
Chapter Nine: What have I done

Ezra lay in his bed looking at his Mate. Yes his mate. It would seem that he wasn't going to get out of that path in life. He felt like shit for the way he had treated her. She had been through enough without him being an ass to her. She had made him promise shit that he was not going to keep. How could he after what she had told him. She didn't want her old packs blood on his hands, well he already had buckets of blood on his hands for lesser actions than that of her pack. Oh well, whats one more pack massacre on them. Its a drop in the bucket of blood that is already there. He wasn't going to let that weak ass Alpha wanna be, get away with the shit he'd pulled in that pack. His mother is dead with him. She had to have an agenda though. He'd have to talk to Cheyenne. They had gotten back last week he just hadn't had a chance to speak to them between guarding Ana and his pack duties. He would make time this day to look at the file his man had brought back, and speak to them about what they had found out about that pack. Ghost pack number two he thought ruefully. Tightening his hold on Ana he kissed the top of her head. She had slept soundly all night held in his arms and he looked at her all night. Despite not sleeping he wasn't tired. She was like a battery charging him just by being held in his side. How was he going to keep her safe in the full moons to come, he wondered. That was after all the only time that he didn't have full control of his inner beast. He would have to get her a guard detail together, and on it someone who will not bow to his Alpha commands. Peter, he could lead a guard detail. Ezra smiled and linked the man.

" Peter I need you to lead a guard detail with six of the 13. I would think Aaron, Michael, Collum, Sabrianna, Taylor and Blaine. Use Jax as well." Ezra said to him.

" So seven then Alpha?" Peter asked just to clarify.

" Yes, In fact they are to form a new unit. I will train seven more to replace them." He said.

" Alpha what are we guarding that you are splitting the up 13. They will want to know why they are being demoted from the Assassins guard sir, and placed with me as their leader too." Peter said a bit worried that someone had fucked up royally and he had missed it.

" They are not being demoted and neither are you. The new Guard is for your Luna." Ezra said cutting the link letting him wonder about that until he decides to get up. If Ana slept in his arms all day, then he'd just lay there holding her ALL DAY.

Ana stretched and yawned, her eyes flying open as her hand hit something. Feeling around she felt a face, she looked up and right into a pair of Caramel Brown eyes.

" Alpha?" She said. Then it all came flying back. She had been carried back to the pack house by her mate after jumping off a damn cliff. One that her mate had just reached out and plucked her right out of thin air to keep her from actually hitting the bottom, or even falling for a millisecond. He had gotten there almost as fast as she did and she left first.

" Good morning mate." Ezra said smiling at her.

" Good morning Alpha." Ana replied.

" I am crushing you." She said noticing she was laying half on his body, his arms rapped tightly around her.

" You weigh no more than a feather. A pack of paper weighs more than you, and you are worried you will crush me in your sleep. Please mate I am stronger then that. Give me at least that much credit." Ezra said laughing at her concern.

Ana's face turned sad.

" You are making fun of me Alpha." Ana said. She hadn't asked a question. It was a fact.

" Not in the manner you mean. It's just odd that you are worried about crushing me. It is odd to me that you worry about me in any way." Ezra said. Hoping to wipe the sadness on her face away. He leaned his head forward brushing his lips across Ana's. He was asking for permission to kiss her.

Ana closed her eyes, raising her arms she rapped them around her mates neck. Pulling herself higher up his body. Ezra releasing a grown pressed his lips to hers hard, he thought he would bruise her lips. Ana had opened to him allowing his assault on her mouth. He deepened the kiss soliciting a moan from her throat. As soon as she made that sound into his mouth his hands began to roam her now trembling body.

Ezra rolled them so that he was on top of Ana's small frame never breaking his abuse to her mouth. Pushing himself up on his forearms so that he would not crush her. Shifting his weight he lifted his right hand, holding her small face as he kissed her. Ana had begun to breath heavily, this excited him more. Ezra slid his hand down her neck and over her breast, cupping his hand over her mound, he squeezed. Ana gasped at the movement and the sensations that shot through her body. Ezra smiled against her lips, kissing her softly. He began to run his mouth along her cheek, then placing small kisses there as he moved his kissing lips down the side of her neck. Stopping at the sensitive spot in her neck he began to suck her flesh right where his mark was intended to go. When his teeth bit lightly at the curve in her neck between the base of her neck and her shoulder hot liquid pooled at the juncture between her thighs. Effectively wetting her panties. Ana moaned at the feelings he was igniting within her. Her flesh was becoming heated as she lost herself to his administrations on her body. She had moaned louder when his mouth closed over the other mound on her chest, as his hand continued to need and pinch the small bud that sat atop of her left breast causing it to harden. Though he had not removed her clothing he has aroused her simply by faundling her through them, being she had fallen asleep without changing to her sleep wear after her ordeal the day before. Ezra had at some point parted her legs and was now laying between them grinding her still clad core with his bulging erection. She had never been touched like this. Darien had made her touch him and do things to him. He had kissed her and touched her breast a few times. He had even rubbed her core with his own hand. She has never had anyone put their middle together with hers in any fashion. Ezra on the other hand, had asked to kiss her in his own way, she had allowed him that entry. He then, began to show her sexual attention. She had not pushed him off, she hadn't even tried to run away from him. She was in fact moaning, egging him on. She was being a wanton, somehow hoping he would remove their clothing and take her body with his own.

Wait, WHAT? She couldn't allow this to happen. He may have promised to keep off the whores in this pack. She couldn't let herself forget he was just doing this same action with a woman that was not her just yesterday. Besides this is no act of love but an act of dominance. Darien had made her be with him in these ways only to show her, he could make her be intimate with him. Whether she wanted to or not, he'd threatened others to gain her compliance. It was just another way he had controlled her life.

Ana whimpered. The thoughts of Darien and the fact that if he found out she had giving herself to anyone, even her own mate, he would kill her and Ezra. He'd told her he would kill any who touched her. Even if she had found her own mate, just after he killed her best friend for merely hugging her. She knew he would because she had seen him do it. She didn't want to put Ezra's life in danger as well. Knowing she was not going to be able to push him off of her, so she tried asking him to stop.

" Alpha. Stop. Please." Ana asked the Alpha. She had tears building in her eyes.

" I want you mate, in ways even I don't understand." He said as he stopped what he was doing to look at her face beneath his own. Her tan flesh was flushed and heated from his handling of her body. Her eyes had liquid building there, though he thought it was from what he had just been doing, not that she was distressed.

She was beautiful. The wounds from her old pack were gone, and she wasn't covered in bruises any longer. The marks he'd left on her body were gone as well. There was not one soul in his pack that would harm her. Not because she was his , no one knew she was, the two that did would never tell anyone. No one would hurt her because his or not he brought her here to his pack, they respected him enough never to disrespect him in such a way as to hurt a guest of his. Well no one except his beast, that bastard didn't respect anyone. Ezra was glad the evidence of the abuse she had indured was gone from her body. It pissed him off every time he saw it marring her skin. Looking at her tan skin he could hardly see the scars she bore. He had not ever lain next any woman but her, he'd not had a make out session with anyone where he was caressing the woman playing around with him. All he had done was kiss, and rub the back or arms of the woman. Except yesterday when Courtney had sucked him, he had fisted his hands in her hair. He didn't want Courtney to be the one doing those things to him even then. He had only gotten a semi-erection with the woman, granted he closed his eyes and imagined it was his mates long black locks rapped in his hands, to even get him that hard. If he thought about it he should have known weeks ago he was fucked, when he had to start imagining it was Ana kissing him and touching him to even allow the touches of those bitches. He never allowed them to talk during and he didn't look at them. It was the only way he wouldn't be sickened at his own actions. Ana has been in his pack in his bed for almost five months driving him crazy. Thats why he'd started seeing those two whores more frequently. It had only been those two ever to touch him in such ways. Until this morning with Ana, now that she had touched him no one else ever would. He couldn't feel the sparks on his body when they touched him. It wasn't anything like having Ana's hands on him now. He was harder than he'd ever been and she was trying to stop him from taking what they both obviously wanted. He would have let her too, if not for the next sentence she uttered.

" Alpha, I can't do this. Darien will...." Ana started when she was cut off by Ezra's growl, then he slammed his lips to hers silencing her protests.

Ezra did not want to hear that bastards name leave his mates lips ever, slamming his lips to hers, kissing her only to shut her up. He lifted his head placing his index finger where his mouth had just been he said. His eyes flashing dangerously at her.

" He will do nothing to you Ana, never again. I am going to erase that name from your mind as well as the feel of his hands on your body. You are mine Little Wolf. If you utter his name once more while I hold you, I will get up from this bed and hunt his ass down and kill him for being an inconvenience to me." Ezra told her, angry that she was thinking about that fucking bastard while he held her in his arms.

" An inconvenience Alpha?" Ana asked. She wasn't sure what he had meant by that. Surely Darien wasn't being an inconvenience to him, the man was thousands of miles away.

" Yes. It is an inconvenience to me that my mate is being plagued by thoughts and memories of him while I am tring to gain her affections." Ezra explained.

" My affections Alpha. I have not known those tactics used to illicit my affections Sir. My Compliance maybe, yes, those have been used to gain control of me. If not by my own body, then someone else's suffered if I said no to those kinds of affection." Ana explained.

Ezra then realized her tears were from fear, not pleasure. Well, he was going to kill the bastard for making his mate fear his touch. He really had lost count for all the reasons he just had to kill that son of a bitch. Erza raked his hand through his hair sighing heavily. He had not thought about the different types of abuse she had seen in that damn attic room. He would have to be careful with her. Show her that those acts were meant to happen between the two of them, they are mates. Those things were never meant to be forced on her by one who is a delusional piece of shit. As if that bastard could ever be worthy of Ana. Hell he wasn't even worthy of her. He had no idea why the Moon Goddess had given Ana to him, but she had. SHE WAS HIS, ALONE. He would have her, it might take him forever to get her the way he wanted her. But, have her he would.

" Little Wolf we have done nothing wrong or shameful." Ezra said softly.

" The act of sex, or love making isn't ment to be forced on a person. Human or supernatural. Sadly there are sick humans who rape women because they are assholes. Just as sadly their are sick wolves in our world who allow themselves to attach to one that isn't meant for them. Those relationships rarely ever last, but when one is forced on someone who isn't your other half." Ezra paused wiping the tears that had fallen from Ana's eyes.

" Those relationships never last my love." Ezra said to her.

Ana was staring at him tears sliding down her cheeks. He hadn't hurt her, not really. Darien was rough in a way that always hurt her. Ezra was rough with her but it had felt different, as if that makes any sense. She was confused because Darien's touch had done nothing to her body. Ezra could set her body on fire with his touch. Both men had used the same tactics, so why hadn't the Alpha's touch sickened her. He said those acts should not be forced on a person. Testing this thought she pushed against him, asking through her actions for him to remove himself from atop her.

Ezra, feeling her palms pushing lightly into his shoulders, reluctantly slid off of his mate. Laying next her on the bed he still held her in his arms. He wouldn't force himself on her, but he also would not completely release her. She was not going to run from him, or his bed.

" Alpha?" Ana paused. She had begun to tremble in Ezra's arms. She was afraid, but of what. He had handled her in ways that should have embarrassed her. They had made her feel awful when Darien had done some of those things to her. She wanted to die before he was done, and it hadn't been her that had endured it in the first place, it was her wolf. But it would seem both she and her wolf wanted Ezra's touch. Why was she so confused?

" Ana? Whats the matter?" Ezra Asked.

" I'm sorry Alpha. I don't know how to explain what I was feeling. It was frightening me." Ana said honestly.

" It's alright Little wolf. I'm not angry with you." Ezra said leaning down he kissed the top of her head. " I am going to take a shower." Ezra told her as he moved to release her from his arms. Ana reached for him as soon as he had stood on his feet. She didn't know why she just didn't want him to leave her alone right now. Chuckling he picked her up and headed towards the in suite bathroom.

" You don't know what you want. Do you Little Wolf?" Ezra said chuckling at her again.

" Alpha?" Ana shrieked. " What are you doing?" She asked.

" I am going to get a shower like I told you. Since you won't allow me to let you out of my arms, you are going with me." He stated.

" I can shower on my own Alpha." Ana said though not snarky like she would have if he had tried this even yesterday.

" That is true. I am going to get you every happiness you want. If you want me to hold you, I will hold you doing whatever I need to do as well. I need a shower. Placing her on the basin in the bathroom he began to undress her.

Ana, not knowing what to do grabbed her shirt pulling it back down. Ezra groaned.

" I will not hurt you Little Wolf." Ezra said rolling his eyes. He lifted her shirt again. He pulled the thing over her head and tossed it in the bin. Leaning down he kissed her shoulder as he removed the bra she wore, it followed her shirt. When he reached the button on her pants she stiffened, grabbing his hands she stopped him.

Ana slid her hands from his. Sliding them up his sides to his neck pulling him down to meet her lips in a kiss she had started. Kissing him was a mistake though. She ran her hands down his sides pulling his shirt over his head breaking only long enough for his shirt to clear his head. His shirt didn't make the bin, it was laying on the floor at his feet. She then rapped her arms around him pulling him into her. With both of their top halfs bare the sparks that went flying between them where their bare skin touched, made the intensity between them 10 fold.

Ezra pulled her to him kissing her with everything he had. He reached down unfastening her pants, breaking their kiss. Standing her on her feet he pushed them down. His hands sliding down her thighs, her legs, sparks trailing his touch. She moaned. His hands slid back up her lower body to move around her waist. He kissed her exposed skin starting at the top of her head, he kissed everything ( well almost everything ) until he reached the souls of her feet, kissing them as well. He then began to do the same thing on his way back up, stopping at her marking spot. He leaned in and bit into it, he wasn't trying to mark he only wanted to taste her.

Ana moaned loudly as Ezra's teeth sank into her neck, she had removed his pants at some point when he was kissing every scar, every breast, every inch of her body except one. She rapped her legs around his waist, her arms going around his neck when she felt herself being lifted. The next thing she knew she was being slammed into the wall at the back of the shower, warm water cascading over their bodies. Ezra had his mouth on every part of her upper body, all while grinding his lower half into hers. The only thing stopping his penetration was the fact they were both still wearing underwear.

" Ana? " Ezra groaned in her ear as he nibbled the lobe there.

" If we don't stop now, I will not be able to stop if we go any further." Ezra said trying to give her options. She looked at him with wide eyes.

" Did I do something wrong?" She asked him shyly. Realizing this session only started because she had kissed him.

" No." Ezra said, placing her on her feet and backing away from her.

" Ana, you go ahead and shower. I can wait until you are finished." Ezra dropping his head, he stepped out of the shower. He couldn't bathe with her. His boxers and her lacey excuse for underwear was not enough of a barrier to stop him, if they lost control again. Where had she even gotten those fucking things and why was she wearing them if she hadn't known he'd see them. In fact...

Ezra walked back to the shower angry that she might have worn them hoping to show them to one of his warriors that had been flirting with her, only because none of them were aware of who she was or who she belonged to. They would though. He thought. Reaching for Ana he backed her against the wall.

" Who Ana?" He asked her his teeth clinching.

" A-Alpha?" She asked voice shaking.

" Who did you wear these for. Where did you even get them.?" He asked running his now clawed finger tips under the waist line of her Black Lacey panties.

" No one Alpha. They were in the clothing that was brought to my room after I arrived in the pack." She explained. Her voice sounded scared and quiet.

" You will not be needing these in the future." He said slicing them from her body. He was careful not to cut her skin but there would be nothing left of the underwear for her to salvage or sew back together. He would have to talk to Peter about his choice of undergarments for his mate. Looking in the bin where he had thrown her bra only now realizing it was the lacey mate he gave it the same treatments.

" Alpha?" Ana began to protest as to his treatment of her clothes. Nevermind that he'd just shifted only his hand and cut her underwear from her body and shredded her bra. She was pissed off that he thought she had worn lacey things to entice someone else. Then he cut the fucking things to bits.

" I have not worn anything to entice another ever. I was provided those under garments so I wear them. In my cell I was not provided any so I didn't wear them." Ana said trying and failing to calm him.

" You mean you weren't wearing underclothes that day because you weren't permitted to have them." He asked. Angry all over again with her treatment.

" No. I was allowed three top and three bottoms. Nothing to wear beneath them." She said lowering her head in shame.

Ezra placed his finger under her chin lifting her head.

" You should never lower your head Ana, not in shame. You have done nothing wrong. I am only upset because I sent Peter to buy your clothes while Charlotte and I tended to you. It pissed me off to think he bought them with the entent to see them on you, Or that he has been fantasizing about you wearing them in private. I will know if he has had any such thoughts towards you. If he has...." Ezra trailed off lowering his gaze to the tiled floor of the shower. He had just made him the lead in her guard. If he is fantasizing about her, he'd just kill him. Friend or not, no one was going to picture Ana in the way he was just looking at her. He didn't stare at her but he didn't miss the fact that she was completely naked now. He wasn't thinking clearly when he had removed the offensive lace from his mate.

" Alpha, you don't seem to be able to stay out of my shower." Ana began bring her arms around him when he started to step away from her.

" I don't see why you don't just wash while you are in here with me." Ana said. She pulled up on her tip toes and kissed his lips quickly. She reached behind Ezra grabbing his soap she lathered her hands. She rubbed her hands over his chest and stomach. Looping her fingers in his boxers she ripped them in half and pulled them from his body.

" Ana." Ezra warned her. Smiling she rubbed her hands over his shoulders down his back and across his ass. Kneeling she washed his legs, first one then the other. Sliding her hands back up to his waist she slid them around to his stomach and down, looking her mate right in his eyes.

As soon as her tiny hands circled his cock he lost all since of sanity. He had told her if they went any further he wouldn't be able to stop himself. Grabbing her in his arms he carried her to his bed, kissing her as he walked. Laying her on the bed he climbed up her body.

Ezra looked down at the beautiful woman that was his mate. She had tried to stop him before, would she again? He wondered. Lowering his head he placed it on her forehead.

" I need to know Ana?" Ezra asked. "Have you ever felt like this, with anyone else?"

" No, Alpha." She breathed. As she said those words Ezra covered her lips with his. His mouth devouring hers.

" Ana, you are not to call me Alpha. I am of no higher rank than you, you are my mate, my Luna." He whispered. Kissing her again, he ran his hands over her body.

" Yes Alpha." She said. Smiling at him.

Ana was trying to tease him and he knew it. Trailing his hand up her thigh he asked her as his hand cupped her pussy.

" What is my name Ana?" He asked. Her breath caught in her throat as he cupped her most sensitive parts.

" Alpha?" She laughed. Growling Ezra placed his index finger at her entrance. Ana moaned before she knew what she did. Her eyes widened at her own reaction to him.

" My name, mate?" He asked smiling .

Why didn't she like that smile she thought, still kinda laughing.

" Alpha Black." I answer thinking I'm being playful. But he pushed his finger into my sex. I moaned again. My laugh dying out as tingles rushed south toward his fingers, arousal flooding me. Pulling his finger out he rubs my slit and I push against his fingers.

" My name Little Wolf?" Erza asked. Kissing me gently. His fingers slide between my wet folds teasingly before he rubs my clit in a circular motions so slowly. I pushed against his fingers again wanting him to move faster. I moaned as he complied with my silent request. I felt him slid is finger back inside me, only it was tighter and it stung. He must have put more than one finger this time. Pulling his fingers out again he rubbed my clit. I pushed against him again.

" If you don't stop demanding that a part of me is buried in that pussy of yours Little Wolf. I am going to have not choice but give you what you are so blatantly asking me for." I say as I rub her clit. My fingers are prodding her entrance but I will not allow them inside. I know its frustrating her, good she needed to be a little frustrated.

" Ezra!" She whined.

" Oh now you know my name?" I tease, but do as she is asking sliding my fingers back inside her tight sheath.

" Yes, Ezra." I hissed through clinched teeth as he pushed into me again. "I know your name. It is the only name I will utter in such a breathless manner." I said between moans. I felt him as he slide his fingers back inside my core. Making me wiggle a little at the intrusion before he stops giving me time to get use to the invasion, he must have put three in this time. I push against him letting him know he can move those delicious fingers how ever he wants when he pulls them back out. He slides is fingers around my clit then cork screwing them back in. I moan at the feeling of his fingers so deep inside me as he moves them in and out then back in curling them upwards.

" You are so wet for me Ana." He groans in my ear as his fingers move in and out of my sex. He was right though my thighs were drenched as my walls clenched his fingers.

" Call me what you want just not Alpha. You, Little Wolf are more than my equal. Do I make myself clear?" He says as his fingers stopped moving within me.

" Yes, yes Ezra." I say whining because he stopped. "Just don't stop." I tell him. Smiling he started moving his fingers again at a snails pace drawing out more of my wetness. Spilling my juices on to my thighs. Ezra growls. His fingers are suddenly gone, he gets up grabbing me by my thighs sliding them completely off the side of the bed. Pushing my knees apart. My face becomes a bright shade of red, because I know I am open to him, and he has a full view of my nakedness. He ran his hands up my thighs to my waist taking his leg he spread mine even wider as he lean over my body. My core was throbbing in anticipation as he leans down kissing the side of my mouth. His hand moving between my legs before he shoves his fingers into me once more, this time his thumb was rubbing my clit as he moved his naughty sinfully talented fingers in and out of me. I arched my back pushing his fingers deeper in my core as his lips traveled down my neck sucking on my spot there, then back to my ear as he licks and sucks on it he whispers in my ear his breath hot to my sensitive skin.

" Can I taste you?" He asks nipping my jaw before he leaned down and kissed me again. His tongue sliding against mine forcefully before he sucks my tongue feeling like he might rip it from the back of my throat. I nodded against his lips answering his question. I felt his smile on my lips as he kissed me once more before his mouth traveled the length of my upper body. I heard him hit his knees as he kissed my inner thigh, his fingers still working my core. He pumped his hand a few more times when suddenly it was gone. His hands pushed my knees flat against the bed again. Looking down at him I see him looking at my exposed vagina. I feel my face heat up again when I feel him sliding his hand under my ass to lift me for him. I realized then what I had given him permission to do to me. Sliding his other hand under me he pulls me closer to the edge ( if that were even possible ) reaching to the top of the bed he pulled his pillow under me keeping my core raised for him. I feel his hand running up the inside of my thighs before I feel his breath near the apex of my legs. His thumbs now rubbing the sides of my wet lips made me want to close my legs on him. His growl stopped me, my face flaming red when I feel his breath on my core, his thumbs move opening me up to him. I feel his tongue run across my opening before dipping inside me as he licks a straight line to my clit pulling it into his mouth and sucking on it. My legs tried to clamp shut again. He placed his hands on my legs pushing them flat on the bed once more. His hot mouth licking and sucking every inch of my soft pink flesh. He was devouring me with his tongue making my legs tremble and my back arch off the bed. A breathy moan escaping me as my toes curl. His tongue swirls around my clit sucking on it hard. His tongue moves back to my entrance lapping up the juices spilling out of me. My stomach tightens, my pussy clenching as I climb higher to reach some place I have never been before. Some place I desperately need to go, only for him to slow his assault on me before I could get there. I gripped his midnight hair in both fists holding his head to my center grinding my hips against his face as he continues to suck my flesh. I feel his finger enter me before he removes it adding another, he slams them into me. He growled as my walls clenched around him. My body began the climb back to the place I needed to be when he slows his pace again. Frustrated I whimper. He chuckles at me the vibration making my walls flutter even more.

" Ezra please." I beg. I don't really know what I am begging for but I knew he is the only way I'm going to get it. Ezra stopped midsuck, mid stroke and glaired at her.

" Little Wolf, if anyone other than me takes you to the place you are trying to find in this moment.... He would die by my hand the moment I felt the pain of betrayal. You, Little Wolf are mine. Do you need a reminder Ana? Do you need your body to tell you again who you belong to." Ezra asked and as if to prove a point he began to move faster within me. He sucked harder on the ball of nerves he now has in his mouth. In seconds I was climbing again. His fingers moving faster becoming slick with my arousal. He moaned into my core and I could feel my skin become flushed as it heats up. Ezra growls again, he sucks harder, his fingers moving faster and harder, his tongue flicks over me and I reach my tipping point. My pussy pulsates as my orgasm washes over me making my toes curl once more. A moan escaped my lips as he sucked at my juices, leaving me breathless. Ezra looked up grinning like he had just won the nobel prize, his eyes dark he pushed me back on the bed kissing me so I could taste myself on his lips and tongue. Ezra moved us to the top of the bed he presses my legs open with his knee. He crawled up my body until he was seated between them with his erection pressed against my pussy. He didn't enter me he was rubbing his cock between my folds. Kissing me he dragged his hand up my body stopping at my breast. Cupping it in his hand he needed it gently pinching and flicking my bud. My moans could be heard for miles I'm sure.

" Ana?" Ezra moaned.

" I need you mate." He said. His voice gravely.

" Ezra, I am afraid of these feelings. I want something but I can't tell you what it is." Ana told him.

" I know." I grownd. Taking Ana's hands in one of mine I pinned them above her head. Taking my free hand I pushed her legs wider. Holding my cock in my hand I place the head at her entrance.

" This will hurt at first but it will stop soon. I promise." I tell her, then I thrust my hips pushing into her heat. Oh', Goddess she felt good. I pushed in a little, not even half way when Ana sucked in a breath.

" I'm sorry. The pain will ease quickly. Relax Little Wolf." I say, pushing in more of my considerable length. I pull out until I can just see the tip of my cock, releasing her hands I place both of mine on her hips, then I push into her hard sinking balls deep into her hot pink depts. Ana screamed digging her claws into my back.

" I will not move love, this pain will ease also. Once it does this will not hurt again, just relax." Ezra says in a calming voice. His hands still busy with her body, he had kissed her after saying those words not giving her body a chance to reject his ministrations. Love where had that come from. I feel him filling me, it did hurt when he pushed into me like that but now it feels like I need to move or split in half or something. I start to move my hips in a slow rocking motion. Ezra hissed pulling himself in and out of my creamy folds. His thrusts hard and demanding, but moving at my pace. I have never felt this way. I'm am afraid he will get his pleasures in me then reject me sending me way. There is no way I'd survive that. I love him, I know this is what I am feeling. It would kill me for him to send me away. Ezra moved faster picking up the pace his moans matching my own.

" I.... Could....Never.....Send you away." Ezra says pumping himself harder into my throbbing core. I climbed higher as he said those words. Feeling a pressure building in my center.

" Ezra!" I yell. " Please Alpha." I beg. Ezra pumping harder lends down to my ear kissing the skin behind it. Pumping in and out he wemper groans as he pumps harder.

" YOU ARE MINE!" Ezra moaned loudly. I could feel his cock pulsate inside me. He had released his seed within me. He had mated me.

" You are mine." I say again. How could she be worried about me sending her away. She wasn't going anywhere. Not after what we'd just done. Not that I would let her go before we did this. I love her, I know she loves me. I heard her say it. I just needed to keep her hidden from Maddox. But getting her to cooperate with me during the full moons is becoming harder and harder. She doesn't want to be shipped out on the full moons. I have been sending half the pack to the main lands to keep them safe while Maddox raves.

" I am yours." Ana says. I shift my weight laying next to her, she gasps when my cock pulls free from its warm embrace.

" I will not leave your side My Alpha." Ana said, like she could hear my thoughts. She leaned up kissing my lips.

" I think we need another shower." I tell her moving to get off the bed. What have I done? I have mated her, taken her virginity. There was no going back now. Picking her up I walk into the bathroom turning on the taps in the shower. Walking in with Ana still held in my arms I sat on the tiled floor placing her in my lap. Kissing the side of her neck I reach up grabbing her body wash and loofa. Squeezing a good deal of soap on the sponge making it lather I washed Ana's body. She closed her eyes laying her head on my shoulder sighing.

" I will keep you safe. What ever I have to do Ana, what ever I have to do to keep you safe, will get done." I tell her.

" I will be safe Alpha." Ana said smiling at me.

" What have I told you about calling me Alpha Little One?" I ask her. Nipping her shoulder.

" I'm going to be Luna?" She asks shoulders shrugged, smirking at me.

" Yes. You are going to be my Luna. My equal. I am not your Alpha. I am your mate, your lover, your everything. Any male who gets to close to you will loose body parts. Important ones." I say. " Now that we have mated, me nor Maddox would be able to handle any man getting to close. I know Maddox is insane at times but we are mated. He knows we have mated it doesn't matter that I have him locked away he knows. He will want to mark you. He will hunt you every full moon in earnest now. These last few months would be childs play to how he would hunt you. Its not the same sleeping with any random wolf, its different when mates fuck. It means something to both halfs. Ana, I want to be fully Mated to you Little Wolf. But it frightens me, what he would do if I marked you as well. I should not have let this happen." Ezra said. He looked like his heart was breaking, it felt like that too.

Ezra had no idea where those words had come from. They were out before he had known what he was saying. He would though, he would cut the dicks off every unmarked, unmated man in the world before any of them got near her. I have fallin in love with my mate, and it was going to craze my already insane wolf. What have I done?