying? What happened, did someone come in here and say anything to you or scare you?" He questioned quickly clearly pissed that she was upset.

" No. No one came in. I upset myself, apparently." Ana said as she turned over and hugged him back.

" Won't you please tell me what caused you to cry?" Ezra said.

" I thought you left me. When I woke up you weren't here. I thought you decided to change your mind about being my mate." Ana cried.

" Now Ana you know I can't reject you. You are the only mate I'll ever have." He said trying joke with her but to his horror Ana began to cry harder.

" Ana, what is it?" He asked her again.

" You want to keep me because you know you have no other choices." Ana whined loader.

" Ana. I want to keep you because I love you and because no other woman in the world could have given me all that you have. And before you think it I am not referring to the amazing amount of power I am currently sporting. I am referring to the fact that no one could have brought me and my crazy wolf together. No one could tame that side of Maddox but you. I have the ability to be good now, to control my out of control beast. You did that Ana." Ezra said wiping her eyes.

" Are you sure. Why did you leave our bed this morning before I got up?" Ana asked sniffling the last of her tears.

" I went to make some arrangement for us for after breakfast which I also arranged to have brought here. I needed to let your team know what I was up to so they do not kill the person serving our morning meal." He said smartly.

" Why would they kill anyone in this pack Ezra!?" Ana shouted, concerned now.

" Ummm, well. They had to fight a bit last night. I also had to tend the wounded, ummm and the dead." He said wincing a bit at her look.

" Thats the other reason I got up before you did." He explained further.

" Why?" She asked him.

" Because some of the younger newer members didn't understand an ass kicking and the warning "Get the fuck out of here" so when they insisted on getting in here to MY in heat mate they paid the price for their stupidity." He answered, anger seeping into his his voice.

" Stupid pups." He muttered.

" Ezra. I never gave them a kill order in fact I remember clearly leaving them on the main land." Ana said firmly.

" No,I did, and you don't think they got their asses in the boats they brought you over in and chased your ass back here. Granted they thought they'd found you dead and offered themselves up for punishment for their stupidity." Ezra said hotly.

" They aren't stupid Ezra. I'm not either, but I am crafty so I gave them the slip." Ana replied smiling brightly.

" Yes, and you almost got yourself killed because you wouldn't stay put." Ezra said.

" Maybe, but almost is not dead." Ana replied. " Besides I was never in any danger of dying, or didn't you get that memory yet?" Ana asked her smile bigger now.

" Yes, Ana. I know everything, including the fact that you were hoping that that piece of information was inaccurate." Ezra stated.

" Well, it was so I was really never in any real danger. Right?" Ana retorted.

" Ana." Ezra growned.

After breakfast Ezra took Ana to the field where the young ones shifted for the first time. Ana needed to let her wolf out and now that she was the mated Luna of that pack she had nothing to fear about it not being safe. He really was excited to meet her wolf. She had met his so he felt it would only be fair to level the playing field.

" Ezra, its so pretty here. I honestly thought I'd freeze to death when I first got here, but I do love it here." Ana said walking next to Ezra holding his hand.

" I'm glad you like it here Ana. I brought you to this place because you need to shift. Your wolf needs to know her territory and I'd like to meet her. You have met my beast, couldn't I see your wolf too?" Ezra ask pleadingly.

Ana just looked at him like he'd grown two extra heads right before her very eyes.

" Ana it's ok I will help you shift. I know you haven't since you were basically a baby." Ezra explained trying to calm Ana's panic.

" I know how, Ezra. But you want to meet my wolf, didn't you see her in my memories?" Ana asked shocked.

" Of course I do. She is also my mate Ana. I would like to know both sides of you, and no I think that one was blocked from me by our Goddess. I think she wants you to decide when I meet my wolf mate." Ezra said.

" Well... are you sure? She is angry with the way you treated us. What if she attacks you?

" She will not attack me. We are mates." Ezra said smugly.

" Yes, we were mates when you allowed others to put hands on what was, is, mine. We were mates when you said horrible things to me and about me. You know you were speaking to me at my pack, not that old poor little Omega woman who spilled your wine. You knew then we were mates probably before I did. She really might attack you." Ana said trying to convince him shifting wasn't a good idea just now.

" Ana even if she did attack me it isn't like she can actually do any damage." Ezra countered.

" Alright, You win, but do not cry to me when she cuts your male members from your body." Ana said glaring at his center thighs as if it were a snake or something.

Where had this hostility come from. I told her there had been nothing between me and those girls, and the being a dick thing that was me trying to protect her from Maddox.

" My male members?" He asked looking a little confused at her.

" Yes Alpha the stick shift and ball bearings hanging loose in your shorts. But do not worry they are safe." She said.

That was not Ana's voice.

" Aaliyah, are you going to be my good Little Wolf and come out and play with me?" Ezra teased, and just like that there was the most beautiful creature standing before him.

Ezra looked at this very large, very beautiful Silver, White wolf with a Golden hugh. It was like her fur had Golden tips.

" You are magnificent Little Wolf, though the nick name doesn't seem to fit you anymore. I never would have thought a wolf as large and palatial as you are was housed in Ana's tiny body." Ezra linked her.

" Its a good nick name Ezra. Looks can be deceiving Alpha. Ana is a strong human even though she doesn't look it. I could be weeker than she is even though I don't look it. However this isn't the case as you well know. I have been hiding my presents for so long that it doesn't bother me anymore that we can't shift regularly. I love Ana and would kill any who harm her, now that I can with out taking a risk that we would not ever meet our mate. I must say at first I didn't think it was worth all the shit we put up to wait for you." Aaliyah linked back.

" I will apologize to you for that for the rest of my life. You never should have lived through all that shit. I'm so sorry I was late finding you. I should have come sooner. I have a feeling if I had the Goddess would have made sure I knew you were there, regardless of our ages." Ezra said.

" You knew I was there when you said those things and left me behind. That was the first time Ana tried to take our lives. She always said she wanted to look, and be as healthy as she could when our mate found us, but you just left us." Aaliyah growled and snapped her teeth at him.

Maddox was pushing at me to let him out because this very large, very powerful she-wolf was showing signs of aggression towards us.

" Maddox stop clawing at me. I don't think that shifting or you coming forward will help the situation much right now." Ezra told his wolf.

" She is being aggressive towards us. We have gained a great deal of power after we marked our mate. She needs to know who the Alpha is." Maddox said.

" She knows. But you taking control will not help us here. Besides she isn't wrong. I just left her there. You knew something was off and I still walked out that door leaving her there." Ezra said as he dropped on his knees and bowed his head.

Aaliyah walked up to him then. He raised his eyes, tears pooling in them, she placed her furry head to his forehead. He closed his eyes and the tears fell down his cheeks.

" I am so sorry." Ezra said slowly. " I claimed to be protecting you, and in a since I was. But I guess the whole truth is that I thought no one not even my fated mate could truly love a hideous beast that had more blood on his hands by the age of sixteen then most shifters have when they die." Ezra said.

" Ezra, I can help you and Maddox, but you both have to trust me." Aaliyah said to him wiping his tears away with her furry paw.

" I trust you, we trust you, with our lives. That is not something I am able to do with but one other person. I do not understand how you think you can help me. You have done so much for us already. I don't think you could help us anymore than you have, but you are welcome to do with us as you will." Ezra said confidently. Knowing he'd gladly die if it would bring her happiness.

Aaliyah looked at her mate that was still knelt on the ground before her. She could help him and she knew it, but she'd have to shift back and that would leave her naked in this field. She was afraid if someone came along he would flip his switch. Oh well there was no help for it, so she shifted.

Ezra just knelt there gawking at her. She was the most beautiful woman in the world to him. She had changed so much since coming here. When he had first found her she was dirty and starved. Her skin was Black and Blue, instead of the fair complextion that had been kissed by the sun giving her that tanned look she had. Though she hadn't been in the sun in a while her skin still carried that look so he guessed she was naturally tan and she'd had broken bones. Now she was at a healthy weight and her skin glowed. Her hair was long and Blue Black in the day light sky. God he loved this woman so much he didn't think he could love her more than he already did. He was wrong of course, and she would prove that fact to him many times over.

" Ezra stand up my love and close your eyes." Ana/Aaliyah instructed him.

Ezra did as she asked standing to his feet and closing his eyes.

Ana's body began to tremble slightly as she gathered her power. She knew to break through Maddoxs' resolve and distrust in the female population in general she would need a great deal of power. When she felt she had enough power built up she looked at her mate and with an Alphas' commanding voice she said loudly and forcefully.

" EZRA SHIFT !" She heard the sound of cracking bones and Ezras' loud shout as the pain of a first shift took him over. Ana was back in the front of her mind once again with Aaliyah riding her skin.

" Ana what is happening to me?" Ezra grunted painfully.

" You are shifting. I can help you with the pain if you want." Ana offered.

" No. It has never hurt this much to shift not even the first time." Ezra said.

" It's because you are shifting for the first time Ezra." Ana said, laying her hand on his side pulling the pain to herself.

" I don't know why it was so painful, now it isn't so bad." Ezra said only then noticing the sweat erupting on her forehead. Snatching away from her he laid on the ground completely. Growning with the full force of his own pain.

" It will pass Ezra, but Maddox is fighting the command. Hold on." Ana said closing her eyes. Then in that same forceful tone she said.

" MADDOX EZRA GRAYSON BLACK I COMMAND YOU TO SHIFT!." Aaliyah pushed forward a bit more then and pushed more of her Alpha command behind her order on him. When she opened her eyes and looked at him she was faced with an enormous fully shifted Ebony wolf with Jade Green eyes, that had Caramel Brown rings around them.

" Maddox, you are beautiful." Ana said gasping at him.

" Ana, How is this possible? Does this mean I don't have to be a beast anymore?" Ezra asked her through the link.

" I can sort-of force the shift. No, not if you don't want to be. Also you can shift like a normal ware-wolf. Once you take a form your mind and body doesn't forget how to take on that shape." Ana explained.

" Oh and also it won't hurt that bad again. That was because of the forced shift and Maddox was trying to fight my commands using my own power. It doen't work out well when it is used against me. The power you both now have is from me. I shared it with you when we marked each other. I can give my power, it can not be stollen or forced. I can also take it back. It is my choice to share it." Ana explained.

" Yes, well I thought you should know who the Alpha, is, in this pack." Maddox said through the link cutting Ezra out for a moment.

" I know who My Alpha is Alpha?" Ana said to him. Maddox growled not in a minising way but in a way that made butterflies in her stomach.

" I do have one thing on you though." Ana said coquettishly.

" Yeah, and what would that be?" The wolf asked.

" I have met both your beast and your wolf." Ana said smirking.

" So?" He replied not knowing what this incredibly naked woman was getting at.

" You have not met mine." Then he saw her form shimmer and in no more than a few seconds there stood in front of him a Silver, White and Gold She-Beast with Violet Golden eyes with so much power radiating from her he almost wanted to kneel to her...

He wondered how he had missed this much power coming off her. She couldn't suppress it all the time it would weaken her greatly to hide it for so many years. It hit him then, that is exactly what she had done, it was in that way no one thought she had a wolf let alone powers. She was no Omega though, she was an Alpha female. She was his Alpha female. Maddox quickly took his Beast form standing before his absolutely perfect mate. He had a whole other idea as for how he would be submitting to his Alpha mate, well she would still be submitting to him.

" Well, what do you think Alpha? " The perfectly sculpted She-beast asked.

Maddox stalked toward her causing her to take several steps backwards effectively backing her against a tree. Grabbing both her wrists in his enormous paws he brought them up over her head, pinning them there in one of his paw like hands. He leaned in and kissed her mouth. One might think this was impossible with the wolf like snouts they both had but oddly enough it worked. They were after all the same kind of beast now. He broke away running his tongue down her neck. Licking her mark, nipping at it, wondering if he should remark her. He was extremely aroused at this point. What Ana did next just complicated that issue more than he ever would have thought possible. Ana shifted her hand to her human form then ran it across his furry body and down to his center. She then wrapped it around his manhood, his very human feeling manhood. She looked down and wondered how in the hell he fought in wars with his... well, his above average cock flapping in the battling breezes. Like how in the fuck had his men been able to fight with straight faces. He was by no means small in his human form but all beasted out he was abnormally large. She was barely holding in her giggles at her thoughts when he bit down on the right side of her neck. It hadn't hurt but it had brought her mind back to the present and what he was doing to her body. She stroked him in the same manner she would if he was human because he was in effect both. Maddox growned and let out a growl, he could feel her excitement at touching him. Just as she could feel his arousal from her shy touches and bold strokes. He never thought to have anything like this in his life. As a young boy he had sworn to never accept a mate chosen or true. But it would seem no one could resist her, no one. You'd think Darien had, but it was the opposite really. He had loved her in a way that wasn't natural. He had been obsessed with her, and when it turned out that she wasn't his, he lost what was left of his marbles and locked her away. He then began to abuse her in the most fucked up ways. In his own mind this was the only way he could keep her, so that made what he was doing justifiable and ok. It didn't really matter to him why the bastard had done it or what state of mind he was in. Nope, he didn't give two fucks about the shit head Alpha's mental condition, he was going to kill him anyway. He could understand where the fucktard was coming from though, because he, himself, a heartless monster had succumbed to his mate. He would kill for her, he could deny her nothing. Oh good, he was still a murderey bastard, he could live this new him after all. So yes he could understand the man's motive, but that understanding wasn't enough to save him from the beast inside that now wanted his blood. With that last thought he dropped to his knees releasing her hands from his hold as he fell, hands that fell to his shoulders immediately digging into his fur there. Needing to taste her he gripped her thighs lifting her up he placed a leg on either side of his head and over his shoulders. If she was facing the opposite direction she would in fact be getting a ride on his shoulders like one might do a child. She was about to get the adult version of that because he was about to give her a completely different ride. One that will send her clawing her way up the tree she was still leaning against. He dipped his monstrous head in between her legs and skimmed the fragrant folds hidden there with his nose, then he licked her there. Slow measured strokes of his tongue sucking her clit with each upward stroke driving her insane. He shifted his own hand slipping two fingers inside her pussy. He began to move them in and out slowly curling them inside so he would hit her G-spot everytime with every slow stroke. He did this over and over again until she started to build. Just as his sex was basically humanoid so was hers. When he felt her thigh mussels quiver he slowed his pace even more, his tongue still working her clit hard. Ana screamed out with an animalistic sound.

"Maddox please." He heard in his head. Grinning he sucked her ball of nerves harder the build up intense and powerful. He plunged his fingers into her wet sex, deep and fully to his ,knuckles, he moved hard and fast inside her. When he felt her inner mussels tighten around his fingers he bit down gently on her clit. She detonated, cum squirting from her coating his tongue as he licked up every last drop of her sweet juices. His chest rumbled happily as he licked her clean. He looked up at her, only to see she was just a bit to relaxed, and that there were indeed claw marks running up the tree to match the ones in his back. He didn't want her to get to comfortable just yet he wasn't finished with her.

" You'll cum like that everytime I take you from now on, Little Wolf." Maddox linked her. Placing her feet back on the ground he stood up and kissed her, then he turned her around so her back was to him placing his shifted hand on her back between her shoulder blades pushing her forward so her ass was in the air.

" Grab ahold of the tree little one." He commanded through the link. She did.

Placing his now shifted hands on her hips he put his leg between hers taking his foot and knee kicking her legs apart. Using one hand he pushed on the small of her back so her ass was presented for him, sort of like a cat might look while trying to gain the males attention. She definitely had his. He positioned his throbbing cock at her entrance binding his knees so they lined up better, though she was taller in this form he towered over her. He entered her slowly. Inch by illustrious inch he pushed into her pleasurable wetness. The stretching burn had her gasping in her air, he was bigger than Ezra and she had only been with Erza once, the both of them once and even though the both of them is bigger than Ezra alone, Maddox by himself was monstrous (pun intended), not that Ezra was small because he wasn't so you can only imagine what he was putting inside her. Once he was about half way in he slammed the rest of his length inside her. He pulled out and slammed in again. He picked up his pace moving faster and harder until she was singing his own personal song. He pounded harder annihilating her pussy. Her moans came faster and louder, her inner thighs trembling, with three hard trusts he leaned forward bitting into the left side of her neck over her mark giving them both the euphoria they should have had when the mark was first placed. They both erupted together finding their release in each others pleasure. Ana collapsed forward planning to catch herself on the tree she now has her claws dug into deeply. Maddox feeling her fall forward and her knees buckling caught her. Both sinking to the ground. Maddox sat with his back to the tree placing Ana in his lap, she laid her head on his chest and closed her eyes.

After what felt like hours their breathing returned to normal again. Maddox linked Peter and Sabri to get them some clothes from their room and leave them on the stump about five hundred feet from the clearing where the new pups shift. Even at sixteen or older if it was your first shift you were considered a pup. Making sure no one would see his mate or himself in their current state of undress. It was then that a thought occurred to him, he had taken her in every form they possessed making her truly his fully mated Luna. Best of all she was an Alpha Wolf not that he would not want her if she were woofless or an Omega, hell she was so much more than even an Alpha, but she sure as hell was no Omega.