
Chapter Ten: Luna's Guard

Ezra couldn't believe what he'd done. Ana's life would be forfeit to his beast now. Maddox didn't want a woman any woman mate or not. To him all women are evil and out to gain a title. Once they get the title they were after they would turn on you. That is what he was shown from an early age. To his way of thinking we would kill her before she can kill them. I don't want to hurt her. Ezra was lost in thought when the sound of a knock came to his office door. Dragging himself out of his own mind he said.

" Come in Peter."

Peter entered his Alpha's office followed by Seven men and women that were pulled from the assassins guard. Standing side by side in front of Ezra's desk they placed their right fists over their chests where their heart were bowing they all said in unison.

" Alpha." They greeted respectfully.

" Alpha you charged me with a task. I'm am sorry for the delay in getting your answer to you Sir. The King hijacked us all directly off the plane." Aaron explained. Passing his Alpha the boundary in his hand. Leaning forward Ezra took the folder that his warrior was passing him over the desk.

" Thank you number one." Ezra replied. Opening the folder glancing down at the papers.

" Now to get on with why you are all here." Ezra said gaining their attention.

" What have you all been told about the young woman that came back with Alex and me six months ago?" He asked. Goddess had it been six months already. He had wasted a great deal of time fighting a battle that he had lost anyway. What was he to think? Who did he think he was? That he could just scoff at a gift from the goddess and reject it, a fool thats who.

" Nothing much Alpha. Beta Peter said that the girl was his cousin. He said her family and pack were destroyed in an attack. Because of the trama she experienced she was a danger to herself. That is why you asked that she have a detail from that first day since she had arrived in the pack." Michael said.

" Yes, that is what I told the Beta to tell any who asked of her origin, or her reason for being here." Ezra said looking at the file given to him by his number one assassin.

" This was not true Alpha?" Michael asked looking a little confused.

No, number seven. It is not true. I asked the Beta to answer in that way because the girl is my mate. I was not going to accept her, you are all aware of my Demon Beast. You all know how he is on the battle field, he isn't safe for our mate. I have tried to keep away from her. Hell I have done despicable shit trying to run her away from me. I am not proud of my actions. But I thought it necessary." Ezra told his men. He felt guilty for the way he had treated Ana, his own mate. She had been through a lot already then he saved her only to treat her like she was invisible for the last six months. Ezra was certain he didn't know everything she had been through, what he did know was enough to pass his form of judgment on that entire pack. The bitch Luna and her son would pay for their treatment of Ana.

" If you didn't want the woman Alpha, then why not leave her in her pack where you found her. Never accepting the bond, never acknowledged the pull. Why bring her here, then push her away. It seems unfair to the young woman, Sir?" Michael asked. Somewhat shyly. He wanted an answer to his Alpha's seeming cruelty, but at the same time, he didn't want to disrespect his superior.

" This is true. I did try to leave her behind in her own pack. I was going to reject her as soon as I crossed her packs bourders. I didn't make it that far though. Maddox could not allow me to leave her behind, so he took over and took his mate home with us. She was being mistreated in her pack. I found out on the plane ride back here that she has been being mishandled for quite some time. The bond would not let us abandon her there. I found out after arriving here with her that she was or maybe even still is a danger to herself. She has been trying to actively destroy herself. My initial thought was to help get her outta that pack then reject her, sending her on her way to a happier life than the one she had or the one she would have with me as her mate. But she kept trying to kill herself so I couldn't reject her." Ezra began to explain, though as Alpha he doesn't have to explain his actions but he has kept nothing from his closest warriors. They all knew what their Alpha was. The pack had an idea but they have never seen their Alpha as anything but loving to his pack and family. The 13 and his pack warriors had fought with the Dark One that resides as their Alpha's other half.

" If Maddox wouldn't leave her behind he should accept her. He wouldn't save her only to kill her himself." Taylor said.

" You'd think that wouldn't you number five. You are a hopeless romantic woman." Ezra said.

" Then why change the narrative now. What has changed your mind about letting us know her true status in the pack?" Michael asked, curiously.

" Yesterday Ana tried to plunge herself off the very cliff that Zariah was thrown from. I made it to her in time and caught her just as she was going over. I pulled her into me realizing that she could not die. Not by her own hand, and not by mine. I carried her back to the pack house and with my emotions all over the place I mated her. I did not mark her but we are mated. We are going to have to plan her Luna's ceremony also Peter." Ezra said.

" I'm confused Alpha. If Maddox didn't want to leave her in danger, and you can't bere the though of her killing herself....

At Michael's last words Ezra let out a low growl making the man stutter and back track as he continued.

" If you can't bare the thought of any type of harm coming to her. How were you able to mate but not mark your mate. Alphas have a difficult time with control when it comes to his mate. How are you able to deny yourself Alpha?" Michael asked.

" It isn't easy but I think its more that I am afraid of what Maddox will do if I were to mark her and fully claim her as mine." Ezra said honestly.

" It will have to be done before the Luna ceremony Alpha." Peter told him.

" I know. I will. It just has to be done where she will accept my mark or it won't take." Ezra said thinking now, as he read the file given to him at the start of the meeting. He had not stopped scanning the file since he opened it, though he has not miss a beat. That is their Alpha. He could accomplish anything in the world while doing something else at the same time. No one multitasked like he did.

Peter looked at his Alpha a moment hearing when Aaron asked why they were being removed from the 13. He thought they were in trouble and being demoted. Just as I had told Ezra they would. But what got his attention the most was his Alpha's words " It just has to be done where she will accept my mark or it won't take." His eyes widened as two things hit his brain at the same time.

" What do you mean "won't take" and how the hell do you know it won't unless you...." He trailed off looking at Ezra's eyes shock written in them.

" Ezra! You tried to force your mark on her. That's why we found her bleeding in your bed that day. The bite wound on her neck it was from you." Peter accused.

" Yes, Peter. Maddox tried to force our mark. She rejected it and it didn't take. I don't understand how thats even fucking possible but it happened." Ezra explained. " I'm not proud of myself Peter. I am trying to do the right thing here." He said to his friend.

" Number One, you are not being demoted. I am not disappointed in you in any way. I am asking you eight to accept a new deal." Ezra told him.

" Eight Sir?" Aaron asked.

" Yes, My seven top assassins, and my Beta to lead them." Ezra said.

" Sir. What detail could be important enough to send our Beta out in the field? Michael said.

" You eight will be the Luna's Guard with Peter in command because he is one of two people that has been trained to ignore an Alpha Command. You eight are the only one's I can entrust my mate, our Luna to." Ezra said proudly.

" If you agree to protect your Luna, it will mean certain things to all of you. You will be asked to defend her from any and all threats, AND I DO MEAN ANY! I will give you all a week to think about it. I will need each of you to pledge a vow of fealty to my mate, there by breaking your facility to me. I want you to understand what you are agreeing to." Ezra said.

" Alpha?" Aaron said getting the mans attention. " We don't need a week sir. We will guard the Luna."

" It will mean that you are no longer loyal to me Aaron, but to Ana. If Peter gives you an order that contradicts mine, you are to follow Peter's orders. His are to protect your Luna from everyone encluding me, and Maddox. You all must agree individually. If any of you don't want to agree I will send you back to the 13 and replace you." Ezra told his men. Well they weren't his men anymore were they?

" Peter even you must agree of your own free will. You will be in charge of Ana's detail as well as your normal Beta's duties." Ezra told his beta.

" Yes Alpha. I will serve you and my Luna to the best of my abilities." Peter said.

" Not so fast, Peter, we need to have a talk first. If I am satisfied with your answers then you may agree to your new post." Ezra said, glaring at the man. He still had to find out if his fuck nut of a friend has been fantasizing about his mate.

" Alpha, I will serve our Luna if that is what you ask of me." Aaron said, his fist over his heart.

" Number One your decision must be your own, you can not serve the Luna because I wish for you too. This detail will require you to stand up to your Alpha, to stand against him at times. Can you do that Number One? Ezra asked him. He didn't refer to them by their names very often. Mostly he called them by the number of where they rank in the Unit. He knew the names of each of them. He just always thought it was best to keep their names and unit they belong to within his pack. He thought they should take their rank as a name instead. They had lost last names ages ago. Though they all knew what they had been.

" There will be no hard feelings whatever you choose to do. However I will see it as an honor for you to accept this detail." Ezra told his men, Again he hoped not for long. These were the most lethal weapons he had at his disposal. They could kill you faster without any weapons. He knew his mate would be safe no matter the situation. If these men and women took up this mental he would not worry so much when he had to leave the pack to attend his Royal duties.

" Alpha, when you say against my alpha?" Sabri begin.

" I mean, you will have to disobey my orders, possibly fight against me, and or Maddox in order to protect your Luna, my Luna sabrina. Is that something you can do?" He asked the she-assassin holding her shoulders in his hands. Believe it or not that woman was tuff. She is one of the most brutal in the guard. She was also fiercely loyal to her Alpha and commander of all the pack elements. She would have to let go of that loyalty and create another just as strong.

" Alpha I don't know. It isn't in me to disobey my Alpha Sir." Sabri told him. She was worried about the disloyalty part and the hurting her own Alpha part.

" You will be able to do it. I have faith that you can. If you decide to accept it, you will be able to protect our Luna." Ezra said quietly.

" Alpha we have had enough of the Luna's in this pack destroying it, harming our beloved Alpha's. I will not protect the Luna in this case." Sabri protested.

" She has not tried to harm me only herself. I want her protected from my beast Sab. You understand that Maddox will kill her, given the chance? Ezra asked her.

" What if he isn't wrong Alpha? What if by our protection she kills this pack and our Alpha?" She asked him. " That isn't something I will help her do by protecting her from you." She told him. She was angry that he'd even ask them such a thing. He wanted his own men to kill him if necessary to protect a bitch he just met. Hell no, she was not doing this or allowing it. She would not watch history repeat itself. She had been best friends to his fathers brother and look where protecting our Luna's had gotten us.

" Alpha, I can not do this. I will not do this, nor will any of us. We are your protection Alpha. How can you split us up and ask us to guard your destruction against your own life. We were formed to protect you from everything including your own wife if necessary. I could not harm you if it came down to it." Sabri said still trying to convince him this is a bad idea.

" A week Sab, take it and think about it. I would like it if you accept but I will not command you to. I will not command any of you to. Spend time with your Luna get to know her. Then make your decision. Alright? If I have to hire outside of the pack then I will." Ezra said. " Peter we need to have that talk, the rest of you go get rest and decide, you may come to me when you all have made a decision." Ezra said. Glaring at Peter.

" Yes, Alpha." They all said and left the room.

" Alpha, What have I done to warrant that look?" Peter asked him as the others left.

" I want to know where you got the under garments from that you provided for Ana?" Ezra asked him. His face giving nothing away.

" I bought them at the mall in the lingerie store there Alpha...." Peter tried to explain himself. Ezra had his neck in his hand and was squeezing the air from his body before Peter could finish what he was saying.

" Why? You are my friend, yet you buy my mate sexy lingerie. What reason could you have, if not to see her in them?" Ezra's teeth were now clenched tight as his hand around Peters' throat.

" Alpha." Peter struggled to speak but if he didn't explain himself he would surely die by his best friends hand this day.

" Alpha I got those because I was told by your sister women like them, also we were hoping you'd eventually see them on your mate Sir." Peter said still struggling.

" I would never try anything with your mate Alpha. I swear it was gotten only because Kerrieanne picked them out. I took her with me to get the clothes. I told her they were for my cousin. Alpha I am your best friend I would not trample on you or what is yours Ezra." Peter said massaging his throat now that his Alpha no longer had it in his viced hand. Yes, hand, the man didn't need two to strangle a man nor snap his neck. Nope one was sufficient.

" I'm sorry Peter. I don't know happened. Are you alright?" Ezra asked his friend. Was that jealousy? Well, if it was he didn't like it.

" Yes, I'm fine old friend. I know what happened. It was the bond it caused you to become jealous of a man you thought was interested in your mate. Same thing happened with that warrior last month." Peter explained.

" I don't like it." Ezra said. " And that warrior wanted to take my mate as a chosen mate because he was tired of waiting on his own." Ezra snapped.

" Yes, but he didn't know he was laying claim to his future Luna because his Alpha was not openly claiming his own mate. Therefore the man thought her free game. She is beautiful and kind. She isn't rank starved. All she's ever wanted was her mate. It didn't matter to her what rank he carried or if he carried one. She is a catch Alpha, the young man was only trying to seize the opportunity he thought lay before him." Peter told him quite matter of factly.

" Alpha, may I accept my post now Sir. Because if I can I would like to, now." Peter said offering the other man his hand.

" You can Beta, but Ana has to be here for you to accept. I was not kidding about the oath of fealty to Ana, Peter." Ezra told him seriously. " You will still be my Beta. Your loyalty however when it comes to her safety IS TO HER ABOVE ME UNDERSTOOD?" Ezra asked is beta.

" Yes Alpha I understand. I am not taking this post because I have no fealty to you but because of my friendship with you. I know that Alex and I were trained to deny your orders to protect your mate if you ever found her. Now that you have and now that you mated her it would seem that she has worked her magic on your heart like she has most of the pack already. She is so easy to love Ezra and strong. She really is the perfect Luna to stand beside you." Peter told his Alpha and friend proudly.

" You have no idea my friend just how strong she is. She was badly abused in her old pack. Something she took with the air of a queen and is still a happy, kind, caring person." Ezra said.

" You'll be able to take your post when the others decide Peter. For now will you go and ask Ana to come in here please." Ezra said.

Peter left the office and Ezra sat down in his office chair. He was going to take her out and start her training. She was treated like shit in that pack of hers, so he was certain she has had no training to protect herself. Why would they teach her defend herself from her own packs abuse after all. Lifting the the file he continued to read over it. It was strange that the Previous Prosecutor's family's search for their missing daughter was included in the file the Red Dawn Packs Alpha had put together. The same file as Ana's accomplishments and things were in. This is the very file that would have been used if she had found a mate outside the pack to transfer her to the new mate's pack. "Alpha I think you really did find her" Aaron had said. What the fuck is going on here? What is he missing?

"Aaron come in here a moment please." Ezra linked his number one. The door opened in seconds Aaron coming in and seating himself.

" Yes Alpha? He asked.

" What did you mean on the phone the other week about my possibly finding Ana?" Ezra asked the man.

" Well respectfully Sir, didn't you read the file you have been looking over since you received it from me. All the answers are there if you know how to look at it." Aaron said smirking like he was a three year old with a secret.

" Yes smart ass I have. But it would seem I am missing something you didn't." Ezra snapped. He seemed to be doing a lot of that since Ana's arrival.

" Alpha, the only reason all that stuff about your predecessor and his family including the kidnapping of his youngest child would be in that file is if that Alpha knew Ana was his missing daughter....

" Meaning that Alpha kidnapped the child of the other Alpha" Ezra finished for his man.

" Exactly Sir." Aaron said smiling.

At that point the door opened to reveal Ana and Peter.

Aaron stood and asked if he should go, the Alpha nodded and the other two came in as the one man left out.

" Ana how are you today?" Ezra asked her.

" I feel fine Alp... Ezra." Ana said as she saw his eyes narrow at her. She knew what it had cost her the last time she had called him Alpha. Her virginity thats what.

" Good to hear. You start your training today Mate." He said smiling like he was enjoying this idea.

" Ok, who will be my trainer?" Ana asked.

" Me." Ezra said. Like he was going to allow any of those horney warriors to touch her in any way. Over his dead body. He thought grimly. Yes, he was jealous, this sucks.

" Ana we are going to start with basic defense." Ezra explained as they reached the workout arena he had reserved earlier that day. His Pack was different than the others being he has the most space to be owned by a pack even the Royal pack. He had his own big ass island as his pack lands, yes the boarder was only a few miles from the pack house itself but he owned the whole damn island. So, he has training arenas everywhere so his warriors or even the regular pack members can train anytime they want to. They have to book the arenas so that no one is interrupted when training but it works for him. He too booked the arena time so he wasn't interrupted and his men would know where to find him if necessary.

" Basic defense?" She asked.

" Yes, I am going to be the attacker and I am going to show you how to fight off the attack." He explained.

" Ok, I think I can do that." She replied smiling.

Ezra and Ana practiced for hours and by the end of the day she was able to fend off ninety percent of his attacks. Ezra was proud of his little mate though. This went on for most of the week. Ezra would wake Ana early in the morning they would train and she continued to get better. He thought she might have had some training before him but she insists she just knows what to do somehow. Either way she was lethal even in human form. How had he gotten so lucky as to get this wonderful little wisp of a girl as his mate. She was perfect for him. He just has to protect her from Maddox and soon. He hopes his other little project is ready in time. Ana had spent the hours she wasn't training with one or the other of the seven that were meant to be her guards being he had told her she couldn't clean even her nails until he says other wise. He hoped she was getting to know them. He needed them to protect her now more than ever being he was in love with her and if anything happened to her it would surely destroy him. He also needed her protected if anyone from her old pack came looking for her. The folder in his hands is his proof that she doesn't even belong to that pack. As the Royal Prosecutor and Executioner it was his job to notify the King and Queen of this atrocity. An Alpha stealing another Alpha's mate was a death sentence but for one to steal an Alpha's child its unheard of. He would notify the palace and invite the Lycan King and his Queen to Ana's Luna ceremony. That way he can show him the file and the girl and see what his thoughts are.

" Ana baby wake up. You have to train." Ezra said kissing her neck.

" No, go away you brut." Ana said sleepily grining to herself.

" Brut is it, mate?" Ezra asked bitting her shoulder.

" Yes, see what you did? I have teeth marks in my skin. And you train me like a warrior trains. I am just a meek little girl." Ana said still smiling.

" You are anything but meek my sweet. You are lovely and that alone is lethal." Ezra said kissing his teeth imprint on her shoulder.

Ana slowly gets up and headed for the shower. Ezra trailing behind her so he can wash her back. He didn't however remove his own clothes, that would just start something he couldn't finish. He has not touched her in that way since the first time. If he did he didn't think he could not mark her this time. He almost had that time. He loved her but he was afraid of his demon.

" Ok Ana, I'm going to come at you from the front and try to pin you against the wall, then I'm going to try and spin you like I am going to try and take advantage and force myself on you like a rapist would. You try to stop me alright?" Ezra explained. He then went at her full force borrowing on Maddox's strength so that the threat felt real to her.

Ana had him pinned against the wall in seconds her hand half shifted into wolf claws and paws her nails digging into his neck.

" No one will ever force me against my will ever again Ezra. Not even you." Ana said tears in her eyes.

" Hey baby listen I'm never going to force you into anything." Ezra said gently placing his hand on her still shifted paws trying to release his neck. Her strength was amazing. She was amazing.

" I am your mate Ana I am meant to care for you, not hurt you." He said as he removed her claws. Her claws scratching his neck as she released him.

Ana sat on the floor curling into a ball. She was breathing heavily and saying to herself " I'm not week" over and over. Ezra leaned down and pick her up carrying her to the pack house and to their room. He laid her on the bed and covered her up laying next to her. After about about half an hour she was asleep. Ezra got up and walked to his office. Looking over the file he had on her once more. She looked like Genevieve Caulder. Hell her last name is Caulder why the hell hadn't they changed her name. It was just arrogant of them to think they wouldn't get caught sooner or later. Why not rename her and treat her well so she could find a mate and get the evidence the fuck out of their pack. If she really is the lost Caulder child and they did kidnap her that could and would ruin their pack. The knock on his door brought him out of his thoughts.

"Come in Peter." He said still a little distracted.

Peter entered followed by seven others.

" We are here to accept our post as the Luna's Guard Alpha." Aaron said placing his fist over his heart bowing to his Alpha.

" All of you? Sabrianna?" He asked.

" Yes Alpha, I have spent some time with our Luna over the last week Sir." She explained.

" And?" The Alpha questioned.

" Sir may I speak freely with my thoughts on the matters of the Luna's in this pack?" She asked him.

" Since there has only been one other before My Mate I will assume you mean my mother?" He asked grimacing at the word mother. The woman was anything but a Mother.

" Yes Alpha. I'm sorry Sir." Sabri said bowing in respect of the physical pain she'd just seen cross his face.

" No Sab. It's ok. Everyone has them and some of them like mine aren't worth shit.

" Yes Sir. Well Alpha. Your mother had times when her face would fall. Like she had an angry face for no reason. Then she would smile again like nothing was wrong it was almost like a switch for a Bipolar. One minute they are fine then the next, BAM (she clapped her hands loudly) they are cursing and thrashing at you. You know what I mean?" Sab said.

" Yes Sab. I assume you have a point or at least and ending to your evaluation of the Luna's in this pack?" He questioned the woman again. He had in fact noticed the changes in his mothers behavior once he was old enough to know what he was seeing. Sabrianna was older than he was. His uncle and she had been besties. Even though he was like sixteen years older than she was. He had trained her in combat. She was the best young warrior of his time, he appreciated that. She was maybe twenty when he passed or was murdered rather.

" Ana doesn't have that Sir. She is genuinely happy or she is actually pissed off, there is no fake face to cover her true emotions Alpha. It is for this reason I will guard your Mate and our Luna even from you Sir." Sabri finished.

" Yes Sabrbianna she is a genuine person. I could have told you that but you needed to figure that out on your own hun." Ezra said hugging his friend and assassin. She was a great judge of character that is why he needed each of them to spend time with Ana. So they could make a decision that was one hundred percent their own.

" Peter could you please ask Ana to join us." Ezra asked the Beta and head of her guard.

" Yes Alpha." Peter said showing the man his respect since he isn't Ezra's friend right now but the head of the Luna's guard.

Peter walked up to Ana's room knocking on the door. Hearing her crying he opened the door.

" Ana?" Peter called out so he wouldn't startle her.

Looking up Ana saw Peter standing in the door. He looked confused or sad or something.

" Yes?" I asked softly so as not to offend another high ranking werewolf today.

" Umm are you ok Luna?" He asked me.

" Yes, No, oh I don't know. I think I hurt Ezra, and then offended him." I whaled like a baby.

"And now he put me in our room and left me in here all alone." I continued to make a fool out of myself.

" Luna the Alpha isn't hurt, not that I saw and... he sent me to bring you to him. He isn't in the least bit angry with you. I promise." Peter said wiping my tears and escorting me to Ezra's office.

Ezra took out the ceremonial chalice and dagger, placing it on his desk. He looked up as Ana and Peter enter into the office. Ana's eyes were red like she has been upset.

" Ana baby what is it? You look like you've been crying." Ezra asked looking at Peter like he could kill him for upsetting her.

" What? I didn't do it." Peter said looking at Ezra like he was the asshole here.

" I'm fine Ezra really. I misunderstood something that happened, thats all." Ana explained.

" What could have happened that you could misunderstand to the point of tears?" Ezra asked.

" Nothing, You sent for me?" Ana asked trying to deflect him from his current line of questioning.

" Yes, I am placing a guard detail for you, as my mate you must have protection at all times. You will be in danger now that we have Mated. I am going to have them swear a warrior oath to you and an oath of fealty to you. The men and women in this room are your new guard." Ezra said.

" Ana the new guard can swear an oath to protect us but not a fealty or warrior oath, not yet anyway." Aaliyah said in my head.

" Ok, Why?" Ana asked back.

" Because we have powers Ana. If we use our blood to swear an oath it will be evident we are powerful. Even our mate doesn't know what we are Ana if we allow this he will know." Aaliyah explained.

" Ezra I will agree to having a guard but until we are fully mated I will not allow anyone to swear a Luna oath and Protect me as such when I am not that to them. I do not want anyone to think I am trying to be something I am not." I said.

" Ana you are my mate and their Luna thats all there is to it. You will be protected." Ezra said.

" Fine let them protect me but they can't swear an oath as to a poison I do not hold by rights of the pack Ezra." I complain. " I will accept any of you that wish to be my guard and be proud to have you at my side but we can not do an oath that requires my blood until I am truly mated to my mate. He has to share in an oath as Alpha but he will not get my blood until we are bonded. I will not claim a title I do not rightfully have." Ana said tears falling from her eyes.

Most women would be jumping at the chance to claim a Luna title weather it was rightfully hers or not. She was an honest person, that in itself was a credit to her where these warriors were concerned. I smiled at my mate kissing the hand I had grabbed when she came in.

" Alright Ana. For now they will have the title Luna's Guard and protect you as such. But as soon as you are comfortable with it you will all swear an oath of fealty and bond as such." I say still smiling at her.

" Warriors bow to your new charge and accept her as your responsibility and pledge your service to her as your future Luna." I say to the men and women in the room. In unison they bow going down on one knee they begin.

" We as the Luna's guard will protect you and keep you safe against any enemy or member that is to do you harm. We as your guard will have your safety in mind in all things we do, your safety will come before our own, we will gladly give our lives before yours in all situations." They say with a fist over their hearts.

" Thank you. You are now the Luna's guard and will be ranked as previously discussed. I am proud of you all. Stand and be recognized." I said to them. Pride swelling my own heart at my warriors and my woman.

" Thank you all. " Ana said tears still falling down her face. With that they stand, bow and exit the office.